

Data Center Construction - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 在建IT负载容量:预计2029年,全球资料中心市场未来IT负载容量将超过73,000MW。
  • 正在兴建的高架建筑面积:到 2029 年,全球高架建筑面积预计将超过 2.85 亿平方英尺。
  • 规划的机架:到2029年,规划的机架总数预计将超过1400万个。预计到 2029 年,北美安装的机架数量将最多。
  • 全球正在建造超大规模资料中心来储存大量资料,为商业参与者创造利润丰厚的机会。许多行业依靠超大规模资料中心来增加运算能力、记忆体、网路功能和储存资源。大规模有效扩展电脑工作负载的能力以及支援资料中心的实体基础设施和分发系统是超大规模资料中心的众多组成部分中的两个。
  • 此外,根据 Flexera 2023 年云端状态报告,72% 的企业受访者表示他们已在其业务中采用混合云端。迁移到混合云端解决方案通常会牺牲私有云端或公共云端运作。


层级 IV资料中心设施的采用增加推动了市场成长

  • 层级 IV 认证是目前资料中心设施的最高等级。这些设施相当于美国政府使用的资料中心。高度安全、可靠且冗余。 层级 IV 提供者在所有流程和资料保护流程中都具有冗余 (2N+1)。任何中断或错误都不会导致您的系统瘫痪,每年可提供 99.995% 的执行时间。然而,IV 级基础设施需要至少 96 小时的独立电源才能符合该层级。此电源不得连接到任何外部电源,且必须完全专用。
  • 这种层次结构也确保了效率最佳化。伺服器放置在物理上最有利的位置。如果温度和湿度保持恆定,硬体的使用寿命将大大延长。甚至备用电源和双电源也被视为主要讯息。 层级 IV资料中心需要高达 3:1 的所需空间,以方便您的 IT 足迹。对于层级 IV,IT 冗余 UPS 容量的千瓦成本部分为 25,000 美元/kWh。
  • 此外,市场参与者正在投资超大规模资料中心,这正在推动该领域的成长。例如,中东和北非最大的超大规模层级 IV资料中心网路 Kazuna Data Centers(Kazuna)于 2023 年 5 月宣布与埃及领先的整合解决方案、数位转型和 ICT 基础设施提供商 Benya Group 合作。非洲和埃及地区市场。耗资 2.5 亿美元的全新最先进资料中心将成为埃及首个超大规模资料中心,建于埃及第一个专用投资区 Maadi 科技园区。
  • 2023 年 7 月,营运商和云端中立资料中心、互连和主机代管解决方案的领先供应商 Digital Realty 成立了一个法人实体,出售两座稳定的超大规模资料层级 IV 中心大楼65% 的权益,并宣布建立合作伙伴关係。该公司将从合资企业及相关融资中获得约7.43亿美元的总收益。
  • 随着人工智慧、物联网、5G等技术进步引领数位转型,政府、金融、媒体、製造等多个产业开始需要先进、高可靠性的资料中心。该地区的知名技术供应商正在利用其多年的专业知识推出服务,让最终用户更好地控制其资料中心营运。


  • 北美主导全球资料中心建设市场。强劲的经济和最先进的网路基础设施是市场扩张的关键因素。美国在该地区市场占据主导地位,是许多重要云端服务供应商,包括亚马逊、Google和 Facebook。由于这些公司正在投资建造大型资料中心并提高资料储存和处理能力,因此市场前景巨大。
  • 此外,对资料安全和隐私的需求不断增长也推动了对资料中心的需求。根据身分盗窃资源中心的数据,2022 年美国发生了 1,802 起资料外洩事件。然而,在同一年,大约有 4.22 亿人受到资料外洩的影响,包括资料外洩、外洩和暴露。这是三种不同的现象,但都有一个特点。未经授权的恶意行为者可以在三种情况下存取敏感资料:随着资料外洩和网路威胁的增加,组织和企业正在寻找只有先进的资料中心才能提供的安全可靠的资料处理和储存解决方案。
  • 估计美国会占有很大的份额。该国新资料中心的增加预计将推动市场发展。例如,波兰软体公司 Comarch 于 2023 年 5 月在亚利桑那州凤凰城开设了约 32,000 平方英尺(3,000平方公尺)的资料中心。这个新资料中心预计将在宣布当年全面投入运作。提案的资料中心将由四个伺服器机房和 160 个机架组成,并将提供託管服务、主机代管、云端託管、灾难復原和备份服务等服务。我们也计划提供 Meet Me Room (MMR)。这些市场开拓正在为美国资料中心电源市场创造成长机会。
  • 此外,自 2021 年 1 月收购 E&I Engineering 和 PowerBar Gulf LLC(开关设备、母线槽和整合模组化解决方案(IMS) 业务)以来,Vertiv Group Corp. 于2024 年1 月收购了E&I Engineering 和PowerBar Gulf LLC (开关设备、母线槽和整合模组化解决方案 (IMS) 业务)宣布产能增加超过100%,并计划在年终之前扩建现有设施。
  • 北美通讯业者和商业技术经销商对统一通讯即服务 (UCaaS) 解决方案的需求也在推动市场成长。为了最大限度地提高 MSP、VAR、ISP 和互连器的系统弹性,SkySwitch 等业者提供来自不同地理位置的站点的白牌UCaaS。


