全球食品病原体检测市场2023-2030Global Food Pathogen Testing Market 2023-2030 |
全球食品病原体检测市场按类型、应用和技术细分。根据类型,市场细分为 e。大肠桿菌、沙门氏菌、李斯特菌、弯曲桿菌等。根据应用,市场细分为肉类和家禽、鱼类和海鲜、乳製品、谷物和谷物等。此外,根据技术,市场细分为 PCR、免疫分析、色谱、生物感测器和琼脂培养。其中,e.预计大肠桿菌细分市场将占据相当大的市场份额。美国等国的大肠桿菌疫情正在增加。根据美国疾病管制与预防中心 (CDC) 报告,2022 年 8 月,美国四个州报告了约 37 例大肠桿菌病例,这些病例与 Wendy's 食品连锁店的汉堡或生菜三明治有关。消除此类疫情的努力将促进市场成长。
食源性疾病对亚太地区印度和中国等人口稠密的国家构成重大威胁,而这些国家恰好是食品病原体检测成长最快的市场。这一增长可归因于人们越来越注重遵守安全标准、该地区的大量食品贸易以及全球已开发经济体遵循的严格安全法规。该地区农产品出口的增加可能会增加食源性疾病的发生,从而增加食品中微生物病原体带来的健康风险。据联合国粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 称,亚太地区在预防食源性疾病方面记录不佳,每年导致 225,000 人死亡,卫生条件差和处理不当是罪魁祸首。接触街头食品和在露天市场和炎热气候下放置数小时的新鲜农产品等元素。食物未煮熟和缺乏适当的冷藏也会导致食物变得不适合食用。从经济角度来看,世界银行估计,全球范围内,每年不安全食品仅在低收入和中等收入国家就造成 950 亿美元的损失。
服务于食品病原体检测市场的主要公司包括: Agilent Technologies, Inc.、Microbac Laboratories, Inc.、ALS Limited、AsureQuality Ltd.、BIOMERIEUX、Merieux NutriSciences Corporation、Neogen Corporation、Romer Labs Division Holding。和别的。市场参与者透过各种策略(包括併购、合作、合作、融资和新产品发布),为市场成长做出了巨大贡献,以保持市场竞争力。例如,2022 年6 月,必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas) 宣布收购高级测试实验室(ATL),该实验室是北美消费者保健产品、化妆品和个人护理以及医疗器械市场的科学采购服务提供商。凭藉其在现场科学采购解决方案和基于实验室的服务方面的专业知识,ATL 将为 BV 在北美的扩张做出贡献。我们发展的这一重要一步使我们能够进入快速成长的消费保健市场
Title: Global Food Pathogen Testing Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Type (E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter and Others), by Application (Meat and Poultry, Fish and Seafood, Dairy, Cereals and Grains and Others), and by Technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Immunoassay based, Chromatography, Biosensors, Agar Culturing),Forecast Period (2023-2030).
The global food pathogen testing market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% during the Forecast Period (2023-2030). due to globalization of food trade, rising incidences of foodborne disease outbreaks, consumer awareness, government initiatives to maintain food hygiene, and advancement in modern testing technology. Globalization of the supply chain has led to the rapid international dispersal of foods. Consequently, pathogens can be inadvertently introduced in new geographical areas. Travelers and immigrants may be exposed to unfamiliar foodborne hazards in new area, which can be life-threatening for the individual.
The global food pathogen testing market is segmented by the type, application, and technology. Based on the type, the market is sub-segmented into e. coli, salmonella, listeria, campylobacter and others. Based on the application, the market is sub-segmented into meat and poultry, fish and seafood, dairy, cereals and grains and others. Further, based on technology, the market is sub-segmented into PCR, immunoassay based, chromatography, biosensors, and agar culturing. Among the type, the e. coli sub-segment is anticipated to hold a considerable share of the market. Countries such as US are witnessing an increase in E. coli outbreaks. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, in August 2022, around 37 cases of E. coli were reported in four U.S. states and were linked to burgers or sandwiches with romaine lettuce at Wendy's food chains. Efforts to eliminate the cases of such outbreak would foster the market growth.
Among the application, the dairy sub-segment is expected to hold a considerable share of the food pathogen testing market. The presence of foodborne pathogens in milk is caused by direct contact with contaminated sources, such as milk containers in dairy farms and an infected animal's excrement. Inadequate milk pasteurization is another important source of pathogenic presence in milk. Furthermore, some bacteria, like as Listeria, can survive post-pasteurization procedures, resulting in product contamination. Because unpasteurized milk is utilized in cheese production, tainted dairy products may be consumed by a sizable portion of the population. Unpasteurized milk consumption and unsanitary dairy product handling have raised demand for dairy product testing, which is expected to greatly expand the food pathogen testing market. Diseases such as zoonosis infections commonly associated with the consumption of milk and milk products are tuberculosis, brucellosis, leptospirosis, salmonellosis and listeriosis. It is a contagious disease that can be passed from vertebrate animals to humans.
The global food pathogen testing market is further segmented based on geography including North America (the US, and Canada), Europe (UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Among these, North America is anticipated to hold a prominent share of the market across the globe, owing to the rising occurrence of foodborne diseases in the region. Moreover, the presence of prominent players in region and on-going research activities for the development of more accurate and less time-consuming tests are likely to support the steady growth of the regional market.
Foodborne diseases pose a significant threat to densely populated countries such as India and China in the Asia-Pacific region, which happens to be the fastest-growing market for food pathogen testing. The growth can be attributed to the increasing focus on compliance with safety standards, high-volume food trade within the region, and the strict safety regulations followed by developed economies worldwide. The increasing export of agricultural products within the region can rise the foodborne illnesses and consequently, health risks posed by microbial pathogens in food. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Asia-Pacific region has a poor track record when it comes to preventing foodborne illnesses, resulting in the deaths of 225,000 people each year, poor hygiene and mishandling are among the main culprits. Exposure to the elements such as of street food and fresh produce that is left out for hours in open air markets and in hot climates. Undercooking of food and lack of proper refrigeration also contribute to food that becomes unfit to eat. In economic terms, the World Bank estimates that, globally, each year unsafe food causes losses of $ 95 billion in low-and middle-income countries alone.
The major companies serving the Food Pathogen Testing market include: Agilent Technologies, Inc., Microbac Laboratories, Inc., ALS Limited, AsureQuality Ltd., BIOMERIEUX, Merieux NutriSciences Corporation, Neogen Corporation, Romer Labs Division Holding. and others. The market players are considerably contributing to the market growth by the adoption of various strategies including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, collaborations, funding, and new product launches, to stay competitive in the market. For instance, in June 2022, Bureau Veritas announced the acquisition of Advanced Testing Laboratory (ATL), in scientific sourcing services provider for the North American consumer healthcare products, cosmetics & personal care and medical device markets. Through its expertise in on-site scientific sourcing solutions and in lab-based services, ATL will contribute to the expansion of BV's in North America. This major step in our development enables us to enter the fast-growing Consumer Healthcare market