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2028 年再生农业市场预测——实践、应用、区域和全球分析Regenerative Agriculture Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Practice, Application, and By Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,2022 年全球再生农业市场规模将达到 87 亿美元,预计到 2028 年将达到 211 亿美元,预测期内復合年增长率为 16.0%。成长于
再生农业是一种农业□□系统,它可以增强而不是减少或破坏我们使用的资源。 重点是全面了解农业生态系统,并使用了许多研究技术。 再生农业还包括在季节交替时种植覆盖作物、作物轮作以及堆肥和牲畜粪便,以增加土壤肥力并为土壤微生物群补充所需的养分。 然而,传统农业中使用的合成肥料破坏了这些土壤微生物群落的结构和功能。
据 Rodale Institute 称,越来越多的组织正在倡导再生农业,关注农业生态系统的整体观点并采用各种技术。
世界各国政府都在推广可持续农业实践,以减少农业活动的碳足迹,同时提高农业生产力以满足不断增长的粮食需求。 可持续农业包括农场生物质循环,特别是生物质覆盖、牛粪製剂的农场使用、定期土壤通气和避免合成化学投入。 美国的许多再生农业实践都得到美国农业部保护计划的支持,例如环境质量激励计划。 预计 2023 年农业法案将加速向更具弹性、公平和可再生的粮食和农业系统过渡,从而刺激市场增长。
农民和牧场主过着非常忙碌的生活,在高风险、低利润、不断变化的商业环境中经营复杂的业务。 在这个现实中,学习和测试新的管理技术是一个要求高且耗时的过程。 此外,市场的不可预测性几乎没有留下创新或偏离的空间。 农民根据当地的直觉、集体智慧和经验经营他们的公司。 缺乏本地研究,再加上其他限制,可能会阻碍支持再生实践的传播努力。 结果,市场扩张受阻,市场增长受阻。
关于使用生物体(包括细菌)的研究越来越多,这些生物体在用作种子包衣时可以促进碳固存。 微生物碳封存是 21 世纪最重要的科学努力之一,旨在解决因大气中二氧化碳浓度上升和世界土壤肥力和恢復力下降而引起的气候变化。Soil Carbon Inc. 说。 与其他碳储存技术相比,微生物活动是迄今为止最有效的碳储存方法。 它还不需要碳储存所需的工具、空间或能源,提供了广泛的市场增长机会。
上游需求不稳定,消费者不愿为绿色产品支付更多费用。 围绕大规模农业的结构架构倾向于有利于商品系统和大规模单一栽培,据说是该国大部分地区最严重的问题。 由于缺乏适当的地方或区域基础设施,生产商被迫承担许多环节和整个供应链,以将其产品推向市场,从製造到加工、包装、营销、销售和分销。 许多农民试图将多种产品推向市场,同时最大化他们的收入来源并实现他们的环境目标,这增加了他们必须管理的製造合作者的复杂性和数量。
冠状病毒大流行 (COVID-19) 的爆发和蔓延造成了全球所有行业的失衡,并对全球经济造成了巨大破坏。 保持社交距离、隔离措施和严格的旅行限制导致所有行业的劳动力大量减少和失业。 农业和食品是两个完全暴露的行业。 政府在全州范围内实施的封锁令全球工业陷入停顿,影响了从农民到消费者的整个供应链。
据估计,农林业将实现有利可图的增长,因为有弹性和可持续的农业实践有可能为解决气候危机做出贡献。 这种新的农业系统将改善不断增长的人口的粮食安全,同时恢復环境,最大限度地减少气候变化,保护生物多样性并实现商业上可行的生产。 此外,由于它是一种低成本的自然耕作方式,因此可以在地球上的任何地方应用。 农林业景观也推动了市场,因为它们为物种穿越栖息地提供了许多途径,并且对于觅食和繁殖至关重要。
在预测期内,生物多样性领域的复合年增长率将最高,因为免耕、覆盖作物种植和缓衝区种植等各种再生农业有助于增加生物多样性。预计将创纪录 生物多样性的其他好处包括安全和清洁的水供应、土壤保护、养分恢復、饲料和肥料供应、木材产品的可用性、增加的野生动物物种、未来的资源和保护、对维持有利气候条件的充分支持。
由于企业对可持续农业的支持不断增加以及主要市场参与者的存在,预计在预测期内北美将占据最高份额。 例如,拥有多种乳製品和植物基产品的食品和饮料公司达能北美公司计划扩大目前美国最大的再生农业乳製品项目。
预计亚太地区在预测期内的复合年增长率最高。 这是因为由于存在广阔的农业用地和人口,预计亚太地区在预测期内将迅速扩张。 此外,政府加大推广创新农业技术的力度,加上土壤改良意识的增强,预计将为未来几年的市场增长创造有利可图的机会。
2023 年 3 月,嘉吉和 CUBIQ FOODS 将合作开发新型脂肪技术,以加速植物性食品的客户创新。
2023 年 1 月,巴斯夫和嘉吉将进一步扩大合作伙伴关係,为美国动物蛋白生产商提供高性能□解决方案。 两家公司都致力于将创新的基于□的解决方案推向市场,并为动物饲料客户创造独特的价值。
2023 年 1 月,嘉吉完成了对 Owensboro Grain Company 的收购。 Owensboro Grain Company 的加入加强了嘉吉在其北美油脂网络中提高产能的努力,以支持食品、饲料和可再生燃料市场对油籽不断增长的需求。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Regenerative Agriculture Market is accounted for $8.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $21.1 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 16.0% during the forecast period. Regenerative agriculture is an agricultural system that enhances the resources it uses rather than diminishing or destroying them. A lot of focus is focused on looking at the agro-ecosystem holistically, and a number of methodologies are used. Regenerative methods also boost soil fertility by planting cover crops between seasons, using crop rotations, and spreading composting and manure from animals, all of which replenish the soil's microbiome with essential nutrients. Synthetic fertilisers employed in conventional farming have disrupted the structure and function of these soil microbial communities.
