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2024-2032 年按显示器类型(透明、传统、柔性、3D 等)、材料(聚合物、玻璃等)、应用(消费电子、零售、汽车、医疗保健等)和地区分類的 AMOLED 显示器市场报告AMOLED Display Market Report by Display Type (Transparent, Conventional, Flexible, 3D, and Others), Material (Polymer, Glass, and Others), Application (Consumer Electronics, Retail, Automotive, Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年全球AMOLED显示器市场规模达143亿美元。该市场的主要推动力是AMOLED显示器在智慧型手机和电视中的普及。汽车和穿戴式技术显示器的技术进步以及提高萤幕耐用性和效率的努力进一步推动了市场成长。
主要市场驱动力:AMOLED(主动矩阵有机发光二极体)显示器市场主要受到智慧型手机、电视和穿戴式装置对高品质显示器面板需求不断增长的推动。 AMOLED 显示器的卓越品质(如纤薄性、灵活性以及产生鲜艳色彩和深黑色的能力)使其在消费性电子产品中备受追捧。与此一致的是,AMOLED 技术在汽车显示器和数位看板中的采用不断增加,正在扩大其市场成长。技术进步提高了显示解析度、增强了耐用性并降低了功耗,也促进了市场的成长。
主要市场趋势:市场正在见证各种正在塑造其上升轨迹的突出趋势。一个重要趋势是 AMOLED 显示器越来越多地整合到柔性和可折迭设备中,这主要是由材料科学的进步推动的,材料科学允许萤幕融合而不会损坏。另一个趋势是汽车应用中采用 AMOLED 技术,製造商将这些显示器用于仪表板和资讯娱乐系统,透过更清晰、更动态的视觉效果来增强使用者体验。同时,4K和8K AMOLED显示器的开发逐渐增加,以满足消费者对电视和高阶智慧型手机更高解析度的需求。
地理趋势:市场的地理趋势显示亚太地区出现显着成长,这主要是由韩国、中国和日本等国家的主要电子製造商的存在所推动的。亚太地区由于其强大的製造能力以及智慧型手机和电子产品消费者的高度集中,在 AMOLED 技术的生产和采用方面均处于领先地位。由于消费者的高消费能力和对先进设备技术的偏好,北美和欧洲也表现出强劲的需求。除此之外,这些地区的汽车和穿戴式技术中 AMOLED 显示器的使用也有所增加。
竞争格局:AMOLED显示器产业的一些主要市场参与者友达光电、京东方科技集团有限公司、群创光电、Japan Display Inc.、LG Display Co. Ltd.(LG Corporation)、Novaled GmbH(三星SDI)有限公司)、松下公司、夏普公司、索尼公司和Universal Display公司等。
挑战与机会:市场面临各种挑战,包括与其他显示技术相比生产成本较高,这可能限制低端消费性电子产品的采用。还有萤幕烧屏问题,即影像如果静态时间过长,就会持续显示,可能会影响使用者体验和产品寿命。然而,这些挑战也带来了成长和创新的机会。正在进行的研发 (R&D) 旨在降低生产成本,提高 AMOLED 显示器的耐用性,可扩大其在更多设备类别中的应用。此外,可折迭设备和扩增实境等新兴技术对节能和高品质显示器的需求不断增长,为市场成长提供了巨大的机会。
AMOLED 市场中更高解析度显示器的成长趋势,主要是向4K 和8K 解析度的转变,主要是由消费者对更清晰、更细緻的视觉体验的需求推动的,特别是在高阶智慧型手机、平板电脑和电视等高阶消费性电子产品中。对更大视觉化的推动增强了影像清晰度和细节,使其成为高清视讯串流、游戏和专业图形应用的理想选择。例如,三星在班加罗尔举行的「Unbox & Discover」活动上推出了全新的人工智慧电视系列。 2024 年 Neo QLED 8K、Neo QLED 4K 和 OLED 电视提供人工智慧驱动的解决方案,以增强家庭娱乐。旗舰Neo QLED 8K具有AI影像技术、AI声音技术和AI自动游戏模式。 Neo QLED 4K 系列由 NQ4 AI Gen2 处理器提供支持,而三星则推出了世界上首款无眩光 OLED 电视。
AMOLED 显示器整合到汽车应用中是一种快速成长的趋势,这得益于其卓越的视觉功能,包括高对比度、鲜艳的色彩和更快的刷新率。这些属性增强了汽车仪表板和资讯娱乐系统的使用者介面,为驾驶员和乘客提供更清晰、更具吸引力的视觉效果。例如,2023 年,法拉利与三星显示器合作,为其未来车型开发客製化 OLED 技术显示解决方案。两家公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,三星计划投资超过 30 亿美元在韩国牙山生产 OLED 面板。此次合作旨在利用先进的 OLED 显示技术来增强高级法拉利车辆的视觉体验。 AMOLED 萤幕在设计上提供了更大的灵活性,允许更符合人体工学和美观的仪表板配置。随着汽车製造商专注于透过技术改善使用者体验和增加价值,AMOLED显示器正成为汽车内装现代化的首选,为汽车显示技术的进步做出了巨大贡献。
