

Atopic Dermatitis Drugs Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence | 英文 143 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


预计异位性皮肤炎治疗药物市场在预测期内将以 8.92% 的复合年增长率成长。

最常见的发炎皮肤病之一是异位性皮肤炎(AD)。虽然症状因人而异,但 AD 的特征是湿疹和皮肤搔痒。气喘、食物过敏和结膜炎等眼科疾病只是 AD 相关併发症的一部分。外用皮质类固醇、Calcineurin抑制剂和生物製药注射常用于治疗 AD。


异位性皮肤炎患者会因皮肤、上呼吸道和下呼吸道屏障受损而出现症状。如果父母任何一方患有异位性皮肤炎,则他们的孩子也有 50% 的机会患有异位性皮肤炎。如果父母双方都患有异位性皮肤炎,80%的孩子都会受到影响。基因变化包括表皮蛋白丝聚合蛋白(细丝聚集蛋白)的功能丧失突变,该蛋白被转化为天然保湿因子。高达 30% 的异位性皮肤炎患者存在丝聚蛋白突变,这也使他们面临过敏性鼻炎、寻常性鱼鳞癣和毛周角化病的风险。


根据美国国家医学图书馆的数据,在富裕国家,异位性皮肤炎影响2%至10%的成年人和10%至30%的儿童,这对异位性皮肤炎药物产业产生了重大影响。近几十年来,异位性皮肤炎的盛行率增加了两到三倍。在高纬度地区,异位性皮肤炎的盛行率较高,这可能是由于阳光照射较少和湿度较低所致。异位性皮肤炎根据发病年龄分为三个亚组,但最常见的类型是早发性异位性皮肤炎(从出生到2岁),大约60%的病例发生在1岁之前。 60% 的病例到 12 岁时就会消退。迟发性异位性皮肤炎会导致青春期后出现症状。老年性异位性皮肤炎是一种罕见的亚型,发生于 60 岁以上的成年人。




目前和过去的疾病严重程度和合併症在 AD 治疗中发挥着重要作用。湿疹的发病很大程度受表皮屏障的影响。患者教育、润肤治疗和避免触发因素都是初始治疗的一部分。润肤剂以及低效局部皮质类固醇 (TCS) 已被证明是有益的,可以降低 AD 的发生率。 2022 年 12 月 Locatinlimab 是一种创新的、针对患者的单株抗体治疗方法,在研究期间以及治疗结束后长达 20 週内,对中度至重度异位性皮肤炎患者显示出良好的疗效。这一开拓正在推动异位性皮肤炎治疗市场的成长。


北美异位性皮肤炎治疗市场预计将因异位性皮肤炎盛行率的增加和该地区的研究措施而受到推动。例如,推出了一个全新的国家皮肤研究网络,称为SkIN Canada(加拿大皮肤调查网络)。对患者、看护者和医疗保健专业人员重要的研究重点将影响研究领域并确保效用对患者照护的实用性。异位性皮肤炎综合护理途径(AD-ICP) 为AD 患者管理提供了一种多学科方法,结合了当前AD 治疗的循证指南和基于日常临床实践的专家意见。我们正在努力弥合两者之间的差距此外,ICP 有潜力透过结合许多指南介入措施和要素(包括品质保证和护理协调核算)来改善指南建议。


  • 2023年8月,领克药业股份有限公司公布了其LNK01001成人异位性皮肤炎(AD)II期临床试验的积极关键统计资料。
  • 2023年8月,知名临床阶段生物製药企业明辉药业宣布,MH004乳膏治疗轻中度异位性皮肤炎的第3期临床研究成功入组首例患者。这一成就标誌着该公司为患有这种常见皮肤病的患者提供新的、尖端的治疗选择的努力的一个重大转折点。


  • 2022年6月,Dupixent(R)(通用名:dupilumab)被美国食品药物管理局(FDA)核准用于治疗6个月至5岁儿童无法透过局部用药治疗的中度至重度异位性皮肤炎处方药。核准用于治疗效果不充分或不建议的儿童。
  • 据辉瑞称,2022年1月,美国食品药物管理局(FDA)批准CIBINQO(通用名:abrocitinib),一种每日一次口服Janus激酶1(JAK1)抑制剂,核准治疗难治性疾病。患有中度至重度异位性皮肤炎(AD)的成人。
  • 2022年1月,RINVOQ(R)(通用名: Upadacitinib )是一种既往治疗无效且用其他锭剂或註射剂(包括生物製药)控制效果不佳的药物,或者如果其他锭剂或已获得FDA核准的美国食品药物管理局(FDA) 用于治疗成人和 12 岁及以上儿童的中度至重度异位性皮肤炎,不建议使用注射剂。



