

Global Video Monitoring & Analytics Market: 2024-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Juniper Research Ltd | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内

2024年总支出 860亿美元
2029年总支出 1000亿美元
视讯监控与分析摄影机市场成长率 (2024-2029) 32%
预测期 2024-2029

明年全球视讯监控与分析服务支出将达到近 900亿美元

研究套件提供了对未来五年市场发展的详细而富有洞察力的分析。视讯监控和分析供应商利害关係人可以了解 AI、VSaaS (视讯监控即服务) 和 VMS (视讯管理系统) 等功能的影响,并分析主要趋势和竞争格局。

也提供 60个国家/地区各个细分市场的关键预测资料,这些资料根据市场规模、主要趋势、挑战、利害关係人建议、关键参与者的见解以及未来成长的策略建议进行衡量。


  • 市场动态:视讯监控和分析市场的主要趋势和挑战概述、视讯监控解决方案中 AI 的演变、VSaaS 的引进、视讯监控和分析系统的成本上升、存取控制、运动侦测和永续性等,解决与物联网设备整合带来的挑战。还包括国家准备指数,提供 60个主要国家/地区视讯监控和分析的当前部署和未来成长的区域分析。
  • 主要要点和策略建议:详细分析视讯监控和分析市场的主要发展机会和见解,以及为利害关係人提供的主要策略建议。
  • 基准产业预测:按住宅和商业用例以及产品类型提供视讯监控和分析市场成长的五年预测资料库。主要输出包括视讯监控用户数和市场总收入。
  • Juniper Research 竞争排行榜:Juniper Research 的竞争排行榜根据市场表现、收入和未来业务前景等标准评估 16 家视讯监控和分析供应商的能力。


研究套件包括对 25个表格和 11,400 多个资料点中的一整套预测资料的存取。研究套件包括以下指标:

  • 视讯监控摄影机使用者总数
  • 视讯监控摄影机使用者总数
  • 视讯监控摄影机的硬体总支出
  • 视讯监控和分析解决方案平台总支出
  • 视讯监控和分析的总支出

Juniper Research互动式预测 (Excel) 具有以下功能:

  • 统计分析:优点是可以搜寻资料期间所有地区和国家显示的特定指标。可以轻鬆修改图表并将其汇出到剪贴簿。
  • 国家/地区资料工具:可查看预测期内的所有区域和国家指标。可缩小搜寻栏中显示的指标范围。
  • 国家比较工具:使用者可以选择国家/地区并针对特定国家/地区进行比较。该工具包括汇出图表的功能。
  • 假设分析:五种互动式场景让使用者比较预测假设。


市场趋势与预测 PDF 报告:


第1章 要点与策略建议

  • 要点和策略建议
  • 要点
  • 策略建议

第2章 视讯监控与分析:生态系分析

  • 视讯监控与分析:简介
  • 视讯监控与分析中的人工智慧
  • VSaaS
  • 虚拟机
  • 安全问题日益严重
  • 边缘运算
  • 永续发展
  • 视讯监控与分析成本

第3章 国家储备指数

  • 国家储备指数:简介
  • 优先市场
  • 不断成长的市场
  • 市场饱和
  • 新兴市场

第4章 竞技排行榜

  • 视讯监控与分析:供应商简介
    • ADT
    • Arcules
    • Avigilon
    • Axis Communications
    • Bosch Security
    • Cisco Systems
    • Eagle Eye Networks
    • Eye Trax
    • Genetec Inc
    • Honeywell International
    • Milesight
    • Nokia Corporation
    • Panasonic
    • Hexagon
    • Rhombus
    • Verkada
  • Juniper Research排行榜评估方法
  • 限制和解释

第5章 市场预测/要点

  • 视讯监控与分析预测:简介
    • 视讯监控摄影机使用者总数
    • 视讯监视器总数
    • 视讯监控摄影机硬体的总支出
    • 视讯监控和分析解决方案平台的总支出
    • 视讯监控和分析的总支出
  • 适用于家庭和企业的视讯监控和分析:研究方法
    • 预测方法与假设
    • 住宅监视器总数
    • 企业监视器总数
  • 视讯监控与分析摄影机连接:调查方法
    • 预测方法与假设
    • 蜂巢式视讯监控摄影机总数
    • 蜂巢式视讯监控摄影机的总支出
    • Wi-Fi 视讯监控摄影机总数
    • Wi-Fi 视讯监控摄影机的总支出
Total spend in 2024:$86bn
Total spend in 2029:$100bn
2024 to 2029 video monitoring & analytics camera market growth:32%
Forecast period:2024-2029

'Video Monitoring & Analytics Service Spend to Near $90 billion Globally Next Year'


Our Video Monitoring & Analytics research suite provides detailed and insightful analysis of a market set to evolve over the next five years. It enables stakeholders from video monitoring & analytics vendors to understand the impact of features such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), VSaaS (Video Surveillance-as-a-Service) and VMS (Video Management Systems), as well as analysing key trends and the competitive environment.

