
印度无线扬声器:市场占有率分析、行业趋势和成长预测(2025-2030 年)

India Wireless Speaker - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




印度无线扬声器市场规模预计在 2025 年为 4 亿美元,预计到 2030 年将达到 10.4 亿美元,预测期内(2025-2030 年)的复合年增长率为 21.2%。




  • 扬声器市场提供全面的产品,从提供全面聆听体验的家庭剧院系统到允许用户在任何地点播放音讯/视讯的无线扬声器。例如,2022 年 7 月,带有红外线发射器的小米智慧音箱在印度推出。这款智慧型手机公司的新款智慧扬声器采用全新 LED手錶设计、红外线发射器,并配备 Google Assistant 功能。
  • 此外,2022 年 6 月,Bose 作为其 Soundlink 系列的一部分在印度推出了最好的蓝牙扬声器。扬声器设计坚固,并配备该公司专有的 Bose PositionIQ 技术,可自动侦测扬声器的方向以改善音讯播放。此类智慧扬声器的发展预计将进一步推动市场成长。
  • 市场发展主要受到智慧型手机和智慧型装置用户数量的不断增长的推动。这些设备包括智慧扬声器,使用者可以将任何具有内建无线连接的智慧型装置连接到扬声器。此外,根据 IBEF 报导,三星宣布计划未来五年在印度投资 3.7 兆印度卢比(500 亿美元)用于生产行动电话。根据 PLI 计划,三星计划生产价值 2.2 兆卢比(300 亿美元)、售价超过 15,000 卢比(200 美元)的行动电话。
  • 此外,印度的层级城市正迅速向中价格分布价格分布转变,而小城镇和村庄则越来越多地转向价格分布和中价格分布的品牌产品,减少了对仿冒品和无标籤商品的依赖。因此,消费能力逐渐增强的消费者仍然对价格敏感,迫使市场供应商提供他们最佳、最具成本效益的选择。
  • COVID-19 疫情最初扰乱了所研究市场的供应链和生产。对于供应扬声器晶片的半导体製造商来说,影响更加严重。劳动力短缺迫使全球半导体供应链中的许多参与者缩减甚至停止营运。这些因素扰乱了半导体产业的全球供应链,并严重影响了全球扬声器市场。



  • 印度智慧音箱日益普及的一个主要原因是它们能够以无线方式传输音讯内容并改善有线和无线的整体声音体验。此外,Google、亚马逊等公司的语音助理的整合也正在推动客户听音乐行为的改变,进而推动市场的发展。
  • 数位串流媒体服务的快速发展也推动了该国对无线扬声器等可携式、可互通设备的需求。印度的音讯串流市场分为国内参与企业JioSaavn、Gaana 和 Wynk,以及全球参与企业Spotify、Amazon Music、Apple Music 和新进者的 YouTube Music。此外,2022年3月,Krafton为印度音讯内容平台Kuku FM注入了1,950万美元。
  • 例如,根据 Music Ally Ltd. 的数据,Spotify 在印度的用户在一年内翻了一番。每月有效用户(MAU) 为 4.33 亿,与前一年同期比较增加 1,900 万,比公司预期高出 500 万。此外,亚马逊于 2022 年 11 月推出了自己的 Prime Video 行动版本,每年售价 599 印度卢比。此项新订阅服务针对的是行动用户,价格比标准套餐低很多。行动版是单人、仅限行动装置的年度计划,可让您存取最新电影、亚马逊原创作品、现场板球、歌曲等。
  • 此外,印度上层和中产阶级人士对在 OTT 平台上体验电影和节目的优质音质的兴趣日益浓厚,预计将推动市场成长并推动对扬声器的需求。
  • 2022年1月,FiiO在印度推出了其可携式桌面级音乐参与企业M17。左右声道皆采用桌面级8声道旗舰DAC ES9038PRO。每个音轨均有八个并行输出,可总合极其纯净的音频,并具有出色的解析度和最小的失真。


