

Version Control System - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




版本控制系统市场规模预计在 2025 年为 12.9 亿美元,预计到 2030 年将达到 27.9 亿美元,预测期内(2025-2030 年)的复合年增长率为 16.63%。




  • 版本控制系统 (VCS) 使软体团队能够在越来越多的开发环境中更快、更聪明地运作。它也非常适合 DevOps 团队,因为它能够更快地成功部署并缩短开发时间。所有程式码变更都由版本控制软体以特定形式记录在资料库中。如果犯了错误,程式设计师可以回过头来审查程式码的前几次迭代,并以对整个团队的干扰最小的方式进行修復。
  • 几乎每个软体计划的原始码都必须是安全的。对于大多数软体团队来说,原始程式码是开发人员累积和开发的有关问题领域的宝贵资讯和理解的储存库。版本控制可以保护原始码免受灾难、人为错误的意外影响以及意外劣化的影响。
  • 此外,由于组织IT基础设施日益复杂,企业正在寻找能够降低开发和部署软体应用程式复杂性的解决方案。这导致对能够帮助软体开发人员无缝、准确地开发软体应用程式的 VCS 工具的需求增加。
  • 持续整合(CI)是 DevOps 的基础。采用 CI 的一个方面是向开发人员提供即时回馈,提高品质。但这可能会降低 VCS 伺服器的速度。如果客户的版本控制系统不够快速和有效,它将无法跟上持续整合的这一重要方面。为了使 VCS 软体更有效率,公司必须在更高端的系统上投入更多,这对市场成长和该工具的快速采用提出了挑战。
  • COVID-19 对市场成长产生了正面影响。在疫情期间,云端处理模式的选择对于任何企业的长期永续性和盈利都至关重要。云端服务产品正在不断扩展,以适应日益集中和客製化的商业模式。企业也正在转向更个人化的虚拟机器服务,以更好地满足其需求。透过这些努力,我们预计未来几年版本控制系统的使用将会增加。

版本控制系统 (VCS) 市场趋势

BFSI 产业预计将占据主要份额

  • 由于行动和其他软体应用程式的快速普及,预计 BFSI 产业将大量采用版本控制系统工具。因此,产业对软体的依赖性不断增加,预计将增加产业对 VCS 工具的需求。
  • 数位化帮助银行公司透过银行平台提供多种服务,显着降低业务复杂性和成本,并进一步鼓励创新。它还透过数位化业务流程和实施关键企业功能帮助公司实现革命性转型。
  • 云端处理改变了企业管理和存取资料和应用程式的方式,透过消除对昂贵的内部IT基础设施的需求,从而改善了业务。云端处理在 BFSI(银行、金融服务和保险)行业中迅速流行起来。透过云端服务和虚拟机器软体,BFSI 公司可以存取庞大的地理分布、始终可用的伺服器网路。由于设定不寻常,软体在所有机器上同时运行,以方便存取。银行和其他金融机构可以在全国各地的分行使用此设施,为客户提供增强的服务。
  • 高盛、摩根大通和德意志银行等银行正越来越多地与解决方案提供者合作,在其银行业务中采用 VCS 解决方案。 VCS 协助银行业降低营运成本,同时为客户提供客製化解决方案。
  • 此外,BFSI 公司可以透过使用中央合约储存库来最大限度地发挥合约储存程序的优势。合约安全地储存在云端基础的储存库中,BFSI 公司可以使用它来组织合约、管理权限、使用文件版本控制、搜寻现有合约、监控合约状态、沟通等。


  • 该地区由美国和加拿大等技术先进的国家组成。美国是世界软体开发的中心。该国拥有世界上数量最多的提供基于软体服务的跨国公司,为该国市场创造了机会。美国劳工统计局(BLS)预测,从2020年到2030年,软体开发领域的就业能力将成长22%,明显高于全国所有职业8%的平均成长率。软体产业的成长率推动了版本控制系统的成长。因为版本控制系统是一种自动化软体开发过程的服务,从而实现更好的功能和更快的开发。
  • 根据 CompTIA 统计,美国有超过 557,000 家软体和 IT服务供应商,包括软体开发商、专业电脑程式设计服务供应商、电脑系统建置组织以及设施管理公司。该行业僱用了大约 160 万名软体和网路开发人员,他们都是受过高等教育且技术娴熟的美国人。
  • 美国许多领先的软体开发公司运用他们的经验和技术人才,帮助客户创建和推出网站、行动应用程式和其他自动化业务流程的选项。
  • 该地区在各行各业的技术创新、相关发展和业务运营数位化方面继续占据关键地位。此外,该地区的公司正在投入大量资金进行研发,开发该领域的新产品,从而推动市场成长。
  • 此外,许多全球软体开发公司已经与该地区的版本控制系统供应商合作,推动了北美市场的发展。例如,2022年11月,美国行销测量、分析和参与公司AppsFlyer利用Firefly和GitLab的组合来管理超过250,000个云端资源和数十个SaaS连接器。借助 Firefly,我们现在可以更了解我们的整个云端足迹,了解资产是如何创建的、谁更改了它们以及它们的当前状态。该公司使用 GitLab 来自动化管理所有变更的政策并为其基础设施程式码添加版本控制。

