
一次性包装 -市场占有率分析、行业趋势和统计、2024-2029 年成长预测

Single-use Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2024 - 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 117 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 由于都市化、忙碌的生活方式以及食品和饮料的需求,一次性塑胶包装的需求量很大,推动了该行业的发展。食品和饮料消费量的成长以及线上食品宅配的普及也推动了对一次性包装的需求。由于其强度、多功能性、经济性和透明度,一次性塑胶包装已在各个行业中流行。
  • 消费者购买行为的变化以及弹性、经济高效且易于使用的包装的普及正在推动一次性包装市场的发展。使用一次性食品包装对于预防食物中毒至关重要,因为使用一次性产品可消除污染和疾病传播的风险。一次性产品的例子可以在各种食品和饮料场所找到,包括速食店、外带餐厅和餐饮场所。现代,大多数最终用户行业组织都采用了日常生活必需的一次性纸质和塑胶饮料杯、饮料盖、吸管和瓶子的设计。
  • 中国和印度等新兴国家电子商务的兴起预计将增加一次性包装的需求。此外,由于现代生活方式的改变,市场对包装的需求不断增加,食品和饮料行业、居家医疗行业、医疗行业、个人护理行业受新兴电子商务市场发展的影响带动了一次性包装的需求预计将受到扩大增长的影响。
  • 此外,随着云端厨房新需求的出现,食品产业最近经历了重大转型。近年来,云端厨房的受欢迎程度飙升。随着云端厨房的概念越来越被消费者接受,尤其是疫情后,餐厅将采用线上送餐,用户需求将导致外带和配送服务的转变。
  • 塑胶材料在世界各地的广泛使用对环境构成了相当大的威胁,各国政府和全球监管机构正在采取措施解决这个问题。为了解决这个问题,印度等发展中国家已禁止生产、进口、储存、分销、销售和使用已确定的效用低且很可能乱丢垃圾的一次性塑胶产品。违禁物品清单包括带有塑胶棒的耳机、气球塑胶棒、塑胶旗、糖果棒、冰淇淋棒、装饰保温瓶、塑胶盘、杯子、玻璃杯、刀叉餐具,包括叉子和搅拌器。汤匙、刀、吸管、托盘、糖果零食周围的包装膜、邀请函、香烟盒、塑胶和 PVC 横幅等均小于 100 微米。
  • 同时,俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争导致多个国家受到经济制裁,大宗商品价格急剧上升,供应链中断,并影响了全球许多市场。一些中东国家高度依赖粮食和能源进口,特别容易受到乌克兰危机造成的经济衝击。俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争增加了多个拥有生产设施的国家的原材料和能源成本,导致大宗商品价格急剧上升,扰乱供应链并影响许多市场。据战略与国际研究中心称,战争限制了乌克兰和俄罗斯的粮食出口,导致这些商品的价格上涨。包装材料和物品的成本上升正在减少整个供应链的利润。



  • 线上食品配送平台和行动应用程式的兴起正在刺激一次性包装产品(尤其是容器)的成长。在食品和饮料领域,透过食品和饮料聚合应用程式接受线上订单和电子商务交易的独立餐厅近年来经历了显着增长。
  • 此外,已开发国家的快节奏生活使得一次性餐饮包装成为速食店的必需品。越来越多的人因为没有时间在家准备用餐而转向速食。一次性包装使餐厅能够安全、经济地分离和包装食品,同时为顾客提供快速、简单的转移用餐的方式。
  • 每个QSR每天都会使用各种一次性食品包装,包括一次性纸杯、纸吸管、汉堡包盒和油炸容器。它们还用于保护菜单、保持菜单清洁、保持适当的温度以及印上您的品牌颜色和徽标。由于居民的高消费能力,速食市场日益扩大。在印度、加拿大、德国和法国等国家,餐厅用餐被广泛认为是庆祝特殊场合和享受家庭乐趣的场所。同时,由于外界对零食和咖啡的需求,着名咖啡连锁店星巴克正在全球增加门市数量。该公司在全球拥有 35,711 家门市,高于一年前的 33,833 家。
  • 袋子也广泛应用于食品和饮料行业。用餐用餐正迅速成为常态,包装在方便食用所提供的食品方面发挥着重要作用。宅配和外带食品是快速成长的趋势。因此,塑胶购物袋已成为餐厅、咖啡馆和外食连锁店用来为顾客提供食物和便利的重要元素。
  • 此外,一次性纸板包装在食品领域的成长归因于纸板包装优异的操作特性。纸板包装可安全接触食品,可在较宽的温度范围内使用,并能更长时间保留其有机特性。瓦楞纸箱和纸箱广泛用于运送新鲜的披萨、麦片和饼干等食品。可用于包装需要缓衝、强度、透气、防潮和保护的食品和非常新鲜的水果和蔬菜。
  • 此外,随着人们变得更加精通技术并重视服务的便利性和速度,多个线上食品订购网站应运而生,大大扩大了餐厅和外食的覆盖范围。对国内品牌的关注和咖啡文化的发展也有助于塑造该国的餐饮市场。这些案例预计将导致塑胶容器、杯子和瓦楞纸箱等一次性包装的增加。