  • 市场概况
  • 市场定义
  • 调查范围
  • 市场区隔
  • 货币
  • 先决条件
  • 基准年和预测年时间表


  • 调查资料
  • 先决条件


  • 研究亮点


  • 市场驱动因素
  • 市场限制因素
  • 波特五力分析
  • 产业价值链分析

第五章 异位性皮肤炎治疗药物市场:依药物分类

  • 介绍
  • 皮质类固醇
  • Calcineurin抑制剂
  • PDE4抑制剂
  • 生技药品
  • 其他的

第六章 异位性皮肤炎治疗药物市场:依给药途径

  • 介绍
  • 话题
  • 可注射的
  • 口服

第七章 异位性皮肤炎治疗药物市场:依最终使用者分类

  • 介绍
  • 医院
  • 诊所
  • 其他的


  • 介绍
  • 北美洲
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 其他的
  • 欧洲
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 法国
    • 西班牙
    • 其他的
  • 中东/非洲
    • 沙乌地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公国
    • 以色列
    • 其他的
  • 亚太地区
    • 日本
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 韩国
    • 印尼
    • 泰国
    • 其他的


  • 主要企业及策略分析
  • 市场占有率分析
  • 合併、收购、协议和合作
  • 供应商竞争力矩阵

第十章 公司简介

  • Fierce Pharma
  • Pfizer
  • Optum
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Adbry
  • JW Pharmaceuticals
  • Acrcutis Biotherapeutics
  • Regeneron
  • Otsuka
  • Eli Lilly
Product Code: KSI061616209

The atopic dermatitis drugs market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.92% during the forecast period.

One of the most prevalent inflammatory skin disorders is atopic dermatitis (AD). Although it might manifest differently in each person, eczematous and itchy skin lesions are the hallmarks of AD. Asthma, food allergies, and ocular conditions including conjunctivitis are just a few of the comorbidities associated with AD. Topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and injectable biologic drugs are frequently used to treat AD.

Growing prevalence of offspring atopic dermatitis

Patients with the atopic triad experience symptoms as a result of compromised skin, upper respiratory, and lower respiratory tract barrier. There is a greater than 50% likelihood that if one parent has atopic dermatitis, so will their child. Up to 80% of the kids will be impacted if both parents are sick. Genetic changes include loss-of-function mutations in the epidermal protein filaggrin (Filament aggregation protein), which is converted to a natural moisturizing factor. Up to 30% of those with atopic dermatitis have filaggrin mutations, which can also put them at risk for allergic rhinitis, ichthyosis vulgaris, and keratosis pilaris.

Rising incidences of atopic dermatitis

According to the National Library of Medicine, in wealthy nations, 2% to 10% of adults and 10% to 30% of children are affected by atopic dermatitis which highly impacts the atopic dermatitis drugs industry. In recent decades, its incidence has climbed by two to three times. Greater latitudes have a greater prevalence of atopic dermatitis, which may be due to less sun exposure and less humidity. Based on the age of onset, atopic dermatitis is categorized into three subgroups, the most prevalent kind of atopic dermatitis, with around 60% of cases beginning before age 1, is early-onset atopic dermatitis (birth to two years old). 60% of cases are settled by the age of 12. Atopic dermatitis with a late start occurs when symptoms appear after puberty. Senile onset atopic dermatitis is an uncommon subtype that develops in adults beyond the age of 60.

Growth in the usage of medication applied to the skin

Various medications come in a range of strengths and can be applied as creams, gels, or ointments boosting the atopic dermatitis drugs industry. Calcineurin inhibitor-containing lotions or ointments may be an option for patients older than two. Examples include tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel). The patient must keep out of the direct sun while using these drugs. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration is obligated to put a black box warning on certain products addressing the potential for lymphoma. This warning has been given because of a small number of cases of lymphoma among users of topical calcineurin inhibitors.

Introduction of new treatments

The severity of the illness, both currently and in the past, as well as comorbidities, have a significant role in AD care. The development of the eczema illness is significantly influenced by the epidermal barrier. Patient education, emollient treatment, and trigger avoidance are all part of the initial care. Emollients can be just as beneficial as topical corticosteroids (TCS) of low potency and have been shown to decrease the incidence of AD. In December 2022, the innovative, patient-tailored monoclonal antibody therapy rocatinlimab demonstrated excellent outcomes in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis throughout the study and for up to 20 weeks after the treatment was terminated. This development is boosting the growth of the atopic dermatitis drug market.

In North America, it is projected that the atopic dermatitis drugs market will grow steadily.

The atopic dermatitis drug market in North America is anticipated to be fueled by the growing prevalence of atopic dermatitis and research initiatives in the region. For instance, a brand-new national skin research network called SkIN Canada (Skin Investigation Network of Canada) was introduced. Research priorities that are significant to patients, carers, and healthcare professionals are being established to influence the research landscape and guarantee its usefulness to patient care. By providing a coordinated multidisciplinary approach to patient management of AD, the integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis (AD-ICPs) seek to close the gap between current AD treatment evidence-based guidelines and expert opinion based on everyday practice. Moreover, by combining interventions and elements from many guidelines, including quality assurance, and explaining care coordination, ICPs have the potential to improve guideline recommendations.

