

2023 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report: Global Analysis for 2022 to 2028

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



本报告涵盖了全球雷射治疗的整体趋势(包括青光眼治疗(SLT、虹膜切开术、ECP)、视网膜疾病治疗(内科和手术治疗)以及继发性白内障治疗),提供新的见解。 该报告包括一个部分,审查国家一级对治疗趋势的估计以及顶级市场的新引进和续约销售活动。 我们还提供了最新的外科医生调查数据,包括采用视网膜年轻化治疗的计划、飞蚊症治疗的趋势以及对新青光眼雷射技术的意见。

本报告对全球眼科雷射市场进行了全面分析,并讨论了影响其未来成功的主要趋势和关键因素。 该报告涵盖光凝、光破裂和 SLT 雷射器,并包括 2022 年的市场数据和 2028 年的预测。 产品需求以数量(单位)和价值(美元)进行预测,并按产品类别分析市场份额。 其中包括 18 家市场竞争对手的概况,并讨论了每家公司的产品、策略市场地位、背景和前景。

本报告是为眼科行业製造商、市场分析师、提供者以及对眼科雷射业务和相关产品感兴趣的投资者编写的。 有关雷射治疗估计、使用雷射的眼外科医生以及眼科雷射(不包括飞秒和准分子雷射)製造商的详细资讯。


本报告包□□含各种统计数据、预测和相关雷射市场资讯。 讨论了视网膜疾病、青光眼和白内障的流行病学,以及需要雷射干预的其他疾病和病症。 我们也提供产品功能和用途的详细分析。 此外,我们也提供眼科雷射产品製造公司的简介。 分析的地区包括美国、西欧、日本、其他已开发国家、中国、印度、拉丁美洲和其他地区(发展中国家和不发达国家的混合体)。 本报告按关键领域进行组织,包括:

  • 世界各地视网膜疾病与治疗方法综述
  • 世界各地青光眼及其治疗方法回顾
  • 世界各地白内障和治疗方法回顾
  • 世界各地眼科医师概览
  • 雷射光凝固:区域预测
  • 光破坏雷射:区域预测
  • SLT Laser:依地区预测
  • 雷射治疗:按类别和地区进行预测
  • 最新销售:前 15 个市场
  • 新的推广机会:前 15 个市场
  • 公司简介(共18家公司)

What's New:

The "2023 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report" provides new insights into total global laser treatments-including treatments for glaucoma (SLT, iridotomy, ECP), retinal disease (medical and surgical treatments), and secondary cataract. The report includes sections that examine country-level procedure estimates and the top markets for replacement sales versus new installs. It also has refreshed surgeon poll data on adoption plans for retinal rejuvenation therapy, trends in floater treatment, and opinions on emerging glaucoma laser technologies.

The "2023 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report" offers a comprehensive analysis of the global market for ophthalmic lasers, as well as a discussion of important trends and key factors shaping future success. The report covers photocoagulation, photodisruption, and SLT lasers with market data for 2022 and forecasts through 2028. Product demand is forecast in units and dollars, and market share is analyzed by product category. Eighteen market competitors are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

This report is designed for ophthalmic industry manufacturers, market analysts, providers, and investors who are interested in the ophthalmic lasers business and related products. In-depth topics include laser treatment estimates, ophthalmic surgeons using lasers, and manufacturers of ophthalmic lasers (excluding femtosecond and excimer lasers).


This report contains a wide variety of statistics, forecasts, and pertinent laser market information. It discusses the epidemiology of retinal diseases, glaucoma, and cataracts, plus other diseases and disorders that require laser intervention. It provides detailed analysis of the products and their features and applications. In addition, it profiles the companies that make ophthalmic laser products. Our analytic categories are the US, Western Europe, Japan, Other Wealthy Nations, China, India, Latin America, and Rest of World (a mix of developing nations and underdeveloped countries). The report is organized into key areas and includes:

  • Review of global retinal diseases and treatment methods
  • Review of global glaucoma and treatment methods
  • Review of global cataracts and treatment methods
  • Global overview of ophthalmologists
  • Forecast of photocoagulation lasers by region
  • Forecast of photodisruption lasers by region
  • Forecast of SLT lasers by region
  • Forecast of laser treatments by category and region
  • Top 15 markets for replacement sales
  • Top 15 markets for new install opportunity
  • 18 company profiles

Author Profile:

Chelsea Jones, MBA

Chelsea has over 10 years of experience as an analyst in multiple medical verticals.

After receiving her MBA, Chelsea began her career at Cerner Corporation, the leading supplier of healthcare information technology solutions, where she performed many analytical roles in the Population Health organization. She also has experience in crafting and executing competitive intelligence strategy, product development, and market opportunity assessment.

Chelsea authors the global ophthalmic laser report, the global refractive report, the global cornea report, the ophthalmic deals book, the US cataract atlas,the US refractive atlas, the US glaucoma atlas, and the US dry eye atlas. She is also a contributor to Market Scope's Ophthalmic Market Perspectives monthly industry newsletter.