

Service Robotics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




服务机器人市场规模预计到 2024 年为 601.6 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 1,467.9 亿美元,预测期(2024-2029 年)复合年增长率为 19.53%。

服务机器人 - 市场



  • 由于技术进步和更实惠的机器人的开发,服务机器人,无论是个人(例如家庭使用、娱乐应用)还是专业用途(例如国防、安全、医疗支持),都越来越受到公众的普及。变得非常受欢迎。消费者。国际机器人联盟(IFR)资料显示,2021年专业服务机器人销售成长约37%。
  • 感知、互动和操作方面的创新使服务机器人更具吸引力。技术和其他组件的提供者一直在推动机器人生态系统的发展。例如,ABB 最近与瑞士新兴企业Sev​​enSense 建立了策略合作伙伴关係,利用人工智慧 (AI) 和 3D 视觉映射等技术为 ABB 的新型自主移动机器人 (AMR) 产品提供支援。
  • 日本和中国等多个国家的人口老化也推动了医疗技术领域的成长,从而为该地区的服务机器人创造了巨大的市场。例如,根据日本政府2022年9月公布的资料,日本75岁及以上的人口数量首次超过总人口的15%。这些趋势鼓励企业投资老年人产品,为服务机器人提供者创造了巨大的机会。
  • 服务机器人通常用于个人/家庭用途,例如吸尘和清洁地板、帮助老年人和娱乐。不过,一些供应商现在开始考虑新的案例,包括在酒店和机场休息室向顾客运送食物和饮料、在酒店办理入住和退房服务,甚至运输行李等,重点是设计机器人来执行任务例如,服务机器人的需求不断增加。
  • 然而,服务机器人的认知度低和成本高等因素,特别是在发展中地区,对所研究市场的成长构成了挑战。此外,操作这些机器人还需要一些技术知识,这对市场成长构成了重大挑战。
  • 冠状病毒感染疾病(COVID-19)大流行的爆发对所研究市场的成长产生了各种影响。在早期阶段,大多数国家实施了大规模封锁,严重扰乱了供应链,使机器人製造商难以提高产量。然而,需求正在上升,特别是在医疗保健和个人应用领域,并且预计在预测期内将持续下去。



  • 专业机器人包括野外机器人、国防安全机器人、医疗辅助机器人(MAR)、公共助理机器人、电气工业机器人、建筑机器人等。数位技术和自动化解决方案在这些领域的日益渗透正在增加对专业机器人的需求。
  • 例如,在建设产业,正在引入服务机器人来克服人事费用高、人手不足和事故等问题。它还有助于建造更可靠的建筑物,因为人为错误的可能性较小。 3D列印和拆除机器人等技术将进一步成为机器人引入建筑领域的催化剂。
  • 外骨骼机器人用作公关机器人。大多数的公关机器人都是用来帮助客户寻找产品或完成任务。这些机器人正在零售业中部署,以引导商店和服务业、银行、购物中心、家庭娱乐中心等场所的顾客。
  • 商务用机器人的主要应用领域包括交通、餐旅服务业、医疗、专业清洁和农业。去年,交通运输业是专业机器人的主要消费者之一。例如,根据 IFR 的数据,2021 年售出约 121,000 台专业服务机器人,其中三分之一以上用于运输货物和货物。
  • 服务机器人用于各种医疗和保健应用,包括诊断系统、机器人辅助手术和治疗以及復健系统。 COVID-19感染疾病的爆发在推动各行业对机器人的需求方面发挥了重要作用。例如,根据IFR 2021,2021年医疗机器人销售成长23%,出货达到14,823台。


