

Japan Digital Transformation - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




日本数位转型市场规模预计到 2024 年为 622 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 1892.6 亿美元,在预测期内(2024-2029 年)复合年增长率为 24.93%。



  • 市场成长的主要驱动力是网路安全、人工智慧(AI)、巨量资料分析、商业智慧(BI)和云端运算等先进技术的日益采用。这些技术正在改变和创新商业环境,从而增加收益。此外,透过电子邮件、协作工具和数位平台开展业务也发生了重大转变。
  • 随着越来越多的公司采用数位体验平台 (DXP) 来改善客户体验并培养品牌忠诚度,市场呈现出正面的趋势。 BFSI、零售、IT 与电信以及医疗保健等行业处于整合 DXP 的前沿,以提高客户参与并加速产品发布。此外,这些最终用户公司正在与伙伴关係,将 DXP 纳入商务策略。
  • 英国和日本政府已合作达成协议,以在 2022 年加强政府数位转型。合作备忘录 (MoC) 的重点是在英国政府数位服务 (GDS) 和日本数位机构之间架起桥樑。该伙伴关係将涉及相互交流见解和策略,以改善两国的数位政府工作。这些措施使两国能够在当前情况下共用对公务员进行数位教育并建立其技术能力的责任。
  • 公司正在投资先进技术工具,以提高日本人民的便利性。例如,2024年5月,都营交通与DENSO WAVE共同开发了全球首个二维码系统。该系统专用东京都营地铁浅草线设计,允许月台门无缝打开和关闭。该门是一项重要的安全功能,可防止乘客跌落到轨道上或进入限制区域。都营地铁在东京的 4 条线路上每天约有 220 万名乘客使用,并最初在三田线引入了月台门。这项实施显着减少了与平台相关的事故。
  • 到2023年终,日本的数位竞争力世界排名将降至历史最低点。瑞士商学院国际管理发展学院以其对各国数位化应对力的年度评估而闻名,该机构将日本在评估的 64 个经济体中排名第 32 位。令人担忧的一个主要问题是日本对变革的抵制,而资料隐私和安全问题对数位转型工作构成了主要障碍。此外,资料外洩、未授权存取和滥用个人资讯的增加也增加了消费者、监管机构和企业对资料安全的担忧。
  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情之后,日本的数位转型力度不断加大,企业在各个领域加大了对自动化、人工智慧和物联网技术的投资。人们也持续关注公共服务的数位化,线上政务服务变得更加便捷和有效率。



  • 在日本,5G 网路的扩张正在取​​得进展,并进行了大量投资来开发必要的基础设施。日本正在积极部署5G基础设施,NTT Docomo、KDDI、Softbank Corporation等主要通讯业者都参与了5G网路的扩展。根据内务部的资料,2023年5G合约数量将达到6,981万个,未来预计将进一步增加。
  • Softbank Corporation和 KDDI 透过 5G JAPAN 各自共同建造了超过 38,000 个 5G基地台。由于这项倡议,资本投资成本减少了 2.9 亿美元(约 450 亿日圆)。除了增强网路覆盖和技术之外,通讯业者还致力于标准化 5G 和 4G基地台的建造规范。两家公司计划联合采购设备。此外,两家公司的愿景是在 2024 财年开始技术讨论和试验,并在 2026 财年扩大合作。
  • 日本的智慧城市利用物联网、巨量资料、人工智慧、自动驾驶和生物识别等以资料为中心的技术。这些技术通常用于交通管理系统、智慧电网和互联公共服务。先进的交通管理系统利用即时资料来优化交通流量、减少拥塞并提高大众交通工具的效率。
  • 2023 年 11 月在巴塞隆纳举行的智慧城市博览会世界大会 (SCEWC) 为未来城市生活提供了一个平台。在此次活动中,日本参展了日本馆,展示了旨在改善城市生活、提高效率和促进环境永续性的各种计划和倡议。该展馆聚集了来自日本领先企业、新兴企业和地方政府的代表,以促进与全球合作伙伴的讨论。会议涵盖了各种主题,从大众交通工具优化和物联网 (IoT) 到废弃物管理和住宅空间的数位转型。
  • 此外,资料储存、运算能力和业务应用程式越来越多地采用云端服务,促进了组织的远端工作和协作。企业正在增加投资以提高效率、生产力和客户体验。


