

Frequency Control And Timing Devices - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内






频率控制和定时装置 (FCTD) 是在各种电子系统中产生、控制和同步定时讯号的电子元件。确保这些系统内操作的准确计时、同步和协调至关重要。透过将计时元件的原理应用于晶体共振器、MEMS和陶瓷共振器,可以实现稳定的频率振盪。这些计时器有助于确保 Zigbee、蓝牙和其他无线应用(例如智慧型手机)、汽车和医疗设备等设备的准确运作。

*印刷电路基板(PCB)的激增是推动频率控制和定时设备市场成长的主要因素。现代 PCB 变得越来越复杂,更高的元件密度和功能被封装在更小的空间中。这种复杂性需要精确的定时和讯号完整性以确保正常运作。 FCTD 透过提供稳定的参考频率和讯号完整性来管理这些复杂性非常重要。

*产业加速数位转型的努力正在推动市场成长。这包括向「工业 4.0」概念迈进,该概念要求在工业设置中更多地采用自动化、机器人、人工智慧和工业物联网等先进解决方案。

*全球越来越多地采用 5G 技术,大大推动了频率控制和计时设备的成长。 5G 网路使用更高的频宽,包括毫米波频率(24 GHz 及以上),需要精确的频率控制设备来维持讯号完整性和效能。 5G 增加的频宽将需要精确的定时来发送和接收大量资料,这将需要先进的振盪器和时脉产生器。


*经济成长、通货膨胀、政府支出优先事项、全球贸易和地缘政治动态等宏观经济趋势会影响国防预算。据美国预算办公室称,美国国防支出预计每年都会增加,直到 2033 年。预计2023年美国国防支出将达7,460亿美元,2033年将增加至1.1兆美元。



  • 家电、频率控制和定时装置应用于智慧型手机和平板电脑、穿戴式装置、智慧家庭设备、电视、机上盒、游戏机、数位相机等。
  • 消费性电子产品变得越来越小、性能优化且更节能。这些变化直接影响共振器等内部元件。石英晶共振器用于多种产品,包括穿戴式装置、智慧型手机、个人电脑、游戏机和电视,并提供精确资料处理所需的定时讯号。其可靠性可提高设备性能并有助于节省能源,从而延长电池寿命。这种准确性在建立用户信任方面发挥关键作用,并推动穿戴式装置和其他高性能电子设备的普及。
  • 智慧型手机的普及在市场的成长中发挥着重要作用。晶体振盪器对于向智慧型手机、平板电脑和其他电子设备提供精确的定时讯号至关重要。随着技术的进步和电子元件变得越来越小,晶体振盪器对于确保最佳性能标准至关重要。
  • 根据爱立信的行动报告,随着 5G 的采用继续强劲,2023 年全球将新增约 6 亿个新契约,一些市场仍然面临经济挑战和地缘政治不稳定。 。爱立信预计,到2029年,全球5G用户数量预计将超过53亿,占所有行动用户的58%。此外,预计 2029 年 5G 渗透率最高的是北美和海湾合作委员会,为 92%,其次是西欧,为 85%。


  • 在智慧型手机消费者数量增加、资料中心采用率增加、5G 技术和工业自动化的推动下,亚太地区预计将快速成长,特别是在印度和中国等主要经济体。晶体振盪器的最新进展在提高整体效率和显着提高各种应用的精度方面发挥了关键作用。
  • 中国智慧型手机产业由华为、苹果、三星、小米、联想等主要企业组成。中国的许多智慧型手机製造工厂位于广东、北京、天津和上海。预计未来几年中国智慧型手机销量将大幅成长。这增加了对晶体振盪器的需求,以改善智慧型手机应用中 WiFi 和蓝牙复合晶片的使用。
  • 在亚太地区,韩国作为频率控制和计时装置的重要市场占有突出的地位。这主要是因为该技术广泛应用于国内各行业,包括家电、工业机器人、通讯设备、5G服务等。这些产业被认为是晶体振盪器的主要驱动力。
  • 此外,市场竞争的加剧导致电子设备产量增加,进一步拉动了对晶体振盪器的需求。此外,VCO 在电子音乐设备生产中的日益普及也对这一增长做出了重大贡献。
  • 该地区的汽车工业产量显着成长,推动了市场的成长。安全系统中使用频率控制和定时装置来提供精确的定时和同步。这些系统包括安全气囊展开、防锁死煞车、电子稳定控制、防撞系统等。


频率控制和定时装置市场分散且竞争激烈。市场似乎高度分散,重要公司采取产品创新、新产品发布、合作、合作和併购等策略。该市场的主要参与者包括村田製作所、京瓷、Rakon Limited、Microchip Technology Inc. 和 TXC Corporation。