  • 由于拥有庞大的消费群,亚太地区是全球成长最快的地区之一,其中中国、日本、韩国和印度等国家对服务机器人的需求尤其强劲。除其他事项外。例如,根据IFR的数据,2021年亚洲专业机器人的销售量成长了约30%。
  • 地方政府也是区域机器人市场发展的重要因素。例如,印度计划投资军用机器人,并准备在未来几年部署先进的机器人士兵。这点从2022年1月全印度机器人协会(AIRA)宣布开始国产国防机器人就可以看出来。
  • 该地区其他国家也出现了类似的趋势。例如,中国政府对国内机器人产业制定了雄心勃勃的计画。政府已将机器人产业确定为高端发展的优先领域之一,与人工智慧(AI)和自动化并列,以推动製造业的转型和复杂化。这一推动可望提高中国製造机器人的全球市场占有率。
  • 此外,亚洲金融服务公司的目标是增加股东股息,精简成本以维持盈利,并拥有新工具来吸引客户,例如服务机器人。
  • 日本和中国等一些主要国家的老年人口也出现了显着成长。根据联合国经济社会事务部和中国国家统计局测算,2050年,60岁以上人口比例预计将增加至38.81%左右。预计这些趋势将推动对服务机器人的需求。在国内。


由于领先公司在市场上占有重要地位,服务机器人市场适度整合。然而,随着需求的增加,新参与企业也不断进入市场,竞争和市场正走向分散阶段。供应商正在采取各种策略,包括产品创新、合作、收购等,以进一步加强其在市场上的影响力。主要参与者包括DAIFUKU CO. LTD.、Dematic Corp.、Swisslog Holding AG 和 iRobot Corporation。

2022 年 9 月,加拿大机器人公司 Avidbots 在 C 轮资金筹措中筹集了 7,000 万美元。该公司主要研发自主清洁机器人,并开发了Neo 2,这是一款专为仓库、机场、商场等商业环境设计的扫地机器人。

2022年9月,领先的B2B技术解决方案供应商Jacky's Business Solutions在Gitex活动上展示了最新版本的Temi Robot(V3)。该公司在中东推出了这款新型个人援助机器人,采用机器人即服务(RaaS)经营模式。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌意强度
    • 替代品的威胁
  • 评估 COVID-19 对产业的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 由于充满活力的行业和机器人创新,对自动化解决方案的需求增加
    • 医疗保健领域对专业机器人的需求不断增加
  • 市场限制因素
    • 安装和维护高成本


  • 按应用领域
    • 专业的
      • 野外机器人
      • 专业清洁
      • 检查/维护
      • 建造和拆除
      • 物流系统(製造/非製造)
      • 医疗机器人
      • 救援和安全机器人
      • 防御机器人
      • 水下系统(民用/通用)
      • 动力人类体外骨骼
      • 公关机器人
    • 个人/国内
      • 家务机器人
      • 娱乐机器人
      • 对老年人和残障人士的支持
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 世界其他地区

第七章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Daifuku Co. Ltd
    • Dematic Corp.
    • Swisslog Holding AG(KUKA)
    • Seegrid Corporation
    • Omron Corporation
    • JBT Corporation
    • SSI Schaefer AG
    • Grenzebach GmbH &Co. KG
    • Smith &Nephew PLC
    • Stryker Corp.
    • Intuitive Surgical Inc.
    • Knightscope Inc.
    • Kollmorgen Corporation
    • Brokk AB
    • Husqvarna AB
    • Construction Robotics LLC
    • iRobot Corporation
    • Ecovacs Robotics
    • Neato Robotics
    • Transbotics Corporation
    • Medtronic PLC
    • Northrop Grumman
    • BAE Systems
    • UBTECH Robotics Inc.
    • SMP Robotics Systems Corp.
    • Vision Robotics Corporation
    • Naio Technologies SAS


第九章 市场未来展望

Product Code: 49050

The Service Robotics Market size is estimated at USD 60.16 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 146.79 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 19.53% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Service Robotics - Market

Service robots offer several features, such as delivering precise and high-quality service and helping users reduce human mistakes and operational expenses, due to which their demand has increased. Additionally, the rapid proliferation of service robot capabilities owing to technological innovations is also among the key factors driving the market's growth.