According to the Rodale Institute, one of the growing numbers of organizations advocating regenerative agriculture approach as a great deal of emphasis is placed on looking holistically at the agro-ecosystem, with a variety of techniques being employed.
To reduce the carbon footprint of agricultural activities while increasing agricultural productivity to meet the growing need for food, governments around the world are promoting sustainable agriculture practises. It is primarily based on biomass recycling on the farm, with an emphasis on biomass mulching, the use of cow dung-urine formulations on the farm, periodic soil aeration, and the avoidance of any synthetic chemical inputs. Many of the regenerative farming methods used in the United States are supported by USDA conservation programmes such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Programme. The 2023 farm bill is expected to hasten the transition to a more resilient, just, and regenerative food and agriculture system thus encouraging the growth of the market.
Farmers and ranchers run complex businesses in a risky, low-margin, and constantly changing business environment, which keeps them very busy. Learning about and trying with new management tactics is a rigorous and time-consuming process as a result of this reality. Furthermore, due to the market's unpredictability, there is little room for innovation or deviation. Farmers manage their companies based on their knowledge of the land, collective wisdom, and experience. A lack of regional research, combined with other constraints, may stymie extension expansion in support of regenerative practises. As a result, market expansion is stifled which hindered the growth of the market.
There is an increasing amount of study being conducted on the usage of biological containing bacteria, which, when employed as a seed coating, can aid to boost carbon sequestration. Microbial carbon sequestration, for example, is one of the most important scientific endeavours of the twenty-first century, according to soil carbon co. It provides a straightforward solution to two of our most pressing issues climate change caused by growing CO2 levels in the atmosphere, as well as deteriorating soil fertility and resilience globally. When compared to other carbon sequestration techniques, microbial activities are by far the most effective method of capturing carbon. There are no additional tools, space, or energy required for the sequestration process thus creating wide range of opportunities for the growth of the market.
Upstream demand is volatile, and consumers are reticent to pay more for items created with environmentally friendly practises. The structural architecture that surrounds large-scale agriculture and tends to favour commodity systems and large-scale monoculture is claimed to be the country's most serious single problem in the majority of areas. Without the appropriate local and regional infrastructure, producers are forced to take on many links or whole supply chains to get their products to market, from manufacturing to processing and packaging to market development, sales, and distribution. Many farmers are attempting to maximise revenue streams and or accomplish environmental goals while also bringing several items to market, increasing the complexity and number of manufacturing collaborators they must manage.
The development and spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has caused an imbalance in all industries throughout the world, causing tremendous disruption to the global economy. Social segregation, quarantine measures, and tight travel restrictions have resulted in a significant decline in the workforce and employment losses across all industrial sectors. Agriculture and food were two of the industries that were entirely exposed. The government's imposition of a statewide lockdown resulted in the global suspension of industry, affecting the whole supply chain from farmer to consumer.
The agroforestry segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to its resilient and sustainable agriculture practise has the potential to aid in the resolution of the climate crisis. This novel farming system improves food security for growing people while also restoring the environment, minimising climate change, preserving biodiversity, and enabling commercially viable output. It is a low-cost, nature-based practise that may be applied everywhere on the planet. Agroforestry landscapes also provide numerous corridors for species to traverse across habitats, which is essential for feeding and breeding thereby driving the market.
The biodiversity segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to various regenerative agricultural practises, such as no-tillage, cover crop planting, and buffer strip planting, among others, contribute to increased biodiversity. Other benefits of biodiversity include a safe and clean water supply, soil protection, nutrient recovery, feed and fertiliser provision, the availability of wood products, a greater variety of wildlife, future resources and their protection, and assistance in maintaining appropriate climatic conditions.
North America is projected to hold the highest market share during the forecast period owing to growing corporate support for sustainable agriculture, as well as the existence of key market players, are projected to drive market expansion over the forecast period. For example, Danone North America, a food and beverage corporation with a diverse variety of dairy and plant-based products will extend its regenerative farming programme, which is currently the most extensive regenerative farming dairy programme in the United States.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to Due to the existence of huge agricultural area and a big population, Asia Pacific is expected to expand at a rapid rate over the projected period. Furthermore, rising government initiatives to promote innovative agricultural techniques, combined with increased awareness about soil improvement, are expected to create lucrative opportunities for market growth in the coming years.
Some of the key players profiled in the Regenerative Agriculture Market include Cargill Incorporated, Unilever PLC, Grounded, Soil Capital Belgium SPRL, Nestle SA, Danone SA, Indigo Ag, Inc, Serenity Kids, Bluebird Grain Farms, CIBO Technologies, Continuum Ag, New Life Tree Syrups, RegenAG, Alter Eco Americas Inc, White Oak Pastures and EcoFarm
In March 2023, Cargill, CUBIQ FOODS collaborate on novel fat technology to accelerate customer innovation of plant-based Foods with this strategic partnership, Cargill will now have access to CUBIQ's innovative technologies to help customers develop plant-based alternative foods with benefits that surpass typical products made with animal fats or tropical oils.
In Jan 2023, BASF and Cargill further expand their partnership to offer high-performance enzyme solutions to animal protein producers in the United States, Together, the two companies are committed to bringing innovative enzyme-based solutions to the market, generating distinctive value for animal feed customers.
In Jan 2023, Cargill completes acquisition of Owensboro Grain Company; the addition of Owensboro Grain Company will enhance Cargill's efforts to increase capacity across its North American oilseeds network to support growing demand for oilseeds driven by food, feed and renewable fuel markets.