

Monthly Monitoring Report on China Automotive Sensor Technology and Data Trends

出版日期: | 出版商: ResearchInChina | 英文 200 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



根据ResearchInChina统计,2024年第一季中国乘用车安装雷射雷达17.3万辆,较去年同期成长144.2%。2024年,AITO、Xiaomi、Leapmotor等新兴品牌纷纷推出搭载LiDAR的新车,Geely新款Galaxy E8率先搭载LiDAR。搭载LiDAR的车型包括WEY Blue Mountain Intelligent Driving Edition(计画2024年6月发布,1辆)、第二代AION V(计画2024年7月发布,1辆)、Avatr 07(计画2024年发布) ) 、1台)、Changan NEVO E07(选装,计画2024年10月发布,2台)、Yangwang U7(计画2024年发布,3台)等。

2024年第一季度,单一LiDAR解决方案安装在14.7万辆乘用车上,达到85.2%,年增142.7%,安装率从1.5%上升至3.1%。主要搭载于AITO M7、Li L9、NIO ES6等车型,支援城市NOA等高阶智慧驾驶功能。3-LiDAR解决方案安装在14,000台设备上,而去年同期为4,000台,年成长率为241.2%,超过1-LiDAR/2-LiDAR解决方案。

2024年4月发表的ARCFOX aS进阶版PRO售价为25.68万元。标配三颗Huawei LiDAR和HUAWEI ADS2.0先进智慧驾驶解决方案,支援CAS(防撞系统)、智慧停车、RPA(远端停车辅助)、AVP(自动代客泊车)等功能。该车型已获得中国L3级自动驾驶公共道路测试牌照。


根据美国上市公司Luminar统计,Tesla在2024年第一季的营收占比超过10%,贡献超过200万美元。这些LiDAR预计将用于测试Tesla于 2024 年 8 月宣布的机器人计程车产品,并支持马斯克在中国推出机器人计程车的计画。Baidu Apollo、Pony.ai、WeRide行等中国Robotaxi公司也都在采用以LiDAR为主要感测器的技术路径。

除了机器人轴之外,LiDAR还可以整合到驾驶舱和车头灯中。例如,DJI Automotive在北京国际汽车展(北京车展)上展示了其解决方案。该解决方案整合了四种类型的感测器:光达、立体感测器、单声道感测器和惯性导航。其中,立体感测器提供密集的点云,光达主要用于补充测距精度。相较于市面上常见的LiDAR+前置摄影机方案,LiDAR-vision可降低成本30%~40%。该解决方案预计将于2025年底至2026年初投入量产。

在北京国际车展上,Hesai Technology与Marelli共同展示了Marelli ATX LiDAR与Marelli高阶汽车照明解决方案的整合。该解决方案保持了车辆的平滑外观和空气动力学轮廓。它还可以保护您的 LiDAR,同时使其轻鬆保持清洁,无需额外的清洁系统。



第一章 议题思考:北京国际车展(2024)智慧驾驶与感测器趋势思考

  • 北京国际汽车展览会概况
  • OEM
  • 产业链-智慧驾驶与感测器
  • 附录:北京国际汽车展-部分车款概览

第二章 数据监控

  • 数据指标
  • 调查范围
  • 摄影机总安装数量及年比变化
  • 前视摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 前视摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 前视摄影机 - 数量:依品牌/型号
  • 侧视摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 侧视摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 侧视摄影机 - 数量:依品牌/型号
  • 环景摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 环景摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 环景摄影机 - 数量:依品牌/型号
  • 后置相机 - 安装数量和比率:依 OEM
  • 后置相机 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 后视摄影机 - 数量:依品牌/型号
  • 客舱摄影机(包括 DMS 和 OMS)- 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 客舱摄影机(包括 DMS 和 OMS)- 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 客舱摄影机(包括 DMS 和 OMS)- 安装数量:依品牌/型号
  • 行车记录器摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 行车记录器摄影机 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 行车记录器摄影机 - 安装数量:依品牌/型号
  • 雷达 - 数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 雷达 - 安装数量和安装率:依解决方案
  • 雷达 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 雷达 - 安装数量:依品牌/型号
  • 超音波雷达 - 数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • 超音波雷达 - 安装数量和比率:依解决方案
  • 超音波雷达 - 安装数量和安装率:依价格
  • 超音波雷达 - 安装数量:依品牌/型号
  • LiDAR - 安装数量和安装率:依 OEM
  • LiDAR – 部署数量和速率:依解决方案
  • LiDAR - 安装数量和比率:依价格
  • LiDAR - 数量:依品牌/型号

