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射频可调滤波器的全球市场:预测(2025-2030)Global RF Tunable Filter Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
RF可调滤波器是一种选择性地允许或拒绝射频频谱中的频率的电子滤波器,本质上是一种仅允许某些频率通过并阻止其他频率的频率滤波器。其功能包括调整滤波器的中心频率、选择窄或宽的频宽,以及确保非常高的质量係数 (Q) 以获得Sharp Corporation的频率响应。它们具有广泛的应用,包括无线电接收器、无线电通讯系统、雷达系统以及测试和测量设备。此类滤波器可将多个固定滤波器压缩并替换为一个系统,从而提供灵活性、提高性能、减少组件数量、减小系统尺寸和成本等优点。
对高阶通讯系统不断增长的需求推动了射频可调滤波器市场的成长。当前场景见证了 5G 部署的增加,因为 5G 严重依赖高频讯号来实现更好的讯号品质和高效运作。此外,该技术于 2019 年推出,到 2023年终已在全球建立了超过 15 亿个连接,GSMA 报告称,3G 和 4G 分别需要近十年的时间才能完成,创下了增长最快的记录。相比,已经五年多了。
此外,GSMA Intelligence 2024资料预测,到2029年,超过一半的行动连线将基于5G,10年内将增加至56%。 5G移动世代的最快部署预计到2022年将达到10亿个连接,到2023年将达到16亿个连接,到2030年将达到55亿个连接。由于行动装置和平板电脑设备等无线设备的使用不断增加,射频可调滤波器市场将在未来几年内成长。商业和军事应用对雷达系统和软体定义无线电的需求不断增加,从而导致对射频可调滤波器的需求不断增加。
总统向国防高级研究计划局 (DARPA)提案的 2025 财年预算请求为 43.69 亿美元,而 2024 财年制定的预算为 41.22 亿美元。 DARPA 预算的增加将刺激对射频可调滤波器等航太组件的航太,并改善新技术的通讯流程,预计将对射频可调滤波器市场产生许多积极影响,包括刺激各国新技术的创新。 。
此外,软体定义无线电(SDR) 或战术无线电正在彻底改变军事通讯系统连接灵活且适应性强的系统的方式。 SDR 使用射频可调滤波器重新配置频宽,允许在频道之间切换并避免干扰。战术无线电是战场上军事人员的直接联繫,即使在接收受到强烈影响时也能确保接收的清晰度和可靠性。
此外,印度政府在「Aatmanirbhar Bharat」中优先考虑国防和航太部门,预计将创建具有强大研发生态系统的本土製造基础设施。在2024-25年中期联邦预算中,国防服务的资本分配定为1.72兆卢比,比2023-24年增加9.4%,工业可用分配为6.22兆卢比,比上年度增加。
国防部计划在 2025 年实现航太和国防製造业营业额达到 17,500 亿卢比,其中到 2023 年 4 月出口额达到 35,000 亿卢比。 向 369 家国防部门公司颁发了 606 个工业许可证。射频可调滤波器市场将受到政府的国内重点以及航太和国防部门预算分配增加的重大影响。这是由于国内国防生产需求增加,国内企业在国防装备生产上将承担相应更大的负担。
通讯、国防和工业自动化的进步是美国射频可调滤波器市场的成长要素。 5G 网路的使用不断增加以及军队越来越多地采用软体定义无线电正在推动巨大的需求。例如,根据 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 的数据,美国有超过 3 亿人(90%)居住在所有三个一级服务供应商的5G 低频段涵盖的地区。此外,5G毫米波正在主要城市地区推广。这些部署是对技术和创新的重大投资,超越了五年的 5G 部署週期。
美国电网堪称工程奇蹟,拥有超过 9,200 台发电机组,发电量超过 100 万兆瓦,输电里程超过 60 万英里。电网不仅仅是发电和输电基础设施。我们是一个由资产所有者、製造商、服务供应商以及联邦、州和地方政府相关人员组成的生态系统,他们共同努力运营世界上最可靠的电网之一。电力局 (OE) 与公共和私人合作伙伴合作,加强、改造和改善能源基础设施,以确保获得可靠、安全和清洁的能源来源。
此外,射频可调滤波器在运输和物流领域越来越受欢迎,用于升级车辆管理、导航和货物即时追踪的通讯系统。它确保在所有类型的无线通讯网路(例如 GPS 和物联网系统)中实现可靠且无干扰的讯号传输。
在物流领域,射频可调滤波器是优化追踪设备内资料流的重要元素,可实现准确的位置更新和高效的路由。此外,在交通领域,它用于车辆间通讯以支援自动驾驶汽车的运行,并用于车辆和基础设施之间的连接和通讯以支援交通控制。预计物流行业的成长将对预测期内的美国射频可调滤波器市场产生积极影响。例如,根据美国交通统计局的数据,2023年,美国交通系统平均每天运输约5,550万吨货物,价值超过512亿美元。这相当于每年 202 亿吨货物,即 18.7 兆美元。
The global RF tunable filter market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.04% over the forecast period, increasing from US$145.888 million in 2025 to US$205.044 million by 2030.