  • 製造业越来越多地采用分析、人工智慧和机器学习。这有助于预测性维护、品管和供应链优化。在日本,智慧工厂和工业4.0的概念正在广泛传播。因此,越来越多的公司采用人工智慧来实现流程自动化、降低营运成本并提高效率。根据Internet Initiative的资料,大约有43.4家製造企业计划投资智慧工厂,以检测生产设备的故障征兆。
  • 2024 年 3 月,思科系统公司、三井资讯和 KDDI Engineering 宣布合作,专门为智慧工厂部署专用 5G 网路。这三家公司计划在爱知县小牧市的 Shinwa Komaki SFiC 实验室设立「工业 4.0 试验台」。该计划旨在为製造商提供一个平台来测试和检验利用商用 5G 技术的各种工业应用。潜在的应用范围从自动导引运输车(AGV) 到工业机器人、机器视觉系统和其他先进的工厂自动化。
  • 日本政府正在透过各种措施和资助计画积极推动人工智慧研究和开发。数位机构的成立旨在加速人工智慧在公共服务中的采用,并简化跨部门的数位转型工作。
  • 2024 年 3 月,云端和营运商中立的资料中心供应商 Digital Realty 宣布将开始在千叶县印西的 NRT 园区建造第三个资料中心。该中心名为 NRT14,是 Digital Realty 全球资料中心平台 PlatformDIGITAL® 的重要补充,计划于 2025 年 12 月开幕。 NRT14 是 Digital Realty 全球资料中心 PlatformDIGITAL® 的重要补充,计划于 2025 年 12 月开放。
  • 此外,零售商正在利用人工智慧来增强客户洞察、供应链优化和动态定价策略。电子商务平台正在利用人工智慧提供个人化购物体验并提高客户维繫。


日本的数位转型市场较为分散,市场参与者众多,包括富士通日本有限公司、NEC公司、西门子公司、IBM公司及NTT DATA集团。市场参与者正在采取联盟和收购等策略来增强其产品供应并获得永续的竞争优势。

  • 2024年7月,富士通与Cohere宣布建立策略伙伴关係,为企业提供客製化的生成式人工智慧解决方案。两家公司之间的合作重点是利用富士通的 Kozuchi AI 服务来建立专为私有云端应用程式设计的先进日语大规模语言模型 (LLM)。此次合作将为该公司提供一流的日语能力,增强客户服务和员工体验。
  • 2024年7月,软银公司与NEC公司宣布建立以生物识别为核心的策略伙伴关係,旨在推动日本企业和政府机构的数位转型(DX)。此次合作将 NEC 着名的生物识别套件(以 Bio-IDiom 服务为主导)与Softbank Corporation强大的 5G 网路和安全产品结合。两家公司都致力于为广泛的行业提供客製化解决方案。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围





  • 市场驱动因素
    • 日本越来越多地采用巨量资料分析和其他技术
    • 行动装置和应用程式的快速采用
  • 市场限制因素
    • 对资讯隐私和安全的担忧


第七章 关键指标

  • 科技支出趋势
  • 物联网设备数量
  • 网路攻击总数
  • 技术人员动向
  • 网路普及率
  • 数位竞技排名
  • 固定和行动宽频普及率
  • 云端采用
  • 采用人工智慧
  • 电商渗透率


  • 按类型
    • 分析、人工智慧、机器学习
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 关键成长要素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 扩增实境(XR)
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • IoT
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 工业机器人
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 区块链
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 市场展望
    • 积层製造/3D列印
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、成长机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 网路安全
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 关键成长要素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 云端运算和边缘运算
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
    • 其他(数位双胞胎、移动性、连结性)
      • 当前市场情景和预测期的市场预测
      • 主要成长影响因素(驱动因素、挑战、机会)
      • 按类型分類的市场区隔(数位双胞胎、移动性、连结性)
      • 使用案例分析
      • 市场展望
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 製造业
    • 石油、天然气和公共产业
    • 零售/电子商务
    • 运输/物流
    • 卫生保健
    • BFSI
    • 通讯/IT
    • 政府/公共部门
    • 其他(教育、媒体与娱乐、环境等)

第9章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Fujitsu Japan Limited
    • NEC corporation
    • Accenture PLC
    • Siemens AG
    • IBM Corporation
    • NTT DATA Group
    • SAP SE
    • Oracle Corporation japan
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Salesforce.com Inc.