第三章 产业趋势

Product Code: BXM158

Insight into intelligent driving sensors: "Chip-based" reduces costs, and the pace of installing 3-LiDAR solutions in cars quickens.

LiDARs were installed in 173,000 passenger cars in China in Q1 2024, an annualized upsurge of 144.2%.

According to the statistics from ResearchInChina, LiDARs were installed in 173,000 passenger cars in China in Q1 2024, soaring by 144.2% from the prior-year period, with the installation rate increased from 1.7% to 3.6%, and most were applied by Chinese independent brands. In 2024, in addition to emerging brands like AITO, Xiaomi, and Leapmotor that have launched new cars equipped with LiDAR, Geely's new car Galaxy E8 carried LiDAR for the first time. Models to be launched with LiDAR include WEY Blue Mountain Intelligent Driving Edition (to be launched in June 2024, with 1 unit), 2nd-generation AION V (to be launched in July 2024, with 1 unit), Avatr 07 (to be launched in H2 2024, with 1 unit), Changan NEVO E07 (optional, to be launched in October 2024, with 2 units) and Yangwang U7 (to be launched in H2 2024, with 3 units).

In Q1 2024, single-LiDAR solutions were installed 147,000 passenger cars, 142.7% more than in the same period last year, sweeping 85.2%, with the installation rate rising from 1.5% to 3.1%. They were largely mounted on AITO M7, Li L9 and NIO ES6 among others to support their use of advanced intelligent driving functions such as urban NOA. 3-LiDAR solutions were installed in 14,000 passenger cars compared with 4,000 cars in the same period of the previous year, with a year-on-year growth rate hitting 241.2%, higher than the 1-LiDAR and 2-LiDAR solutions, as a result of a low base last year and the higher sales of brands such as Avatr, Yangwang and ARCFOX.

ARCFOX aS Advance Edition PRO, available on market in April 2024, is priced at RMB256,800. It comes standard with 3 Huawei LiDARs and HUAWEI ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving solution, supporting such functions as CAS (Collision Avoidance System), smart parking, RPA (Remote Parking Assist), and AVP (Automated Valet Parking). This model has obtained a L3 autonomous driving public road test license in China.

With integration into robotaxis and cockpits and headlights, LiDAR has a bright future.

According to Luminar, a listed US LiDAR company, Tesla accounted for more than 10% of the company's revenue for Q1 2024, that is, Tesla contributed more than USD2 million. It is supposed that these LiDARs will be used for testing robotaxis to support robotaxi products Tesla released in August 2024 and Musk's plan to launch robotaxis in China. Chinese robotaxi players such as Baidu Apollo, Pony.ai and WeRide also adopt the technology route of using LiDAR as the main sensor.

Not only Robotaxi, LiDAR can also be integrated into the cockpit and headlights. For example, DJI Automotive demonstrated its solution at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition. This solution integrates four types of sensors: LiDAR + stereo sensor + mono sensor+ inertial navigation. Among them, stereo sensors provide dense point clouds, and LiDAR is mainly used to make up the ranging accuracy. Compared with the common LiDAR + front camera solution on the market, the LiDAR-vision solution can reduce the cost by 30% to 40%. This solution is scheduled to be mass-produced in late 2025 or early 2026.

At the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, Hesai Technology and Marelli together demonstrated the integration of Hesai's ATX LiDAR into Marelli's premium automotive lighting solution. This solution maintains the vehicle's sleek aesthetics and aerodynamic profile. It both protects the LiDAR and makes it easier to keep the LiDAR clean without an additional cleaning system.