AMOLED 显示器向穿戴式科技领域的扩展以其在智慧手錶和健身追踪器中的采用为标誌,其鲜艳的色彩输出和能源效率尤其有利。 AMOLED 技术使这些设备能够显示更深的黑色和更鲜艳的色彩,增强使用者介面的美观性和各种照明条件下的可读性。例如,OnePlus Nord Watch 配备 1.78 英寸 AMOLED 显示屏,刷新率为 60Hz,提供 105 种健身模式、10 天的电池续航时间、SPO2 监测、心率跟踪、压力监测和女性健康追踪器。快门操作,并提供各种健身功能,该手錶提供一系列健康和智能功能的可自订体验。重要。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据显示器类型、材料和应用对市场进行了分类。
该报告根据显示器类型提供了详细的市场细分和分析。这包括透明、传统、柔性、3D 等。根据该报告,灵活的代表了最大的部分。
柔性显示器在 AMOLED 显示器市场份额中占据主导地位,反映出更具适应性和创新性的萤幕技术的显着趋势。例如,中国领先的显示器製造商京东方预计2023年柔性AMOLED显示器出货量将接近8,000万片,较2022年成长30%。产品。这种主导地位很大程度上是由柔性显示器在智慧型手机、平板电脑和穿戴式装置等消费性电子产品中日益普及所推动的。这些萤幕能够弯曲而不断裂,为设计创新提供了绝佳的机会,特别是在创建可增强用户体验和便携性的可折迭和弯曲设备方面。随着技术进步和生产成本下降,柔性 AMOLED 显示器的采用预计将会成长,进一步巩固其作为下一代消费性电子产品关键组件的地位。
基于聚合物的 AMOLED 显示器采用由各种类型的导电聚合物製成的柔性基板。这种灵活性使它们能够用于创新设备设计,包括可弯曲智慧型手机和穿戴式电子产品。聚合物的轻盈和耐用特性进一步增强了设备的便携性和耐用性。这些显示器在市场上特别有吸引力,因为它们有潜力实现真正灵活和可折迭的小工具,突破了传统电子设计的界限。
AMOLED 显示器中的玻璃基板因其高清晰度和坚固性而受到重视,使其成为高阶智慧型手机、电视和平板电脑的理想选择。基于玻璃的 AMOLED 具有出色的分辨率,是需要刚性、稳定的显示器和卓越光学性能的设备的首选。儘管出现了柔性材料,但玻璃仍然是 AMOLED 市场的基石,因为它具有经过验证的耐用性以及实现高精度像素放置的能力,这对于实现高清显示品质至关重要。
消费性电子产品是 AMOLED 显示器市场的主导部分,这主要是由于这些显示器在智慧型手机、平板电脑和电视等装置中的广泛使用。 AMOLED 萤幕的卓越品质,包括高对比度、鲜艳的色彩以及提供纯黑色的能力,使其在高端电子产品中备受追捧。 AMOLED技术的灵活性还允许创新产品设计,例如可折迭和曲面萤幕,这些设计在智慧型手机行业中越来越受欢迎。随着消费者不断寻求最佳视觉体验以及製造商在设备功能和形式上不断创新,AMOLED 显示器仍然是在竞争激烈的消费性电子市场中实现产品差异化的关键组成部分。
亚太地区在 AMOLED 显示器产业拥有最大的市场份额,这主要是由于该地区强大的电子製造业和对显示技术的大量投资。韩国、中国和日本等国家是主要参与者,拥有三星和 LG Display 等专门从事 AMOLED 生产的大公司。三星电子子公司三星显示器公司计划在2026 年在韩国投资31 亿美元进行OLED 生产,为平板电脑和电脑製造先进的OLED 显示面板,这是三星电子及其附属公司投资60.1 兆韩元的更广泛投资该计划的一部分未来10年将在首尔以外的地区开展业务。该地区受益于先进的技术基础设施、大量的研发活动以及渴望采用新技术(尤其是行动装置和电视领域)的强大消费者基础。此外,政府对科技业的支持以及庞大的供应链生态系统的存在也有助于亚太地区在全球 AMOLED 显示器市场中占据主导地位。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。 AMOLED显示器产业的一些主要市场参与者包括友达光电、京东方科技集团有限公司、群创光电、Japan Display Inc.、LG Display Co. Ltd. (LG Corporation)、Novaled GmbH (Samsung SDI Co.)。有限公司),松下公司,夏普公司,索尼公司和Universal Display公司等。
AMOLED显示器市场竞争激烈,由三星显示器、LG显示器和京东方科技等主要厂商主导。三星显示器占有重要份额,以其创新和高品质生产标准而闻名。 LG Display 和京东方也是主要竞争对手,不断推进技术以占领更多市场份额。市场竞争是由技术进步驱动的,企业在研发上投入巨资,以提高显示品质并降低生产成本。 Japan Display (JDI) 计划在 2025 年之前在中国生产 eLEAP AMOLED 显示器,并计划在芜湖经济技术开发区建立自己的工厂。该公司还考虑在印度建造一座 eLEAP AMOLED 工厂。与传统方法相比,JDI 的 eLEAP 技术能够经济高效地生产更亮、更有效率、更持久的 OLED 显示器。此外,来自中国的新参与者的进入对老牌製造商构成了挑战,增加了市场活力。
