

Voice Biometrics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 130 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





语音生物辨识 - 市场



  • 随着越来越多地使用数位平台来部署政府和私人服务,以及金融公司为使业务变得简单易用而展开的竞争,对类似的强大且安全且几乎不会失败的身份验证技术的需求不断增加。市场已经从传统的密码身份验证流程过渡到无密码身份验证技术。语音辨识因其独特的识别所有具有不同特征的个人的能力而成为最强大的身份验证技术之一。
  • 银行、汽车和医疗保健产业很重要。医疗保健是这三家公司中最大的一家实施语音辨识以帮助创建电子病历。同时,越来越多的银行正在整合语音认证,以提高交易的安全性,尤其是透过电话进行的交易。
  • 语音银行业务正在席捲金融业,金融科技公司竞相提供更先进、更强大、更安全的解决方案。预计未来几年语音银行业务的发展将朝着不同的方向发展。据Intelligent Software Engineering称,美国已有1,800万消费者尝试过语音支付,许多银行和金融机构正在向其客户提供这项服务。语音银行业务的成长预计将带来市场成长。由于行动和网路银行业务应用程式越来越多地采用语音辨识,预计银行业在预测期内将显着增长。
  • 生物识别语音系统的熟练程度取决于语音辨识和语音辨识的成功,这会影响整个解决方案的表现。研究人员和公司采用了 LPCC、MFCC 和 LPC 等多种方法来识别讯号中的音讯特征。生物识别辨识语音系统的高接受度是由于此解决方案的效率、准确性、辨识速度、改进的产品功能、低成本和使用者友善性。
  • COVID-19感染疾病凸显了对语音生物识别技术作为非接触式身分验证方法的需求,这对所研究市场的需求方动态产生了正面影响。根据 2021 年生物识别调查,64% 的受访者优先考虑支援远端入职和行动应用程式的技术,从而创造了对语音生物识别的直接需求。



  • 银行需要掌握最好的身份验证方法来打击网路诈骗。传统上,银行使用基于知识的身份验证方法,例如 PIN 和动态密码。对非接触式和无缝技术的需求也渗透到银行安全领域,特别是考虑到 COVID-19感染疾病的影响。银行业务中的语音生物辨识技术是一种很有前景的线上银行业务解决方案,它超越了需要人们亲自到场的视网膜和指纹扫描器。
  • 此外,随着攻击者/骇客变得更加复杂以及潜在目标和入口点数量的增加,金融业的网路攻击正在显着增加。随着新的银行和金融科技的普及和增加,用户数量也显着增加。儘管银行家一再警告,人们仍然成为诈骗的受害者。例如,2021 财年,印度储备银行 (RBI) 报告称,印度各地发生了约 7,400 起银行诈骗案件。印度储备银行公布,2020年,印度发生8,700起银行诈骗案件,损失达1.85兆卢比。此外,根据印度电脑紧急应变小组(CERT-In)报告的信息,印度在 2019 年和 2020 年分别报告了 2,46,514 起和 2,90,445 起与数位银行业务相关的不受限制的网路安全事件。
  • 此外,据VMware称,2020年上半年针对金融机构的网路攻击与前一年同期比较增238%。自疫情爆发以来,近 75% 的银行和保险集团发现网路犯罪激增。
  • 业务语音生物识别对于拓展便利的银行服务、提升客户体验非常重要。例如,银行提供退休金和保险等社会安全产品,要求在付款时提供生存证明。语音生物辨识技术有助于对个人进行个人身份验证。生物识别技术还可以识别人声的多种特征,使识别可靠且防篡改。
  • 语音生物识别也有助于加强 KYC 流程。例如,像南亚这样的多语言国家,偏远地区的人们受教育程度不同。语音生物识别可以帮助这些人进入金融安全网,因为解决方案与语言无关。
  • 此外,生理生物生物识别需要在客户所在地安装扫描仪,而语音生物识别只需要现有的电话线和行动基础设施。软体是在银行那边的。可能会要求使用者说出随机产生的短语来创建用于身份验证的样本。如果未找到符合项,则拒绝存取。此方法对于尝试使用录音的骇客非常有效。