"Chip-based" helps reduce costs, and more "1,000 yuan" LiDARs are launched.

At the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, multiple LiDAR products featuring "1,000 yuan" and "extreme cost performance" were unveiled.

For example, RoboSense launched MX, a LiDAR based on full-stack chip implementation technology (which uses chip to implement the full-stack system with scanning, processing, and transceiver modules). Using the self-developed dedicated SoC M-Core to integrate the entire backend circuit into a single chip reduces MX's motherboard area by 50%, the power consumption by 40%, and the price to less than USD200. In Q1 2025, the first batch of MX products will be spawned and installed in cars.

Hesai Technology's ATX ultra-wide FOV long-range LiDAR based on the fourth-generation chip architecture features cost performance. It still uses the mature architecture of "chip-based transceiver + 1D scanning" for Hesai AT Series. The higher integration of the transceiver module and the simplified core optical scanning structure enable 60% smaller size, 500g lighter weight, the minimum exposed window height of only 25mm, and only 8W power consumption.

Zvision Technologies released ZVISION EZ5, an extremely cost-effective product which is designed on the highly integrated SPAD chip platform design. A single SPAD chip replaces most of the previous discrete components of optoelectronic front-end -> amplification link -> analog-to-digital conversion -> digital signal processing, simplifying architecture and further reducing costs.

WLR-760 LiDAR launched by VanJee Technology adopts the VCSEL+SPAD route. Compared with conventional rotating mirror solutions, it reduces the material types by 60%. It reduces the total number of materials by 80% compared with the conventional semi-solid rotating mirror solution. Thanks to higher integration, the production processes are reduced by up to 30%. By VanJee's estimate, when shipments reach more than 100,000 units, the cost can range at RMB1,000-1,500.

Table of Contents

1 Topic Insight: Intelligent Driving and Sensor Trend Insights of 2024 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition

Overview of Beijing International Automotive Exhibition

  • 1.1 OEMs
  • Trend 1: PHEV Models Continue to be Released, and the Proportion of HEVs Will Be on the Rise
  • Trend 2: Several OEMs Exhibit Hydrogen Fuel Cell Models
  • Trend 3: Traffic Is the Priority, and CEOs Become "Internet Celebrities" for Marketing
  • Trend 4: Joint Venture OEMs Accelerate the Pace of Local Suppliers to Make Their Car Models More Competitive
  • Trend 5: OEMs' Strategies Focus on New Energy and Going Overseas
  • Trend 6: More Models Are Equipped with 800V High-Voltage Fast-Charging Battery System
  • Trend 7: Independent OEMs Showcase SiC Power Modules
  • Trend 8: OEMs Enter Electro-Hybrid Technology to Eliminate Mileage Anxiety
  • Trend 9: More OEMs Join the Ranks of Mapless Intelligent Driving
  • Trend 10: Intelligent Driving Becomes Available All Over China
  • Trend 11: Multiple Models Carry Vision-only Solutions
  • Trend 12: FSD Is About to Enter China, Setting off a Wave of End-to-End Technologies
  • Trend 13
  • Trend 14
  • Trend 15
  • Trend 16
  • Trend 17
  • Trend 18
  • Trend 19
  • Trend 20
  • Trend 21
  • Trend 22
  • Trend 23
  • Trend 24
  • Trend 25
  • Trend 26
  • Trend 27
  • Trend 28
  • Trend 29
  • 1.2 Industry Chain - Intelligent Driving and Sensors
  • Trend 1:Suppliers Launch More End-to-End Solutions
  • Trend 2:Cross-Domain Integration Solutions Are Released Tightly
  • Trend 3:Zonal Controllers are the Layout Focus
  • Trend 4:Cross-domain Integration Drives the Evolution of Vehicle Operating Systems
  • Trend 5:The Cost of Advanced Intelligent Driving Is Lowered in Favor of Its Use in Low-to-mid-end Models
  • Trend 6
  • Trend 7
  • Trend 8
  • Trend 9
  • Trend 10
  • Trend 11
  • Trend 12
  • Trend 13
  • Trend 14
  • Trend 15
  • Trend 16
  • Trend 17
  • Trend 18
  • Trend 19
  • Appendix:Beijing International Automotive Exhibition - Summary of Some Models