Atopic Dermatitis Clinical Trials

  • In August 2023, Positive topline statistics from the LNK01001 phase II clinical study for adults with atopic dermatitis (AD) were released by Lynk Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Preliminary data after 12 weeks of therapy revealed that patients in the low-dose and high-dose groups significantly improved their Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) ratings from baseline compared to the placebo group.
  • In August 2023, the phase 3 clinical research for MH004 Cream, which targets mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, successfully enrolled its first patient, according to Minghui Pharmaceutical, Inc., a prominent clinical-stage biopharmaceutical business. This accomplishment represents a crucial turning point in the effort to provide patients suffering from this common skin ailment with new and cutting-edge therapeutic choices.

FDA Approvals for Atopic Dermatitis Drugs Drugs

  • In June 2022, Dupixent® (dupilumab) was authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in children with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis who are 6 months to 5 years old and whose condition is not well managed by topical prescription medications or when such therapies are not recommended.
  • In January 2022, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized CIBINQO® (abrocitinib), an oral, once-daily Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) inhibitor, for the treatment of adults with refractory, moderate-to-severe-atopic dermatitis (AD), according to Pfizer Inc.
  • In January 2022, RINVOQ® (upadacitinib) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adults and children 12 years of age and older whose disease did not respond to prior therapy and is not well controlled with other pills or injections, including biologic medications, or when use of other pills or injections is not advised.

Market Key Developments

  • In May 2023, according to the information from a new secondary analysis from Eli Lilly and Company's Phase 3 clinical development program patients receiving lebrikizumab who were evaluated at 16 weeks experienced improved or cleared face or hand dermatitis, which can be particularly burdensome and stigmatizing because these areas are highly visible parts of the body.
  • In June 2021, Amgen and Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd. reached a deal to work together to develop and market KHK4083, a potential first-in-class, Phase 3-ready anti-OX40 fully human monoclonal antibody that Kyowa Kirin is currently developing for the treatment of atopic dermatitis with potential for use in other autoimmune diseases.


By Drug

  • Corticosteroids
  • Calcineurin Inhibitors
  • PDE4 Inhibitors
  • Biologics
  • Others

By Route of Administration

  • Topical
  • Injectable
  • Oral

By End-User

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Others

By Geography

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Others
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Others
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Israel
  • Others
  • Asia Pacific
  • Japan
  • China
  • India
  • South Korea
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Others



  • 1.1. Market Overview
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Scope of the Study
  • 1.4. Market Segmentation
  • 1.5. Currency
  • 1.6. Assumptions
  • 1.7. Base, and Forecast Years Timeline


  • 2.1. Research Data
  • 2.2. Assumptions


  • 3.1. Research Highlights


  • 4.1. Market Drivers
  • 4.2. Market Restraints
  • 4.3. Porter's Five Force Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3. Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4. Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry
  • 4.4. Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Corticosteroids
  • 5.3. Calcineurin Inhibitors
  • 5.4. PDE4 Inhibitors
  • 5.5. Biologics
  • 5.6. Others


  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Topical
  • 6.3. Injectable
  • 6.4. Oral


  • 7.1. Introduction
  • 7.2. Hospitals
  • 7.3. Clinics
  • 7.4. Others


  • 8.1. Introduction
  • 8.2. North America
    • 8.2.1. United States
    • 8.2.2. Canada
    • 8.2.3. Mexico
  • 8.3. South America
    • 8.3.1. Brazil
    • 8.3.2. Argentina
    • 8.3.3. Others
  • 8.4. Europe
    • 8.4.1. United Kingdom
    • 8.4.2. Germany
    • 8.4.3. France
    • 8.4.4. Spain
    • 8.4.5. Others
  • 8.5. The Middle East and Africa
    • 8.5.1. Saudi Arabia
    • 8.5.2. UAE
    • 8.5.3. Israel
    • 8.5.4. Others
  • 8.6. Asia Pacific
    • 8.6.1. Japan
    • 8.6.2. China
    • 8.6.3. India
    • 8.6.4. South Korea
    • 8.6.5. Indonesia
    • 8.6.6. Thailand
    • 8.6.7. Others


  • 9.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis
  • 9.2. Market Share Analysis
  • 9.3. Mergers, Acquisitions, Agreements, and Collaborations
  • 9.4. Vendor Competitiveness Matrix


  • 10.1. Fierce Pharma
  • 10.2. Pfizer
  • 10.3. Optum
  • 10.4. Mayo Clinic
  • 10.5. Adbry
  • 10.6. JW Pharmaceuticals
  • 10.7. Acrcutis Biotherapeutics
  • 10.8. Regeneron
  • 10.9. Otsuka
  • 10.10. Eli Lilly