资料中心建置市场分散,由多家大公司组成。随着技术进步和产品创新,许多公司透过赢得新契约和开拓竞争激烈的新市场来提高其市场占有率。主要参与者包括 AECOM、Whiting-Turner Contracting Company 和 DPR Construction。

2023 年 5 月:欧洲资料中心营运和投资领域的法国领导者 Data4 Group 宣布在位于法国埃松省 Joset 的前诺基亚基地建设新的资料中心园区。该计划到 2030 年将投资约 10 亿欧元,旨在振兴 22 公顷的工业和办公空间,并突显集团在巴黎的强大影响力。

2023 年 4 月:微软宣布在中欧和东欧开设现代化、可靠的云端中心,这是波兰的第一个云端中心。 Microsoft 波兰的云端区域由华沙周围的三个实体位置组成,每个实体位置由一个或多个资料中心组成。这可确保资料储存在遵守最高安全、隐私和法规遵循标准的国家/地区。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围


  • 研究框架
  • 二次调查
  • 初步调查
  • 对资料进行三角测量并产生见解



  • 市场概况
  • 市场动态
    • 市场驱动因素
      • 云端应用、人工智慧和巨量资料的成长
      • 超大规模资料中心的采用率增加
    • 市场限制因素
      • 房地产成本上升,安装维护成本高
  • 工业吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 全球主要资料中心建置统计
    • 2023 年全球资料中心数量
    • 2024-2029 年在建资料中心数量(全球,n MW)
    • 全球平均资本投入及资料中心建置资本投入
    • 资料中心电力吸收容量(MW):特定地区,2022 年和 2023 年
    • 全球资料中心基础设施资本投资顶尖公司


  • 市场区隔:依基础设施划分
    • 市场区隔:电力基础设施
      • 配电解决方案
      • PDU - 基本智慧 - 计量和开关解决方案
      • 传输开关
      • 静止的
      • 自动(ATS)
      • 开关设备
      • 低压
      • 高压
      • 电源板组件
      • 其他的
      • 备用电源解决方案
      • UPS
      • 发电机
      • 服务 - 设计/咨询、整合、支援/维护
    • 市场区隔:依机械基础设施
      • 冷却系统
      • 浸没式冷却
      • 直接晶片冷却
      • 后门热交换器
      • 行内/机架内冷却
      • 架子
      • 其他机械基础设施
    • 整体结构
  • 市场区隔:层级层级类型
    • 一/层级
    • 第三层级
    • IV层级
  • 市场区隔:按最终用户
    • 银行、金融服务和保险
    • 资讯科技/通讯
    • 政府/国防
    • 卫生保健
    • 其他最终用户
  • 市场区隔:按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 中东/非洲
    • 拉丁美洲

第六章 竞争状况

  • 公司简介
    • AECOM
    • Whiting-turner Contracting Company
    • Turner Construction Co.
    • Jacobs Solutions Inc.
    • DPR Construction
    • Skanska USA
    • Balfour Beatty US
    • Hensel Phelps
    • PT Jaya Obayashi
    • Hibiya Engineering Ltd
    • Goodman Group
    • Fortis Construction Inc.

第七章 投资分析

第八章 市场机会及未来趋势

第9章 关于出版商

Product Code: 48897

The Data Center Construction Market size is estimated at USD 262.20 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 355.80 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.30% during the forecast period (2024-2030).

