
欧洲生物分解性杯:市场占有率分析、行业趋势和成长预测(2025-2030 年)

Europe Biodegradable Cups - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




预计预测期内欧洲生物分解性杯子市场的复合年增长率将达到 6.35%。




  • 要真正发挥生物分解性杯包装的潜力,需要有足够的堆肥和回收基础设施来支持其使用。目前,世界上很少有城市拥有这样的基础建设。然而,随着人们认识的提高、投资的增加以及对一次性塑胶的禁令,这一趋势可能会愈演愈烈,为现有和新的市场参与者创造充足的机会。进行此类活动的合作可以为在该市场运营的供应商创造策略机会。
  • 目前,欧洲在市场中处于领先地位,因为掩埋成本(以掩埋税和垃圾掩埋场门禁费的总和计算)明显较高,加之态度转变和塑胶禁令。由于生物分解性塑胶包装的优异性能和优势,欧洲地区新进业者的范围正在迅速扩大。
  • 据欧洲生质塑胶称,生物分解性塑胶(包括 PLA、PHA、淀粉混合物等)占全球生质塑胶产能的 55.5% 以上(超过 100 万吨)。预计到 2024 年,生物分解性塑胶产量将增加到 133 万吨,这主要得益于显着的成长率,尤其是 PHA 的成长率。
  • 该地区还迎来了新参与企业,他们将高度生物分解性的杯子带入市场。例如,2020 年 1 月,Lavazza Professional 推出了一款可回收和生物分解,名为 KLIX 环保杯,该产品采用来自永续管理森林的纸张製造。该产品自 2020 年 2 月起与製造商 Kotkamills 合作在 KLIX 自动贩卖机上销售,并供应给一系列热饮品牌,并计划全年供应。新型 KLIX 环保杯的独特之处在于,由于采用了专利的特殊水基分散阻隔板,它可以与办公用纸等普通废纸一起回收。预计此类技术创新加上日益增多的伙伴关係关係将在预测期内推动市场成长。



  • 根据应用,食品和饮料最终用户预计最能适应生物分解性包装。例如,2021 年 5 月,丹麦研究人员想出了一种方法,以草纤维取代食品配送中使用的塑料,他们称这种塑料「100%生物分解性」。
  • 新冠疫情让消费者意识到做好准备和把健康放在第一位的重要性,从而增加了整个全部区域对包装食品的需求。同样,许多品牌也调整了其产品包装以吸引消费者。因此,包装现在被视为消费者和品牌之间的重要桥樑,可以有效传达卫生习惯的维护和消费者安全被优先考虑的讯息。
  • 然而,大多数政府都在推动在本国禁止使用一次性塑料,这减缓了塑料的流通,并阻碍了各企业采用生物分解性的包装。例如,在英国,环境、食品和农村事务部已将塑胶吸管、搅拌棒和棉籤的禁令延长至2020年10月。
  • 食品业也正在重新考虑使用可回收和环保材料的方法,因为这可能会增加传播的威胁。例如,甚至在实施封锁之前,一些咖啡业的公司就已经恢復使用一次性杯子了。这也许是暂时的趋势,但并不代表环保包装在未来不会受到更多的关注。
  • 为了满足日益增长的需求,该地区的新兴企业也在不断增长。 2021年4月,Picup在波兰推出了植物性纸杯。这家位于波兹南的新兴企业的 100%生物分解的茶杯和咖啡杯在过滤器底部有一颗种子,喝完后可以长成一棵树。
  • Picup 为咖啡连锁店和其他行动式企业提供了一种即时、方便和实用的替代方案,对地球没有任何影响,因为客户不一定需要自备可重复使用的杯子。定制他们的杯子上的标誌。


  • 随着外带和街头小吃店的兴起,在英国,随时随地吃东西已经成为新常态。英国最近出台了要求加强包装回收的法规。
  • 英国GM Packaging Ltd 等公司推出了使用甘蔗渣和竹纤维製造的产品,这使得他们能够生产可堆肥的餐具,如刀、叉、汤匙和杯子。配备这使得这些产品价格实惠、安全且环保。
  • 这种成长背后的另一个因素是消费者意识。先前,大多数消费者都知道,标准纸杯很难回收,通常会因为其聚乙烯 (PE)内衬而被送往垃圾掩埋场,而且包括英国在内的欧洲很少有回收设施可以处理它们。
  • 为了满足日益增长的需求,现有市场和新参与企业都在推出新产品,以抢占该地区的市场占有率。例如2020年12月,英国推出了一款完全无塑胶、可回收的无盖外带杯。新推出的无盖蝴蝶杯在英国各地的野生禽鸟和湿地信託中心展出。这些杯子可以与纸板和普通纸张一起在普通纸质垃圾箱中回收,并且可以自然生物分解和堆肥。


欧洲生物分解性杯子市场规模中等,拥有 Genpak LLC、Pactiv LLC、BVO International GmbH 和 Huhtamaki Group 等知名企业。透过设计、技术和应用的创新可以获得永续的竞争优势。据观察,市场现有企业采取温和的竞争策略,进行伙伴关係活动,重视研发和创新活动。然而,该地区正在经历大量新参与企业,这可能会在整个预测期内分化市场。

