

Global 5G Landscape - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内






5G 网路是下一代行动网路标准,具有无缝覆盖、高资料速率、低延迟、更好的性能和高效的通讯,并准备好提供改进的最终用户体验。Masu。

智慧型手机产业将是受 5G 连线影响的众多领域之一。例如,物联网 (IoT) 和机器对机器 (M2M) 的基础设施进步长期以来一直受到 4G 缓慢的下载速度和延迟的限制。连接到网路并通讯的设备越多,延迟的累积效应就越明显。例如,扩增实境凭藉其速度和频宽的提高,最终将使穿戴式科技无缝融入人们的日常生活。自动驾驶汽车之间的即时通讯也将成为自动驾驶汽车的巨大优势。

此外,5G 将极大改善公共和保全的智慧城市服务。当发生车祸或恐怖攻击等情况时,可以即时分析公共场所的视讯记录,并与生物识别软体结合,识别危险情况并立即自动向当局发出警报。与目前的CCTV系统相比,支援 5G 的装置将能够以无线方式取得更新,资料管理平台将连结不同的服务。此外,5G连接设备将扩展到无人机和机器人等行动设备,使它们能够安装在行动网路覆盖的任何地方,从而消除对固定线路的需求。

此外,政府支持智慧城市计划的扩张也是一个重要的市场趋势。在住宅城市事务部的支持下,印度计画在2023年发展4,000个城市,人口达500万人。此外,在英国,桑德兰市议会已与 BAI 建立了长达 20 年的策略合作伙伴关係。 通讯将于 2021 年 10 月开始设计、建置和营运新一代数位基础设施,包括私有 5G小型基地台网路。新的 5G 网路将实现桑德兰市议会成为完全数位化智慧城市的雄心壮志。

事实上,在 COVID-19感染疾病之后,消费者和专业人士比以往任何时候都更加依赖可靠、快速的网路效能,从而增加了对连线的需求。例如,大流行的限制导致许多企业和工业设施关闭,扰乱了製造流程和供应链。使用 5G通讯的远端控制设备突然变得不可或缺。这使得人类辅助人员能够更快、更准确、更远地操作起重机、无人机和其他工业机械。这只是 5G 对于使企业能够继续运作并在面对未来的干扰时保持弹性至关重要的多种方式之一。

另一方面,由于服务的综合性,5G 连接预计会增加频谱的多层复杂性。有限的可用频谱是 5G 发展的主要挑战。 5G 的频宽要求意味着更高的频谱对于提供高速、高品质的连线至关重要。 5G标准使用毫米波,它比4G使用的波长短得多。波长较短意味着 5G 连接可以比 4G 更快地传输更多资料,但这也意味着通讯要短得多。 4G 波长的范围几乎为 16 英里。 5G 的波长范围约为 1,000 英尺,不到 4G 覆盖范围的 2%。因此,要确保稳定的 5G 讯号,就需要在各处部署大量 5G 基地台和天线,从而增加了设定成本。



  • 据 GSMA 称,中等收入水平的大型经济体(如巴西、印尼和印度)新一轮 5G 部署可能会促进低收入者更容易使用的 5G 设备的大规模生产。鑑于迄今为止大多数 5G 应用和用例都集中在较发达的市场,它还可能促进发展中地区创建全新的 5G 业务和消费者应用。同时,5G行动电话的平均零售价格现已低于 500 美元,Realme 等一些供应商提供的智慧型手机价格低于 150 美元。
  • 此外,爱立信表示,2019年至2027年间,全球5G用户预计将从1,200万以上大幅增加至40亿以上。预计订阅人数最多的地区包括东北亚、东南亚、印度、尼泊尔和不丹。此外,GSMA 预测,到 2025 年,已开发亚太地区、北美和大中华区所有行动连线的一半以上将是 5G 连线。
  • 此外,笔记型电脑製造商正在引入5G技术以占领更广泛的市场占有率。例如,晶片製造商英特尔去年为宏碁、华硕和惠普的 30 多种笔记型电脑型号提供了新的 5G 解决方案 5000 调製解调器。此外,英特尔正在增强其 Tiger Lake 系列相容于 5GHz 的超薄笔记型电脑。英特尔 5G 解决方案 5000 是一款 M.2 模组,已获得 AT&T 和 Spring 等通讯业者的全球覆盖认证。英特尔可分别提供高达 1.25 Gbps 和 4.7 Gbps 的上传和下载速度。
  • 此外,今年10月,现代摩比斯声称已开发出基于5G的汽车通讯模组,以提高包括自动驾驶在内的联网汽车系统的效能。此模组可实现即时、大容量的资料处理。根据该提供者介绍,新模组采用超高速、超低延迟和超连接技术,将记忆体和通讯操作以及射频电路和 GPS 结合在一起。
  • 相反,大多数美国智慧型手机公司依赖广泛的5G设备目标受众,这可能会影响消费者升级到5G的选择。 NPD Group 表示,美国智慧型手机用户使用智慧型手机的时间越来越长,这对当今智慧型手机市场来说是一个挑战。製造商和通讯业者希望5G能够帮助重新运作昇级週期。然而,定价可能是另一个障碍。


