合成石墨市场-2024年至2029年预测Synthetic Graphite Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
非晶质碳材料可以透过高温处理转化为人造石墨。锻烧石油焦和煤焦油沥青是合成石墨最常用的两种材料。 GAB Neumann使用来自欧洲和美国的石墨(美国、欧洲和日本的供应商)。该公司的方法采用均质细粒石墨,具有緻密的晶粒结构和理想的晶粒和孔径分布,消除了裂纹、大孔隙和杂质等结构异常。
等向性石墨是一种超细石墨,当普通细石墨不具有足够的机械性能时使用。等向性石墨是采用等向性成型方法製成的石墨。这意味着使用等静压(CIP) 将原料压缩成矩形或圆形棒。
等向性石墨是一种不同于其他人造石墨的独特石墨材料,由于整个结构是等向性的,因此具有优异的物理性能。等向性石墨具有等静压获得的均匀结构、密度高、机械强度优良,用途广泛。等向性石墨正迅速应用于航太、汽车和半导体产业等许多领域。这是因为该材料具有各向同性的特性,即使在恶劣的条件下也能和谐地运作。这使得该材料非常适合在需要精度和品质的情况下使用,并且在高温和腐蚀性场所具有高且一致的耐用性。等向性石墨由美尔森在宾州圣玛丽和中国重庆的製造工厂生产,具有完全可追溯性和最高品质。这些产品包括 Graphol,一种涂有酚醛树脂 (XBS)、PTFE (XTH) 和碳 (XC) 的特殊材料。
人造石墨在冶金中的用途正在扩大,特别是在需要高温加工和严格控制碳含量的领域。考虑到人造石墨的热稳定性、导电性和纯度,人造石墨在钢铁、铸造和金属铸造等冶金工业中具有应用。该材料具有高抗热震性、低污染性、耐高温等特点,用于坩埚、模具、电极等。 SAIL、RINL、TSL Group、AM/NS、JSWL、JSPL生产粗钢76.681吨,占总产量的61%,与前一年同期比较增加4.9%。剩余的 48.039 吨来自其他生产商。私人企业生产粗钢102.618吨,占总产量的82%,与前一年同期比较增加7.7%。
除此之外,NETL 及其合作者正在开发石墨的生产,石墨是一种具有特殊性能的材料,使其成为大规模生产电池电动车 (BEV)、能源储存系统和其他绿色技术的重要组成部分,并不断废弃物。
2022年1月31日,NOVONIX签署协议,成为KORE石墨负极材料的独家供应商,作为改善北美锂离子电池供应链策略关係的一部分。 2022年11月30日,KORE宣布已从西门子金融服务公司和其他策略投资者筹集了7,500万美元的策略性融资,用于支持亚利桑那州凤凰城KOREPlex设施的建设。
2022年,全球石墨消费量380万吨,2021年为360万吨。合成石墨约占石墨消费量的56%,主要集中在亚洲。虽然北美仅消费量了全球天然石墨的 1% 和全球合成石墨的 8.9%,但亚太地区在同年消耗了全球近 78% 的合成石墨。
由于工业化程度的提高,亚太地区对合成石墨的需求也在增加,特别是在中国和印度,钢铁、汽车和电子产业。内阁已批准印度特种钢生产 PLI 计划,投资额为 632.2 亿印度卢比。 PLI将于2024-25财年发布,但该计划计划于2023-24财年开始。特钢生产连结奖励计画计画选定的 67 份申请中,有 30 份签署了谅解备忘录。该计画固定资本为2,953亿卢比,专门用于增加下游产能2,500万吨,创造70万个就业机会。到2030-31年规划期,印度计画将粗钢产能提高到300吨/年,粗钢需求/产量提高到255吨/年。该地区对电动车 (EV) 和可再生能源技术中使用的锂离子电池的需求也不断增加。合成石墨产品品质的提高,加上製造流程的改进和先进技术,正在推动市场成长。
The global synthetic graphite market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.86% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Amorphous carbon materials can be transformed into synthetic graphite via treatment at high temperatures. Calcined petroleum coke and coal tar pitch are two of the most utilized materials for synthetic graphite. GAB Neumann utilizes graphite from Western sources (suppliers in the United States, Europe, and Japan). The company's approach employs a homogeneous, fine-grain graphite with a compact grain structure and an ideal grain and pore size distribution, freeing structural abnormalities like fractures, big pores, and impurities.
Synthetic graphite is used in foundries, electrical carbons, fuel cell bipolar plates, coatings, electrolytic processes, corrosion products, conductive fillers, rubber and plastic composites, and drilling. One key use is in lithium-ion batteries.