  • 由于行动和云端技术的快速普及以及运算能力方面无与伦比的技术进步,语音辨识技术被用于各种应用。医疗保健产业预计将在美国语音辨识语音辨识技术的发展中发挥重要作用,因为语音辨识技术用于建立与健康相关的资料记录。语音辨识技术有潜力取代一些仍在使用的传统方法。
  • 根据美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心的数据,2019年至2028年,国家医疗支出预计将以每年平均5.4%的速度成长,到2028年将达到6.2兆美元。这也包括 IT 和计算服务方面的支出,以更好地储存和保护患者资料。此外,卫生系统正在搜寻支援语音的转录,以识别诊断过程中发现的可报销病症,同时确保他们不会错过任何重要的健康指标。
  • 由于诈骗案件不断增加,该地区盈利的银行业越来越多地采用生物识别技术。该领域已经推出了许多安全且多样化的安全解决方案。在北美,捷德行动安全与三星 SDS 合作推出了符合 FIDO 要求的 Convegno 行动身份验证。此解决方案利用指纹、脸部、虹膜和语音凭证等生物识别,提供具有多因素身份验证的安全解决方案。
  • 加拿大的一些组织,包括加拿大皇家银行、蒙特利尔银行和罗杰斯通讯公司,已经开始使用语音生物识别透过电话识别消费者。加拿大道明银行集团表示,客户可以透过提供声纹来登入自己的帐户并绕过客服中心的安全问题。为此,TD 使用 VoicePrint。 TD VoicePrint 是一种语音辨识系统,可让客户使用声纹来验证自己的身份,并在与银行现场客服人员通话时验证自己的身份。
  • 加拿大越来越多的商店正在转向自助结帐通道,以更好地为顾客服务。根据达尔豪斯大学的全国杂货体验调查报告,超过一半 (54%) 的加拿大人喜欢自助结帐通道,66% 的人至少在某些时候使用自助结帐通道。顾客可以随时使用自助结帐,但并不总是有效率。因此,许多加拿大商家正在他们的商店中寻找语音生物识别解决方案。然而,由于设备和设备的初始成本较高,许多加拿大零售商不愿意升级到最新技术。



  • 2021 年 9 月 - Skit(前身为 Vernacular.ai)获得由 WestBridge Capital 领投、Exfinity Ventures 和 Kalaari Capital主导、由 Sense AI 领投的 Letsventure企业联合组织、由 Aryaman 领投的 Angelist企业联合组织参与的B 轮融资,作为该专案的一部分,我们已获得2300 万美元融资。资金。 Prophetic Ventures 的 Vir Shah。
  • 2021 年 8 月 - Lumen Vox 推出具有转录功能的新一代自动语音辨识(ASR) 引擎。基于人工智慧 (AI) 和深度机器学习 (ML) 的新型自动语音辨识引擎在提供最准确的语音客户体验方面优于竞争对手。
  • 2021 年 7 月 - 泰雷兹宣布推出新的语音生物生物识别解决方案,该解决方案是泰雷兹用于登入和身分验证的数位身分服务平台的一部分。新的解决方案可以轻鬆地与您现有的客服中心註册流程整合。
  • 2021 年 6 月 - Aculab 宣布其语音生物识别技术 VoiSentry 可供身体和语言障碍的人使用。 VoiSentry 根据语音的一般特征而不是特定单字来计算语音生物识别。因此,使用者可以透过语音主动确认自己的IVR选择,完成身份验证和检验检查。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌意强度
    • 替代产品的威胁
  • 技术简介
  • 评估新型冠状病毒感染疾病(COVID-19)对市场的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 安全威胁的复杂性
    • 政府大规模采用科技来确保公共安全
  • 市场挑战
    • 有关第三方(云端)资料储存的安全性问题


  • 类型
    • 主动生物辨识技术
    • 被动生物辨识技术
  • 部署模型
    • 本地
  • 企业规模
    • 中小企业
    • 大公司
  • 产业
    • 银行、金融服务和保险
    • 零售与电子商务
    • 通讯和资讯技术
    • 政府和国防
    • 其他行业
  • 地区
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 法国
      • 其他欧洲国家
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 澳洲
      • 印度
      • 其他亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
      • 巴西
      • 墨西哥
      • 其他拉丁美洲
    • 中东和非洲

第七章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Nuance Communications Inc.
    • Verint Systems Inc.
    • Voice Biometrics Group
    • NICE Ltd
    • Auraya Inc.
    • Phonexia SRO
    • BioCatch Ltd
    • Pindrop Security Inc.
    • Aculab Inc.
    • Uniphore Software Systems Pvt. Ltd
    • LexisNexis Risk Solutions Inc.
    • One Vault SA
    • Lumen Vox LLC(Voice Trust GmBH)
    • VoicePIN.com Sp. z oo
    • SESTEK



Product Code: 66871

The Voice Biometrics Market size is estimated at USD 2.25 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 4.88 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 16.75% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Voice Biometrics - Market

The proliferation in the large-scale use of stolen data by professional fraudsters renders knowledge-based authentication increasingly inadequate for distinguishing legitimate users from fraudsters. This has led to the proliferation of biometric technologies. Voice biometrics is a versatile technology that uses several areas, including call center authentication, hands-free interface, bank account protection, and mobile application development.