  • 由于国内政府在基础设施能力、当地供应链的先进研发以及消费者对国内外即将推出的技术的兴趣方面的大力支持,预计中国将引领 5G 汽车的早期主导。这些车辆将专用于中国庞大的国内市场,这一事实将进一步简化部署,因为 5G 基础设施和标准很可能在中国各地实现标准化。
  • 根据南山区政务服务和资料管理局介绍,南山市作为一流城市发达行政区,为支撑城市级行政管理和服务,坚持周密的顶层设计规划,利用前沿的5G据说他们正在这样做。 +技术。该计划透过考虑管治、公共服务和行业发展来满足大多数人最迫切的需求。具有5G+物联网能力的超大规模城市层级认知网络,从终端到网路正在发展。透过全景、分层、动态呈现都市区5G产业发展趋势,重建5G+智慧城市的综合效应。
  • 同样,根据浙江省丽水市紧急管理局介绍,丽水市是面积最大的地级市。市内约90%为森林,5%为水,5%为农田,因此各种灾害频繁发生,造成巨大损失。视觉化系统对于明智的决策、有效的指挥和调度以及快速解决情况至关重要。丽水5G紧急视觉化系统是根据紧急管理局的需求,为造福平民而打造的集云、管理、终端于一体的平台。该平台提供灾害预警、远端搜救、5G网路卫星通讯、5G移动舱等功能。
  • 此外,在热带海南省,中国联通与华为合作开发的融合MEC和AI的5G智慧医疗网络提高了医疗服务的效率和覆盖范围。各市县医院、340个乡镇卫生院、2693个村卫生室均配备了远端医疗设备。此网路提供人工智慧辅助的远距会诊和诊断。患者平均等待时间缩短了一半,医疗保健效率提高了 30%。
  • 此外,中国的智慧製造工厂也呈现成长趋势,其中M2M通讯对于整个工厂的高效运作至关重要。因此,由于各个最终用户产业越来越多地采用这些技术,5G 连线的发展正在不断加速。例如,位于江苏省苏州市的Robotech工厂正致力于成为一座完全支援5G的智慧工厂。样板工厂将在营运层安装5G网络,取代固网和Wi-Fi连接,使设备更加智能,并促进工业应用向云端迁移,实现柔性智能製造。我计划了。



2022 年 5 月,联发科技推出了首款毫米波 5G 晶片组-天玑 1050系统晶片[SoC],可提供无缝连接、显示、游戏和功效。天玑 930 和 Helio G99 是另外两款晶片组,作为该公司扩展其 5G 和游戏晶片组系列的一部分而推出。天玑1050采用八核心CPU和台积电6nm製造製程打造,结合毫米波5G和sub-6GHz,支援网路频谱迁移。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持


