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到 2028 年的氰化钠市场预测 - 按形式(液体/固体)、最终用户(采矿、化学品、电镀、染料/纺织品、製药、其他最终用户)和地区进行的全球分析Sodium Cyanide Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Form (Liquid and Solid), End User (Mining, Chemical, Electroplating, Dye and Textile, Pharmaceutical and Other End Users) and By Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,2022 年全球氰化钠市场规模将达到 25.4 亿美元,预测期内以 6.2% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2028 年将达到 36.5 亿美元。预计达到美元。
氰化钠 (NaCN) 是一种无机有毒固体,对金属具有很强的亲和力。 它简单地水解产生氰化氢。 遇酸生成氰化氢气体,易燃,剧毒。 主要用于贵金属的化学合成、电镀、冶炼。 近三分之二的氰化钠应用在金银加工中。 许多含有氰化钠的化学品也被用来防止昆虫和其他害虫接近农作物。
在采矿业中使用的氰化钠中,近三分之二用作重要的浮选试剂,用于从矿石中提取多种矿物,包括金和银。 政府收集更多黄金和白银的愿望一直是全球采矿活动增加的主要驱动力。 预计在不久的将来会有更多产量,这主要是由于公司的扩张计划。 产量的增加主要是由于每家公司的采矿活动增加所致。
氰化钠被归类为剧毒物质,需要製定安全包装和安全运输法规。 氰化钠仅允许通过某些路线运输。 关于氰化钠的使用和运输,每个国家/地区都有自己的法规和法律。 因此,每个国家/地区都有自己关于氰化钠使用和运输的法规和法律,製造和最终使用公司很难遵守这些国家/地区的法规。 这可能会抑制对氰化钠市场的投资,阻碍高度受限地区的市场扩张。
近年来,工业化已成为影响氰化钠需求的关键趋势,预计在预测期内将继续如此。 未来可能促进氰化钠销售的其他因素包括该化学品在各种应用中的使用增加以及政府支持的引进以支持化学品製造行业。
氰化钠市场毒性阻碍了增长。 氰化钠与氧化细胞色素氧化□的三价铁结合,阻止氧气到达组织,引起组织缺氧。 氰化钠是一种剧毒化学物质,可以被摄入、吸入或通过皮肤吸收。 即使意外摄入 100 至 150 毫克的极少量,也会导致立即虚脱甚至死亡。 因此,市场扩张受到限制。
2020 年全球氰化钠产量受到 COVID-19 大流行的显着影响。 由于停工和需求下降,氰化钠的工业生产暂时停止。 由于许多政府被迫封锁,采矿业对氰化钠的需求大幅下降。 这对全球各行业的供应链产生了重大影响,扩大了供需之间的差距。 因此,原材料短缺将阻碍氰化钠生产,并对期内氰化钠供应链的扩张产生不利影响。
在预测期内,氰化钠市场份额预计最大,其中采矿业占 36%。 采矿业使用世界市场上生产的大部分氰化钠来提炼金银。 例如,加拿大是世界第五大黄金生产国,2019 年矿产产量为 482 亿美元,2018 年为 491 亿美元。 此外,政府还推出了许多举措来吸引更多投资者探索未开发的自然资源。 出于这个原因,采矿业将受益于世界各国政府推动它的举措,增加对氰化钠的需求。
在预测期内,实体行业有望实现良好增长。 无色盐和立方晶体构成固体氰化钠。 氰化钠用于从矿石中提取黄金。 氰化钠也是各种石油基化学品的潜在替代品,可减少对石油等化石燃料的依赖。 因此,目前对固体氰化钠的需求正在显着增加,支持不断扩大的经济扩张。 因此,对固体氰化钠的需求将大幅增加,从而推动该板块的增长。
由于亚洲氰化钠生产过剩以及该地区劳动力成本较低,预计亚太地区在预测期内将占最大份额。 此外,由于该地区强劲的采矿活动和电镀行业的扩张,市场正在增长。 该地区的需求和供应都处于非常高的水平。 亚太地区约占全球氰化钠供应量的一半,是该产品的主要供应市场。 现成的原材料和高产能设施正在推动亚太地区的氰化钠市场。
产能过剩的北美是主要出口地区之一,预计在预测期内将实现最高增长。 该地区是氰化钠的净出口地区,货物主要出口到墨西哥和拉丁美洲。 该地区的市场因原材料供应充足且矿区交通便利而蓬勃发展。 预计未来几年氰化钠产能的增加将推动该地区的工业发展。
氰化钠市场的主要参与者包括:安徽曙光化工集团、AnQore、Asian Chemtech Private Limited、Australian Gold Reagents Pty Ltd、Avonchem Ltd.、Chemours Company、Cyanco Corporation、CyPlus GmbH、 Draslovka a.s., Evonik Industries AG, Hebei Chengxin Co.Ltd, Hindustan Chemicals Company, Korund, Lukoil, Nippon Soda Co.Ltd, Orica Ltd., Sasol Polymers Ltd, Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited, Taekwang Industrial Co Ltd, The Chemours Company,天德化工、同旭石化、营创三征(营口)精细化工有限公司
2023 年 1 月,钛技术、热学和专业解决方案以及先进性能材料领域市场领先的全球化学公司科慕公司(“科慕”)宣布收购位于维莱圣保罗的科慕公司, France. 宣布对其製造设施投资 2 亿美元,以提高其行业领先的 Nafion(TM) 离子交换材料的产能和先进技术。 作为这项投资的一部分,Chemur 区域製造基地的产能将得到扩展,以支持和加速全球氢经济的技术进步和新产品。