2024 年 4 月,Japan Display Inc. (JDI) 宣布与 GRE Alpha Electronics 建立业务合作伙伴关係,将其 LumiFree 技术商业化,该技术能够自由变换光线以提高空间价值。东京国立博物馆展览「装饰中尊寺的家庭画廊」中使用了配备 LumiFree 的灯具。 JDI开始量产全球首个LED自由照明技术LumiFree。
2024年4月,E Ink元太科技与友达光电宣布达成策略伙伴关係,共同开发用于智慧零售解决方案的大尺寸彩色电子纸显示器。此次合作旨在为零售环境中的动态内容管理提供节能显示技术。 E Ink 的 Spectra(TM) 6 色电子纸提供了纸质海报的替代品,具有鲜艳的色彩和超低功耗。该倡议透过无纸化数位体验支持全球脱碳趋势。
The global AMOLED display market size reached US$ 14.3 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 60.6 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 16.9% during 2024-2032. The market is mainly driven due to the popularity of AMOLED displays in smartphones, and televisions. Technological advancements in automotive and wearable technology displays further propels the market growth, along with the efforts to enhance screen durability and efficiency.
Major Market Drivers: The AMOLED (Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) display market is mainly driven by the rising demand for high quality display panels in a smartphones, televisions and wearable devices. The superior quality of AMOLED displays like their thinness, flexibility and their ability to produce vibrant colors and deep blacks makes them highly sought after in consumer electronics. In line with this, the rising adoption of AMOLED technology in automotive displays and digital signage is expanding its market growth. Technological advancements which lead to improved display resolution, enhanced durability and reduce power consumption also contribute to the market growth.
Key Market Trends: The market is witnessing various prominent trends which is shaping its upward trajectory. One significant trend is the rising integration of AMOLED displays into flexible and foldable devices mainly driven by advancements in material science which allows the screens to blend without damage. Another trend is the adoption of AMOLED technology in automotive applications where manufacturers are using these displays for dashboards and infotainment systems to enhance user experience with sharper and more dynamic visuals. In line with this, there is a gradual increase in development of 4K and 8K AMOLED displays which caters to consumer demands for higher resolution in televisions and high-end smartphones.