第10章 关键改造技术

  • 量子计算
  • 製造即服务 (MaaS)
  • 认知过程自动化
  • 奈米科技
Product Code: 50002992

The Japan Digital Transformation Market size is estimated at USD 62.20 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 189.26 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 24.93% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Japan Digital Transformation - Market

Key Highlights

  • The market's growth is majorly due to the rising adoption of advanced technologies like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, business intelligence (BI), and cloud computing. These technologies have led to transformations and innovations in the business landscape, leading to increased revenues. Moreover, there's a notable shift towards conducting business through email, collaboration tools, and digital platforms.
  • The market is witnessing a favorable trend as companies increasingly adopt digital experience platforms (DXPs) to boost customer experiences and foster brand loyalty. Industries like BFSI, retail, IT & telecom, and healthcare are at the forefront, integrating DXPs to enhance customer engagement and expedite product launches. Moreover, these end-use companies are forging partnerships with their industry counterparts to embed DXPs into their business strategies.
  • The UK and Japanese governments have collaborated on a deal to enhance digital government transformation in 2022. The Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) focused on bridging the UK Government Digital Service (GDS) with Japan's Digital Agency. This partnership entails a mutual exchange of insights and strategies to elevate digital government endeavors in both nations. These initiatives helped both countries share the responsibility of giving civil servants digital training and building their technical capabilities in the current scenario.
  • Companies are investing in advanced technology tools to enhance the convenience of Japanese people. For instance, in May 2024, Toei Transportation pioneered the world's inaugural 2D-code system in collaboration with Denso Wave. This system was designed specifically for the Toei Subway Asakusa Line in Tokyo, enabling the seamless opening and closing of platform doors. These doors, a crucial safety feature, are instrumental in preventing passengers from falling onto the tracks or accessing restricted areas. Toei Subway, which serves approximately 2.2 million passengers daily across its four Tokyo lines, initially deployed platform doors on the Mita Line. The implementation resulted in a significant reduction in platform-related accidents.
  • By the close of 2023, Japan's digital competitiveness hit a record low in global rankings. The International Institute for Management Development, a Swiss business school renowned for its yearly evaluations of nations' digital readiness, placed Japan 32nd out of the 64 economies under review. The major cause of concern was Japan's resistance to change, and concerns over data privacy and security pose major obstacles to digital transformation efforts. Moreover, the growth of data breaches, unauthorized access, and personal information misuse has increased consumer, regulator, and business concerns regarding data safety.
  • Post-COVID-19 enhanced Japan's digital transformation initiatives, as organizations increased their investments in automation, AI, and IoT technologies across various sectors. There is a continuous focus on the digitalization of public services, making government services accessible online and improving efficiency.

Japan Digital Transformation Market Trends

Telecom and IT Holds the Largest Share

  • The country is experiencing an expansion of 5G networks with significant investments in building the necessary infrastructure. Japan has been actively rolling out 5G infrastructure, with major telecom operators like NTT Docomo, KDDI, and SoftBank, which are involved in expanding the 5G network. As per data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan), the number of 5G subscriptions rose to 69.81 million in 2023, which is expected to grow further.
  • SoftBank and KDDI, through 5G JAPAN, have collaboratively built more than 38,000 5G base stations each. This effort has notably reduced capital expenditure costs by USD 0.29 billion (JPY 45.0 billion) for each entity. Beyond bolstering network coverage and technologies, the telcos focus on standardizing construction specs, spanning both 5G and 4G base stations. Both companies have planned joint equipment procurement. Moreover, they started to initiate technology discussions and trials in fiscal year 2024, with a vision to broaden their collaborative endeavors by fiscal year 2026.
  • Japan's smart cities leverage data-centric technologies such as IoT, big data, AI, automated driving, and biometric authentication. These technologies are generally used in traffic management systems, smart grids, and connected public services. Advanced traffic management systems use real-time data to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve public transportation efficiency.
  • The Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in November 2023, held in Barcelona, served as a platform for future urban living. At the event, Japan's spotlight was its "Japan Pavilion," showcasing a spectrum of projects and initiatives designed to enhance urban living, bolster efficiency, and promote environmental sustainability. The Pavilion, featuring collaborations between major Japanese corporations, startups, and representatives from local governments, facilitated discussions with global partners. The topics covered included public transport optimization and the Internet of Things (IoT) to waste management and the digital transformation of residential spaces.
  • Moreover, there is increasing adoption of cloud services for data storage, computing power, and business applications, which facilitate remote work and collaboration for organizations. Companies are increasing their investments to improve efficiency, productivity, and the customer experience.

