
拉丁美洲的即时付款:市场占有率分析、行业趋势和统计、成长预测(2025-2030 年)

Latin America Real Time Payments - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




预计预测期内拉丁美洲即时付款市场的复合年增长率将达到 15.1%。



  • 由于拉丁美洲银行帐户帐户人口不断减少、越来越多的人开始使用更快、更即时的付款服务以及智慧型手机普及率高,该地区的即时付款市场正在快速成长。此外,巴西和墨西哥即时付款交易的成长也推动了成长。
  • 此外,二维码、即时付款等新的付款技术和付款也不断涌现。一些国家已经实施了付款、快速的付款系统,例如阿根廷的Transferencia 3.0、巴西的PIX和墨西哥的SPEI。
  • 即时付款的成长受到许多地区智慧型手机普及率的提高和政府法规的推动。例如,在墨西哥,通讯改革降低了行动电话和资料通讯成本,从而提高了连结性和使用率,这是即时付款发展的关键因素。
  • 新冠疫情导致该地区的数位交易急剧增加。有些人是首次尝试金融科技和即时付款服务,而现有用户则更频繁地使用它们。此外,付款付款增加该地区即时付款的采用。


P2B 领域预计将大幅推动市场

  • 由于网路和智慧型手机普及率的提高、网路购物购物者数量的增加以及该地区电子商务的蓬勃发展,预计预测期内 P2B 即时付款领域将获得显着发展。此外,各大付款和电子商务公司提供的「先买后付」等即时付款服务进一步推动了该地区 P2B 领域的成长。
  • 该地区各类付款提供商和电子商务平台采用即时付款支援了 P2B 贸易的成长。例如,在巴西,由于用户的正面回馈,Mercado Libre 等零售商和宅配巨头已开始提供 Pix 作为付款方式。
  • ADDI、DiniePay 和 Cleo 等主要参与者提供的先买后付服务进一步推动了该地区即时付款市场的成长。在巴西,巴西金融科技公司 RecargaPay 希望透过将小额贷款整合到 BNPL 实践中并提供在 3 至 12 个月内分期支付能源和水费的选项,充分利用该国采用 BNPL 的优势。预计这将进一步增加该地区的P2B贸易。
  • 此外,许多地区性公司正在合併和合作,以在 P2B 领域提供更多创新解决方案。例如,2022 年 4 月,墨西哥「先买后付」公司 Nelo 推出了一款一体化应用程式。透过与万事达卡合作,Nelo 客户可以在任何参与的线上零售商处使用 Nelo。 Nelo 应用程式是该地区首款此类应用程序,允许客户在他们最喜欢的商店购物和分期付款,包括 Mercado Libre、亚马逊和利物浦。这是透过 Nelo 客户在结帐时产生的虚拟卡来实现的。


  • 在巴西,鼓励创新的监管环境使得数位银行能够利用新技术,这对于过去几年来即时付款等新技术和创新技术的日益普及至关重要。巴西即时付款发展的另一个催化剂是巴西央行于 2020 年推出的即时付款系统 Pix 的推出。
  • 国际清算银行称,巴西即时付款系统Pix于2020年11月推出,仅一年多时间,已有67%的巴西成年人註册,并提供免费的个人对个人付款,且对商家收取低廉的费用。 Pix 成功的关键因素是大型银行的强制参与以激活用户的网路效应,以及央行作为付款基础设施提供者和国家规则制定者的双重角色。
  • 此外,巴西即时付款交易的快速成长也有助于推动即时付款的成长。例如,根据巴西央行的数据,巴西的 Pix 交易数量从 2020 年 11 月的 3,351 万笔跃升至 2021 年 3 月的 3.9364 亿笔。
  • 此外,根据巴西央行报告的资料,2021年3月有5302万人透过Pix汇款,5,840人透过Pix收到汇款。交易量的不断增加进一步推动了巴西的即时付款。
  • 预计所有上述因素都将在预测期内推动该地区的即时付款市场的发展。


拉丁美洲即时支付市场的竞争较少,且市场呈现适度整合的态势。主要市场参与者正在提供创新的付款解决方案,并积极进行併购以扩大市场占有率。拉丁美洲即时付款市场的主要企业包括 ACI Worldwide Inc.、Fiserv Inc.、Mastercard Inc.、Visa Inc. 等。