  • 线上通路正在帮助规模较小的本地参与企业进入市场。例如,专注于满足层级和三层级城市需求的扬声器製造商 Obage 透过亚马逊和 Flipkart 销售其产品。此外,据 IBEF 称,该领域的成长得益于 YouTube 等平台继续提供与影片内容相关的现代免费音乐,预计这将帮助付费 OTT 音乐领域覆盖 500 万终端用户,到 2023 年创造 20 亿印度卢比(2700 万美元)的收益。
  • 为了提高品牌产品在层级城市的可得性,企业正在努力改善配送网路。这将大大提高品牌产品在这些市场的渗透率。与现有的本地配送公司、新兴配送新兴企业和印度邮局的合作帮助该地区的公司形成了强大的配送网络。
  • 根据IBEF预测,到2030年,印度智慧型手机用户数量预计将达到8.874亿。此外,印度是世界上资料消费量最高的国家,每人每月的数据消耗量为 14.1GB。到2025年,印度将拥有6.5亿短影片消费者。此外,印度的行动资料价格低廉、可靠且广泛可用,消费者可以浏览电子商务网站,根据自己的喜好和价格分布进行比较和选择。根据IBEF预测,到2024年,印度电子商务产业规模预计将达到990亿美元。
  • 2022 年 9 月,亚马逊在印度推出了两种版本的 Echo Dot 扬声器——带手錶和不带手錶。入门级 Echo Dot 扬声器提供更好的音讯品质、温度感测器和手势控制。
  • 该公司还透过自己的线上入口网站独家推出新款扬声器,这有助于推动印度线上销售的成长。苹果智慧音箱Mini Homepod目前已在网路上直接贩售,售价为9,900印度卢比(约121.23美元)。该公司在从其网路商店购买扬声器时提供 EMI 选项。
  • 互联网普及率的提高也支持了该国电子商务产业的发展。随着数位化应用的兴起,我们预计扬声器的线上销售将会增加,尤其是在二线和三线城市。根据印度网路和行动协会(IAMAI)发布的报告,到2025年,印度网路用户预计将达到9亿。
  • 市场供应商和电子商务平台之间的合作也推动了这一领域的成长。例如,Flipkart 的船舶蓝牙音箱促销活动提供高达 70% 的蓝牙音箱折扣。此外,线上电子商务公司提供无忧的退货、优惠券和快速送货选项,使购买电子产品和其他产品变得可行。



  • 2022 年 6 月-三星在印度推出了支援杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 的无线条形音箱 Q 系列和 S 系列。 Q 系列具有内建杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 连接功能,适用于世界上首款无线三星电视和条形音箱。同时,S系列是世界上最薄的条形音箱系列。
  • 2022 年 4 月-索尼公司宣布为其高级条形音箱 HT-A7,000 和 HT-A5,000 提供无线 (OTA)韧体更新。此更新增强了两款产品的创新 360 空间声音映射功能,可透过将条形音箱连接到 SA-RS3S 后置扬声器或全新 SA-RS5 无线后置扬声器来存取此功能。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争强度
  • 产业价值链分析
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估

第五章 市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 线上串流服务的需求和使用日益增加
    • 改变消费行为
  • 市场问题
    • 对儿童的健康危害和政府对运作频率的限制

第六章 市场细分

  • 依设备类型
    • 仅蓝牙
    • Wi-Fi(不含智慧音箱和组合音箱)
    • 智慧音箱
  • 按分销管道
    • 线上(包括电子零售商和供应商自己的网站)
    • 离线

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Amazon Retail India Private Limited
    • HARMAN International India Pvt. Ltd.(JBL)
    • Sony India Private Limited
    • Samsung India Electronics Private Limited
    • Bose Corporation India Private Limited
    • Google India Private Limited
    • Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited
    • Imagine Marketing Pvt Ltd(Boat)
    • GN Audio A/S(Jabra)
    • Koninklijke Philips NV



Product Code: 71399

The India Wireless Speaker Market size is estimated at USD 0.40 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 1.04 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 21.2% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

India Wireless Speaker - Market - IMG1

The market's growth is influenced by the increased penetration of smartphones, internet access at lower rates, increased demand for portability and flexibility, and increased technology development and adoption rate.

