
北美 WiGig:市场占有率分析、行业趋势和成长预测(2025-2030 年)

North America WiGig - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





北美 WiGig-市场-IMG1


  • WiGig 市场主要由虚拟实境、多媒体串流、游戏、无线对接和企业应用等各种应用(主要在北美地区)对高速和资料密集型连接的需求不断增长所推动。
  • 高网路普及率以及该地区以美国和加拿大为首的大量智慧型手机用户预计将推动对使用 WiGig 的千兆位元组高速 Wi-Fi 的需求。北美正在迅速过渡到多Gigabit住宅互联网接入,主要是透过光纤到户。使用 DOCSIS 3.1 从现有网路中获取更多频宽的经济可行性正在随着真正的无线电和速度机会而发展,这将增加该地区对 WiGig 的需求。
  • 由于技术进步,消费者体验的品质也得到了改善。随着对超高清视讯、电影和随选视讯服务的需求增加,WiGig 市场预计将进一步成长。游戏中的虚拟实境和扩增实境也有望推动该市场的成长。
  • 近年来,随着物联网 (IoT) 和机器通讯MTC 的出现,行动流量急剧增加。
  • Wi-Fi 的缺点是与目前使用的 Wi-Fi 相比,该技术的范围有限。 WiGig使用60GHz频段的无线电波,因此在小区域或目标区域有效,但无法到达墙壁。为了弥补人口稠密地区WiGig连线覆盖不足的问题,需要使用多个存取点,每个存取点独立运行,这在防止网路流量方面也意味着。



  • WiGig 技术支援直接模式,家庭、企业和服务供应商正在转向该网路以进行电缆更换和基础设施联网。这将是一个关键点,因为 2.4GHz 和 5Ghz 频段的 802.11n 和 ac WiGig 将能够动态地从传统 WiFI 转移到三频连接网路。这是一个很棒的功能,因为当 WiG 进入您的家中时,覆盖范围可能会出现差距。
  • 此外,由于物联网设备的增加,WiGig 市场可能提供成长机会。然而,WiGig2D 网路在 DND2D 邻居发现期间使用直接波束成形训练,这会产生大量开销、高能耗和低吞吐量。
  • 北美正在对 5G 基础设施进行重大投资,以覆盖大多数偏远地区。 60GHz 频段的使用对于扩展 5G 网路至关重要,可以透过添加小型基地台无线电回程传输来提高网路密度。与光纤连接相比,WiGig 透过使用无线小型基地台回程传输来实现成本效益。
  • WiGig 晶片组的开发是英特尔和 SK Telecom 之间的合作。两家公司联手推进 Anchorbooster Cell 技术的工作,该技术是 5G 的关键技术之一,结合 LTE 和 WiGig 网络,实现大量资料的无缝传输。两家公司还表示,将行动边缘运算技术应用于 Anchor Booster Cells 将进一步提高体验质量,并为企业和关键产业开发新的经营模式。

显然,鑑于先前高流量区域的连网设备和电脑数量大幅下降,COVID-19 爆发对通讯服务和流量的影响将值得注意。在家工作和远距工作的普及导致连接的行动装置和电脑减少,同时美国消费者对家庭 Wi-Fi 网路的使用增加。


  • 为了涵盖大部分偏远地区,该地区正在大力投资 5G 基础设施。 60GHz 频段在 5G 网路部署中发挥着至关重要的作用,并且还可以透过添加小型基地台无线电回程传输来提高密度。与光纤连接相比,WiGig 的成本效益来自于无线小型基地台回程传输的使用。
  • 此外,家用电子电器产业推动了向室内高画质电视和其他显示器无线传输内容的市场,因为行动电话、平板电脑和电脑都可以与 WiGig 连接。例如,如果您的华硕 ROG行动电话配备可无线连接到大萤幕电视的显示底座,则可以使用 WiGig。 TwinView 底座配备 6.59 吋 TFT 触控萤幕、120Hz 触控萤幕、第二个大容量 5,000mAh 电池和空调。
  • 高网路普及率以及该地区以美国为首的大量智慧型手机用户预计将推动对使用 WiGig 的千兆位元组高速 Wi-Fi 的需求。北美正在迅速过渡到多Gigabit住宅互联网接入,主要是透过光纤到户。使用 DOCSIS 3.1 从现有网路中提取更多频宽的经济可行性对于无线和速度来说是一个真正的机会和趋势,这将增加该地区对 WiGig 的需求。
  • 此外,FCC表示,要建置5G网络,全国至少需要安装80万根射频天线。这表明在预测期内,全部区域可能有机会安装 WiGig 晶片以扩展 5G 网路。

