

Rural Broadband Connectivity: Challenges, Opportunities, and Case Studies for Satellite Connectivity

出版日期: | 出版商: Northern Sky Research, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



本报告探讨了卫星行业和普遍服务义务 (USO) 计划扩展宽带连接的方法,包括卫星行业可用的商业模式、来自五个国家的案例研究和建议。



本报告研究了卫星行业和普遍服务义务 (USO) 计划用于扩展宽带连接的方法。

  • 了解宽带连接:世界连接的核心是卫星行业和 USO 计划的努力。 本报告深入探讨了这些方法的复杂性,阐明了为克服障碍和改善全球宽带连接而采取的战略。 我们还通过五个国家案例研究探讨了这些方法对家庭宽带普及率的影响。
  • 商业模式探索:这份报告探索了卫星行业可用的商业模式,提供了对其优势、劣势和增长潜力的宝贵见解。. 了解这些模型使利益相关者能够做出明智的决策,以最大限度地发挥其影响并利用新出现的机会。
  • 开启有利可图的机会 卫星行业为那些希望挖掘直接面向消费者的消费者宽带服务的巨大潜力的人们提供了一系列机会。连通性是商业和社会包容计划的最大机会为利润丰厚的增长提供新的途径。 本报告阐明了这些商业机会,并使利益相关者能够做出战略决策,以最大限度地提高市场占有率和盈利能力。



  • 领先的卫星连接“消费者宽带”商业模式是什么?
  • 未来十年,卫星行业将从消费者宽带和“社会包容”计划中获得多少收入?
  • 正在出现哪些终端和 CPE 定价策略来吸引对价格敏感的客户?
  • 卫星连接在哪些情况下可以与地面网络密集型国家的宽带战略共存?



  • 量身定制的报告专注于区域宽带卫星连接战略
  • 五个国家案例研究 探索卫星连接在弥合数字鸿沟、农村连接和其他国家宽带计划中的作用
  • 尼日利亚- 关注热点和便宜的价格
  • 爱尔兰 - 专注于地面服务
  • 墨西哥- 热点模型的快速部署
  • 澳大利亚 卫星必不可少,寻求“下一个解决方案”
  • 瑞典- 直接连接到家和“最后 2%”


第 1 章执行摘要


第 3 章案例研究

第 4 章关于作者和 NSR an Analysys Mason Company


Report Summary:

In a world increasingly dependent on connectivity, the satellite industry and National Broadband/Rural Connectivity/Social Inclusion programs play a pivotal role in expanding broadband access.

NSR's “ Rural Broadband Connectivity: Challenges, Opportunities, and Case Studies for Satellite Connectivity” report explores the approaches used by the satellite industry and universal service obligation (USO) programs to increase broadband connectivity.

  • Understanding Broadband Connectivity: At the heart of global connectivity lies the satellite industry and the efforts of USO programs. This report delves into the intricacies of their approaches, shedding light on the strategies employed to overcome barriers and increase broadband connectivity worldwide. By examining five different national case studies, we uncover the impact of these approaches on household broadband penetration rates.
  • Exploring Business Models: Our report explores the business models available to the satellite industry, offering valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth. By understanding these models, stakeholders can make informed decisions to maximize their impact and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Unlocking Lucrative Opportunities: The satellite industry presents an array of opportunities for those looking to tap into the immense potential of consumer broadband services. Direct-to-consumer connections offer the largest opportunity for businesses, while social inclusion programs provide an additional avenue for lucrative growth. Our report sheds light on these opportunities, empowering stakeholders to make strategic decisions that maximize their market presence and profitability.

Through an in-depth analysis of business models and case studies, this report presents valuable insights, challenges, and recommendations for the satellite connectivity industry.

Key questions are answered in this report?

  • What are the major "consumer broadband" business models for satellite connectivity?
  • How much revenue will the satellite industry generate from consumer broadband and 'social inclusion' programs over the next ten years?
  • What terminal and consumer premise equipment pricing strategies are emerging to capture price sensitive customers?
  • Where can satellite connectivity co-exist alongside terrestrial-heavy national broadband strategies?

Who Should Purchase this Report:

  • Those involved in connectivity strategy initiatives within a satellite connectivity service provider, hardware manufacturer, or other player involved in bridging the digital divide.
  • Government, regulatory practices, and industry bodies.
  • Investors looking to understand market dynamics for satellite connectivity services aimed at "National Broadband / Rural Connectivity / Social Inclusion" programs.

Key Features:

Covered in this Report:

  • Tailored Focused on the Rural Broadband Satellite Connectivity Strategies.
  • 5 country case-studies exploring the role satellite connectivity can play in the landscape of bridging the digital divide, rural connectivity, and other national broadband plans.
  • Nigeria - Hotspots and an Emphasis on Affordability
  • Ireland - Heavy Focus on Terrestrial Services
  • Mexico - Rapid Deployments of Hotspot Model
  • Australia - Satellite Essential, looking for the 'next solution'.
  • Sweden - Direct-to-Household and "last 2%"

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Analysis and Recommendations

3. Case Studies

4. About the Authors and NSR an Analysys Mason Company