*尖端电子元件製造商 Kyocera Avex 宣布成立新的高品质、低杂讯共振器频率控制产品製造和设计中心,名称为「Kyocera Avx Components Corporation (Erie)」。新的製造工厂计划生产超过 120 万个专利的独特低功耗 OCXO(恆温晶体振盪器)以及 TCXO(温度计算晶体振盪器)和 VCXO(电压计算晶体振盪器)。

*2024 年 2 月 - Lacon 将在 2024 年巴塞隆纳世界行动大会上展示其针对现代无线网路以及 IT 和通讯资料中心的初始扩展保持解决方案。 Error Exchange OCXO (MercuryXE2) 是 Lacon 最近推出的紧凑型 IC-OCXO Mercury 的一个版本。结合频率误差交换处理和老化补偿,提高了网路同步器评估板上系统的当前同步能力,并提高了保持效能。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持


第一章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 买方议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 价值链分析
  • 市场宏观走势分析


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 5G在全球的扩展
    • 先进汽车应用的需求增加
  • 市场挑战
    • 开发成本高

第六章 市场细分

  • 按类型
    • 晶体共振器
    • 振盪器
      • 温度补偿晶体振盪器 (TCXO)
      • 电压调节器晶体振盪器 (VCXO)
      • 恆温晶体振盪器 (OCXO)
      • 微机电振盪器
      • 其他振盪器
    • 共振器
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 电脑及周边设备
    • 通讯/伺服器/资料存储
    • 家电
    • 工业的
    • 军事/航太
    • 其他最终用户产业
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚洲
    • 澳洲/纽西兰
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd
    • Kyocera Corporation
    • Rakon Limited
    • Microchip Technology Inc.
    • TXC Corporation
    • Seiko Epson Corporation
    • Daishinku Corporation
    • Hosonic Technology(Group)Co. Ltd
    • Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co. Ltd
    • SiTime Corporation
    • SIWARD Crystal Technology Co. Ltd.
    • Texas Instruments Inc.
    • NXP Semiconductors
    • Abracon LLC


第九章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 91268

The Frequency Control And Timing Devices Market size is estimated at USD 6.09 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 8.57 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.10% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Frequency Control And Timing Devices - Market

Frequency control and timing devices (FCTD) are electronic components that generate, control, and synchronize timing signals in various electronic systems. They are crucial in ensuring accurate timing, synchronization, and coordination of operations within these systems. Applying the principles of timing devices to quartz crystals, MEMS, and ceramic resonators makes it possible to generate oscillations with stable frequencies. These timing devices help to ensure the precise operation of devices in Zigbee, Bluetooth, and other wireless applications (such as smartphones), automobiles, and medical equipment.

* The surging popularity of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is a key driver for the growth of the frequency control and timing devices market. Modern PCBs are becoming increasingly complex, with higher component density and functionality packed into smaller spaces. This complexity necessitates precise timing and signal integrity to ensure proper operation. FCTDs are important in managing these complexities by providing stable reference frequencies and signal integrity.

* Industrial organizations' efforts to accelerate digital transformation drive the market's growth. This includes shifting to the "industry 4.0" concept, which governs a higher adoption of automation, robotics, and advanced solutions such as AI and IIoT in industrial setups.

* The growing adoption of 5G technology worldwide significantly drives the growth of frequency control and timing devices. 5G networks utilize higher frequency bands, including millimeter-wave frequencies (24GHz and above), which require exact frequency control devices to maintain signal integrity and performance. With the expanded bandwidth capabilities of 5G, precise timing is essential to handle large amounts of data being transmitted and received, necessitating advanced oscillators and clock generators.

* The frequency control and timing devices market is a critical segment within the electronics industry, providing essential components for various applications. However, the high costs associated with developing and producing frequency control and timing devices are challenging the market's growth.

* Several macroeconomic trends, like economic growth, inflation, government spending priorities, global trade, and geopolitical dynamics, affect the defense budgets of various countries. According to the US Congressional Budget Office, defense spending in the United States is predicted to increase yearly until 2033. Defense outlays in the United States amounted to USD 746 billion in 2023, and the forecast predicts an increase to USD 1.1 trillion in 2033.