Geographical Trends: Geographical trends in the market shows a significant growth in Asia Pacific mainly driven by the presence of key electronics manufacturers in countries like South Korea, China and Japan. Asia Pacific region leads in both production and adoption of AMOLED technology, due to its robust manufacturing capabilities and high concentration of smartphones and electronics consumers. North America and Europe also exhibit a strong demand fueled by high consumer spending power and preference of advanced technology in devices. In addition to this, these regions are witnessing increased use of AMOLED displays in automotive and wearable technologies.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the AMOLED display industry AU Optronics Corp, BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd., Innolux Corporation, Japan Display Inc., LG Display Co. Ltd. (LG Corporation), Novaled GmbH (Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.), Panasonic Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Sony Corporation and Universal Display Corporation., among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The market faces various challenges including high production costs as compared to other display technologies which can limit the adoption in lower end consumer electronics. There is also the issue of screen burn-in where images persist on display if they are static for too long potentially affecting user experience and product lifespan. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and innovation. The ongoing research and development (R&D) aimed at reducing production costs improving durability of AMOLED displays could widen their application across more device categories. Furthermore, the rising demand for energy efficient and high-quality displays in emerging technologies like foldable devices and augmented reality offers substantial opportunities for market growth.
Rising Demand for Higher Resolutions
The rising trend towards higher resolution displays in AMOLED market, mainly the shift to 4K and 8K resolutions is predominantly driven by consumer demand for sharper and more detailed visual experiences, particularly in premium consumer electronics like high end smartphones, tablets and televisions. The push for greater visualization enhances image clarity and detail, making it ideal for high-definition video streaming, gaming and professional graphic applications. For Instance, Samsung unveiled its new lineup of AI TVs at the 'Unbox & Discover' event in Bengaluru. The 2024 Neo QLED 8K, Neo QLED 4K, and OLED TVs offer AI-driven solutions for enhanced home entertainment. The flagship Neo QLED 8K features AI Picture Technology, AI Sound Technology, and AI Auto Game Mode. The Neo QLED 4K lineup is powered by the NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor, while Samsung introduces the world's first glare-free OLED TV.
Automotive Application
The integration of AMOLED displays into automotive applications is a rapidly growing trend, driven by their superior visual capabilities, including high contrast ratios, vibrant colors, and faster refresh rates. These attributes enhance the user interface of automotive dashboards and infotainment systems, providing clearer and more engaging visuals for drivers and passengers. For instance, in 2023, Ferrari has partnered with Samsung Display to develop bespoke OLED technology display solutions for its future car models. The companies signed a memorandum of understanding, with Samsung planning to invest over $3 billion in OLED panel manufacturing in Asan, South Korea. This partnership aims to enhance the visual experiences in premium Ferrari vehicles using advanced OLED display technology. AMOLED screens offer greater flexibility in design, allowing for more ergonomic and aesthetic dashboard configurations. As car manufacturers focus on improving user experience and adding value through technology, AMOLED displays are becoming a preferred choice for modernizing car interiors, contributing significantly to the advancement of automotive display technology.
Expansion into Wearable Technologies
The expansion of AMOLED displays into the wearable technology sector is marked by their adoption in smartwatches and fitness trackers, where their vibrant color output and energy efficiency are particularly beneficial. AMOLED technology enables these devices to display deeper blacks and more vivid colors, enhancing user interface aesthetics and readability under various lighting conditions. For instance, The OnePlus Nord Watch features a 1.78" AMOLED display with a 60Hz refresh rate, offering 105 fitness modes, 10 days of battery life, SPO2 monitoring, heart rate tracking, stress monitoring, and a women's health tracker. It allows music control, camera shutter operation, and offers various fitness features. The watch provides a customizable experience with a range of health and smart functions. Additionally, AMOLED screens consume less power when displaying darker colors, which is crucial for extending the battery life of wearable devices that need to operate continuously throughout the day. This combination of visual appeal and power efficiency makes AMOLED a preferred choice for the burgeoning wearable tech market.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on display type, material and application.
Flexible accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the display type. This includes transparent, conventional, flexible, 3d and others. According to the report, flexible represented the largest segment.
The flexible segment dominates the AMOLED display market share, reflecting a significant trend towards more adaptable and innovative screen technologies. For instance, BOE, a leading Chinese display manufacturer, expects to ship nearly 80 million flexible AMOLED displays in 2023, a 30% increase over 2022. BOE aims to achieve an annual shipment target of over 120 million flexible AMOLEDs by focusing on high-end products. This dominance is largely driven by the increasing popularity of flexible displays in consumer electronics like smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices. The ability of these screens to bend without breaking offers remarkable opportunities for design innovation, particularly in creating foldable and curved devices that enhance user experience and portability. As technology advances and production costs decrease, the adoption of flexible AMOLED displays is expected to grow, further solidifying their position as a key component in the next generation of consumer electronics.