版本控制系统 (VCS) 产业概览


2022 年 10 月,提供资料库DevOps 解决方案的公司 Redgate Software 宣布了即将对其产品组合进行的多项升级,其中包括 Flyway,它可以帮助企业和组织标准化和简化跨资料库的开发。 Flyway 是 Redgate 推出的一款热门开放原始码迁移工具,它提供对资料库物件进行版本控制和建立迁移的功能,让使用者完全控制资料库更新的配置。

2023 年 1 月—为加速突破性的原创人工智慧研究,微软和 OpenAI 宣布扩大伙伴关係,微软将增加投资以开发和部署专用的超级运算系统。

2022 年 7 月:随着 CircleCI 和 GitLab 的整合,DevOps 工具的数量增加。 CircleCI 增加了对 GitLab SaaS用户的支持,实现了 GitLab 储存库与 CircleCI 平台的整合。透过这种集成,CircleCI 能够从 GitLab 储存库收集程式码更新,并执行相关建置作为预运作应用程式的测试。

2022 年 6 月——GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5 是该公司用于在私人伺服器上託管和管理储存库的软体的最新版本,并包含许多自动化功能、对 GitHub Container Registry 的存取以及程式码安全保护。透过此版本,GitHub Advanced Security 用户现在可以存取组织和企业级安全摘要。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场动态

  • 市场概况
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 业务流程数位化推动软体实施
    • 对软体开发中降低复杂性和最佳化成本的需求日益增加
  • 市场限制
    • 组织内各种软体应用程式的使用
    • 大量资料生成导致复杂性增加
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 购买者/消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争强度
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估

第五章 市场区隔

  • 依部署方式
    • 本地
    • 在云端
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 资讯科技/通讯
    • 零售与电子商务
    • 医疗保健与生命科学
    • BFSI
    • 其他终端使用者产业(媒体与娱乐、旅游与旅游、教育)
  • 按类型
    • 分散式 VCS
    • 集中式 VCS
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东和非洲

第六章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Github, Inc.
    • Gitlab, Inc.
    • Bitbucket.org(Atlassian Corporation Plc)
    • Beanstalk(Wildbit, LLC)
    • Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • CollabNet, Inc.
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Perforce Software, Inc.
    • APAChe Software Foundation
    • Dynamsoft Corporation


第八章 市场机会与未来趋势

Product Code: 71771

The Version Control System Market size is estimated at USD 1.29 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 2.79 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 16.63% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Version Control System - Market - IMG1

Version control software plays a crucial role in the professional practices of this Software Team each and every day. Every software developer who regularly works with a capable version control system in his or her team usually understands the incredible value of Version Control even when it is used for small solo projects.

Key Highlights

  • Version control systems (VCS) enable software teams to operate more swiftly and intelligently as development environments have increased. They are accommodating for DevOps teams because they enable them to speed up successful deployments and reduce development time. Every change to the code is recorded by version control software in a particular form of a database. If a mistake is made, programmers can go back in time and review prior iterations of the code to help fix it while causing the least amount of interruption to the entire team.
  • The source code for practically all software projects must be secured. For most software teams, the source code serves as a store for the invaluable information and comprehension the developers have amassed and honed about the issue domain. Source code is shielded by version control against disaster, the unintentional effects of human error, and casual degradation.
  • Moreover, due to the increasing complexity of IT infrastructure in organizations, companies are looking for solutions to reduce complexities in developing and deploying software applications. This increases the demand for VCS tools, which assist software developers in seamlessly and accurately developing software applications.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) is the foundation of DevOps. An aspect of implementing CI is providing developers with real-time feedback to improve quality. But it might cause the VCS server to run slowly. If the customers' version control system isn't quick and effective, it won't be able to keep up with this crucial aspect of continuous integration. To increase the efficiency of the VCS software, companies need to invest much to go for higher-end systems, which is a challenge for the market growth and faster adoption of the tools.
  • COVID-19 positively affected the market growth. Amidst the pandemic, the choice of cloud computing models is vital to any business's long-term sustainability and profitability. The cloud service models on offer are expanding to meet increasingly focused and bespoke business models. Businesses are also moving towards more personalized virtual machine services better suited to their needs. Such initiatives are expected to increase the usage of version control systems in the coming years.