Data Center Construction - Market

Key Highlights

  • Under Construction IT Load Capacity: The upcoming IT load capacity of the Global data center market is expected to reach above 73,000 MW by 2029.
  • Under Construction Raised Floor Space: The global construction of raised floor areas is expected to exceed 285 million sq. ft. by 2029.
  • Planned Racks: The total number of racks to be installed is expected to reach more than 14 million units by 2029. North America is expected to house the maximum number of racks by 2029.
  • Hyper-scale data centers are being built more often worldwide to store massive volumes of data, opening up lucrative opportunities for business players. Many industries use hyper-scale data centers to increase computing power, memory, networking capabilities, and storage resources. The ability to effectively scale up computer workloads at a large scale and the physical infrastructure and distribution systems supporting the data centers are two of the many components of hyper-scale data centers.
  • Moreover, According to Flexera State of the Cloud Report 2023, 72% of companies' respondents stated they had deployed a hybrid cloud in their business. Migrating to hybrid cloud solutions often comes at the expense of operating private and public clouds.

Data Center Construction Market Trends

Growing Adoption of Tier 4 Data Center Facilities is Driving the Market's Growth

  • The Tier-IV certification is currently the highest classification among data center facilities. These facilities are equivalent to data centers used by the US government. They are highly secure, reliable, and redundant. Tier-IV providers have redundancies (2N+1) for every process and the data protection stream. No single outage or error can shut down the system, and it provides 99.995% uptime per annum, which is the highest guaranteed uptime. However, the level IV infrastructure should have at least 96 hours of independent power to qualify for this tier. This power must not be connected with any outside source and is entirely proprietary.
  • This tier also ensures optimized efficiency. The servers are housed in the most physically advantageous locations. This drastically extends the life of the hardware if temperature and humidity levels are kept consistent. Even the backups and dual power sources are treated like primaries. The Tier-IV data center can require up to 3 to 1 of the space required to facilitate the IT footprint. For tier IV, the kW Cost Component is USD 25,000/kW of redundant UPS capacity for IT.
  • Moreover, market players are investing in hyperscale data centers, which is, in turn, driving segment growth. For instance, in May 2023, Kazuna Data Centers (Kazuna), the largest hyperscale Tier 4 data center network in the Middle East and North Africa, announced its plans to partner with Benya Group, a leading provider of integrated solutions, digital transformation, and ICT infrastructure in Egypt to enter the markets of the Middle East and Africa and Egypt region. The new USD 250 million state-of-the-art data center will be Egypt's first hyperscale data center built in Maadi Technology Park, Egypt's first dedicated investment area.
  • In July 2023, Digital Realty, a leading provider of carrier- and cloud-neutral data center, interconnection, and colocation solutions, announced its partnership with GI Partners in order to start a corporation for the sale of a 65% interest in two hyperscale data Tier 4 center buildings, which are stabilized. The company will receive around USD 743 million in gross proceeds from the joint venture and the associated financing.
  • As with technological advancements such as AI, IoT, and 5G leading the digital transformation, various industry sectors, such as government, finance, media, and manufacturing, are starting to demand advanced data centers with high reliability. A few prominent technological vendors in the region, leveraging their years of expertise, are launching services that allow the end user to manage data center operations better.

North America Accounts for a Major Share

  • North America dominates the global market for building data centers. A strong economy and cutting-edge network infrastructure are critical drivers for the market's expansion. The United States dominates the regional market and has many significant cloud service providers, including Amazon.com, Google Inc., and Facebook. These businesses invest in building massive data centers and increased data storage and processing capabilities, which present enormous market prospects.
  • Furthermore, the growing demand for data security and privacy is driving the demand for data centers. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, the count of data breaches in the United States in 2022 was 1,802. However, around 422 million individuals were affected by data breaches in the same year, including data leaks, breaches, and exposures. Although these are three separate events, they have one feature. An unauthorized malicious actor can access sensitive data under three circumstances. With the rise of data breaches and cyber threats, organizations and businesses seek secure and reliable data handling and storage solutions that only advanced data centers can offer.
  • The United States is analyzed to hold a significant share. The rise in the new data centers in the country would drive the market. For instance, in May 2023, Polish software organization Comarch launched a data center of around 32,000 square feet (3,000 sqm) in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. The new data center is anticipated to be fully active starting the year of its announcement. The proposed data center comprises four server rooms with 160 racks and is expected to offer services with managed services, colocation, cloud hosting, disaster recovery, and backup services. It is also projected to provide meet-me rooms (MMR). Such developments are creating growth opportunities for the data center power market in the United States.
  • Moreover, in January 2024, Vertiv Group Corp. announced that it increased the production capacity of its switchgear, busway, and integrated modular solutions (IMS) business by more than 100% since it acquired E&I Engineering and PowerBar Gulf LLC, switchgear, busway, and IMS business in 2021 and further, it is planning to expand its existing facilities through the end of 2025.
  • The demand for Unified Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) solutions from telecom and business technology resellers in North America is also a factor in the market's expansion. To maximize system resilience to MSPs, VARs, ISPs, and interconnects, a player like SkySwitch offers white-label UCaaS from geographically varied sites.