The suite includes both a data deliverable; sizing the market and providing key forecast data across 60 countries and several different segments, as well as a Strategy and Trends document which gives a complete assessment of the key trends, challenges and key recommendations for stakeholders. Additionally, the document provides insight on the leading players in the video monitoring & analytics market, alongside strategic recommendations for future growth. Collectively, they provide a critical tool for understanding this rapidly emerging market, allowing video monitoring & analytics vendors to shape their future strategy.

Key Features

  • Market Dynamics: Insights into key trends and market challenges within the video monitoring & analytics market; addressing challenges posed by the evolution of AI in video surveillance solutions, the introduction of VSaaS, the rising cost of video monitoring & analytics systems, and integration with IoT devices such as access control and motion detection and sustainability. This video monitoring & analytics study also includes a Country Readiness Index, providing regional analysis on the current development and future growth of video monitoring & analytics across 60 key countries.
  • Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: In-depth analysis of key development opportunities and findings within the video monitoring & analytics market, accompanied by key strategic recommendations for stakeholders.
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Five-year forecast databases are provided for video monitoring & analytics market growth, split by residential and business use cases and product type. Key outputs include the number of video monitoring users and total market revenue.
  • Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 16 video monitoring & analytics vendors, via the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard, scoring these vendors on criteria such as market performance, revenue and future business prospects.
    • ADT
    • Arcules
    • Avigilon
    • Axis Communications
    • Bosch Security
    • Cisco Systems
    • Eagle Eye Networks
    • Eye Trax
    • Genetec Inc
    • Hexagon
    • Honeywell International
    • Milesight
    • Nokia Corporation
    • Panasonic
    • Rhombus
    • Verkada

Market Data & Forecasts

The market-leading research suite for the Video Monitoring & Analytics market includes access to the full set of forecast data of 25 tables and over 11,400 datapoints. Metrics in the research suite include:

  • Total number of Users of Video Monitoring Cameras
  • Total Video Monitoring Cameras
  • Total Video Monitoring Camera Hardware Spend
  • Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Solution Platform Spend
  • Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend

These metrics are provided for the following key market verticals:

  • Use Case
  • Residential
  • Business
  • Product Type
  • Cellular
  • Wi-Fi

Juniper Research Interactive Forecast Excel contains the following functionality:

  • Statistics Analysis: Users benefit from the ability to search for specific metrics, displayed for all regions and countries across the data period. Graphs are easily modified and can be exported to the clipboard.
  • Country Data Tool: This tool lets users look at metrics for all regions and countries in the forecast period. Users can refine the metrics displayed via a search bar.
  • Country Comparison Tool: Users can select countries and compare each of them for specific countries. The ability to export graphs is included in this tool.
  • What-if Analysis: Here, users can compare forecast metrics against their own assumptions via 5 interactive scenarios.


Market Trends & Forecasts PDF Report::

A comprehensive analysis of the current market landscape, alongside strategic recommendations and a walk-through of the forecasts.

Table of Contents

1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations

  • 1.1 Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
  • 1.2 Key Takeaways
  • 1.3 Strategic Recommendations

2. Video Monitoring & Analytics Ecosystem Analysis

  • 2.1 Introduction To Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Figure 2.1: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • Figure 2.2: Industries and Use Cases Infographic
    • Figure 2.3: Total Video Monitoring Cameras (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • i. Types of Video Monitoring Cameras
  • 2.2 AI in Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Figure 2.4: AI Video Monitoring & Analytics Infographic
    • 2.2.1 The Drawbacks of AI in Video Monitoring & Analytics
  • 2.3 VSaaS
  • 2.4 VMS
    • Figure 2.5: VMS Dashboard Infographic
  • 2.5 Increasing Security Concerns
  • 2.6 Edge Computing
  • 2.7 Sustainability
  • 2.8 The Cost of Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Figure 2.6: Average Spend on Video Analytics Platforms per Month ($), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029

3. Country Readiness Index

  • 3.1 Introduction to Country Readiness Index
    • Figure 3.1: Video Monitoring & Analytics Country Readiness Index Regional Definitions
    • Table 3.2: Juniper Research Country Readiness Index Scoring Criteria: Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Figure 3.3: Juniper Research Country Readiness Index: Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Table 3.4: Video Monitoring & Analytics Country Readiness Index: Market Segments
  • 3.2 Focus Markets
    • Figure 3.5: Total Businesses (m), 2024, Split by 8 Focus Markets
    • i. EU Regulations
    • ii. South Africa
    • iii. China
    • iv. Large Businesses
  • 3.3 Growth Markets
    • Figure 3.6: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend ($m), 2024-2029, Split by 8 Growth Markets
    • i. Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
    • ii. Argentina
    • iii. Nigeria
  • 3.4 Saturated Markets
    • Figure 3.7: Total Number of Users of Video Monitoring Cameras (m), Split by Seven Saturated Markets, 2024-2029
    • i. Austria
    • ii. Poland
  • 3.5 Developing Markets
    • Figure 3.8: GDP per Capita ($), 2024, Split by Developing Markets
    • Table 3.9: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: North America
    • Table 3.10: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Latin America
    • Table 3.11: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: West Europe
    • Table 3.12: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Central & East Europe
    • Table 3.13: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Far East & China
    • Table 3.14: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Indian Subcontinent
    • Table 3.15: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Figure 3.16: Juniper Research's Country Readiness Index Heatmap: Africa & Middle East