Key Highlights

  • Service robots, both personal (for household, entertainment applications, etc.) and professional (for defense, security, medical assistance, etc.), are gaining significant popularity as technological improvement and the development of affordable robots have significantly enhanced their penetration among general consumers. According to data from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), sales of professional service robots increased by about 37% in 2021.
  • Technological innovations concerning cognition, interaction, and manipulation, have made service robotics more appealing. Technology and other component providers have moved the robotics ecosystem forward. For instance, recently, ABB entered into a strategic partnership with Switzerland-based start-up Sevensense to enhance ABB's new Autonomous Mobile Robotics (AMR) offering with techn ologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D vision mapping.
  • The aging population of several countries, including Japan and China, is also driving the growth in the medical technology sector, thus, creating a massive market for service robotics in the region. For instance, according to the Japanese government's data released in September 2022, for the first time, Japan's over 75s accounted for over 15% of the population. Such trends encourage companies to invest in products for the elderly, which is a massive opportunity for the service robot providers.
  • Service robots are usually deployed for personal/household purposes, like vacuum and floor cleaning, elderly assistance, and entertainment. However, several vendors have now started exploring new cases and are focusing on designing robots to perform tasks, such as delivering food and drinks to customers at hotels and airport lounges, handling check-in and check-out services at hotels, and even carrying luggage, which is boosting the demand for service robots.
  • However, the factors such as low awareness, especially in developing regions, and the higher cost of service robots are challenging the growth of the studied market. Furthermore, a certain degree of technical know-how is also required to operate these robots, which is a significant challenge for the market's growth.
  • The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a mixed impact on the growth of the studied market. During the initial phase, the widespread lockdown imposed across most countries significantly disrupted the supply chain, making it difficult for the robot manufacturers to carry out production at full scale. However, the demand has witnessed an upward trend, especially in the healthcare and personal application segment, which is expected to sustain during the forecast period.

Service Robotics Market Trends

Professional Use of Robots to Account for a Significant Share in the Market

  • Professional robots consist of field robots, defense, and security robots, medical assisting robots (MAR), public assistant robots, electrical industry robots, and robots for construction purposes. The increasing penetration of digital technologies and automation solutions across these sectors drives the demand for professional robots.
  • For instance, service robots are deployed in the construction industry to overcome heavy labor costs, shortages, and accidents. It also helps construct more reliable buildings since there is less chance of human error. Technologies like 3D printing and demolition robots further act as catalysts in adopting robots in the construction sector.
  • Exoskeleton robots are used as public relations robots. Most public relations robots are used to assist customers in finding an item or completing a task. These robots are deployed in retail to guide customers around a store and in the hospitality industry, banks, shopping malls, family entertainment centers, and more.
  • Major application areas for professional robots are transportation, hospitality, medical, professional cleaning, and agriculture. Transportation was among the leading consumer of professional robots in the aforementioned year. For instance, according to IFR, about 121,000 professional service robots were sold in 2021 - more than one out of every three built were targeted for the transportation of cargo and goods.
  • Service robots are used in medical and healthcare for various applications, including diagnostic systems, robot-assisted surgery or therapy, rehabilitation systems, etc. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic played an important role in driving the demand for robots across the sector. For instance, according to IFR 2021, a 23% growth in the sales of medical robots was recorded in 2021, with the number of shipments touching 14,823 units.