第一章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 5G 时间表概述
  • 目前引进週期- 先驱者、采用者、后来者
  • 市场驱动因素(全球设备和端点数量的持续增长 | 组件和设备级别的技术创新有助于部署 | 5G 与前几代相比提供的主要优势 |虚拟网路架构的采用不断增加)
  • 市场挑战(缺乏标准化|设计与营运挑战)
  • 市场机会(工业领域需求可望增加 | 新兴国家5G导入工作顺利)
  • 5G 及未来 - 前进之路
  • 新型冠状病毒感染疾病(COVID-19)对5G形势的影响
  • 重点行业法规政策


第六章 5G介绍市场形势

  • 全球通讯业者数量 - 按试验和商业发布细分(2018 年第 2 季 - 2020 年第一季)
  • 5G部署的国家级覆盖范围-投资和商业化趋势
  • 行动通信基地台回程传输、宏和小型基地台基地回程传输总合使用量 - 百分比(微波、卫星、Sub-6GHz)
    • 大型基地台站点
    • 小型基地台站点
    • 市场展望

第七章 5G连结市场形势

  • 5G连线数(百万)
  • 5G连线数(按类型)
    • 行动宽频
    • 固定无线存取
    • M2M 和物联网
    • 关键任务
  • 5G覆盖率、区域百分比
  • 5G和4G部署、连线百分比
  • 2G、3G、4G、5G市场占有率- 百分比
  • 美国、日本、欧洲、中国、独联体、拉丁美洲和 SSA 的 5G 连结数 (2027 年)
  • 5G终端数量(2019年3月-2020年4月)


  • 按外形尺寸分類的 5G 设备数量
    • 智慧型手机
    • CPE(室内/室外)
    • 模组
    • 热点
    • 笔记型电脑
    • 工业级CPE/路由器/网关
    • 其他外形尺寸(无人机、头戴装置、平板电脑、电视、转接器等)
  • 按频谱支援分類的 5G 设备数量
    • 低于 6GHz
    • 毫米波
    • 两个频谱频宽
  • 主要供应商名单

第九章 5G智慧型手机市场形势

  • 智慧型手机出货货量
  • 品牌市场占有率,百分比,2022 年
    • Samsung
    • Huawei
    • Vivo
    • Xiaomi
    • LG
    • OPPO

第十章 5G晶片组市场形势

  • 5G晶片市场规模及预测
  • 按 IC 类型分類的 5G 晶片组市场区隔
    • RFIC
    • ASIC
    • 毫米波IC
    • 蜂窝IC
  • 5G 晶片组市场区隔(按部署)
    • 装置
    • CPE
    • 网路基础设施
    • 其他的
  • 供应商形势分析 - 按型号、类型和供应商列出的商用 5G 晶片组清单、DL UL 速度、sub-6GHz、毫米波、LTE 相容性
  • 涵盖高通、三星、联发科、海思等主要厂商

第十一章 5G对连合收益的贡献

  • 5G行动收益预测
  • 各地区 5G 行动收益预测
    • 欧洲
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • 美国
    • 韩国
  • 5G 对经济的贡献达数兆美元(2024-2030 年)
  • 为全球劳动力贡献 5G
  • 主要行业 5G 支出​​最高的消费者
  • 基于行动宽频、行动物联网和关键任务服务投资的重点产业分析



Product Code: 71786

The Global 5G Market size is estimated at USD 28.03 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 60.93 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 16.80% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Global 5G  Landscape - Market

With seamless coverage, high data rates, low latency, much better performance, and efficient communications, the 5G network-the next generation of mobile networking standards-is ready to provide an improved end-user experience.

The sphere of smartphones will be one of many things that will be impacted by 5G connectivity. Infrastructural advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) have, for example, long been constrained by the slow download speeds and latency of 4G. The cumulative effect of any latency will be more significant and observable as more devices are connected to a network and communicating with one another. For instance, augmented reality will eventually enable wearable technology to seamlessly integrate with people's daily lives due to increased speed and bandwidth. Instantaneous communication amongst autonomous vehicles will be quite advantageous for them as well.

Additionally, 5G will dramatically improve smart city services for public security and safety. In instances like a car accident or terrorist attack, real-time analytics of video recordings from public spaces combined with biometric software will be able to identify unsafe circumstances and automatically warn authorities instantly. Contrary to current CCTV systems, 5G-enabled equipment will be able to get updates wirelessly, and data management platforms will link different services. Additionally, 5G connected equipment will be extended to mobile form factors like drones and robots and be able to be installed everywhere there is mobile network coverage, doing away with the requirement for fixed wire.