2 Data Monitoring

  • Data Indicators
  • Research Scope
  • 2.1 Overall Installations of Camera and YoY
  • 2.2 Front View Camera - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.3 Front View Camera - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.4 Front View Camera - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.5 Side View Camera - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.6 Side View Camera - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.7 Side View Camera - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.8 Surround View Camera - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.9 Surround View Camera - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.10 Surround View Camera - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.11 Reversing Camera - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.12 Reversing Camera - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.13 Reversing Camera - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.14 Cabin Camera (Including DMS & OMS) - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.15 Cabin Camera (Including DMS & OMS) - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.16 Cabin Camera (Including DMS & OMS) - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.17 Driving Recorder Camera - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.18 Driving Recorder Camera - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.19 Driving Recorder Camera - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.20 Radar - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.21 Radar - Installations and Installation Rate by Solution
  • 2.22 Radar - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.23 Radar - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.24 Ultrasonic Radar - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.25 Ultrasonic Radar - Installations and Installation Rate by Solution
  • 2.26 Ultrasonic Radar - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.27 Ultrasonic Radar - Installations by Brand and Model
  • 2.28 LiDAR - Overall Installations and Installation Rate by OEM
  • 2.29 LiDAR - Installations and Installation Rate by Solution
  • 2.30 LiDAR - Installations and Installation Rate by Price
  • 2.31 LiDAR - Installations by Brand and Model

3 Industry Dynamics

    • 3.3.1 Peterbilt Introduced Digital Vision System Rearview Mirror
    • 3.3.2 PhiGent Robotics Introduced 7V Fisheye NOA Intelligent Driving Solution
    • 3.3.3 Bosch Radar Head Li Mingkang Resigned and Joined a Silicon Valley 4D Radar Startup
    • 3.3.4 Huawei Launched New Intelligent Vehicle Solution Brand "Qian Kun"
    • 3.3.5 RoboSense Released RMB1000-level Mid-range LiDAR MX
    • 3.3.6 RoboSense and Momenta Deepened Their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
    • 3.3.7 Hesai Technology Released Ultra-Wide FOV LiDAR ATX Based on the 4th Generation Chip Architecture
    • 3.3.8 Hesai Technology and GAC Forged A Partnership
    • 3.3.9 Hesai Technology Cooperated with Hongjing Drive on Multiple Fields from ADAS Technology to Intelligent Heavy Trucks
    • 3.3.10 Hesai LiDAR-Marelli Headlamp Integrated Solution
    • 3.3.11 Quanergy Introduced Next Generation 3D LiDAR Solution
    • 3.3.12 LG Innotek Launched "High Performance LiDAR," Capable of Detecting Objects up to 250 Meters Away
    • 3.3.13 RAYZ's Long-Range LiDAR Specification Upgraded Again
    • 3.3.14 VanJee Technology Established A Korean Subsidiary to Expand Overseas Markets
    • 3.3.15 LiangDao Intelligence and GoFurther.AI Formed A Strategic Partnership to Promote the Use of Lateral LiDAR in Production Autonomous Vehicles
    • 3.3.16 STRADVISION's New Generation SVNet Was Equipped with Horizon Journey(R) 3
    • 3.3.17 Raytron's Infrared Thermal Imaging ASIC-ISP Chip Passed AECQ Certification
    • 3.3.18 SenardMicro's Radar Chip Kestrel342 Came into Mass Production
    • 3.3.19 Uhnder Launched 4D Digital Imaging Radar Chip S81, Supporting Up to 96 MIMO Channels
    • 3.3.20 Raybow Successfully Passed IATF16949 Certification, Going All out to Entered the Automotive LiDAR Market