

Ad-Based Streaming: Consumer Demand & Engagement

出版日期: | 出版商: Parks Associates | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



本报告研究了基于广告的串流媒体市场,包括 FAST 和 AVOD 服务,并解释了为何基于广告的服务如此受欢迎、哪些服务最受欢迎以及有多少人购买基于广告的体验。的情绪



  • 1) 广告为基础的视讯串流市场的现况如何?
  • 2) 是什么促使观众使用广告为基础的服务?
  • 3) 观众如何看待广告为基础的服务的内容?
  • 4) 观众在使用广告为基础的服务时遇到哪些痛点?
  • 5) 什么可以改善观众以广告为基础的体验?




  • 过去 30 天内 OTT 视讯服务的使用情况(按业务模式):订阅 (SVOD)
  • 过去 30 天内 OTT 视讯服务的使用情况(依业务模式):基于免费广告(FAST/AVOD)
  • 可以将 OTT 订阅迁移到无广告级别
  • 针对基于广告的用户的广告为基础的 OTT 服务存在的问题
  • OTT 服务的净推荐值:基本层和高阶层
  • 订阅有广告的基本方案的原因:依服务
  • 努力提高无广告串流媒体应用的价格
  • 受广告相关性的影响,无广告串流媒体应用程式的价格将上涨
  • 对 T 商务有兴趣
  • 对 T 商务的兴趣:透过广告相关的影响


  • 传统视讯服务与OTT视讯服务的普及率
  • OTT 服务订阅数量
  • 过去 30 天内 OTT 视讯服务的使用情况(依业务模式)
  • 采用免费和订阅式基于广告的串流媒体
  • SVOD 和基于广告的串流重迭
  • 视讯服务使用者的人口统计细分
  • OTT 视讯服务每月支出趋势
  • 主要连网电视平台


  • 使用主要的广告为基础的免费影片服务
  • 对视讯服务的认知度
  • 对视讯服务的认知度:依年龄层划分
  • 为什么要使用广告为基础的免费 OTT 服务?
  • 对视讯服务的认知度:依年龄层划分
  • 广告为基础的 OTT 服务有问题
  • 免费广告服务的查看频率
  • 免费广告服务的查看频率
  • 基于广告的服务的查看频率:对内容搜寻的态度
  • 广告为基础的 OTT 订阅者所查看的线上内容类型


  • 主要 SVOD 服务中受广告支援的基本等级或无广告高级等级的使用趋势
  • 订阅有广告的基本方案的原因
  • 订阅有广告的基本方案的原因:依服务
  • 可以透过广告从高级层切换到基本层
  • 从高级服务等级切换到基于广告的服务等级的可能性:按服务
  • 主要 OTT 服务的净推荐值:趋势
  • OTT 服务的净推荐值:基本层和高阶层
  • 取消服务的原因
  • 防止取消的奖励措施

SVOD 价格上涨对基于广告的服务的影响

  • 努力提高无广告串流媒体应用的价格
  • 因应价格上涨:依性别分类
  • 应对物价上涨:以世代
  • 提高无广告串流应用程式价格的努力:以家庭儿童数量划分
  • 因应价格上涨的措施:以优质服务类型划分
  • 对物价上涨的反应:透过消费者意识
  • 提高无广告串流应用程式的价格:透过与广告相关的影响
  • 可以将 OTT 订阅迁移到无广告级别
  • 从 OTT 订阅转为无广告套餐的可能性:按年龄划分
  • 主要的广告为基础的视讯服务可能会将 OTT 订阅提升至 14.99 美元的无广告套餐

互动广告与 T 商务

  • T 商务活动
  • 对 T 商务有兴趣
  • 对电商的兴趣:依年龄层划分
  • T 商务活动:依对 TT 商务的兴趣程度分类
  • 对 T 商务的兴趣:透过广告相关的影响
  • 首选与广告互动




It is more expensive than ever to stream ad-free video, especially when the top services continue to raise their prices. Households subscribe to 5 streaming services on average, but as many face a steady loss of buying power, more are experimenting with ad-based services to help offset the growing expense of entertainment. This study documents the rise of ad-based streaming including both FAST and AVOD services. It analyzes why ad-based services are experiencing a surge in popularity, which services are the most popular, and household sentiment towards the ad-based experience.