Asia Pacific to Exhibit a Significant Growth Rate

  • The Asia Pacific is one of the fastest-growing regions in the world, owing to the presence of a large consumer base, among which the demand for service robots is increasing, especially in countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India, among others. For instance, according to IFR, in 2021, the sales of professional robots grew by about 30% in Asia.
  • Regional governments are also a significant factor in developing a regional robotics market. For instance, India plans to invest in military robotics, and the country is preparing to deploy advanced robotic soldiers in the next few years. This is evident from the fact that in January 2022, the All India Robotics Association (AIRA) announced the beginning of indigenous manufacturing of defense robots.
  • A similar trend has been observed across other countries of the region as well. For instance, the Chinese government has ambitious plans for the country's robotics industry. The government has listed the robotics industry, along with artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, as one of the priority sectors for high-end development to push forward the transformation and upgradation of the manufacturing industry. This push is expected to raise the global market share of Chinese-made robots.
  • Further, financial services companies in Asia are looking to streamline costs to boost dividends to shareholders, maintain profitability, and have a new tool at their disposal that appeals to customers, for example, service robots.
  • Some major countries, such as Japan, China, etc., are also witnessing significant growth in the aged population. According to the estimation of UN DESA and the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC), the percentage of the population aged 60 and above is expected to grow to about 38.81% by 2050. Such trends are expected to drive the demand for service robots in the country.

Service Robotics Industry Overview

The Service Robotics market is moderately consolidated, as major players have a significant market presence. However, with the demand growing, new players are also entering the market, driving competition and the market toward a fragmented stage. Vendors are adopting various strategies to consolidate further their market presence, including product innovation, partnerships, acquisitions, etc. Some major players include Daifuku Co. Ltd, Dematic Corp., Swisslog Holding AG, and iRobot Corporation.

In September 2022, Avidbots, a robotics company based in Canada, raised USD 70 million in the Series C funding round. The company primarily develops autonomous cleaning robots and has built Neo 2, a robotic floor cleaner designed for commercial environments such as warehouses, airports, and shopping malls.

In September 2022, Jacky's Business Solutions, a leading B2B technology solutions provider, announced a showcase of its latest iteration of Temi Robot (V3) at the Gitex event. The company launched this new personal assistance robot in the Middle East with Robot-as-a-service (RaaS) business model.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Assessment of COVID-19 impact on the industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Demand for Automated Solutions from Dynamic Industries and Robot Innovations
    • 5.1.2 Increased Demand for Professional Robots in Healthcare
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Cost of Installation and Maintenance


  • 6.1 By Field of Application
    • 6.1.1 Professional
      • Field Robots
      • Professional Cleaning
      • Inspection and Maintenance
      • Construction and Demolition
      • Logistics Systems (Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing)
      • Medical Robots
      • Rescue and Security Robots
      • Defense Robots
      • Underwater Systems (Civil/General)
      • Powered Human Exoskeletons
      • Public Relation Robots
    • 6.1.2 Personal/Domestic
      • Robots for Domestic Tasks
      • Entertainment Robots
      • Elderly and Handicap Assistance
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Daifuku Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.2 Dematic Corp.
    • 7.1.3 Swisslog Holding AG (KUKA)
    • 7.1.4 Seegrid Corporation
    • 7.1.5 Omron Corporation
    • 7.1.6 JBT Corporation
    • 7.1.7 SSI Schaefer AG
    • 7.1.8 Grenzebach GmbH & Co. KG
    • 7.1.9 Smith & Nephew PLC
    • 7.1.10 Stryker Corp.
    • 7.1.11 Intuitive Surgical Inc.
    • 7.1.12 Knightscope Inc.
    • 7.1.13 Kollmorgen Corporation
    • 7.1.14 Brokk AB
    • 7.1.15 Husqvarna AB
    • 7.1.16 Construction Robotics LLC
    • 7.1.17 iRobot Corporation
    • 7.1.18 Ecovacs Robotics
    • 7.1.19 Neato Robotics
    • 7.1.20 Transbotics Corporation
    • 7.1.21 Medtronic PLC
    • 7.1.22 Northrop Grumman
    • 7.1.23 BAE Systems
    • 7.1.24 UBTECH Robotics Inc.
    • 7.1.25 SMP Robotics Systems Corp.
    • 7.1.26 Vision Robotics Corporation
    • 7.1.27 Naio Technologies SAS