Furthermore, national governments aiding the expansion of smart city projects is also a key trend in the market. With the support of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in India, the nation aims to develop 4,000 cities to house a population of 5,00,000 each by 2023. Moreover, in England, Sunderland City Council awarded a 20-year strategic partnership to BAI Communications to design, build and operate next-generation digital infrastructure, including a private 5G small cell network, in October 2021. The New 5G network will realize Sunderland City Council's ambition to be a fully digitally enabled smart city.

Indeed, more than ever, consumers and professionals depend on reliable, fast internet performance after the COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased demand for connectivity. For instance, pandemic restrictions prompted the closure of numerous enterprises and industrial facilities, causing manufacturing processes and supply chains to be disrupted. Remotely controlled devices with 5G communication suddenly became essential. They made it possible for human drivers to operate cranes, drones, and other industrial machinery more quickly, accurately, and from a distance. This is just one of the many ways that 5G could be important for assisting businesses to continue operating and be resilient in the face of any future disruption.

On the flip side, a 5G connection is expected to add multiple layers of complexity to the spectrum due to the all-inclusive nature of services. Limited spectrum availability is a big challenge in the development of 5G. The bandwidth requirements of 5G mean a higher frequency spectrum would be fundamental in delivering high-speed, high-quality connectivity. The 5G standard, which uses millimeter waves, is a lot shorter than the wavelengths 4G uses. The shorter wavelength means a 5G connection can carry much data faster than 4G, but it also means a significantly shorter range. 4G wavelengths have a range of almost 10 miles. 5G wavelengths range about 1,000 feet, not even 2% of 4G's coverage. So, to ensure a robust 5G signal, there is a requirement for many 5G cell towers and antennas everywhere, increasing the setup cost.

5G Market Trends

5G Devices are One of the Factors Driving the Market

  • According to GSMA, a new wave of the 5G rollouts in large economies with modest income levels (such as Brazil, Indonesia, and India) could encourage the mass production of 5G devices that are more accessible to lower-income people. It might also encourage the creation of brand-new 5G business and consumer applications in developing regions, given that most 5G applications and use cases to date have been concentrated on more developed markets. In the meantime, the average retail price of a 5G phone has now dropped below USD 500, with some suppliers, like Realme, offering smartphones for less than USD 150. This encourages 5G uptake in less developed regions and creates an opportunity for cutting-edge services based on the technology.
  • Further, according to Ericsson, global 5G subscriptions are anticipated to jump dramatically between 2019 and 2027, from over 12 million to over 4 billion subscriptions. The regions with the most significant anticipated subscription numbers include North East Asia, South East Asia, India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Additionally, the GSMA predicts that by 2025, 5G connections will make up more than half of all mobile connections in the Developed Asia Pacific, North America, and Greater China.
  • Moreover, laptop manufacturers are incorporating 5G technology to capture a wide market share. For instance, last year, Intel, a chipmaker, offered the new 5G Solution 5000 modem in laptops from Acer, ASUS, and HP in more than 30 laptop models. Additionally, Intel is enhancing its Tiger Lake series of 5GHz-capable ultra-thin notebooks. The Intel 5G Solution 5000 is an M.2 module that has received certification for global coverage from AT&T and Spring, among other carriers. Intel can provide upload and download speeds of up to 1.25 and 4.7 Gbps, respectively.
  • Further, in October this year, Hyundai Mobis claimed to have created a 5G-based communication module for automobiles to enhance the performance of connected car systems, including autonomous driving. This module enables real-time, large-volume data processing. According to the provider, the new module uses ultra-high speed, ultra-low latency, and hyper-connection technologies to combine memory and communication operations, as well as radio frequency circuits and GPS.
  • On the contrary, as most of the smartphone companies in the United States rely on a wide range of target audiences for 5G devices, this may affect the consumers' choice to upgrade to 5G. According to the NPD Group, US smartphone users hold on to their smartphones for more extended periods, which has presented a challenge for the smartphone market in the recent past. Manufacturers and carriers are expecting 5G to help reinvigorate the upgrade cycle. However, pricing could present another hurdle.