Key Highlights

  • The speaker market offers a comprehensive range of products, from home theatre systems that provide an inclusive listening experience to wireless speakers that can help users play audio/video anywhere they wish. For instance, in July 2022, Xiaomi Smart Speaker with IR Blaster was launched in India. The new smart speaker from the smartphone company comes with New LED Clock Design and an IR blaster, with Google Assistant powers.
  • Moreover, in June 2022, Bose launched its most delinquent Bluetooth speaker as part of its Soundlink series in India. The speaker features a robust design and comes with the company's proprietary Bose PositionIQ technology, which automatically detects the speaker's orientation to deliver improved audio playback. Such developments in smart speakers will further drive market growth.
  • The studied market is highly driven by the increase in users of smartphones and smart devices. These devices use smart speakers that allow users to connect the speakers with any smart devices incorporated with wireless connections. Furthermore, according to IBEF, Samsung announced plans to invest Rs. 3.7 lakh crore (USD 50 billion) in India over the next five years to manufacture phones. It intends to produce phones worth Rs. 2.2 lakh crore (USD 30 billion), priced above Rs. 15,000 (USD 200), under the PLI scheme.
  • Moreover, Tier 2 cities in India are rapidly moving toward medium and premium price categories, while smaller towns and villages are upgrading to low and medium-priced branded products, reducing the region's reliance on counterfeit and unlabeled goods. As a result, even though consumer spending power is gradually increasing, consumers remain price-sensitive, and market vendors must offer the best and most cost-effective option.
  • The outbreak of COVID-19 across the globe significantly disrupted the supply chain and production of the studied market during the initial phase. The impact was more severe for semiconductor manufacturers, who provide semiconductors used in speakers. Due to labor shortages, many of the global semiconductor supply chain players had to reduce or even suspend their operations. These factors disrupted the global supply chain for semiconductors industries and have majorly impacted the speaker market globally.

India Wireless Speaker Market Trends

Increased Adoption of Online Streaming Services

  • The primary reason for the increasing adoption of smart speakers in India is their ability to wirelessly stream audio content and enhance the overall sound experience for both wired and non-wired counterparts. Moreover, the integration of voice assistants, such as Google and Amazon, is also driving a shift in customer behavior of listening to music, thereby driving the market.
  • The rapid transformation of digital streaming services has also increased the demand for portable and interoperable devices, such as wireless speakers in the country has seen an upward trend. India's audio streaming market is divided among domestic players, JioSaavn, Gaana, and Wynk, and global players Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and recent entrant YouTube Music. Furthermore, In March 2022, Krafton infused USD 19.5 million into the Indian audio content platform Kuku FM.
  • For instance, according to Music Ally Ltd, Spotify doubled its subscribers in India over the year. It has hit 433 million monthly active users (MAUs), up 19 million (year-on-year) and above the company's guidance by 5 million. Moreover, in November 2022, Amazon launched a unique Prime Video Mobile Edition at INR 599 per year. This new subscription will target mobile users at a much lower cost than the standard plan. The Mobile Edition is a single-user, mobile-only annual program that will provide access to all the latest movies, Amazon Originals, LIVE cricket, Songs, and many more.
  • Further, the growing interests of the country's higher class and the middle-class population toward experiencing premium sound quality for movies and shows over the OTT platforms are expected to boost the market's growth, driving the need for speakers.
  • In January 2022, FiiO launched India's M17 Portable Desktop Class Music Player. The left and right audio channels contain a desktop-class, 8-channel ES9038PRO flagship DAC. Each audio track has eight parallel outputs summed together for superior resolution and minimal distortion for extremely pure audio reproduction.