Isostatic graphite is a kind of ultrafine-grain graphite used in cases where the mechanical properties of normal fine-grain graphite are inadequate. The term isostatic graphite refers to graphite that had been made using the isostatic molding process. This means that the raw materials are compressed into rectangular or circular bars with the aid of the cold isostatic press (CIP).
Isostatic graphite is a unique sort of graphite material that varies from other types of artificial graphite and has superior physical characteristics due to isotropy throughout the structure. This graphite is gaining popularity due to its homogeneous structure, high density, and superior mechanical strength obtained by isostatic pressing. Iso-graphite is being rapidly employed in numerous fields, for example, aerospace, automotive, and the semiconductor industries. This is because the material has isotropic properties that enable it to perform harmoniously under extreme conditions. It is, therefore, perfect to use the material where accuracy and quality are needed together with high and consistent durability in high temperatures or where corrosive features are present. The isostatic graphites are manufactured by Mersen at its manufacturing facilities in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania, and Chongqing, China to have complete traceability and best quality. They include Graphilor, a special substance coated with phenolic resin (XBS), PTFE (XTH), or carbon (XC).
The expanding use of synthetic graphite in metallurgy is remarkable, especially in sectors that need high-temperature processing and tight control over carbon content. Considering the thermal stability, conductivity, and purity of synthetic graphite, synthetic graphite finds application in metallurgical industries such as steel, foundries, and metal casting. Some of its uses are in crucibles, molds, and electrodes because this material has characteristics like high thermal shock tolerance, low contamination, and high-temperature tolerance. SAIL, RINL, TSL Group, AM/NS, JSWL, and JSPL produced 76.681 MT of crude steel, accounting for 61% of total output, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year. The remaining 48.039 MT came from other producers. The Private Sector produced 102.618 MT of Crude Steel, accounting for 82% of total output and a 7.7% increase from the previous year.
Synthesized graphite is expected to feature even more in metallurgical processes, which require advanced materials to enhance their performance and deliver better-quality products. Hence, it is forecasted to propel the metallurgy industry to innovate and grow.
The increase in the usage of lithium-ion batteries in vehicles due to increased consumer preference for electric vehicles has led to the increased use of synthetic graphite to manufacture anode materials. Since 2018, the worldwide graphite battery end-use market has expanded by 250%. In 2023, 4 lithium-ion battery production factories were in the US, with 21 more under development.
In addition to this, NETL and its collaborators are making advances in the production of graphite, a substance with special qualities that make it a vital component for mass-producing battery electric cars (BEVs), energy storage systems, and other green technologies from undesired carbon waste products.
NOVONIX inked an agreement on January 31, 2022, to be KORE's sole supplier of graphite anode material as part of a strategic relationship to improve the North American lithium-ion battery supply chain. On November 30, 2022, KORE announced that it had secured an initial US$75 million in strategic financing from Siemens Financial Services and other strategic investors to support the construction of its KOREPlex facility in Phoenix, Arizona, which will begin commercial production in the fourth quarter of 2024.
In 2022, global graphite consumption reached 3.8 million tonnes, compared to 3.6 million tonnes in 2021. Synthetic graphite accounted for about 56% of the graphite consumption, concentrated largely in Asia. North America consumed only 1% of the global natural graphite and 8.9% of synthetic graphite, while Asia Pacific consumed as much as nearly 78% of the synthetic graphite for that fiscal year.
Asia Pacific is also increasing its demand for synthetic graphite because of the elevated industrialization within the region, especially in China and India, for use in steel, automotive, and electronics industries. The Cabinet has permitted the PLI Scheme for specialty steel production in India with an investment of INR 6,322 crore. The plan is proposed to start in the fiscal year 2023-24, though the PLI will be issued in the fiscal year 2024-25. The MoU signing was done for 30 businesses out of 67 applications chosen under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Specialty Steel. It has a fixed funding commitment of INR 29,530 crore, which has been allocated to downstream capacity augmentation of 25 million tonnes and employment generation of 700,000. By the planning horizon of 2030-31, India intends to have a total crude steel capacity and total crude steel demand/production of 300 MTPA and 255 MTPA, respectively. The rise in demand for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy technology in the region also propels the market. The increase in the quality of synthetic graphite products, coupled with manufacturing improvements and advanced technologies, fuels the market growth.
Government measures supporting clean energy and sustainability encourage using EVs and renewable energy, increasing demand for synthetic graphite. These factors together position the Asia-Pacific region as a key participant in the worldwide synthetic graphite market, encouraging growth and innovation.