Key questions addressed:

  • 1) What is the state of the ad-based video streaming market?
  • 2) What drives viewers to ad-based services?
  • 3) How do viewers perceive the content on ad-based services?
  • 4) What are the pain points viewers experience on ad-based services?
  • 5) What would improve the ad-based experience for viewers?


"The current streaming landscape is extremely volatile and fiercely competitive. Providers of all sizes strive to innovate, reach more viewers, improve efficiency, deliver in-demand content, and above all, achieve profitability." - Sarah Lee, Research Analyst, Parks Associates.

Table of Contents

Video Services Ecosystem

Executive Summary

  • Use of OTT Video Services in Past 30 Days, by Business Model: Subscription (SVOD)
  • Use of OTT Video Services in Past 30 Days, by Business Model: Free Ad-Based (FAST/AVOD)
  • Likelihood of Moving OTT Subscription to Ad-Free Tier
  • Pain Points with Ad-Based OTT Services Among Ad-based Users
  • Net Promoter Score of OTT Services: Basic Tier vs Premium Tier
  • Reasons for Subscribing to Basic Tier with Ads by Services
  • Action Towards Price Increase for Streaming App Without Ads
  • Action Towards Price Increase for Streaming App Without Ads by Ad Relevance Influence
  • Interest in T-Commerce
  • Interest in T-Commerce by Ad Relevance Influence

Streaming Market Overview

  • Penetration of Traditional vs. OTT Video Services
  • Number of OTT Service Subscriptions
  • Use of OTT Video Services in Past 30 Days, by Business Model
  • Free and Subscription Ad-based Streaming Adoption
  • Overlap of SVOD and Ad-Based Streaming
  • Demographic Breakdown of Video Service Users
  • Trends in Monthly Spending on OTT Video Services
  • Primary Connected TV Platform

Ad-Based Streaming Trends

  • Use of Leading Free Ad-based Video Services
  • Attitudes Towards Video Services
  • Attitudes Towards Video Services by Age Group
  • Drivers for Using Free Ad-Based OTT Services
  • Attitudes Towards Video Services by Age Group
  • Pain Points with Ad-Based OTT Services
  • Free Ad-Based Service Viewing Frequency
  • Frequency of Watching Free Ad-Based Services
  • Ad-Based Service Viewing Frequency by Attitudes Towards Content Seeking
  • Genres of Online Content Viewed by Ad-Based OTT Subscribers

Subscription Advertising Tiers

  • Trends in Use of Basic with Ads or Premium Ad Free Tier for Major SVOD Services
  • Reasons for Subscribing to Basic Tier with Ads
  • Reasons for Subscribing to Basic Tier with Ads by Services
  • Likelihood of Switching from Premium Tier to Basic Tier with Ads
  • Likelihood of Switching from Premium Tier Services to Ad-Based Service Tier by Services
  • Net Promoter Score of Leading OTT Services: Trending
  • Net Promoter Score of OTT Services: Basic Tier vs Premium Tier
  • Reasons for Cancelling Service
  • Incentives to Prevent Churn

Impact of SVOD Price Increases on Ad-based Services

  • Action Towards Price Increase for Streaming App Without Ads
  • Action Towards Price Increase by Gender
  • Action Towards Price Increase by Generation
  • Action Towards Price Increase for Streaming App Without Ads by Children at Home
  • Action Towards Price Increase by Type of Premium Service Subscribed
  • Action Towards Price Increase by Consumer Attitudes
  • Action Towards Price Increase for Streaming App Without Ads by Ad Relevance Influence
  • Likelihood of Moving OTT Subscription to Ad-Free Tier
  • Likelihood of Moving OTT Subscription to Ad-Free Tier by Age
  • Likelihood of Moving OTT Subscription to Ad-Free Tier at $14.99 by Leading Ad-based Video Services

Interactive Advertising and T-Commerce

  • T-Commerce Activities
  • Interest in T-Commerce
  • Interest in T-Commerce by Age Group
  • T-Commerce Activities by Interest in T-Commerce
  • Interest in T-Commerce by Ad Relevance Influence
  • Preferred Interactions with Ads