Online Distribution Channels is Expected to Witness Significant Growth

  • Online channels are boosting smaller local players to venture into the market. For instance, Obage, a speaker manufacturer focusing on meeting the demand from Tier II and Tier III cities, sells its products through Amazon and Flipkart. Further, according to IBEF, the Growth of the sector is attributable to the trend of platforms such as YouTube that continues to offer contemporary and video content-linked music for free, which is expected to drive the paid OTT music sector to reach 5 million end-users by 2023, generating revenue of Rs. 2 billion (USD 27 million).
  • To improve the availability of branded products in tier 2 cities, companies are working on improving the delivery network in smaller towns and villages. This will significantly help in the penetration of branded products in these markets. Collaborating with existing local delivery companies, emerging delivery startups, and Indian posts has helped to form a strong distribution network for companies in the region.
  • According to IBEF, the number of smartphone users in India is expected to reach 887.4 million by 2030. Further, India has the highest data consumption rate worldwide, at 14.1 GB of data per person a month. By 2025, India will be home to 650 million users who consume short-form videos. Further, Mobile data in India is cheap, reliable, and widely available, allowing consumers to browse through E-commerce sites to compare, pick and choose according to their choice and price brackets. According to IBEF, India's E-commerce industry is expected to reach USD 99 billion in size by 2024.
  • The programs from the e-commerce giants in the country, such as Amazon and Flipkart, also create new opportunities for the local players to expand their reach in the market.In September 2022, Amazon announced two Echo Dot speakers in India, one with a clock and one without a clock. The entry-level Echo Dot speaker includes improved audio, temperature sensors, and gesture control qualities.
  • The launch of new speakers by companies exclusively on their online portals is also propelling the Growth of online sales in the country. Apple's intelligent Mini Homepod speaker was directly launched online for INR 9,900 (~USD 121.23). The company offers EMI options to purchase speakers from their online store.
  • The increasing internet penetration also supports the Growth of the e-commerce sector in the country. With the digital penetration increase, there is an expected rise in the online sales of speakers, especially from second and third-tier cities. According to a report published by IAMAI, India's internet users are expected to reach 900 million by 2025.
  • The partnerships between the vendors in the market and e-commerce platforms also push the segment's Growth. For instance, the Flipkart Boat Bluetooth Speaker sales offered up to 70% discounts on Bluetooth speakers. Furthermore, online e-commerce companies offer hassle-free returns, vouchers, and fast delivery options, making them viable to buy electronics and other products.

India Wireless Speaker Industry Overview

The Indian market for wireless speakers is favorably fragmented, owing to constantly changing consumer demands propelling wireless speaker vendors to innovate in the space to attract more consumers. The competitors in this market have intensified over the years, with companies launching many products to attract consumers.

  • June 2022- Samsung launched the Q and S series of wireless soundbars with Dolby Atmos support in India. The Q series is expressed to have the world's first built-in wireless Samsung TV-to-Soundbar Dolby Atmos connection. In contrast, the S series is the world's slimmest soundbar series.
  • April 2022- Sony Corporation announced an over-the-air (OTA) firmware update for the premium HT-A7000 and HT-A5000 soundbars. The update enhances both products' innovative 360 spatial sound mapping capabilities and can be accessed when connecting either soundbar to the SA-RS3S rear speakers or the new SA-RS5 wireless rare speaker.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increased Demand and Access to Online Streaming Services
    • 5.1.2 Shift in Consumer Behavior
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Harmful Health Effects on Children and Operating Frequency Rules and Regulations by the Government


  • 6.1 By Type of Device
    • 6.1.1 Bluetooth-Only
    • 6.1.2 Wi-Fi (Excl. Smart Speakers and Incl. combo speakers)
    • 6.1.3 Smart Speakers
  • 6.2 By Distribution Channel
    • 6.2.1 Online (Incl. e-tailers and vendors own websites)
    • 6.2.2 Offline


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Amazon Retail India Private Limited
    • 7.1.2 HARMAN International India Pvt. Ltd. (JBL)
    • 7.1.3 Sony India Private Limited
    • 7.1.4 Samsung India Electronics Private Limited
    • 7.1.5 Bose Corporation India Private Limited
    • 7.1.6 Google India Private Limited
    • 7.1.7 Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited
    • 7.1.8 Imagine Marketing Pvt Ltd (Boat)
    • 7.1.9 GN Audio A/S (Jabra)
    • 7.1.10 Koninklijke Philips NV