2022 年 4 月,澳大利亚黄金监管机构 (AGR) 准备提高氰化钠产量以满足不断增长的全球黄金需求。 AGR 的氰化钠工厂计划在西澳大利亚州奎纳纳进行大规模扩建。 如果获得批准,AGR 的产能将从目前的每年 9 万吨以上增加约 3 万吨,氰化钠将用于澳大利亚、亚洲、非洲、美洲和中东的金矿开采业务。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Sodium Cyanide Market is accounted for $2.54 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $3.65 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period. An inorganic poisonous solid with a strong affinity for metals is sodium cyanide (NaCN). It is simply hydrolyzed to produce hydrogen cyanide. When in contact with acid, it releases flammable and extremely toxic hydrogen cyanide gas. It is primarily utilized in chemical synthesis, electroplating, and the smelting of precious metals, among other industries. Nearly two thirds of the sodium cyanide application is for the processing of gold and silver. Numerous chemicals, including sodium cyanide, are used to keep insects and other pests away from agricultural farms.
Almost two-thirds of the sodium cyanide used in the mining industry is used as a crucial flotation reagent for the extraction of many minerals from their mineral ores, including gold and silver. The desire of every government to amass more gold and silver for their country is the primary driver of the increase in mining activities worldwide. More production is anticipated in the near future, primarily as a result of the companies' expansion plans. This increase in production was primarily caused by the companies' increased mining activities.
Governmental authorities classify and grade sodium cyanide as a highly poisonous substance, necessitating secure packaging and safe transportation regulations. As a result, sodium cyanide is only permitted to be transported along a few specific routes. Regarding the use and transportation of sodium cyanide, various nations have created their own sets of regulations and laws. Companies engaged in both manufacturing and end-use struggle to comply with and adhere to these national regulations. This might deter investments in the sodium cyanide market, which would prevent market expansion in constrained areas.
Industrialization has been a key trend influencing the world's demand for sodium cyanide in recent years, and it is expected to continue doing so throughout the forecast period. Other possibilities that might boost sodium cyanide sales in the future include growing chemical use in a variety of applications and the introduction of government-supported initiatives to support the chemical manufacturing sector.
The sodium cyanide market's toxicity prevents it from growing. Since sodium cyanide binds to the ferric iron of oxidized cytochrome oxidase, it prevents oxygen from reaching tissues, causing tissue hypoxia. Sodium cyanide is a chemical compound that is extremely poisonous when consumed orally, inhaled, or even absorbed through the skin. Accidental ingestion of even a trace amount-as little as 100 to 150 mg-can instantly cause collapse and death in humans. These outcomes are limiting market expansion.