  • 2022 年 6 月-领先的跨境即时付款管道Buckzy Payments, Inc. 宣布将其付款网路扩展到拉丁美洲。 Bucksy 的网路目前涵盖拉美地区的八个国家:阿根廷、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、瓜地马拉、宏都拉斯、墨西哥和乌拉圭。作为扩展的一部分,Bucksy 还将向客户提供银行、金融科技公司和其他供应商提供的本国货币虚拟帐户服务。
  • 2022 年 3 月-国际付款管道Paysend 宣布已与巴西中央银行建立和管理的即时付款管道PIX 合作,将其汇款服务扩展到巴西。凭藉与巴西外汇市场知名参与者 Banco Rendimento 的现有伙伴关係以及强大的支付结构,Paysend 用户将能够透过 PIX付款基础设施更快、更安全、更实惠地向巴西汇款。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 购买者/消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争
  • 拉丁美洲付款格局的演变
  • 与拉丁美洲无现金交易扩张相关的主要市场趋势
  • COVID-19 对拉丁美洲付款市场的影响

第五章 市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 智慧型手机普及率不断提高
    • 即时便捷的即时付款
  • 市场挑战
    • 即时付款诈欺和安全问题
  • 市场机会
    • 政府鼓励数位付款发展的政策可能会推动大众即时付款的成长
  • 数位付款产业的关键法规和标准
    • 拉丁美洲监管格局
    • 可能成为监管障碍的经营模式
    • 随着商业环境的改变而出现的发展空间
  • 关键用案例和使用案例分析
  • 实际支付交易占全部交易比重及主要国家交易量、金额区域分析
  • 非现金交易中实际支付交易占比及主要国家分地区交易量分析

第六章 市场细分

  • 依付款类型
    • P2P
    • P2B
  • 按国家
    • 巴西
    • 墨西哥
    • 其他拉丁美洲国家

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • ACI Worldwide Inc.
    • Paypal Holdings Inc.
    • VISA Inc.
    • Mastercard Inc.
    • Fiserv Inc.
    • FIS Global
    • Paysend PLC
    • Apple Inc.
    • SafetyPay
    • Riya Money Transfer



Product Code: 91092

The Latin America Real Time Payments Market is expected to register a CAGR of 15.1% during the forecast period.

Latin America Real Time Payments - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The real-time payments market in Latin America is booming owing to a decrease in the region's unbanked population, the rising shift towards faster and instant payment services, and the high proliferation of smartphones. Furthermore, the growth is coupled with the growing real-time payment transactions in Brazil and Mexico.
  • In addition, new payment technologies and payment methods like QR codes and real-time payments are rising. Several countries have Real-time payments and fast-payment systems, such as Transferencia 3.0 in Argentina, PIX in Brazil, and SPEI in Mexico.
  • The growth of real-time payments is further supported by increasing smartphone penetration and government regulations in many regional countries. For instance, telecommunications regulation reforms in Mexico have resulted in lower costs for mobile phones and data, which has led to more connectivity and usage, a key component in real-time payments evolution.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has sharply increased digital transactions in the region. Some people have tried out fintech and real-time payment services for the first time, while existing users have increased their frequency of use. Further, the shift towards contactless and innovative payments has increased the usage of real-time payments in the region.

Latin America Real Time Payments Market Trends

P2B Segment is Expected to Gain Significant Traction in the Market

  • The P2B segment of real-time payments is expected to gain significant traction over the forecast periods owing to the rising internet and smartphone penetration, increasing online shoppers, and booming e-commerce in the region. Furthermore, real-time payment services such as buy now pay later offered by various major payment, and e-commerce companies are further fueling the growth of the P2B segment in the region.
  • The growth in P2B transactions is supported by the adoption of real-time payments by various payment providers and e-commerce platforms across the region. For instance, in Brazil, given the good user reception, companies started offering Pix as a payment method, including retailers and delivery giants such as Mercado Libre, which relies on Pix to replace the bank slip and increase the e-commerce conversion rate iFood, and Magazine Luiza.
  • The buy now pays later services provided by the major companies such as ADDI, DiniePay, and Cleo are further fueling the growth of the real-time payments market in the region. Furthermore, in Brazil, RecargaPay, a Brazilian fintech, is attempting to capitalize on the adoption of BNPL across the country by connecting small loans to BNPL practices, providing the option to pay for energy and water bills in three to twelve monthly installments. This is further expected to increase the P2B transactions in the region.
  • Further, many regional companies are indulging in merger and partnership activities to provide more innovative solutions in the P2B segment. For instance, in April 2022, Nelo, a Buy Now Pay Later company in Mexico, announced that it had launched its all-in-one app. Nelo's customers can use Nelo at any online merchant through a partnership with Mastercard. Nelo's app is the first of its kind in the region, where customers can shop and pay in installments at their favorite stores like Mercado Libre, Amazon, and Liverpool. This is enabled through a virtual card that Nelo customers generate at checkout.

