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智慧建筑新创企业展望(2024):新创企业格局概览,谁最受关注?The Smart Building Startup Landscape 2024 - Overview of the Startup Landscape. Who is Gaining Traction? |
全球智慧商业楼宇市场自2013年以来成立的1,221家家处于管理和营运阶段的公司中,691家公司处于活跃状态,符合新创公司的定义。 在这份报告中,我们从主要细分领域中挑选了100家去年备受关注的新创公司(共16类)进行了详细分析。
新创公司的定义是 "成立不到10年的私人公司,专门从事商业和工业建筑市场,不是大公司的子公司或收购,而是风险投资或私人公司这是一家获得大量股权融资的公司。
本报告中的资讯是基于对智慧建筑市场的严格分析,并基于过去的研究:人工智慧、住宅分析、工作体验应用、物联网、 视讯监控,存取控制。
这份报告由121 页和42 简报幻灯片组成,列出了所有关键事实并得出结论,以便2024 年瞭解2018 年初创企业的状况以及如何这些公司正在塑造房地产科技的未来。
物联网 (IoT) 正在渗透到智慧建筑领域,并且是许多受访的新创公司的关键技术驱动力。 BIoT 类别有 238 家公司,占总数的 19%,所有四个细分市场的新创公司都为物联网技术提供专门的用例,以提高建筑营运效能并增强用户体验,这是一个值得注意的举措。
Of the 1,221 companies founded since 2013 in the management and operations phase of the global smart commercial buildings space, 691 are active and fit our definition of a startup. This report selects 100 startups for further analysis that have gained traction in the last year across 16 major segments.
Our definition of a Startup is "a private company formed for no more than 10 years, that is focused on the commercial and industrial buildings market, is not a subsidiary or an acquisition of a larger company, and is often financed by venture capital or private equity funding."
The information in this report is based on a rigorous analysis of the smart building market and builds on our previous research into artificial intelligence, occupancy analytics, workplace experience apps, the Internet of Things, video surveillance, and access control.
This report, the second in a 2-part series, will help all stakeholders and investors to assess the impact and range of startups in growth sectors. It also provides some analysis on why market disruption has been slower in the operation and maintenance phases of commercial buildings compared to other tech industries.
Within its 121 Pages and 42 Presentation Slides, The Report Sieves out all the Key Facts and Draws Conclusions, so you can understand what the StartUp Landscape looks like in 2024 and how these Companies are Shaping the Future of PropTech.
The Internet of Things pervades the smart buildings space and is the major technology driver for many of the startups identified. While the BIoT category accounted for 238 or 19% of the total number of companies, it should be noted that startups are using IoT technology in specialized use cases across all four segments to deliver improved operational performance of buildings and enhanced user experiences.
This report provides valuable information for all stakeholders and investors to assess the impact and range of companies in all growth sectors of the smart buildings space.
The information contained in this report will be of value to all those engaged in managing, operating, and investing in smart building companies around the world. In particular, those wishing to invest in or acquire startup companies will find it particularly useful. Want to know more?