Key Highlights

  • With the increasing use of digital platforms for government and private services deployment and the race of financial firms to make banking simple and more accessible, there is a growing need for a similar, strong, and secured authentication technology with negligible chances of failure. The market is already transitioning from traditional password authentication processes to password-less authentication techniques. Owing to its unique feature of identifying every individual with different traits, voice recognition is gaining traction as one of the powerful authentication techniques.
  • The banking, automotive, and healthcare sectors are significant. Healthcare was the largest of the three in deploying voice recognition to assist with creating electronic medical records. Meanwhile, a growing number of banks are integrating voice authentication for an extra layer of security, especially for transactions that take place over the phone.
  • Voice banking is conquering the financial industry, and FinTechs are competing to offer more advanced, robust, and secure solutions. The development of voice banking is predicted to move in several directions in the next few years. According to Intelligent Software Engineering, 18 million US consumers have already tried paying by voice, and many banks and financial institutions offer this service to their clients. The growth of voice banking is anticipated to provide growth to the market. The banking sector is expected to register a significant growth rate over the forecast period, owing to the higher adoption of voice recognition in mobile and web banking applications.
  • The proficiency of a biometric voice system is dependent on successful speech identification and voice recognition and affects the solution's overall performance. Researchers and corporations employ many approaches to identify voice features from a signal, including LPCC, MFCC, and LPC. The higher acceptability of the biometric voice system is credited to the solutions' efficiency, accuracy, identification speed, increased product capabilities, low cost, and user-friendly nature.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for voice biometrics as a contactless method of authentication and has positively influenced the demand-side dynamics of the studied market. According to the Biometric Survey 2021, 64% of the respondents have increased prioritization for technology that supports remote onboarding and mobile apps, creating a direct demand for voice biometrics.

Voice Biometrics Market Trends

Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance have Emerged as the Leading Fields for Voice Biometric Applications

  • Banks must continuously stay on top of the best-suited methods for authentication to combat online fraud. Traditionally, banks have used knowledge-based authentication methods such as PINs and one-time passwords. The demand for contactless and seamless technologies has permeated even banking security, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact. Voice biometrics in banking is a promising online banking solution that goes beyond the retina and fingerprint scanners that require people's physical presence.
  • Further, as attackers/hackers have become more sophisticated and the number of potential targets or entry points has expanded, cyber attacks in the financial industry have increased significantly. The sheer number of users has also drastically increased along with the proliferation and addition of new banking and financial technologies. Despite numerous warnings from bankers, people fall prey to scams. For instance, in fiscal 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reported around 7,400 bank fraud cases across India. In 2020, RBI said 8,700 bank fraud cases in India with an INR 1.85 trillion. Further, as per the information reported by Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), an unlimited number of 2,46,514 and 2,90,445 cyber security incidents about digital banking were reported in 2019 and 2020 in India, respectively.
  • Also, according to VMware, the first half of 2020 witnessed a 238% increase in cyberattacks targeting financial institutions compared to the previous year. Nearly 75% of banks and insurance groups have seen a spike in cybercrime since the pandemic's start.
  • Voice biometrics in banking is crucial to extending comfortable banking services and improving customer experience. For instance, banks offer social security products like pensions and insurance requiring proof-of-life authentication when the payments are disbursed. Voice biometrics facilitate the discrete authentication of people. Also, biometric technology can identify several features of human voices to make identification reliable and tamper-proof.
  • Voice biometrics also aid in enhancing the KYC processes. For instance, multilingual countries like South Asia have people of varying education levels across far-flung areas. Voice biometrics can help include such people into a financial security net as the solutions are language-independent.
  • Further, physiological biometrics necessitates scanners at the customer's location, whereas voice biometrics require nothing more than existing phone lines and mobile infrastructure. The software is present on the bank's end. To create a sample to authenticate, the user may be asked to say a randomly generated phrase. If a match is not found, access will be denied. This method is effective against hackers who attempt to use voice recordings.