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the material have also been provided in the report. This includes polymer, glass and others.
Polymer-based AMOLED displays utilize a flexible substrate made from various types of conductive polymers. This flexibility allows them to be used in innovative device designs, including bendable smartphones and wearable electronics. The lightweight and durable nature of polymers further enhances device portability and durability. These displays are particularly appealing in the market for their potential to enable truly flexible and foldable gadgets, pushing the boundaries of conventional electronics design.
Glass substrates in AMOLED displays are valued for their high clarity and robustness, making them ideal for high-end smartphones, TVs, and tablets. Glass-based AMOLEDs offer excellent resolution and are preferred for devices that require a rigid and stable display with superior optical properties. Despite the emergence of flexible materials, glass remains a cornerstone in the AMOLED market due to its proven durability and the ability to achieve high precision in pixel placement, which is crucial for achieving high-definition display quality.
Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application. This includes consumer electronics, retail, automotive, healthcare and others. According to the report, consumer electronics represented the largest segment.
Consumer electronics is the leading segment in the AMOLED display market, largely due to the extensive use of these displays in devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions. The superior qualities of AMOLED screens, including their high contrast ratios, vibrant colors, and ability to deliver true blacks, make them highly sought after for premium electronic products. The flexibility of AMOLED technology also allows for innovative product designs like foldable and curved screens, which have been increasingly popular in the smartphone industry. As consumers continue to seek out the best visual experiences and manufacturers innovate in device functionality and form, AMOLED displays remain a key component in differentiating products in the highly competitive consumer electronics market.
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific leads the market, accounting for the largest AMOLED display market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Asia Pacific represents the largest regional market for AMOLED display.
Asia Pacific holds the largest market share in the AMOLED display industry, primarily due to the region's robust electronics manufacturing sector and significant investments in display technology. Countries like South Korea, China, and Japan are key players, hosting major companies that specialize in AMOLED production such as Samsung and LG Display. Samsung Display, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, plans to invest $3.1 billion in OLED production in South Korea by 2026 to manufacture advanced OLED display panels for tablets and computers, as part of a broader investment plan by Samsung Electronics and affiliates to invest 60.1 trillion won over the next 10 years in regions outside Seoul. This region benefits from advanced technological infrastructure, substantial R&D activities, and a strong consumer base that eagerly adopts new technologies, particularly in mobile devices and televisions. Furthermore, governmental support for tech industries and the presence of a vast supply chain ecosystem contribute to Asia Pacific's dominance in the global AMOLED display market.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the AMOLED display industry include AU Optronics Corp, BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd., Innolux Corporation, Japan Display Inc., LG Display Co. Ltd. (LG Corporation), Novaled GmbH (Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.), Panasonic Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Sony Corporation and Universal Display Corporation, etc.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
The AMOLED display market is intensely competitive, dominated by major players such as Samsung Display, LG Display, and BOE Technology, among others. Samsung Display holds a significant share, renowned for its innovation and high-quality production standards. LG Display and BOE are also key competitors, continuously advancing in technology to capture more market share. The market competition is driven by technological advancements, with companies investing heavily in R&D to improve display quality and reduce production costs. Japan Display (JDI) is progressing with plans to produce eLEAP AMOLED displays in China by 2025, aiming to establish its own fab in the Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone. The company is also considering building an eLEAP AMOLED fab in India. JDI's eLEAP technology enables cost-effective production of brighter, more efficient, and longer-lasting OLED displays compared to traditional methods. Additionally, the entry of new players from China is challenging established manufacturers, adding to the market dynamics.
In April 2024, Japan Display Inc. (JDI) announced a business partnership with GRE Alpha Electronics to commercialize its LumiFree technology, which enables freely transforming light to enhance spatial value. LumiFree-equipped luminaires were used at the Tokyo National Museum exhibition "Family Gallery Decorating Chuson-ji Temple." JDI commenced mass production of LumiFree, the world's first LED free-lighting technology.
In April 2024, E Ink and AUO announced a strategic partnership to develop large-size color ePaper displays for smart retail solutions. The collaboration aims to provide energy-efficient display technology for dynamic content management in retail environments. E Ink's Spectra(TM) 6 color ePaper offers an alternative to paper posters, with vivid colors and ultra-low power consumption. The initiative supports the global trend towards decarbonization through a paperless digital experience.