  • 由于拥有众多的终端用户行业协会,该地区是一次性包装市场的主要投资者和采用者之一。便当午餐的成长趋势、餐厅和超级市场数量的增加以及瓶装水和饮料消费的增加是该地区市场成长的主要驱动力。
  • 在印度,由于经济扩张、中阶不断壮大、生活方式改变和人口成长,对一次性包装的需求不断增加。印度品牌资产基金会预测,到2026年,该国电子商务市场规模将达到2,000亿美元。网路和智慧型手机使用的蓬勃发展也推动了该地区的包装需求。
  • 由于食品和饮料行业的需求不断增长以及新公司的进入,印度食品和饮料的纸和纸板包装呈上升趋势。 Zomato、Swiggy 等食品宅配服务公司的进入和快速成长增加了食品和饮料包装的消耗。
  • 此外,在中国,便当午餐的成长趋势、餐厅和超级市场数量的增加以及瓶装水和饮料消费量的增加是该国市场成长的主要驱动力。
  • 技术进步和最终用户行业包装使用的增加是推动中国市场成长的主要因素。人口在增加,人均包装量也在增加。这是由消费行为趋势所驱动的,例如便利产品的使用增加以及一次​​性包装产品作为其他包装材料的替代品的使用增加。
  • 由于医疗产业中非专利注射药物的使用增加,一次性玻璃包装正在成长。药用玻璃包装与多种药物类型相容,包括注射剂和非注射剂。药用玻璃包装的一个重要特性是高化学耐久性,可最大限度地提高产品可靠性。
  • 由于印度是全球医药市场的重要参与者,且市场规模不断扩大,印度对一次性玻璃包装的需求预计将成长。印度品牌股权基金会网站上发表的资料显示,印度是全球最大的学名药供应国,占全球供应量的20%,满足全球60%以上的疫苗需求。印度製药业的全球整体产值达420亿美元。
  • 此外,日本是成长最快的製药业之一,并不断致力于不同类型包装的不断创新。日本政府也透过放鬆对国际公司投资的管制来促进这种成长,从而推动日本包装市场的发展。


一次性包装市场由 Ardagh Group SA、Amcor Group GmbH 和 Winpak Limited 等多家全球和地区公司组成,高度分散,并试图在竞争激烈的市场空间中吸引註意力。该市场的特点是产品差异化低、产品普及高、竞争激烈。

2023 年 2 月,针对糖浆和液体药物的製药和草药市场,Berry Global Healthcare 提供完整的捆绑包,帮助客户满足对儿童用(CRC) 和砸道机篡改 (TE) 包装不断增长的需求。我们正在开拓解决方案。 Berry Healthcare 的新型砸道机篡改和防儿童开启功能有 7 种型号和各种设计的 28 毫米颈宝特瓶从 20 毫升到 1,000 毫升不等。

2022 年 11 月,重要的一次性包装公司 HotpackGlobal 在卡达开设了一家製造工厂。这家最先进的製造厂专门生产各种热包装纸製品,包括折迭式纸盒和瓦楞纸盒、纸袋和杯子。该工厂位于多哈新工业区。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买方议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 产业价值链分析
  • 评估 COVID-19 对产业的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 开发中国家电子商务的兴起
    • 对线上食品宅配服务的需求不断增长
  • 市场挑战
    • 全球一次性塑胶包装产品的使用法规


  • 依材料类型
    • 纸和纸板
    • 塑胶
    • 玻璃
    • 其他材料(金属、木材)
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 食品
    • 饮料
    • 个人护理
    • 药品
    • 其他最终用户产业
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 德国
      • 英国
      • 法国
      • 欧洲其他地区
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 韩国
      • 其他亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
      • 巴西
      • 墨西哥
      • 其他拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲
      • 阿拉伯聯合大公国
      • 沙乌地阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • 其他中东/非洲


  • 公司简介
    • Novolex
    • Pactiv LLC
    • Dart Container Corporation
    • Winpak Ltd.
    • Berry Global Inc
    • Amcor Group GmbH
    • Huhtamaki Oyj
    • Hotpack Packaging Industries LLC
    • Graphic Packaging International, LLC
    • Transcontinental Inc.



