
汽车产业用 NOR 快闪记忆体:市场占有率分析、产业趋势、成长预测(2024-2029 年)

NOR Flash Memory For The Automotive Industry - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 112 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





适用于汽车工业市场的 NOR 快闪记忆体

由于从资讯娱乐到仪錶板等多种应用的需求不断增长,NOR 快闪记忆体空间呈现出快速增长的趋势。


  • NOR快闪记忆体是一种记忆体,是一种非挥发性储存技术。它用于需要以 1 位元组为单位读写资料的应用程式。该产品旨在提供比 NAND 更低的储存密度,并增加最终用户设备的功耗。
  • 传统的汽车技术发展着重于速度、安全性、舒适性和能源效率,而当前的重点正逐渐转向开发更多能够利用新能源的创新车型。汽车作为​​道路上的行动设备,曾经是不与外部设备互动的独立实体。
  • 然而,行动网路的快速发展打破了这一障碍,汽车不再只是道路上的孤立设备。车辆的远端控制,或车辆与设备(如交通灯)之间的通讯,是在可预见的未来。智慧汽车的历史可以追溯到90年代初的瑞士手錶公司Swatch。发明家尼古拉斯·哈耶克对开发高效能、都市化汽车的想法很感兴趣。他最初将这个想法带给了大众汽车。
  • 因此,比亚迪、特斯拉、蔚来、小鹏汽车和华为等许多电动车製造商都投资了智慧汽车技术,并将其视为电动车的关键卖点。最近,2024 年 1 月,中国电动车 (EV) 巨头比亚迪推出了炫机智慧汽车系统,试图透过自动停车和语音辨识等功能追赶竞争对手。
  • 随着最终用户对 NOR 快闪记忆体需求的增加,研发成本预计也会增加。美光等供应商已投资 150 亿美元在爱达荷州博伊西建造新的记忆体製造工厂。
  • 此外,该公司正在建造新的製造工厂,以加强技术部署并缩短上市时间和营运效率,以服务汽车、资料中心、人工智慧和5G记忆体应用等产业。这带来了昂贵的研发和製造设置,并带来了挑战。
  • 世界各国政府都在印钞票并采取量化宽鬆措施来刺激经济。这在过去几年中效果很好,但随着通膨担忧的迫近,过去的奖励策略这次可能也不起作用。晶片产业正处于超级週期,处于强劲需求驱动下的长期扩张期。
  • 同时,新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 造成的干扰导致从物流到原料的各种成本普遍增加。俄罗斯突然爆发入侵乌克兰事件,造成能源和原物料市场大幅波动,进一步加剧通膨压力。例如,由于持续的地缘政治紧张局势、战争和通货膨胀率上升,旺宏国际2023年第四季的NOR销售额与去年同期(2022年)相比下降了29%。


ADAS 是成长最快的应用

  • ADAS(进阶驾驶辅助系统)利用科技辅助驾驶安全驾驶。透过使用人机介面,ADAS 提高了车辆和交通安全。这些系统依靠感测器和摄影机等自动化技术来识别潜在的障碍物或驾驶员错误并做出适当的反应。 ADAS 使车辆能够了解其环境并管理转向、煞车和停车等驾驶任务。 NOR快闪记忆体和装置的重要性在ADAS中极为重要。
  • 近年来,汽车应用对 NOR 快闪记忆体的需求不断增加。一个典型的例子是 ADAS,其中 NOR 快闪记忆体的使用预计将显着增加。 NOR 闪存在安全关键系统中至关重要,因此在各种 ADAS(高级驾驶员辅助系统)中极为重要。其非易失性、可编程性和速度使其成为可靠且高效的选择。透过允许主机处理器直接从快闪记忆体执行程式码,无需将程式码传输到外部 DRAM。
  • ADAS 在汽车产业正在经历显着的市场扩张。现在许多 ADAS 应用都使用摄像头,尤其是倒车相机,来帮助驾驶员识别附近的危险。先进的感测摄影机提供更先进的功能,例如自动避免碰撞、变换车道和停车辅助。感测相机比观察相机需要更复杂的处理,因此高效的 SoC 对于维持这种先进技术至关重要。随着程式规模的扩大,对高密度和高效能 NOR 快闪记忆体的需求不断增长。
  • 透过整合 ADAS,乘用车的安全性和舒适性需求显着增加。这项成长主要是由美国、日本、中国和德国等已开发国家强制实施 ADAS 来保障乘客安全的政府法规所推动的。
  • 此外,自动驾驶汽车的日益普及也推动了市场的扩张。例如,英特尔预测,到2030年,全球汽车销售量将超过1.014亿辆,而自动驾驶汽车预计到同年将占汽车註册量的12%左右。与此转变并行的是,在支援 ADAS(进阶驾驶辅助系统)出现的基本工具和储存设备(例如 NOR 快闪记忆体产品)的开发方面也取得了重大进展。
  • 亚太、北美和欧洲许多国家都实施了法规,要求车辆整合各种 ADAS 技术,以减少道路事故。例如,欧盟 (EU) 推出了「零愿景」计划,旨在到 2050 年实现零交通死亡人数。该组织的目标是到 2030 年将受伤和死亡人数减少 50%。欧盟已强制要求纳入 ADAS 和自动紧急煞车等基本安全功能,创造了巨大的市场前景。