An RF tunable filter is an electronic filter selectively allowing or rejecting frequencies in the radio frequency spectrum - such that it essentially filters frequencies permitting only certain frequencies to pass meanwhile preventing others. its features include tuning the center frequency of the filter, determining narrow or wide passband selection, and ensuring it's got very high-quality factors (Q) for sharp frequency responses. They take part in a wide array of applications like radio receivers, wireless communications systems, radar systems, and test measurement equipment. Their advantages include flexibility, improved performance, and reduced component count since such filters can replace multiple fixed filters, all compressed in one system, thus reducing the system size and cost.
The increasing need for higher-end communication systems contributes to the growth of the RF tunable filter market. The present scenario is witnessing a rise in the 5G deployement as the latter relies heavily on high-frequency signals for better signal quality and efficient operation. Further, this technology was launched in 2019 wherein more than 1.5 billion connections have already been created by the end of 2023 all over the globe, setting a record as the fastest-growing mobile technology, which took almost 10 years and over five years to be completed by 3G and 4G, respectively, based on GSMA report.
Furthermore, GSMA Intelligence 2024 data foretells that over half of mobile connections will be based on 5G by 2029; a rise in that will be seen at 56% by the close of the decade. The fastest rollout in 5G mobile generations accounted for 1 billion connections by 2022, 1.6 billion by 2023, and 5.5 billion by 2030. The RF tunable filter market will grow in the coming years with the rise in the usage of wireless devices such as mobile devices, tablets, and similar items. Commercial and military applications are increasing demand for radar systems and software-defined radios, which results in the requirement for RF tunable filters.
RF tunable filter market drivers
RF tunable filters are electronic instruments that very accurately permit or disallow a limited frequency spectrum in radio frequency. As their passband shifts dynamically according to the requirement of varying signal applications, they can be deployed in military communication systems, radar systems, and electronic warfare equipment applications.
Further, the aerospace and defense sector is currently going through developing technologies due to the increasing need for convenience, surveillance, and navigation systems. It has also intensified the demand for RF tunable filters for optimum signal processing and reliable operation in harsh conditions.
Global defense spending is increasing due to geopolitical tensions and the need for modernizing military capabilities. This has in turn generated demand for advanced militarily applicable technologies like RF tunable filters. The growing need for spectrum efficiency is also driving the need for more flexible communication systems, using RF tunable filters to enable dynamic spectrum utilization. Military expenditure was highest in the United States, amounting to US$880 billion in 2023, followed by China, which was pegged at a value of US$309.5 Billion, and Russia with US$126.47 billion in 2023, as reported by Our World in Data. Meanwhile, India and Saudi Arabia followed at US$83.33 billion and US$73.98 billion, respectively. This will also create a positive scenario for the potential growth in the market for RF tunable filters in the years to come.
The President's FY2025 budget request to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) proposed $4.369 billion as opposed to the enacted FY2024 amount of $4.122 billion. This rise in DARPA's budget is expected to have a plethora of positive effects on the RF tunable filter market, such as spurring innovations in new technologies for the aerospace fields and countries in military, aerospace, and commercial communications applications to ramp up the demand for high-performing components like RF tunable filters and improve the commercialization flow of new technologies.
Moreover, software-defined radios (SDRs) and tactical radios are revolutionizing the ways military communication systems can connect flexible and adaptable systems. An SDR dynamically reconfigures its frequency bands using RF tunable filters, allowing it to switch between channels or avoid interference. Tactical radio serves as a direct link for military personnel traversing the battlefield, ensuring clarity and reliability of reception, even when reception is strongly affected.
RF tunable filters are used in radar systems to isolate certain frequencies of interest because of their applicability in improving situational awareness and defense capabilities. Meanwhile, electronic warfare systems use RF tunable filter analysis of specific frequency bands to detect, analyze, and counter enemy radar, selective monitoring, and evaluating specific frequency bands to identify and neutralize threats to defense sources.
Furthermore, prioritizing the Defence and Aerospace sectors in the 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' by the Indian government is anticipated to create of Indigenous manufacturing infrastructure with a robust research and development ecosystem. An Interim Union Budget 2024-25 increased Defence Services' capital allocations to INR 1.72 Lakh Cr, a 9.4% increase from FY 2023-24, and to INR 6.22 Lakh Cr, a 4.79% increase from the previous year, for the industry's allocable amount.
The Ministry of Defence planned to achieve a turnover of INR 1.75 Lakh Cr in aerospace and defense manufacturing by 2025, which would include INR 35,000 Cr in exports, and 606 Industrial Licenses issued to 369 Defence Sector companies till April 2023. The RF tunable filter market will be significantly impacted by the government focusing domestically on the aerospace and defense sector, as well as the increased budgetary allocations. This stems from the heightened domestic demand for defense production, as domestic companies will need to shoulder a proportionately larger defense equipment production load.