Product Code: 67268
Single-use Packaging - Market - IMG1

The Single-use Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 42.95 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 57.30 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 5.93% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Key Highlights

  • Single-use plastic packaging is in high demand because of urbanization, busy lifestyles, and the need for food and beverage drives the industry. The increase in the consumption of food and drink and the popularity of online food delivery are also driving the demand for single-use packaging. Due to its strength, versatility, affordability, and transparency, single-use plastic packaging has gained popularity across different industries.
  • The changing consumer buying behavior and the increasing prevalence of flexible, cost-effective, and user-friendly packaging drive the market for single-use packaging. Using single-use food packaging is essential in preventing foodborne illness by eliminating the risk of contamination and transmission of diseases by using products intended to be used only once. Examples of single-use products can be found in various eateries, such as fast-food joints, takeaway restaurants, and catering facilities. In the modern era, most end-user industry organizations adopt designs essential for everyday life, such as single-use paper and plastic beverage cups, beverage lids, and straws and bottles.
  • The emergence of e-commerce in developing countries such as China and India is expected to increase the demand for disposable packaging. Additionally, the need for packaging in the market is expected to be influenced by the growth of modern lifestyle changes and the expansion of the food and beverages industry, the home care industry, the healthcare industry, and the personal care industry impacted by the development of new e-commerce markets which drive the demand of Single-use packaging market.
  • Further, the food industry has significantly transformed recently, with a new demand for cloud kitchens emerging. Cloud kitchens have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, as the concept of cloud kitchens has become increasingly accepted by consumers, particularly in the post-pandemic, when restaurants adopt online food delivery, and the transition occurs to takeout and delivery services due to user demand.
  • The widespread use of plastic materials worldwide has posed a considerable threat to the environment, and governments and global regulatory bodies are taking steps to address this issue. To address this issue, developing countries such as India have banned the production, import, storage, distribution, sale, and use of identified single-use plastic products, which are of low utility and have a high littering potential. The list of prohibited items includes earbuds containing plastic sticks, plastic sticks for balloons, plastic flags, candy sticks, ice-cream sticks, thermocol for decoration, plastic plates, cups, glasses, cutlery, forks, and stirrers. Spoons, knives, straws, trays, wrapping or packing films surrounding sweet boxes, invitation cards, cigarette packets, and plastic or PVC banners, all smaller than 100 microns;
  • Meanwhile, the war between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in economic sanctions against several countries, high commodity prices, supply chain disruptions, and impacts on many markets worldwide. Some Middle Eastern nations are very reliant on imports of food and energy, making them particularly susceptible to economic shocks brought on by the Ukraine crisis. The war between Russia and Ukraine has made raw material prices and energy costs rise in several countries with production facilities, high commodity prices, supply chain disruptions, and impacts on many markets. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the war restricted food exports from Ukraine and Russia and increased the prices of these commodities. The rising cost of packaging materials and items has resulted in a decline in profit across the supply chain.

Single Use Packaging Market Trends

Growing Demand for Food and beverage segment

  • The rise of online food delivery platforms and mobile applications has stimulated the growth of disposable packaging products, particularly containers. In the food and beverage sector, e-commerce transactions for standalone restaurants accepting orders online or through food aggregator applications have witnessed remarkable growth in the last few years.
  • Moreover, the Fast-paced life in developed countries has made single-use foodservice packaging in quick-service restaurants necessary. More individuals rely on fast food as they have less time to prepare meals at home. Single-use packaging enables restaurants to package food sensibly, securely, and economically while providing customers with a quick and easy way to transfer meals.
  • Every QSR utilizes a variety of single-use food packaging daily, including disposable paper cups, paper straws, burger boxes, and fry containers. It also uses them to protect menu items and keep them clean, at the right temperature, and imprinted with the brand's colors and logo. The quick restaurant market is multiplying daily because of the inhabitants' considerable spending power. In countries like India, Canada, Germany, and France, eating in restaurants is now widely recognized as the place to celebrate special occasions and have fun with the family. In this context, Starbucks, a famous coffee chain, has increased its stores worldwide due to demand for outside snacking and coffee. The company has 35,711 stores worldwide, which has risen from 33,833 stores the previous year.
  • Bags are also widely used in the food and beverage industry. Eating on the go is rapidly becoming a norm, and packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring that the food served is consumed conveniently. Home delivery and takeaway food are the trends that witnessed rapid growth. Thus, plastic bags are a vital element used by restaurants, cafes, and food service chains to deliver food and convenience to customers.
  • In addition, the growth of single-use paperboard packaging in the food sector is attributed to the superior operational characteristics of paperboard packaging, which is safe for food contact and can be used over a wide range of temperatures, maintaining organoleptic properties for a more extended period. Corrugated boxes and cartons are extensively utilized for delivering food products, such as pizzas, cereals, and snack crackers, in mint condition. They offer a clean new box each time, which can be used to pack foodstuffs and exceedingly fresh produce that needs cushioning, strength, ventilation, moisture resistance, and protection.
  • Moreover, as people become more tech-savvy and value convenience and service speed, multiple online food ordering portals have emerged, significantly increasing restaurants and food service outlets' reach. An inclination toward home-grown brands and a growing cafe culture also play a role in shaping the restaurant market in the country. Such instances are expected to augment single-use packaging such as plastic containers, cups, corrugated boxes, etc.
Single-use Packaging - Market - IMG2