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is Expected to Witness Growth

  • The manufacturing sector's deployment of analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning is growing. This helps with predictive maintenance, quality control, and optimizing supply chains. Smart factories and Industry 4.0 concepts are gaining traction in Japan. Thus, businesses are increasingly adopting AI for process automation, reducing operational costs and improving efficiency. As per the data by Internet Initiative Japan, around 43.4 manufacturing companies planned to make investments in smart factories to detect signs of malfunction in production equipment
  • In March 2024, Cisco Systems, Mitsui Information, and KDDI Engineering announced a collaboration to roll out a private 5G network tailored for smart factories. The trio planned for the establishment of an "Industry 4.0 Testbed" at the Shinwa Komaki SFiC Lab, situated in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. This initiative aimed to provide manufacturers with a platform to test and validate various industrial applications leveraging private 5G technology. Envisioned applications span from automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to industrial robots, machine vision systems, and other facets of advanced factory automation.
  • The Japanese government is actively promoting AI research and development through various initiatives and funding programs. The establishment of the Digital Agency aims to foster AI adoption in public services and streamline digital transformation efforts across sectors.
  • In March 2024, Digital Realty, a provider of cloud-and carrier-neutral data centers, announced the initiation of construction on its third data center on the NRT campus in Inzai, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Dubbed NRT14, this center is a pivotal addition to Digital Realty's global data center platform, PlatformDIGITAL(R), which is planned to open in December 2025. Its launch aims to significantly bolster the availability of advanced, AI-ready infrastructure in Japan.
  • Moreover, retailers are leveraging AI for enhanced customer insights, supply chain optimization, and dynamic pricing strategies. E-commerce platforms are using AI to provide personalized shopping experiences and improve customer retention.

Japan Digital Transformation Industry Overview

The Japanese digital transformation market is fragmented, with many players present in the market, such as Fujitsu Japan Limited, NEC Corporation, Siemens AG, IBM Corporation, and NTT DATA Group. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • In July 2024, Fujitsu and Cohere announced a strategic partnership to offer generative AI solutions tailored for enterprises. Their collaboration centers on crafting an advanced Japanese large language model (LLM) specifically designed for private cloud applications, utilizing Fujitsu's Kozuchi AI services. This joint effort is planned to empower enterprises with top-tier Japanese language capabilities, enhancing both customer interactions and employee experiences.
  • In July 2024, SoftBank Corp and NEC Corp unveiled a strategic alliance centered on biometric authentication, with the goal of propelling digital transformation (DX) within Japanese enterprises and governmental bodies. This partnership merges NEC's renowned biometric authentication suite, notably its "Bio-IDiom Services," with the robust 5G network and security offerings of SoftBank. The firms strive to deliver customized solutions to a broad spectrum of industries.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study



4 INDUSTRY ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS (Detailed Coverage of Key Stakeholders in Digital Transformation Industry Product/Solution Providers, System Integrators/VARs, Connectivity Providers, Regulatory Bodies, End-users, Service Providers, etc.)


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increase in the adoption of big data analytics and other technologies in the country
    • 5.1.2 The rapid proliferation of mobile devices and apps
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Concerns about the Privacy and Security of Information



  • 7.1 Technology Spending Trends
  • 7.2 Number of IoT Devices
  • 7.3 Total Cyberattacks
  • 7.4 Technology Staffing Trends
  • 7.5 Internet growth and penetration in the Country
  • 7.6 Digital Competitiveness Ranking
  • 7.7 Fixed and Mobile Broadband Coverage
  • 7.8 Cloud adoption
  • 7.9 AI adoption
  • 7.10 E-commerce Penetration


  • 8.1 By Type
    • 8.1.1 Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.2 Extended Reality (XR)
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.3 IoT
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.4 Industrial Robotics
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.5 Blockchain
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.6 Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.7 Cybersecurity
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.8 Cloud and Edge Computing
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
    • 8.1.9 Others (digital twin, mobility, and connectivity)
      • Current Market Scenario and Market Projections for the Forecast Period
      • Key Growth Influencers (Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities)
      • Market Breakdown by Type (Digital Twin, Mobility and Connectivity)
      • Use Case Analysis
      • Market Outlook
  • 8.2 By End-User Industry
    • 8.2.1 Manufacturing
    • 8.2.2 Oil, Gas and Utilities
    • 8.2.3 Retail & e-commerce
    • 8.2.4 Transportation and Logistics
    • 8.2.5 Healthcare
    • 8.2.6 BFSI
    • 8.2.7 Telecom and IT
    • 8.2.8 Government and Public Sector
    • 8.2.9 Others (Education, Media & Entertainment, Environment etc)


  • 9.1 Company Profiles
    • 9.1.1 Fujitsu Japan Limited
    • 9.1.2 NEC corporation
    • 9.1.3 Accenture PLC
    • 9.1.4 Siemens AG
    • 9.1.5 IBM Corporation
    • 9.1.6 NTT DATA Group
    • 9.1.7 SAP SE
    • 9.1.8 Oracle Corporation japan
    • 9.1.9 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 9.1.10 Salesforce.com Inc.


  • 10.1 Quantum Computing
  • 10.2 Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)
  • 10.3 Cognitive Process Automation
  • 10.4 Nanotechnology