Version Control Systems (VCS) Market Trends

BFSI Industry Expected to Hold Significant Share

  • The BFSI industry is expected to depict a significant share of adoption of version control system tools, owing to the rapid adoption of mobile applications and other software applications in the industry. Hence, the increasing dependency on software in the industry is expected to proliferate the demand for VCS tools in the industry.
  • Digitization helps banking companies provide several services through a banking platform, which helps the companies significantly reduce the complexity and cost of operations and further drive innovation. It also helps companies undergo a progressive transformation while digitizing business processes and implementing key enterprise capabilities.
  • Cloud computing has transformed how businesses manage and access data and apps to improve their operations by removing the need for expensive in-house IT infrastructures. Cloud computing is readily apparent in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) industry. Through cloud services and virtual machine software, BFSI firms can use a vast network of servers that is geographically dispersed and always available. Because of the unusual setup, the software can be launched simultaneously on all machines for convenient access. Banks or other financial institutions can use this capability with sites across the country to provide customers with advanced services.
  • Banking companies like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, and many more are increasingly collaborating with solution providers to adopt VCS solutions in their banking operations. It helps the banking industry lower operational costs while providing customized solutions to its customers.
  • Further, BFSI firms can maximize the benefits of their contract storage procedure using a central contract repository. Contracts are safely stored in a cloud-based repository that BFSI firms may use to organize contracts, manage permissions, use document version control, find pre-existing contracts, monitor contract status, communicate, and more.

North America Expected to Dominate the Market

  • The region consists of technologically advanced countries such as the USA and Canada. The USA is a global hub for software development. It has the maximum number of global software-based service providers across the globe, which is creating an opportunity for the market in the country. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects, software development will have 22% more employment possibilities from 2020 to 2030, which is substantially faster than the 8% national average growth rate for all professions. This growth rate in the software industry will drive the growth of version control systems because the service helps to automate the software development process for better functioning and faster development.
  • According to CompTIA, there are more than 557,000 software and IT service providers in the USA, including Software developers, providers of specialized computer programming services, organizations that build computer systems, and facility management firms that are all part of the technology sector. The sector employs approximately 1.6 million software and web developers, who are all highly educated and skilled Americans.
  • Many of the leading software development firms in the United States demonstrate their experience and technical talents by assisting their clients in creating and launching websites, mobile applications, and other options for automating corporate processes.
  • The region has continuously held a significant position in adopting technology innovations, developing with them, and digitizing corporate operations in various industries. Additionally, regional businesses are spending significant capital on R&D to develop new products for the sector, which helps the market growth.
  • Further, many global software development companies are partnering with the version control system providers in the region, which is driving the market in North America. For instance, In November 2022, AppsFlyer, an American marketing measurement, analytics, and engagement company, managed over 250,000 cloud resources and dozens of SaaS connectors using a combination of Firefly and GitLab. Firefly gives us better visibility into its complete cloud footprint, and it can see how an asset was made, who changed it, and how it currently stands. The company used GitLab to automate policies governing any changes and add version control to its infrastructure code.

Version Control Systems (VCS) Industry Overview

The competitive landscape of the Version Control System Market is Semi-consolidated as the technology is in its development stage, which is paving the way for several solution providers to emerge in the market. Also, the market players are forming strategic collaborations to boost their market presence.

In October 2022, Redgate Software, a company that provides database DevOps solutions, announced many upcoming upgrades to its portfolio, such as Flyway, that would help businesses and organizations standardize and streamline cross-database development. With the ability to version-control database objects and create migrations, Redgate's corporate version of the popular open-source migrations tool Flyway would allow users complete control over the deployment of database updates.

In Januray 2023 - In order to speed up breakthrough independent AI research, Microsoft and OpenAI announced that the partnership will be extended with greater investments made by Microsoft in developing and deploying specialised supercomputing systems.

In July 2022, The number of DevOps tools increased with the integration of CircleCI and GitLab. CircleCI added support for GitLab SaaS subscribers enabling the integration of GitLab repositories with the CircleCI platform. Due to this collaboration, CircleCI could collect code updates from GitLab repositories and run the associated builds as applications have been tested before going live.

June 2022 - GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5, the most recent version of the company's software for hosting and managing repositories on private servers, has included many automation features, access to the GitHub Container Registry, and code security protections. GitHub Advanced Security users in this version could get access to a security overview at the organizational and enterprise levels.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions & Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Digitization of Business Processes Leading to Adoption of Software
    • 4.2.2 Increasing Demand for Reduced Complexities in Software Development and Cost Optimization
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Use of Diversified Software Applications in Organizations
    • 4.3.2 Growing Complexity Due to Massive Data Generation
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Deployment Mode
    • 5.1.1 On-Premise
    • 5.1.2 On-Cloud
  • 5.2 End-user Industry
    • 5.2.1 IT and Telecom
    • 5.2.2 Retail & E-commerce
    • 5.2.3 Healthcare and Life Sciences
    • 5.2.4 BFSI
    • 5.2.5 Other End-user Industries (Media and Entertainment, Travel and Tourism, Educational Institutions)
  • 5.3 Type
    • 5.3.1 Distributed VCS
    • 5.3.2 Centralized VCS
  • 5.4 Geography
    • 5.4.1 North America
    • 5.4.2 Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.4.4 Latin America
    • 5.4.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Github, Inc.
    • 6.1.2 Gitlab, Inc.
    • 6.1.3 Bitbucket.org (Atlassian Corporation Plc)
    • 6.1.4 Beanstalk (Wildbit, LLC)
    • 6.1.5 Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • 6.1.6 CollabNet, Inc.
    • 6.1.7 Microsoft Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Perforce Software, Inc.
    • 6.1.9 APAChe Software Foundation
    • 6.1.10 Dynamsoft Corporation