4. Competitor Leaderboard

  • 4.1 Why Read This Report
    • Table 4.1: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Vendors & Product Portfolio
    • Figure 4.2: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Video Monitoring & Analytics
    • Table 4.3: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Vendors
    • Table 4.4: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard Heatmap: Video Monitoring & Analytics Vendors
  • 4.2 Video Monitoring & Analytics Vendor Profiles
    • 4.2.1 ADT
      • i. Corporate Information
        • Table 4.5: ADT's Financial Information ($m), 2021-2023
        • Table 4.6: ADT's Acquisitions 2018 to present
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.2 Arcules
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.3 Avigilon
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.4 Axis Communications
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.5 Bosch Security
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.6 Cisco Systems
      • i. Corporate Information
        • Table 4.7: Cisco's Financial Information ($m), 2021-2023
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.7 Eagle Eye Networks
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.8 Eye Trax
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.9 Genetec Inc
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.10 Honeywell International
      • i. Corporate Information
        • Table 4.8: Honeywell International's Acquisitions, 2021-2024
        • Table 4.9: Honeywell International's Financial Information ($m) 2021-2023
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.11 Milesight
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
        • Figure 4.10: Milesight's Smart Remote Management Solution
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.12 Nokia Corporation
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.13 Panasonic
      • i. Corporate Information
        • Table 4.11: Panasonic Group's Financial Information ($m), 2022-2023
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
        • Figure 4.12: Panasonic's Edge Analytics
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.14 Hexagon
      • i. Corporate Information
        • Table 4.13: Hexagon's Acquisitions, 2022-2024
        • Table 4.14: Hexagon's Financial Information ($m), 2022-2023
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.15 Rhombus
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
    • 4.2.16 Verkada
      • i. Corporate Information
      • ii. Geographical Spread
      • iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships
      • iv. High-level View of Offering
      • v. Juniper Research's View: Key Strengths and Strategic Recommendations
  • 4.3 Juniper Research Leaderboard Assessment Methodology
  • 4.4 Limitations & Interpretations
    • Table 4.15: Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard Scoring Criteria: Video Monitoring & Analytics Vendors

5. Market Forecasts and Key Takeaways

  • 5.1 Introduction to Video Monitoring & Analytics Forecasts
    • Figure 5.1: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Camera Spend ($m), Split by Hardware and Platform, 2024
    • 5.1.1 Video Monitoring & Analytics Forecast Summary Methodology
    • 5.1.2 Total Number of Users of Video Monitoring Cameras
      • Figure and Table 5.2: Total Number of Users of Video Cameras (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
      • Table 5.3: Total Number of Users of Video Monitoring & Analytics Cameras (m), Split by Use Case, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.3 Total Video Monitoring Cameras
      • Figure and Table 5.4: Total Video Monitoring Cameras (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.4 Total Video Monitoring Camera Hardware Spend
      • Figure and Table 5.5: Total Video Monitoring Camera Hardware Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.5 Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Solution Platform Spend
      • Figure and Table 5.6: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Solution Platform Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.6 Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend
      • Figure and Table 5.7: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend ($m), Split by Key Regions, 2024-2029
      • Table 5.8: Total Video Monitoring & Analytics Spend ($m), Split by Hardware and Platform, 2024-2029
  • 5.2 Residential and Business Video Monitoring & Analytics Methodology
    • 5.2.1 Forecast Methodology & Assumptions
      • Figure 5.9: Video Monitoring & Analytics Use Case Methodology
    • 5.2.2 Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras Used for Residential Purposes
      • Figure and Table 5.10: Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras Used for Residential Purposes (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
      • Table 5.11: Average Number of Video Monitoring Cameras per Household, Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.2.3 Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras Used for Business Purposes
      • Figure and Table 5.12: Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras Used for Business Purposes (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
      • Table 5.13: Average Number of Video Monitoring Cameras per Business, Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
  • 5.3 Video Monitoring & Analytics Camera Connectivity Capabilities Methodology
    • 5.3.1 Forecast Methodology & Assumptions
      • Figure 5.14: Video Monitoring & Analytics Camera Connectivity Capability Methodology
    • 5.3.2 Total Number of Cellular Video Monitoring Cameras
      • Figure and Table 5.15: Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras that are Cellular (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.3.3 Total Cellular Video Monitoring Camera Spend
      • Figure and Table 5.16: Total Cellular Video Monitoring Camera Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.3.4 Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras that are Wi-Fi
      • Figure and Table 5.17: Total Number of Video Monitoring Cameras that are Wi-Fi (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.3.5 Total Wi-Fi Video Monitoring Camera Spend
      • Figure and Table 5.18: Total Wi-Fi Video Monitoring Camera Spend ($m), Split 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029