Data Center Construction Industry Overview

The data center construction market is fragmented, consisting of several major players. With technological advancements and product innovations, many companies are increasing their presence in the market by securing new contracts and tapping new markets that cater to an intense rivalry. A few of the key players are AECOM, Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, and DPR Construction.

May 2023: Data4 Group, the French leader in data center operations and investments in Europe, announced that it would build a new data center campus on the former Nokia site in Nosee, Essonne, France. The project, which plans to invest around EUR 1 billion by 2030, aims to revitalize 22 hectares of industrial and office land and underscore the Group's strong presence in Paris.

April 2023: Microsoft announced the opening of its newest trusted cloud center in Poland, which will be the first in Central and Eastern Europe. Microsoft Poland's cloud region consists of three physical locations around Warsaw, each consisting of a single or several data centers. It ensures that data are stored in a country that is in compliance with the highest standards of security, privacy, and regulatory compliance.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study


  • 2.1 Research Framework
  • 2.2 Secondary Research
  • 2.3 Primary Research
  • 2.4 Data Triangulation and Insight Generation



  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Dynamics
    • 4.2.1 Market Drivers
      • Growing Cloud Applications, AI, and Big Data
      • Rising Adoption of Hyperscale Data Centers
    • 4.2.2 Market Restraints
      • Rising Real Estate Cost Coupled with High Cost of Installment and Maintenance
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Key Global Data Center Construction Statistics
    • 4.4.1 Number of Data Centers, Global, 2023
    • 4.4.2 Data Center Under Construction, Global, n MW, 2024 - 2029
    • 4.4.3 Average Capex and Opex For the Global Data Center Construction
    • 4.4.4 Data Center Power Capacity Absorption in MW, Selected Region, 2022 and 2023
    • 4.4.5 The Top CAPEX Spenders on Data Center Infrastructure in the World


  • 5.1 Market Segmentation - By Infrastructure
    • 5.1.1 Market Segmentation - Electrical Infrastructure
      • Power Distribution Solution
      • PDU - Basic & Smart - Metered & Switched solutions
      • Transfer Switches
      • Static
      • Automatic (ATS)
      • Switchgear
      • Low-voltage
      • Medium-voltage
      • Power Panels and Components
      • Others
      • Power Back up Solutions
      • UPS
      • Generators
      • Service - Design & Consulting, Integration, Support & Maintenance
    • 5.1.2 Market Segmentation - By Mechanical Infrastructure
      • Cooling Systems
      • Immersion Cooling
      • Direct-To-Chip Cooling
      • Rear Door Heat Exchanger
      • In-row and In-rack Cooling
      • Racks
      • Other Mechanical Infrastructure
    • 5.1.3 General Construction
  • 5.2 Market Segmentation - By Tier Type
    • 5.2.1 Tier-I and II
    • 5.2.2 Tier-III
    • 5.2.3 Tier-IV
  • 5.3 Market Segmentation - By End User
    • 5.3.1 Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance
    • 5.3.2 IT and Telecommunications
    • 5.3.3 Government and Defense
    • 5.3.4 Healthcare
    • 5.3.5 Other End Users
  • 5.4 Market Segmentation - By Region
    • 5.4.1 North America
    • 5.4.2 Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.4.4 Middle East and Africa
    • 5.4.5 Latin America


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 AECOM
    • 6.1.2 Whiting-turner Contracting Company
    • 6.1.3 Turner Construction Co.
    • 6.1.4 Jacobs Solutions Inc.
    • 6.1.5 DPR Construction
    • 6.1.6 Skanska USA
    • 6.1.7 Balfour Beatty US
    • 6.1.8 Hensel Phelps
    • 6.1.9 PT Jaya Obayashi
    • 6.1.10 Hibiya Engineering Ltd
    • 6.1.11 Goodman Group
    • 6.1.12 Fortis Construction Inc.