北美 WiGig 产业概况

北美 WiGig 市场目前已成为半固体市场,拥有多家占据重要市场占有率的主要供应商。该市场的主要企业包括Google、Facebook、英特尔、英飞凌、高通等。

2023 年 9 月,Peraso Inc. 宣布发布 PRM2144X,这是该公司 PERSPECTUS 系列中最新的毫米波模组。该模组专为远距户外应用而设计,并结合了 Peraso 的智慧媒体存取控制功能。 PRM2144X 使无线互联网服务供应商(WISP) 能够在密集的用户环境中部署远距点网络,而无需担心干扰。

2022 年 9 月,英特尔公司和博通联合宣布推出业界首个跨供应商 Wi-Fi 7 展示。该演示展示了无线通讯速度超过每秒 5Gigabit。 Wi-Fi 7具有免许可6GHz频段的320MHz宽频频道、高阶4K QAM资料调变、多频宽同时连接的多链路操作以及多资源单元打孔以提高通道利用效率,利用创新功能。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 技术简介


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 通讯产业不断进步的技术
    • 高画质影片的采用增加
  • 市场限制因素
    • WiGig 产品的工作范围短

第六章 市场细分

  • 产品
    • 显示装置
    • 网路基础设施设备
  • 应用
    • 游戏和多媒体
    • 联网
    • 其他的
  • 国家名称
    • 美国
    • 加拿大

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
    • Intel Corporation
    • Broadcom Inc.
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Dell Technologies Inc.
    • Lenovo Group Limited
    • HP Development Company LP
    • Tensorcom Inc.



Product Code: 52603

The North America WiGig Market size is estimated at USD 1.55 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 3.52 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 17.78% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

North America WiGig - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The WiGig market is primarily driven by the increasing demand for high-speed, data-intensive connections in various applications such as virtual reality, multimedia streaming, gaming, wireless docking, and enterprise applications in the North American region.
  • The high internet penetration, along with large smartphone users in the region driven by the United States and Canada, is expected to drive the demand for Wi-Fi with high speed in gigabytes using WiGig. North America is quickly migrating toward multi-gigabit, residential internet access, primarily using fiber to the home. The economic feasibility of extracting more bandwidth from existing networks using DOCSIS 3.1 is trending with the real opportunity of wireless and speed, by which the demand for WiGig is increasing in this region.
  • The quality of consumers' experience is also improving as a result of technological progress. The WiGig market is expected to grow further as demand for ultrahigh definition videos, films, and video-on-demand services increases. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in gaming are also expected to boost the growth of this market.
  • The advent of the Internet of Things, i.e., IoT and machine communication MTC, has led to exponentially growing mobile traffic in recent years.
  • The disadvantage associated with Wi-Fi is that this technology has a limited range compared with the current use of Wi-Fi. The use of the 60GHz spectrum for WiGig means that a signal cannot be transmitted to walls, although it is effective in small and targeted areas. It is necessary to use multiple access points in order to remedy the lack of range available for WiGig connections in densely populated areas, but this also means that each Access Point should function on an individual basis with a view to preventing network traffic.

North America WiGig Market Trends

Networking to Hold a major share of the Market

  • The WiGig technology supports direct mode, which means the home, enterprises, and service providers are switching to a network for the replacement of cables as well as infrastructure networking. This is a critical point when WiGig in the 2.4 GHz and 5Ghz bands 802.11n and ac would be able to move around dynamically from conventional WiFIs into or across the triband connectivity network. That's a big feature because there are likely to be gaps in coverage of WiG when it comes out into the house.
  • Moreover, The WiGig market could offer opportunities for growth due to the increasing number of Internet of Things devices. However, it leads to significant overhead costs, high energy consumptions, and low throughput of WiGig2D networks in the use of direct beamforming training during DND2D neighbor discovery.
  • North America has been extensively investing in its 5G infrastructure in order to cover most remote places. The use of a 60GHz band has a vital importance in 5G network scaling and can be densified through the addition of small-cell wireless backhaul. In comparison with a fiber connection, WiGig has a cost-effective advantage by using wireless small-cell backhaul.
  • The development of WiGig chipsets was a collaboration between Intel and SK Telecom. Both companies have joined forces to advance their efforts with the Anchorbooster Cell technology, which they state as one of the key technologies for 5G that allows seamless transmission of large amounts of data through a combination of LTE and WiGig networks. The two companies have also mentioned that they would apply Mobile Edge Computing technology on the anchor-booster cell to enhance the quality of experience further and to enable the development of new business models for enterprises and critical verticals.