Frequency Control And Timing Devices Market Trends

Growth in the Construction Sector Boosting the Demand for Furniture Products

  • Consumer electronics, frequency control, and timing devices find applications in smartphones and tablets, wearable devices, smart home devices, television and set-top boxes, gaming consoles, and digital cameras.
  • Consumer electronics are becoming more compact, optimized for performance, and energy-efficient. These changes directly impact internal components such as crystals. Crystals are utilized in various products, including wearables, smartphones, PCs, gaming consoles, and TVs, to provide crucial timing signals for accurate data processing. Their reliability improves device performance and helps conserve energy, leading to extended battery life. This precision plays a vital role in establishing user confidence, driving the increasing popularity of wearables and other sophisticated electronics.
  • The increase in smartphone adoption has played a key role in the market's growth. Crystal oscillators are essential in providing accurate timing signals for smartphones, tablets, and other electronic gadgets. As technology progresses and electronic components become smaller, crystal oscillators have become vital in ensuring optimal performance standards.
  • According to Ericsson's mobility report, the continued strong uptake of 5G, with around 600 million new subscriptions added globally during 2023, shows that demand for high-performance connectivity remains resilient despite ongoing economic challenges and geopolitical unrest in some markets. As per Ericsson, the global 5G subscriptions are forecast to exceed 5.3 billion in 2029, making up 58% of all mobile subscriptions. It is also projected that North America and GCC will have the highest 5G penetration in 2029 at 92%, followed by Western Europe at 85%.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

  • The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness rapid growth due to the rising number of smartphone consumers, data centers, rising adoption of 5G technology, industrial automation, etc., particularly in major economies like India and China. The recent advancements in crystal oscillators play a crucial role in enhancing overall efficiency and greatly improving accuracy in various applications.
  • The Chinese smartphone industry is comprised of major players such as Huawei, Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, and Lenovo. Most smartphone manufacturing facilities in China are in Guangdong Province, Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. They are expected to sell significantly more smartphones in China in the coming years. This leads to the demand for crystal oscillators to improve the use of WiFi and Bluetooth combo chipsets in smartphone applications.
  • In the Asia-Pacific region, South Korea holds a prominent position as a crucial market for frequency control and timing devices. This is primarily due to the extensive utilization of this technology by various industries in the country, such as consumer electronics, industrial robots, telecommunication equipment, and 5G services. These industries are recognized as major proponents of crystal oscillators.
  • In addition, the escalating competition in the market has led to an increased production of electronic devices, further fueling the demand for crystal oscillators. Furthermore, the growing popularity of VCOs in the production of electronic music devices has also contributed significantly to this growth.
  • The automotive sector across the region has witnessed significant growth in production, which fuels the market growth. Frequency control and timing devices are used in safety systems to provide accurate timing and synchronization. These systems include airbag deployment, anti-lock braking, electronic stability control, and collision avoidance systems.

Frequency Control And Timing Devices Industry Overview

The frequency control and timing devices market is fragmented and highly competitive. The market appears to be highly fragmented, with significant players adopting strategies like product innovation, new product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions. Some of the major players in the market are Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Kyocera Corporation, Rakon Limited, Microchip Technology Inc., and TXC Corporation.

* April 2024 - Kyocera Avx, a manufacturer of advanced electronic components, unveiled a new manufacturing and design center for high-quality, low-noise quartz crystal frequency control products under the name Kyocera Avx Components Corporation (Erie). The newly established production facility is expected to manufacture over 1.2 million patented and unparalleled low-power OCXO (oven-controlled crystal oscillators) and a range of TCXO (temperature-computed crystal oscillators) and VCXO (voltage-computed crystal oscillators).

* February 2024 - Rakon displays its initial extended holdover solution for modern radio networks and telecommunications data centers at MWC Barcelona 2024. The Error Exchange OCXO (MercuryXE2) is a version of Rakon's recently launched Mercury compact IC-OCXO. It improves the system's current synchronization abilities on a network synchronizer evaluation board by incorporating frequency error exchange processing and aging compensation, thereby increasing the holdover performance.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Analysis of Macroeconomic Trends on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Adoption of 5G Across the World
    • 5.1.2 Rising Demand from Advanced Automotive Applications
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 High Cost of Development


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Crystals
    • 6.1.2 Oscillators
      • Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO)
      • Voltage-controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
      • Oven-controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO)
      • MEMS Oscillator
      • Other Types of Oscillators
    • 6.1.3 Resonators
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Automotive
    • 6.2.2 Computer and Peripherals
    • 6.2.3 Communications/Server/Data Storage
    • 6.2.4 Consumer Electronics
    • 6.2.5 Industrial
    • 6.2.6 Military and Aerospace
    • 6.2.7 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography***
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia
    • 6.3.4 Australia and New Zealand
    • 6.3.5 Latin America
    • 6.3.6 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles*
    • 7.1.1 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.2 Kyocera Corporation
    • 7.1.3 Rakon Limited
    • 7.1.4 Microchip Technology Inc.
    • 7.1.5 TXC Corporation
    • 7.1.6 Seiko Epson Corporation
    • 7.1.7 Daishinku Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Hosonic Technology (Group) Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.9 Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.10 SiTime Corporation
    • 7.1.11 SIWARD Crystal Technology Co. Ltd.
    • 7.1.12 Texas Instruments Inc.
    • 7.1.13 NXP Semiconductors
    • 7.1.14 Abracon LLC