Besides, increasing capital allocation in modernization and infrastructure development in the aerospace and defense sector will lead to the acquisition of sophisticated military and aerospace systems, which rely heavily on RF tunable filters for critical functions such as communication, radar, and navigation.
Moreover, governments are focusing on building an R&D ecosystem for defense advancement, which eventually led to the emergence of innovations in the RF tunable filter technology. As a result, more advanced filters with improved performance, shrinkage, and reduction in costs are expected. The synergies of academia, research institutes, and industry players could contribute to the increase of RF tunable filter technology emergence. With the strengthening of the domestic industry, manufacturers of RF tunable filters could become globally more competitive, primarily resulting in increased exports. This constitutes significant growth potential for the RF tunable filter market worldwide, given the increase in domestic demand and growth in R&D, coupled with the gains potential for exports.
Advances in telecommunications, defense, and industrial automation are the growth drivers for the RF tunable filter market in the United States. The increasing use of 5G networks coupled with greater adoption of software-defined radios by the military is fueling huge demand. For instance, according to Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, in the US, more than 300 million people, or 90 percent live in areas covered by 5G low-band from all three tier-1 service providers, and 210-300 million are covered by 5G mid-band. Additionally, 5G mmWave is deployed in key metropolitan areas. These deployments represent a significant investment in technologies and innovation five years into the 5G deployment cycle.
Additionally, investments in smart infrastructure rely on advanced wireless communication technologies, where RF tunable filters play a vital role. Integrations in IoT devices, autonomous systems, and aerospace applications also place the U.S. firmly at the forefront of a rapidly growing global RF tunable filter market.
For instance, according to the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), in 2023, the U.S. aerospace and defense industry achieved a notable landmark by generating sales of more than USD955 billion, up 7.1 percent from the previous year. Such significant growth points toward the industry's economic impact on end-use manufacturing and the supply chain. Hence, such growth in the aerospace and defense segment in the United States is anticipated to propel the market for RF tunable filters in the projected period.
Moreover, RF tunable filters also have a vital role in medical devices for imaging systems and diagnostic equipment, which requires precise signal tuning for high-quality performance. They ensure the accurate transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals in MRI machines, ultrasound devices, and other diagnostic tools to improve image clarity and diagnostic accuracy. This capability is necessary for improving patient outcomes and supporting advanced healthcare technologies. For instance, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in 2023, U.S. healthcare spending grew by 7.5%, totaling $4.9 trillion, or $14,570 per person. This accounted for 17.6% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The increase was driven by higher costs across various sectors, reflecting continued growth in healthcare demand and services. Hence, with the increasing application of RF tunables in various end-use segments, the market is anticipated to propel significantly in the coming years.
Likewise, RF tunable filters play a vital role in the energy and power sector as they enhance communication systems in smart grids and renewable energy networks. The main function of these filters is managing and optimizing data transmission within smart grid technologies, thus facilitating real-time monitoring and control over energy distribution. They ensure reliable communication between sources of power generation, lines of transmission, and the control centers, reducing signal interference to improve operational efficiency. In renewable energy systems like solar and wind farms, RF tunable filters help preserve signal integrity, thus ensuring seamless integration with centralized power management systems and efficient energy management.
The U.S. electric grid is an engineering marvel with more than 9,200 electric generating units having more than 1 million megawatts of generating capacity connected to more than 600,000 miles of transmission lines. The electric grid is more than just generation and transmission infrastructure. It is an ecosystem of asset owners, manufacturers, service providers, and government officials at Federal, state, and local levels, working together to run one of the world's most reliable electrical grids. The Office of Electricity (OE) is working with its public and private partners to strengthen, transform, and improve energy infrastructure to ensure access to reliable, secure, and clean sources of energy.
Moreover, RF tunable filters have become increasingly popular in the transportation and logistics sector to upgrade the communication systems for fleet management, navigation, and real-time tracking of goods. They ensure reliable and interference-free signal transmission across all sorts of wireless communication networks like GPS and IoT systems.
In logistics, RF tunable filters are an essential element in optimizing data flow within tracking devices, thereby achieving accurate location updates and efficient routing. Furthermore, they are used in the transport sector for vehicle-to-vehicle communications that support the operation of self-driving cars and aid in traffic control through their use in vehicle and infrastructure connectivity and communication. The increasing logistics segment is anticipated to positively influence the RF tunable filter market in the United States in the projected period. For instance, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in 2023, the U.S. transportation system moved a daily average of around 55.5 million tons of freight valued at over USD51.2 billion. This is equivalent to roughly 20.2 billion tons or USD18.7 trillion of freight moved yearly.
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