  • 2021 年 3 月 - 总部位于卢森堡的 Capsul'in Pro 推出了一款零影响咖啡机,该咖啡机 100% 以生物基为基础,可在家中堆肥,并且具有高氧气阻隔性,可保护咖啡的风味和香气。零影响胶囊 100%植物来源,不含任何石化燃料衍生材料。使用后,胶囊可以放入家庭堆肥箱或与有机废物一起收集。
  • 2020 年 11 月 -酵母约克郡印刷和行销公司 Just Peel 计划在汇丰银行英国分行的资助下,为饮料行业推出一系列标准化一次性品脱和半品脱纸杯。该公司利用六位数的银行融资方案购买了专用机器,以生产完全可品牌化、不含 PE 和 PLA 塑料、带有 CE 标誌的品脱和半品脱纸杯。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义



第四章 市场动态

  • 市场概况
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 饮料业对永续产品的需求不断增加
    • 严格的政府监管导致人们关注基于材料的创新。
  • 市场挑战
  • 生态系分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
  • COVID-19 对生物分解性杯子行业的影响(对餐饮业产生负面影响,而餐饮业是市场增长的主要贡献者之一)| 由于感染风险较低,对一次性产品的关注度增加| 供应链挑战(涵盖以下主题)

第五章 市场区隔

  • 依材料类型
    • 生质塑胶(PLA、PBS 等)
  • 按应用
    • 饮料(冷饮和热饮 | 冰淇淋)
    • 食品(糖果零食、酱料、调味品)
  • 按最终用户
    • 食品服务(咖啡厅、饭店)
    • 设施(商场和其他商业设施)
    • 其他(一般家庭等)
  • 按国家
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 义大利
    • 法国
    • 其他欧洲国家(西班牙、北欧、比荷卢三国等)

第六章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Genpak LLC
    • Pactiv LLC
    • BVO International GmbH
    • Huhtamaki Group
    • Go-Pak Limited
    • Scyphus Limited
    • Bio Futura Group
    • Vegware
    • The Cup Folk

第七章 市场展望

Product Code: 72099

The Europe Biodegradable Cups Market is expected to register a CAGR of 6.35% during the forecast period.

Europe Biodegradable Cups - Market - IMG1

With an outbreak of COVID-19, many companies have begun shifting away from the sustainability goal of banning plastic. Some studies suggested that the virus can be passed on through cardboard and plastic, which has resulted in increased usage of single-use materials across the supermarkets to wrap products.

Key Highlights

  • To truly capture the potential for biodegradable cup packaging, the region needs to have an adequate composting and collection infrastructure to support the use. Currently, very few municipalities across the world have such infrastructure. However, with the increasing awareness, investment, and ban on single-use plastic, this is likely to ascend, creating an ample amount of opportunities for the existing and new market players. Partnering for such activities can create strategic opportunities for vendors operating in the market space.
  • Currently, Europe leads the market, owing to substantially higher landfill disposal costs (calculated by adding together landfill taxes plus landfill gate fees), coupled with awareness and plastic bans. Owing to the exceptional characteristics and benefits of biodegradable plastic packaging, the scope for new entrants is rapidly increasing in the European region.
  • According to the European bioplastics, the biodegradable plastics altogether, including PLA, PHA, starch blends, and others, account for over 55.5% (over one million tonnes) of global bioplastics production capacities. The production of biodegradable plastics is anticipated to increase to 1.33 million in the year 2024, especially due to PHA's significant growth rates.
  • The region is also witnessing entry of new players that are introducing highly biodegradable cups in the market. For instance, in January 2020, Lavazza Professional introduced a new recyclable and biodegradable product known as KLIX Eco Cup that is manufactured using paper sourced from sustainably managed forests. The product is created in partnership with manufacturer Kotkamills, was made available in KLIX vending machines from February 2020, serving a wide range of hot drinks brands, with more to come throughout the year.The new KLIX Eco Cup is unique due to a special patented water-based dispersion barrier board that enables the cups to be recycled with normal paper waste, just like office paper. Such innovations combined with increasing partnerships is expected to spur the market growth during the forecast period.