China Holds Prominent Share of the Market

  • China is expected to lead the early deployment of 5G-capable vehicles, apex from strong early support from the domestic government in infrastructure capabilities, advanced research and development from the local supply chain, and consumers' appetite for the upcoming technology inside and outside of the vehicle. The fact that these vehicles will be exclusive to China's large domestic market further streamlines adoption because 5G infrastructure and standards are very likely to be standardized across the territory.
  • According to the Government Services and Data Management Bureau of Nanshan District, to support city-level administration and services, Nanshan, a developed administrative region in the first-tier city, adheres to a thorough top-level design plan powered by cutting-edge 5G + technology. The program addresses the majority's most urgent requirements by considering governance, public services, and industry development. A super-large city-level cognitive network with 5G + IoT capability has been developed from terminals to networks. It reshapes the coupling effects of 5G + smart cities by presenting growth trends of the urban 5G sector in a panoramic, layered, and dynamic manner.
  • Similarly, according to the Bureau of Emergency Management of Lishui, in Zhejiang Province, Lishui is the prefecture-level city with the most significant land area. The city experiences a variety of calamities that frequently occur and result in substantial losses due to its almost 90% forest coverage, 5% water content, and 5% farm area. A visualization system is essential for making informed decisions, effective command and scheduling, and resolving situations promptly. Based on the demands of the Bureau of Emergency Management for the benefit of people's livelihood, Lishui 5G emergency visualization system is a platform integrating cloud, management, and terminal. The platform offers features like disaster early warning, remote search and rescue, and satellite communication thanks to the 5G network, 5G mobile cabin, and other capabilities.
  • Further, in the tropical province of Hainan, a 5G smart healthcare network integrating MEC and AI, developed by China Unicom and Huawei, has increased the efficiency and reach of medical services. Each municipal and county hospital, as well as 340 township health centers and 2693 village clinics, all have telemedicine equipment installed. The network offers remote consultations and diagnosis with AI assistance. Average patient wait times have been cut in half, while medical treatment effectiveness has increased by 30%.
  • Moreover, China is also witnessing an upward trend in smart manufacturing plants where M2M communication is crucial to the efficient function of the entire plant. Therefore, the increasing uptake of these technologies by various end-user industries is leading to increased development in 5G connections. For instance, the RoboTechnik plant in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, is moving towards a complete 5G-enabled smart plant. The prototype plant planned to install a 5G network to replace the fixed lines and Wi-Fi connections at the operational layer to make the equipment more intelligent and facilitate the transformation of the industrial applications to the cloud to achieve flexible and smart manufacturing.

5G Industry Overview

The 5G market Landspace is highly consolidated. All the companies involved in the production continue to enhance their product offerings frequently, leveraging their high R&D capabilities and investments, leaving the current market scenario highly competitive and mostly market incumbents.

In August 2022, Chinese chip manufacturer UNISOC released its second-generation 5G chip in the second half of 2022 or the first part of 2023. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) technology, a crucial process for advanced chip manufacturing, was reportedly used by UNISOC to start mass-producing 6nm 5G devices. UNISOC already has three distinct types of 5G chips on the market.

In May 2022, MediaTek introduced Dimensity 1050 system-on-chip [SoC], the company's first mmWave 5G chipset, which offers seamless connection, displays, gaming, and power efficiency. Dimensity 930 and Helio G99 are two other chipsets that were also introduced as part of the company's expansion of its 5G and gaming chipset families. The Dimensity 1050 is constructed using an octa-core CPU and the TSMC 6nm fabrication process, combining mmWave 5G and sub-6GHz to aid network spectrum migration.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 5G Timeline Overview
  • 4.3 Current Adoption Cycle -Forerunners, Adopters & Laggards
  • 4.4 Market Drivers (Sustained increase in number of devices & endpoints worldwide| Technological innovations at a component & device level to aid adoption| Key benefits offered by 5G over its predecessors| Growing adoption of virtual networking architecture)
  • 4.5 Market Challenges (Standardization delays| Design & Operational Challenges )
  • 4.6 Market Opportunities (Anticipated rise in demand from industrial sector| Ongoing efforts towards introduction of 5G in emerging countries)
  • 4.7 5G and Beyond -The Path Ahead
  • 4.8 Impact of COVID-19 on the 5G Landscape
  • 4.9 Key Industry Regulations & Policies