The global production of sodium cyanide in 2020 has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to lockdown and low demand, sodium cyanide industrial production was temporarily stopped. The demand for sodium cyanide from the mining industry experienced a significant decline as many governments were compelled to impose lockdown. This had a significant impact on the supply chains of many different industries worldwide, widening the supply-demand gap. Thus, a lack of raw materials will hinder the production of sodium cyanide, which will have a negative effect on the expansion of the sodium cyanide supply chain during the time period.
The mining sector held a 36% market share for sodium cyanide and is expected to be the largest during the forecast period. The mining industry uses the majority of the sodium cyanide produced on the global market to extract gold and silver. For instance, Canada is the world's fifth-largest producer of gold, with $48.2 billion in mineral production in 2019 and $49.1 billion in 2018. Additionally, the government is launching a number of initiatives to entice more investors to explore the untapped natural resources. Due to this, the mining industry will benefit from global government initiatives to promote it, which will increase demand for sodium cyanide.
During the forecast period, the solid segment is expected to witness lucrative growth. Salt, which has no color, and cubic crystals make up solid sodium cyanide. Sodium cyanide is used to extract gold from its mineral ores. Additionally, sodium cyanide has a high potential to replace a variety of petroleum-based chemicals and can lessen our reliance on fossil fuels like petroleum. As a result, there is currently a significant increase in demand for solid sodium cyanide, which supports increased economic expansion. As a result, there will be a significant increase in demand for solid sodium cyanide, which helps fuel the segment's growth.
Due to the excess production of sodium cyanide in Asia and the region's low labor costs, the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to witness the largest share over the forecast period. Moreover, the market is expanding as a result of the region's sharp rise in mining activity and the expanding electroplating sector. In this region, supply and demand are both very high. With nearly half of the world's supply of sodium cyanide, the Asia Pacific region is the product's main supply market. The readily available feedstock and high-capacity installations are driving the sodium cyanide market in the Asia Pacific region.
Owing to its excess capacity, North America is one of the main exporting regions and is estimated to experience the highest growth during the forecast period. The region is a net exporter of sodium cyanide and primarily exports goods to Mexico and Latin America. The region's market is being driven forward by the simple availability of feedstock and the easy accessibility to the mining sites. The increase in sodium cyanide production capacity in the upcoming years is anticipated to drive the industry in the region.
Some of the key players profiled in the Sodium Cyanide Market include: Anhui Shuguang Chemical Group, AnQore, Asian Chemtech Private Limited, Australian Gold Reagents Pty Ltd, Avonchem Ltd., Chemours Company, Cyanco Corporation, CyPlus GmbH, Draslovka a.s., Evonik Industries AG, Hebei Chengxin Co.Ltd, Hindustan Chemicals Company, Korund, Lukoil, Nippon Soda Co.Ltd, Orica Ltd., Sasol Polymers Ltd, Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited, Taekwang Industrial Co Ltd, The Chemours Company, Tiande Chemical Holdings Limited, Tongsuh Petrochemical Corp.Ltd and YnnovateSanzheng (Yingkou) Fine Chemicals Co Ltd.
In January 2023, The Chemours Company ("Chemours"), a global chemistry company with leading market positions in Titanium Technologies, Thermal & Specialized Solutions, and Advanced Performance Materials, announced a $200 million investment to increase capacity and advance technology for its industry-leading Nafion™ ion exchange materials to be located at Chemours' manufacturing facility in Villers-Saint-Paul, France. As part of the investment, the capabilities of Chemours' regional manufacturing site will be expanded to support and advance technological progress and new products for the worldwide hydrogen economy.
In April 2022, Australian Gold Reagents (AGR) is poised to expand its sodium cyanide production to support growing global demand for gold. A significant expansion of AGR's sodium cyanide plant is being planned for construction in Kwinana, Western Australia. If approved, it will increase AGR's production capacity by circa 30,000 tonnes per annum from its existing production of more than 90,000 tonnes per annum, with the sodium cyanide to be used in gold mining operations across Australia, Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East.
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