  • 中国汽车产业对NOR快闪记忆体的需求受到中国汽车製造业成长的推动。国内汽车製造商数量的增加以及汽车投资的增加,引发了将先进电子系统融入汽车的趋势。这一趋势对 NOR 快闪记忆体提出了很高的要求,以帮助能源管理、提高系统可靠性并实现汽车电子的紧凑设计。
  • 同样,国际能源总署(IEA)预测,在净零情境下,到 2030 年,电动车(EV)销量将占汽车销量的约 65%。为了实现这一目标,从 2023 年到 2030 年,电动车销量需要以每年约 25% 的速度成长。 2022年,中国将占全球新电动车註册量的近60%。在中国,电动车占国内汽车总销量的份额将从2021年的16%增至2022年的29%,超过全国2025年销售份额20%的目标。此外,到2023年,中国电动车销量将达到800万辆。
  • 根据中国工业协会预测,2022年中国汽车销量将达到近2,690万辆,与前一年同期比较成长2.1%。这一增长标誌着 2022 年销量连续第二年增长。随着汽车销售的增加,对具有先进功能的汽车的需求不断增加,这反过来又推动了对NOR快闪记忆体的需求。
  • 根据 OICA 的数据,汽车产量从 2019 年的 5% 成长到 2022 年的 7%。中国政府向电动车製造商提供财政奖励以鼓励其使用。一次充电续航里程超过400公里的纯电动车可获得12,600元人民币(约2,000美元)的补助。续航里程在300-400公里的电动车将获得9,100元人民币(约1,400美元)的补贴。
  • 汽车NOR快闪记忆体广泛应用于智慧网联、马达、电池、电控系统、智慧驾驶座、新能源汽车ADAS等领域。
  • 无人商店采用先进的电子系统和技术,依靠 NOR 快闪记忆体实现多种用途,包括管理和储存感测器资料以及为即时决策演算法提供支援。
  • 例如,2024年3月,提供人工智慧和网路技术的百度公司在武汉推出了一年365天24小时的机器人计程车服务“Apollo Go”,代表了中国自动驾驶产业。此举是百度扩大其自动驾驶叫车服务平台策略努力的一部分。因此,这些功能需要NOR快闪记忆体来存储软体/应用程序,从而增加了对NOR快闪记忆体的需求。


汽车产业的 NOR 快闪记忆体市场是半固体的,主要企业包括华邦电子公司、旺宏国际、英飞凌科技公司、美光科技公司和兆易创新公司。市场参与者正在采用合作伙伴关係和收购来加强其产品供应并获得永续的竞争优势。

  • 2024年3月-聚辰宣布推出最新Nor Flash功能安全解决方案,为汽车产业带来一场科技革命。聚辰最新的Nor Flash功能安全解决方案融合了成熟的技术和严格的品管标准,以实现更高的安全性和可靠性。
  • 2023 年 9 月 - 旺宏国际宣布其 OctaFlash 记忆体系列已获得 SGS TUV Saar 颁发的 ISO 26262 ASIL D(汽车安全完整性等级)认证。这项 ISO 26262 ASIL D 认证反映了 Macronix 在将 OctaFlash 发展为汽车市场强大的快闪记忆体解决方案方面所取得的持续成功,在最大限度地提高车辆功能安全方面发挥了关键作用。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 买方议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 科技趋势
  • 产业供应链分析
  • 宏观趋势对市场的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 智慧汽车的演变
    • 研发、製造高成本

第六章 市场细分

  • 按密度
    • 低密度(小于 32MB)
    • 中密度 (32-128MB)
    • 高密度(128MB或更多)
  • 按用途
    • ADAS
    • 资讯娱乐
    • 仪錶群等
  • 按地区
    • 美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 日本
    • 中国
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Winbond Electronics Corporation
    • Macronix International Co. Ltd
    • Infineon Technologies AG
    • Micron Technology Inc.
    • Gigadevice Semiconductor Inc.
    • Giantec Semiconductor Co.,ltd

第八章 厂商排名分析

第九章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 50002079

The NOR Flash Memory Market For The Automotive Industry is expected to grow from USD 0.91 billion in 2024 to USD 1.64 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 12.52% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

NOR Flash Memory  For The Automotive Industry - Market

The NOR flash memory sectors are witnessing a rapid growth rate due to the demand growth in multiple applications, from infotainment to instrument clusters.