Given the significant decrease in the count of connected devices and personal computers observed in previously high-traffic areas, it is evident that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on telecommunications services and traffic is noteworthy. As a result of people staying at home and the surge in remote work, there has been a reduction in the number of connected mobile devices and PCs, with a simultaneous increase in the utilization of home Wi-Fi networks by American consumers.

United States to Hold the Highest Market Share

  • In order to cover the majority of these isolated areas, the region is investing heavily in its 5G infrastructure. The 60 GHz band has a pivotal role to play in the deployment of 5G networks and can also be made densable by adding small cell wireless backhaul. Compared to the fiber connections, WiGig's cost-effectiveness is due to its use of Wireless Small Cell backhaul.
  • Furthermore, the market for wireless streaming of content to high-resolution televisions or other monitors in a room is being stimulated by the consumer electronics sector as mobile phones, tablets, and computers could connect with WiGig. For instance, if you have an Asus ROG phone with a display dock that's capable of wireless connectivity to large-screen TVs, WiGig can be used. The TwinView dock is equipped with a 6.59-inch TFT touchscreen, 120Hz touchscreen, a 2nd massive 5,000 mAh battery, and an air conditioning unit.
  • The high internet penetration, along with large smartphone users in the region driven by the United States, is expected to drive the demand for Wi-Fi with high speed in gigabytes using WiGig. North America is quickly migrating toward multi-gigabit, residential internet access, primarily using fiber to the home. The economic feasibility of extracting more bandwidth from existing networks using DOCSIS 3.1 is trending with the real opportunity of wireless and speed, by which the demand for WiGig is increasing in this region.
  • In addition, the FCC stated that in order to create a 5G network, there must be at least 800,000 RF antennas set up throughout the country, three times as large as what is currently available. This indicates that in the forecast period, there may be an opportunity to install WiGig chips for 5G network expansion across the region.

North America WiGig Industry Overview

The North American WiGig market is semi-consolidate due to the presence of several major vendors that currently hold significant market share. Key players in this market include Google, Facebook, Intel, Infineon, Qualcomm, and others.

In September 2023, Peraso Inc. announced the release of the PRM2144X, the latest mmWave module in the company's PERSPECTUS series. This module is designed for long-range outdoor applications and incorporates Peraso's intelligent Media Access Control features. The PRM2144X empowers wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) to deploy long-range, multi-point networks in dense user environments without concerns about interference.

In September 2022, Intel Corporation and Broadcom Inc. jointly announced the industry's first cross-vendor Wi-Fi 7 demonstration. This demonstration showcased over-the-air speeds exceeding 5 gigabits per second. Wi-Fi 7 leverages innovative features, such as wider 320 MHz channels in the unlicensed 6GHz spectrum, higher order 4K QAM data modulation, simultaneous connections across multiple bands with multi-link operation, and improved channel utilization efficiency with multi-resource unit puncturing.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Technology Snapshot


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Technological Advancement in Communication Industry
    • 5.1.2 Rising Adoption of High-resolution Videos
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Shorter Operating Range of WiGig Products


  • 6.1 Product
    • 6.1.1 Display Devices
    • 6.1.2 Network Infrastructure Devices
  • 6.2 Application
    • 6.2.1 Gaming and Multimedia
    • 6.2.2 Networking
    • 6.2.3 Other Applications
  • 6.3 Country
    • 6.3.1 United States
    • 6.3.2 Canada


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Intel Corporation
    • 7.1.3 Broadcom Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Dell Technologies Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Lenovo Group Limited
    • 7.1.7 HP Development Company LP
    • 7.1.8 Tensorcom Inc.