  • 6.1 Number of Operators Worldwide-Breakdown by Trials & Commercial Launches (Q2'18- Q1 '20)
  • 6.2 Country-level coverage on 5G Adoption - Investment & Commercialization Trends
  • 6.3 Total Cell-site Backhaul, Macro & Small Cell-site Backhaul Usage - In Percentage (Microwave, Satellite, Sub-6 GHz)
    • 6.3.1 Macro-Cell Site
    • 6.3.2 Small-Cell Site
    • 6.3.3 Market Outlook


  • 7.1 Number of 5G Connections, In Millions
  • 7.2 Number of 5G Connections, by Type
    • 7.2.1 Mobile Broadband
    • 7.2.2 Fixed Wireless Access
    • 7.2.3 M2M & IoT
    • 7.2.4 Mission-Critical
  • 7.3 5G Coverage, % of Geography
  • 7.4 Adoption of 5G vs 4G, Percentage of Connections
  • 7.5 Market share of 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G-Percentage Share
  • 7.6 Number of 5G Connections by US, Japan, Europe, China, CIS, LATAM MENA, SSA (2027)
  • 7.7 Number of 5G Devices (March 2019 - April 2020)


  • 8.1 Number of 5G Devices, by Form Factor
    • 8.1.1 Smartphone
    • 8.1.2 CPE (Indoor/Outdoor)
    • 8.1.3 Modules
    • 8.1.4 Hotspots
    • 8.1.5 Laptops
    • 8.1.6 Industrial Grade CPE/Router/Gateway
    • 8.1.7 Other Form Factors(Drones, HMDs, Tablets, TV, Dongles, etc.)
  • 8.2 Number of 5G Devices, by Spectrum support
    • 8.2.1 Sub-6 GHz
    • 8.2.2 mmWave
    • 8.2.3 Both Spectrum Bands
  • 8.3 List of Major Vendors


  • 9.1 Smartphone Shipments - in Million Units
  • 9.2 Brand Market Share, In Percentage, 2022
    • 9.2.1 Samsung
    • 9.2.2 Huawei
    • 9.2.3 Vivo
    • 9.2.4 Xiaomi
    • 9.2.5 LG
    • 9.2.6 OPPO


  • 10.1 5G Chipset Market Size & Forecasts
  • 10.2 5G Chipset Market Segmentation, By IC Type
    • 10.2.1 RFIC
    • 10.2.2 ASIC
    • 10.2.3 mmWave IC
    • 10.2.4 Cellular IC
  • 10.3 5G Chipset Market Segmentation, By Deployment
    • 10.3.1 Device
    • 10.3.2 CPE
    • 10.3.3 Network Infrastructure
    • 10.3.4 Others
  • 10.4 Vendor Landscape Analysis - List of Commercially Available 5G Chipsets, by Model, Type, Vendor, DL UL Speed, Sub-6 GHz,mmWave& LTE Compatibility
  • 10.5 Key Vendor coverage to include Qualcomm, Samsung, Mediatek, HiSilicon


  • 11.1 5G Mobile Revenue Forecast, In USD Trillion
  • 11.2 5G Mobile Revenue Forecast, by Region, In USD Billion
    • 11.2.1 Europe
    • 11.2.2 China
    • 11.2.3 Japan
    • 11.2.4 United States
    • 11.2.5 South Korea
  • 11.3 5G Contribution to Economy, In USD Trillion (2024 - 2030)
  • 11.4 5G contribution to global workforce
  • 11.5 Major spenders on 5G across key industry verticals
  • 11.6 Analysis of key industry verticals based on their investment on Mobile Broadband, M-IoT and Mission Critical Services