Brazil is Expected to Grow at a Significant CAGR in the Market

  • In Brazil, the pro-innovation regulatory landscape allowed digital banks to leverage new technologies, which have been critical for the growth in the adoption of new and innovative technologies such as real-time payments seen over the past couple of years. Another catalyst for developing real-time payments in Brazil was the introduction of Pix, a real-time payment system launched in 2020 by Brazil's Central Bank.
  • As per Bank for International Settlements, In little over a year since its launch in November 2020, Brazil's real-time payment system Pix has signed up 67% of adults in Brazil, with free payments between individuals and low charges for merchants. The key factors that governed Pix's success are the mandatory participation of large banks to kick-start network effects for users and the central bank's dual role as a payment infrastructure provider and rule setter across the country.
  • Furthermore, the growth of real-time payments is further governed by the rapid increase in Brazil's real-time payments transactions. For instance, As per the Central Bank of Brazil, the number of Pix transactions in Brazil was 33.51 million in November 2020, dramatically increasing to 393.64 million transactions in March 2021.
  • Additionally, as data reported by the Central Bank of Brazil, 53.02 million individuals sent money through Pix in march 2021, and 58.4 individuals received money through Pix. The growing volume of transactions further supports this through real-time payments in Brazil.
  • All the abovementioned factors are expected to boost the region's real-time payments market over the forecast period.

Latin America Real Time Payments Industry Overview

The competition in the Latin America real-time payments market is moderate, and the market appears to be moderately consolidated. Major market players offer innovative payment solutions and indulge in mergers and acquisitions to gain market share. Major players in the Latin America real-time payments market include ACI Worldwide Inc., Fiserv Inc., Mastercard Inc., and Visa Inc., among others.

  • June 2022 - Buckzy Payments, Inc., a leading real-time cross-border payments platform, announced the expansion of its payments network throughout Central and South America. The Buckzy network now covers eight countries in the LATAM region - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Uruguay. As part of the expansion, Buckzy will also deliver virtual account capability in the national currencies of each country for banks, FinTechs, and other providers to offer to their customers.
  • March 2022 - Paysend, the international payments platform, announced the expansion of its money-transfer services to Brazil with PIX, the real-time payment platform created and managed by the Central Bank of Brazil. Through an existing partnership with Banco Rendimento, a prominent player in the foreign exchange market in Brazil, and a robust Payments structure, Paysend's users will be able to transfer funds faster, more securely, and affordably to Brazil via PIX's payments infrastructure.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definitions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness-Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Evolution of the payments landscape in Latin America
  • 4.4 Key market trends pertaining to the growth of cashless transaction in Latin America
  • 4.5 Impact of COVID-19 on the payments market in Latin America


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Smartphone Penetration
    • 5.1.2 Immediacy and Ease of Convenience of the Real Time Payments
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Payment Fraud and Security Issues With Instant Payments
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities
    • 5.3.1 Government Policies Encouraging the Growth of Digital Paymentis expected to aid the growth of Real Time Payment methods amongst commoners
  • 5.4 Key Regulations and Standards in the Digital Payments Industry
    • 5.4.1 Regulatory Landscape Across Latin America
    • 5.4.2 Business Models with Potential Regulatory Roadblocks
    • 5.4.3 Scope for Development in Lieu of Evolving Business Landscape
  • 5.5 Analysis of major case studies and use-cases
  • 5.6 Analysis of Real Payments Transactions as a share of all Transactions with a regional breakdown of key countries by volume and transacted value
  • 5.7 Analysis of Real Payments Transactions as a share of Non-Cash Transactions with a regional breakdown of key countries by volumes

6 Market Segmentation

  • 6.1 By Type of Payment
    • 6.1.1 P2P
    • 6.1.2 P2B
  • 6.2 By Country
    • 6.2.1 Brazil
    • 6.2.2 Mexico
    • 6.2.3 Rest of Latin America

7 Competitive Landscape

  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 ACI Worldwide Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Paypal Holdings Inc.
    • 7.1.3 VISA Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Mastercard Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Fiserv Inc.
    • 7.1.6 FIS Global
    • 7.1.7 Paysend PLC
    • 7.1.8 Apple Inc.
    • 7.1.9 SafetyPay
    • 7.1.10 Riya Money Transfer

8 Investment Analysis

9 Future Outlook of the Market