Key Highlights

  • NOR flash is a memory and one of the types of non-volatile storage technologies. It is used for applications where individual bytes of data need to be written and read. The products are built to offer lower memory densities compared to NAND and enhance the power consumption in end-user devices.
  • Conventional automotive technology development usually emphasizes speed, safety, comfort, and energy-saving ability; however, the current focus has gradually shifted to developing a more innovative model capable of using new energy. As a mobile device on the road, the car used to be a separate individual without any interaction with any external device.
  • However, with the rapid development of mobile networks, this barrier has broken through, and the vehicle is no longer simply an isolated device on the road. The remote control of a car, or even the communication between vehicles or cars and devices (such as traffic signals,) is in the foreseeable future. The story of the Smart Car can be traced back to the early 90s and the Swiss watch company Swatch, where inventor Nicolas Hayek was interested in the idea of developing an efficient and urbanized vehicle. He initially brought the idea to Volkswagen.
  • Thus, many EV manufacturers, such as BYD, Tesla, Nio, Xpeng, and Huawei, have been investing in smart car technologies, seeing them as major selling points for their EVs. Recently, in January 2024, Chinese electric vehicle (EV) giant BYD launched its Xuanji smart car system, seeking to catch up with rivals with functions such as automated parking and voice recognition.
  • Research and development costs are expected to increase with the growing end-user requirements for NOR flash memory. Vendors like Micron have invested USD 15 billion in constructing a new fabrication facility for memory manufacturing in Boise, Idaho.
  • In addition, the company is also planning to co-locate the new manufacturing fab with Micron's R&D center at the company's headquarters to enhance the technology deployment and improve time to market with operational efficiency to cater to industries like automotive, data centers, and memory applications in artificial intelligence and 5G. This indicates the costly research, development, and fabrication setup and drives the challenges.
  • Governments worldwide have been printing money and adopting quantitative easing measures to stimulate economies. This has worked over the past few years, but with looming inflation concerns, all those stimulus measures in the past might not work this time. The chip industry is in a super cycle, a period of prolonged expansion driven by robust demand.
  • At the same time, COVID-19 disruptions have brought wide-ranging rises in the cost of everything from logistics to raw materials. The sudden outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked huge fluctuations in energy and materials markets, further adding to inflationary pressure. For instance, Macronix International Co., Ltd. NOR revenue in Q4 2023 declined by 29% compared to the same period in the previous year(2022) due to ongoing geopolitical tensions, war, and increased inflation.

NOR Flash Memory Market Trends

ADAS to be the Fastest Growing Application

  • Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) utilize technologies to aid drivers in safely operating a vehicle. By utilizing a human-machine interface, ADAS enhances both car and road safety. These systems rely on automated technology, including sensors and cameras, to identify potential obstacles or driver mistakes and react appropriately. ADAS empowers a vehicle to understand its environment and manage driving tasks like steering, braking, parking, etc. The importance of NOR Flash memory and devices is crucial in ADAS.
  • The need for NOR flash memory in automotive applications has increased recently. A prime example of this is ADAS, where the utilization of NOR Flash is projected to increase significantly. NOR flash memory is crucial in various advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) as it is integral to safety-critical systems. Its non-volatile nature, programmability, and speed make it a dependable and efficient choice. Allowing the host processor to run code directly from the flash memory eliminates the need to transfer it to an external DRAM.
  • ADAS has experienced a significant market expansion in the automotive industry. Currently, numerous ADAS applications use cameras, particularly backup cameras, to aid drivers in recognizing nearby dangers. Advanced sensing cameras offer even more sophisticated features, such as automated collision avoidance, lane changing, parking assistance, etc. Since sensing cameras necessitate more intricate processing than viewing cameras, highly efficient SoCs will be essential to sustain this advanced technology. The need for NOR Flash memory that offers both high density and high performance will persistently rise alongside the expansion in program size.
  • The rise in demand for safety and comfort in passenger cars due to the integration of ADAS has been significant. This growth is primarily fueled by government regulations in developed countries like the United States, Japan, China, and Germany mandating the implementation of ADAS for passenger safety.
  • Moreover, the increasing popularity of autonomous vehicles is also driving market expansion. For example, Intel predicts global car sales will exceed 101.4 million units by 2030, with autonomous vehicles expected to represent around 12% of car registrations by the same year. Alongside this shift, there has been a noticeable advancement in the development of essential tools and memory devices like NOR flash products to support the emergence of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
  • Many countries in Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe have enforced rules mandating the integration of different ADAS technologies in cars to reduce road accidents. For instance, the European Union has introduced Vision Zero, a project to eliminate road fatalities by 2050. The governing body aims to decrease injuries and deaths by 50% by 2030. It has made it compulsory to include essential safety features like ADAS and automatic emergency braking, creating substantial market prospects.