North America is Expected to Hold the Largest Share

  • Voice recognition technology is used in various applications due to the rapid growth in the acceptance of mobile and cloud technologies and unmatched technological advancements in computing power. The healthcare industry is expected to play a significant role in developing voice recognition technology in the United States, owing to its use in producing health-related data records. Voice recognition technology has the potential to replace some of the more traditional approaches that are still in use.
  • According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, United States, National health spending is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.4% from 2019 to 2028 to reach USD 6.2 trillion by 2028. This also includes the expenditure for IT and computing services for better storage and protection of patient data. Furthermore, health systems are searching for voice-enabled transcriptions to identify reimbursable conditions discovered during the diagnostic while ensuring that crucial health indicators are not missed.
  • The lucrative banking sector in the region has seen a rise in the adoption of biometric technologies as the number of fraud cases has increased. In the area, many secure and diverse security solutions are being introduced. In North America, G+D Mobile Security has introduced its FIDO-compliant Convegno Mobile Authentication in conjunction with Samsung SDS. The solution leverages biometrics such as fingerprint, face, iris, and voice credentials to provide security solutions with multi-factor authentication.
  • Several Canadian organizations, including Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, and Rogers Communications, have begun using speech biometrics to identify consumers over the phone. According to the TD Bank Group of Canada, customers can sign into their accounts or skip call center security questions by providing a voiceprint. For this, TD uses VoicePrint. TD VoicePrint is a voice recognition system that allows customers to use their voiceprint to verify their identity and identify themselves when speaking with one of the bank's Live Customer Service employees over the phone.
  • More stores in Canada are moving to self-checkout lanes to serve customers better. More than half of Canadians (54%) favor self-checkout lanes, and 66% use them at least some of the time, according to Dalhousie University's Grocery Experience National Survey Report. Customers can use self-checkout lines at their own leisure, but they are not necessarily as efficient. As a result, many Canadian merchants are looking for voice biometrics solutions in their stores. However, due to the initial high cost of equipment and gadgets, many retailers in Canada will be unwilling to upgrade to the latest technologies.

Voice Biometrics Industry Overview

The voice biometrics market remains highly competitive, with several emerging players getting into the biometric ecosystem. The market has witnessed a few mergers and acquisitions in the recent past. With the inflow of massive amounts of funds into the startups operating in this space, the launch of several new products is expected in the years ahead. Some of the recent developments are as follows:-

  • September 2021 - Skit, formerly known as Vernacular.ai, secured USD 23 million as part of its Series B funding, led by WestBridge Capital with participation from Exfinity Ventures and Kalaari Capital, Letsventure syndicate led by Sense AI, and Angelist syndicate led by Aaryaman Vir Shah from Prophetic Ventures.
  • August 2021 - Lumen Vox launched the next-generation automatic speech recognition (ASR) engine with transcription. The new automatic speech recognition engine, built on artificial intelligence (AI) and deep machine learning (ML), outpaces its competition in delivering the most accurate speech-enabled customer experiences.
  • July 2021 - Thales announced a new voice biometric solution, part of Thales' Digital Identity Service Platform for onboarding and authentication. The new solution integrates effortlessly with existing call center enrolment processes.
  • June 2021 - Aculab announced that its voice biometrics technology, VoiSentry, can be deployed to those with physical and speech impairments. VoiSentry calculates voice biometrics based on general characteristics of the sound of the voice rather than specific words. Hence, it enables the user to positively affirm IVR choices and complete identification and verification checks using their voice.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitute Products
  • 4.3 Technology Snapshot
  • 4.4 An Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increased Sophistication of Security Threat
    • 5.1.2 Large-scale Adoption of Technology by Governments to Secure Citizens
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Security Concerns Pertaining to Third-party (Cloud) Data Storage


  • 6.1 Type
    • 6.1.1 Active Biometrics
    • 6.1.2 Passive Biometrics
  • 6.2 Deployment Model
    • 6.2.1 On-premises
    • 6.2.2 Cloud
  • 6.3 Enterprise Size
    • 6.3.1 Small and Medium Enterprises
    • 6.3.2 Large Enterprises
  • 6.4 Vertical
    • 6.4.1 Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance
    • 6.4.2 Retail and E-commerce
    • 6.4.3 Telecommunications and IT
    • 6.4.4 Government and Defense
    • 6.4.5 Other Industry Verticals
  • 6.5 Geography
    • 6.5.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.5.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.5.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Australia
      • India
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.5.4 Latin America
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 6.5.5 Middle-East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Nuance Communications Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Verint Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.3 Voice Biometrics Group
    • 7.1.4 NICE Ltd
    • 7.1.5 Auraya Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Phonexia SRO
    • 7.1.7 BioCatch Ltd
    • 7.1.8 Pindrop Security Inc.
    • 7.1.9 Aculab Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Uniphore Software Systems Pvt. Ltd
    • 7.1.11 LexisNexis Risk Solutions Inc.
    • 7.1.12 One Vault SA
    • 7.1.13 Lumen Vox LLC (Voice Trust GmBH)
    • 7.1.14 VoicePIN.com Sp. z o.o.
    • 7.1.15 SESTEK