Asia-Pacific Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • The region is one of the major investors and adopters of the single-use packaging market, owing to many end-user industry organizations. The growing trend of packed meals, the increasing number of restaurants and supermarkets, and increasing bottled water and beverage consumption are significant driving factors of the regional market growth.
  • The need for single-use packaging is developing in India due to the country's expanding economy, growing middle class, changing lifestyles, and increasing population. The India Brand Equity Foundation predicts that by 2026, the country's e-commerce market will reach USD 200 billion. The boom in internet and smartphone use is also driving the majority of the packaging demand in the region.
  • With increased demand and new companies in the food and beverage space, India has seen a rise in the paper and paperboard packaging of food and beverages. The entry and meteoric rise of food delivery service companies such as Zomato and Swiggy have increased the consumption of food and beverage packaging.
  • Furthermore, in China, the growing trend of packed meals, the increasing number of restaurants and supermarkets, and increasing bottled water and beverage consumption are significant driving factors of the country's market growth.
  • The increasing technological advancements and end-user industry packaging applications are the significant factors driving the growth in the Chinese market. The population is growing, and packaging per person is increasing. It is due to consumer behavior trends, such as the growth in the use of convenience products and the increasing use of single-use packaging products as substitutes for other packaging materials.
  • Single-use glass packaging has been growing due to the increasing usage of generic injectable drugs in the healthcare industry. Pharmaceutical glass packaging is available in various drug types, such as injectable and non-injectable. The significant property of pharmaceutical glass packaging has high chemical durable properties, which maximizes the reliability of the products.
  • The demand for single-use glass packaging in India is expected to multiply as India is a prominent and expanding player in the global medicines market. According to data published on the India Brand Equity Foundation website, India is the world's largest provider of generic pharmaceuticals, accounting for 20% of the worldwide supply and meeting over 60% of global vaccine demand. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is .valued at USD 42 billion globally.
  • Furthermore, Japan is one of the fastest-growing pharmaceutical industries, constantly focusing on continuous innovation in different types of packaging. The Government of Japan also contributes to this growth through deregulations for international companies to invest, thereby driving the country's packaging market.

Single Use Packaging Industry Overview

The majorly fragmented single-use packaging market, comprising several global and regional players like Ardagh Group SA, Amcor Group GmbH, Winpak Limited, and more, is vying for attention in a contested market space. This market is characterized by low product differentiation, growing levels of product penetration, and high levels of competition.

In February 2023, For the pharmaceutical and herbal market for syrup and liquid medications, Berry Global Healthcare is developing a complete bundle solution to assist customers in capitalizing on the rising demand for child-resistant (CRC) and tamper-evident (TE) packaging. The new Berry Healthcare tamper-evident and child-resistant features have seven variations of 28mm neck PET bottles ranging from 20ml to 1,000ml and various designs.

In November 2022, HotpackGlobal, a significant disposable packaging company, opened a manufacturing facility in Qatar. The cutting-edge manufacturing facility is a specialized factory that will create a wide range of Hotpack's paper products, including folding and corrugated cartons, paper bags, and cups. It is situated in Doha's new industrial region.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industrial Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Rise of E-commerce in Developing Nations
    • 5.1.2 Growing Demand for Online Food Delivery Services
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Regulations Against the Usage of Single-use Plastic Packaging Products Globally


  • 6.1 By Material Type
    • 6.1.1 Paper and Paperboard
    • 6.1.2 Plastic
    • 6.1.3 Glass
    • 6.1.4 Other Material Types (Metals and Wood)
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Food
    • 6.2.2 Beverage
    • 6.2.3 Personal Care
    • 6.2.4 Pharmaceutical
    • 6.2.5 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.3.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa
      • United Arab Emirates
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Novolex
    • 7.1.2 Pactiv LLC
    • 7.1.3 Dart Container Corporation
    • 7.1.4 Winpak Ltd.
    • 7.1.5 Berry Global Inc
    • 7.1.6 Amcor Group GmbH
    • 7.1.7 Huhtamaki Oyj
    • 7.1.8 Hotpack Packaging Industries LLC
    • 7.1.9 Graphic Packaging International, LLC
    • 7.1.10 Transcontinental Inc.