China to Hold Major Market Share

  • The demand for NOR flash memory in China's automotive industry is fueled by the country's growing automotive manufacturing sector. The increasing number of domestic automotive manufacturers and rising investments in automobiles are leading to the trend of incorporating advanced electronic systems into automobiles. This trend results in a higher requirement for NOR flash memory, which aids energy management, improves system dependability, and allows for compact designs in automotive electronics.
  • Similarly, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has projected that electric vehicle (EV) sales will make up approximately 65% of total car sales by 2030 in the Net Zero Scenario. To achieve this, there should be an annual growth rate of around 25% in EV sales from 2023 to 2030. China accounted for nearly 60% of all new electric car registrations worldwide in 2022. Within China, the proportion of electric cars in total domestic car sales increased from 16% in 2021 to 29% in 2022, surpassing the national target of a 20% sales share by 2025. Also, in 2023, Eight million electric vehicles were sold in China.
  • According to the CAAM (China Association of Automobile Manufacturers), in 2022, the total number of vehicle sales in China reached nearly 26.9 million, representing a 2.1% growth from the year before. This growth indicates the second consecutive year of increasing sales in 2022. As automotive sales increase, the demand for automobiles with advanced features grows, consequently driving the demand for NOR flash memory.
  • According to OICA, the motor vehicle production grew from 5% in 2019 to 7% in 2022. The Chinese government offers financial incentives to electric vehicle manufacturers to encourage their use. Vehicles that are completely electric and can travel over 400 km on a single charge qualify for subsidies of RMB 12,600 (around USD 2000). Electric vehicles ranging from 300-400 km are eligible for subsidies of RMB 9100 (approximately USD 1400).
  • The automotive NOR flash memories are extensively utilized in intelligent networking, motors, batteries, electronic control systems, intelligent cockpits, and ADAS for new energy vehicles.
  • Autonomous vehicles incorporate advanced electronic systems and technologies that rely on Nor flash memory for various purposes, such as managing and storing the sensor data and facilitating real-time decision-making algorithms.
  • For instance, in March 2024, Baidu Inc., a provider of AI and internet technologies, introduced a 24/7 robot taxi service called Apollo Go in Wuhan, representing China's autonomous driving industry. This move is part of Baidu's strategic efforts to expand its autonomous ride-hailing service platform. Thus, these features require NOR flash memory for storing software applications, contributing to the demand for NOR flash memory.

NOR Flash Memory Industry Overview

The NOR flash memory market for the automotive industry is semi-consolidated with the presence of significant players like Winbond Electronics Corporation, Macronix International Co. Ltd, Infineon Technologies AG, Micron Technology Inc., and Gigadevice Semiconductor Inc. Players in the market are adopting partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • March 2024 - Giantec announced the launch of the latest Nor Flash functional safety solution, bringing a technological revolution to the automotive industry. Giantec's latest Nor Flash functional safety solution incorporates developed technology and strict quality control standards for higher safety and reliability.
  • September 2023 - Macronix International Co. Ltd announced that its OctaFlash memory line has received ISO 26262 ASIL D (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) certification from SGS TUV Saar, ensuring makers of automotive electronic systems that OctaFlash meets the highest level of safety in automotive electronics. This ISO 26262 ASIL D certification reflects how Macronix is building on our success both in OctaFlash's evolution as a powerful Flash-storage solution for the automotive market and in playing a key role in maximizing the functional safety of vehicles.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Technology Trends
  • 4.4 Industry Supply Chain Analysis
  • 4.5 Impact of Macro Trends in the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Evolution of Smart Vehicles
    • 5.1.2 High Cost of R&D and Fabrication


  • 6.1 By Density
    • 6.1.1 Low (Less Than 32mb)
    • 6.1.2 Medium (32mb to 128mb)
    • 6.1.3 High (> 128mb)
  • 6.2 By Application
    • 6.2.1 ADAS
    • 6.2.2 Infotainment
    • 6.2.3 Instrument Cluster and Other
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 Americas
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Japan
    • 6.3.4 China
    • 6.3.5 Latin America
    • 6.3.6 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles*
    • 7.1.1 Winbond Electronics Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Macronix International Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.3 Infineon Technologies AG
    • 7.1.4 Micron Technology Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Gigadevice Semiconductor Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Giantec Semiconductor Co.,ltd