Europe Biodegradable Cups Market Trends

Food is Expected to Gain Significant Share

  • By application, food, beverage end users are expected to adapt to biodegradable packaging the most. For instance, in May 2021, researchers in Denmark have created a way to replace plastic used in delivering food with grass fibers, which they say is '100 % biodegradable.'
  • The novel coronavirus has aided consumers to realize the importance of always being prepared and putting health first and increased the demand for packaged food across the region. Similarly, many brands had also tweaked the packaging of the products in order to appeal to the consumers. Therefore, the packaging is now being seen as a vital bridge between consumers and brands to effectively communicate that hygiene practices are maintained, consumer safety is prioritized.
  • However, most of the government has pushed the banning on single-use plastic in their countries, which has gained some time for the plastic cycle and hindered the adoption of biodegradable packaging by various companies. For instance, in the United Kingdom, The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs postponed the ban on plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds to October 2020.
  • Also, the food sector is also reconsidering its approach to using recyclable or eco-friendly materials that might augment transmission threats. For instance, even before the enforcement of lockdown, some players involved in the coffee business had resumed using disposable cups. Even though this might be a momentary trend, it does not mean that the environment-friendly packaging options will not be reconsidered in the future.
  • Owing to the growing needs, the region is also witnessing growth of startups. In April 2021, Picup launched its plantable paper cups in Poland. The Poznan-based startup's 100% biodegradable cups of tea or coffee contain seeds at the bottom of the filter, allowing a tree to grow after the drink is consumed.
  • For businesses that provide on-the-go services, such as coffee chains where customers may not always bring their own reusable cups, Picup provides an instant, convenient, practical alternative that leaves behind a lighter footprint on the planet and can work with brands to customise cups with their brand logos.

United Kingdom is Expected to Grow Significantly

  • With the rise of takeaway and street food outlets, grabbing food on the go is the new norm in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has recently introduced regulations that require increased recycled content for packaging.
  • Companies, like GM Packaging Ltd, in the United Kingdom have launched products that are manufactured using sugarcane (Bagasse) and bamboo fiber, which allows them to meet the consumer's needs through reliable and stable products with compostable utensils, such as knives, forks, spoons, and cups. This makes these products affordable, safe, and eco-friendly.
  • The growth is also attributed to consumer awareness. Earlier most consumers were unaware that standard paper cups are difficult to recycle and are usually sent to landfills due to a Polyethylene (PE) lining that very few recycling facilities across Europe can process including the United Kingdom.
  • Owing to the increasing demand, new as well as established players in the market are launching new products to gain market share in the region. For instance, in December 2020, Britain's fully plastic-free and recyclable lid-free takeaway cup was launched in the United Kingdom. The newly launched ButterflyCup which needs no separate lid was showcased at WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) centres across the United Kingdom. The cup can be recycled in the regular paper bin along with cardboard and ordinary paper, biodegrades naturally and can be composted.

Europe Biodegradable Cups Industry Overview

The European biodegradable cups market is moderate, with market incumbents, such as Genpak LLC, Pactiv LLC, BVO International GmbH, Huhtamaki Group, among others, operating in the market. Sustainable competitive advantage can be gained through innovation in design, technology, and application. The market incumbents have been identified to adopt moderate competitive strategies, by partnerships activities, emphasis on R&D, and innovative activities. However, there are many new players that are expanding in the region and might make the market fragmented through the forecast period.

  • March 2021 - Luxembourg-based company Capsul'in Pro launched its Zero Impact Nespresso-compatible coffee capsule, that is 100% biobased, certified home compostable and with a high oxygen barrier that protects the flavour and aroma of the coffee. The Zero Impact capsule is completely plant-based and does not contain materials derived from fossil fuels. After use, the capsule can be put in a home compost bin or collected with organic waste.
  • November 2020 - East Yorkshire printing and marketing business Just Peel announced that it is planning to launch a range of disposable pint and half pint standardised paper cups for the drinks industry supported by funding from HSBC UK. The company used a six-figure funding package from the bank to purchase specialist machinery to produce fully brandable, PE and PLA plastic free, CE-marked pint and half-pint paper cups.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Growing demand for Sustainable Products specifically in the beverage industry
    • 4.2.2 Stringent government regulations has led to higher emphasis on material-based innovations
  • 4.3 Market Challenges
  • 4.4 Industry Ecosystem Analysis
  • 4.5 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • 4.6 Impact of COVID-19 on the Biodegradable Cups Industry (Key themes covered include adverse impact on the foodservice industry which is one of the foremost contributors to market growth| Higher focus on Single-use products owing to lower risk of transmission| Supply-chain challenges)


  • 5.1 By Material Type
    • 5.1.1 Bio-Plastics (PLA, PBS & others)
    • 5.1.2 Paper
  • 5.2 By Application
    • 5.2.1 Beverage (Cold & Hot Beverages| Ice-Cream)
    • 5.2.2 Food (Confectionaries, Spreads & Dressings)
  • 5.3 By End User
    • 5.3.1 Food Service Outlets (Cafe & Hotels)
    • 5.3.2 Institutional (Malls & other commercial establishments)
    • 5.3.3 Others (Households, etc.)
  • 5.4 By Country
    • 5.4.1 United Kingdom
    • 5.4.2 Germany
    • 5.4.3 Italy
    • 5.4.4 France
    • 5.4.5 Rest of Europe (Spain, Nordics, Benelux, etc.)


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Genpak LLC
    • 6.1.2 Pactiv LLC
    • 6.1.3 BVO International GmbH
    • 6.1.4 Huhtamaki Group
    • 6.1.5 Go-Pak Limited
    • 6.1.6 Scyphus Limited
    • 6.1.7 Bio Futura Group
    • 6.1.8 Vegware
    • 6.1.9 The Cup Folk