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全球网路即时通讯市场:分析 - 按产品类型、相容设备、部署类型、公司规模、最终用户、区域、预测(~2030 年)Web Real-Time Communication Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product Type, Enabled Devices, Deployment Type, Enterprise Size, End User and by Geography |
一个名为 Web 即时通讯(WebRTC) 的强大开放原始码计划可在 Web 浏览器中实现即时通讯。用户无需安装额外的软体或外挂程式即可参与点对点资料共用和视讯/音讯通话。 WebRTC 让开发人员可以轻鬆建立流畅且动态的 Web 应用程序,从而改善沟通和团队合作。它对各种平台(包括桌面和行动平台)的适应性使其成为开发基于浏览器的尖端通讯工具的首选。
据国际 WebRTC 论坛称,近年来 WebRTC 的采用速度显着加快,提供了创新的通讯解决方案,利用即时资料传输的力量来增强客户参与并提高各行业的业务效率。
当前的全球趋势和有利于弹性和权力下放的工作文化的长期变化正在推动对远端协作的需求。透过支援高品质视讯会议、萤幕共用和即时文件协作,WebRTC 可实现远端团队之间的顺畅通信,并促进跨地理边界的高效协作。与计划管理软体和协作平台的整合简化了沟通流程并实现了即时决策和回馈,从而进一步提高了生产力。
儘管WebRTC内建了资料加密和对等连线验证等安全功能,但仍存在通讯会话的安全性和隐私问题。 WebRTC 实作和浏览器扩充功能中的漏洞可能允许恶意行为者拦截或修改通讯会话期间传送的敏感资料。此外,追踪、指纹辨识和 IP 位址外洩等问题可能会损害用户隐私和匿名性,尤其是在政府、金融和医疗保健等监管严格的领域,从而导致监管和法律方面的挑战。
WebRTC 能够促进远端医疗服务、虚拟医疗保健提供模式和远距咨询,并具有彻底改变医疗保健产业的巨大潜力。医疗保健提供者可以利用 WebRTC 提供安全、符合 HIPAA 要求的视讯会议,以进行后续预约、专家转诊和远距患者咨询。支援 WebRTC 的远端医疗平台还可以帮助对慢性病患者进行药物管理、依从性追踪和远端监控。此外,WebRTC 与穿戴式感测器、医疗设备和电子健康记录(EHR) 系统的整合改善了整个医疗保健生态系统的资料交换、互通性和护理协调。
服务品质 (QoS) 问题
WebRTC 应用程式必须保持一致的服务品质 (QoS),才能提供令人满意的使用者体验。通讯会话的清晰度、同步性和回应能力会受到网路拥塞、延迟、封包遗失和抖动等因素的不利影响,从而降低音讯和影像品质。其他 QoS 指标(例如吞吐量、延迟和影格速率)可能会受到频宽、装置效能和网路条件变化的影响。因此,可能会出现音讯/视讯伪影、冻结和丢帧等问题。此外,应引入拥塞控制演算法、纠错技术和自适应位元率流来解决 QoS 问题并最大限度地减少效能下降。
WebRTC 市场受到了 COVID-19 爆发的重大影响,加速了各行业对支援 WebRTC 的解决方案的采用和利用。随着远距工作趋势的日益增长,由 WebRTC 提供支援的虚拟协作工具对于保持业务连续性和实现顺畅的团队沟通至关重要。同样,由于对远端医疗服务的需求不断增长,基于 WebRTC 的远端医疗平台正在兴起。这些平台可以透过最少的面对面互动进行远端咨询和患者监控。此外,疫情也暴露了即时通讯在解决社会隔离、促进远距学习和远端提供所需服务的价值。这正在推动 WebRTC 技术的进一步创新和投资。
行动领域所占份额最大,智慧型手机和平板电脑占据了网路流量的大部分,这表明行动装置已变得多么普遍。对行动通讯解决方案的需求不断增长、行动应用程式的接受度不断提高以及将 WebRTC 功能顺利整合到行动浏览器和应用程式中是促成行动市场主导地位的关键因素。此外,行动装置是语音聊天、视讯通话和直播等支援 WebRTC 的服务的重要平台。
在同一市场中,医疗保健产业的复合年增长率最高。医疗保健领域的数位转型正在加速采用,重点是提高业务效率、促进远端存取医疗服务以及改善患者照护。 WebRTC 对于这一转变至关重要,因为它可以实现患者和医疗保健提供者之间的即时通信,从而实现虚拟咨询、远端监控和远端医疗服务。 WebRTC 还与医疗设备、远端医疗平台和电子健康记录(EHR) 系统集成,以改善整个医疗保健生态系统的资料交换、互通性和护理协调。
欧洲地区所占份额最大。欧洲因其强大的法规环境、高度发展的数位基础设施以及通讯技术的广泛使用而引领WebRTC市场。支持数位创新和连接的倡议正在使欧盟成员国受益,并为 WebRTC 解决方案的开发创造了有利的环境。此外,欧洲拥有大量专门从事即时通讯技术的尖端新兴企业、研究中心和公司,所有这些都在推动市场创新和竞争力。支援 WebRTC 的应用程式正在被该地区的各个行业(包括医疗保健、金融、零售和教育)采用,以提高客户参与、加快企业流程并提供尖端服务。
亚太地区的复合年增长率最高,这是由多种因素推动的,包括该地区的快速都市化、互联网普及的提高以及移动设备使用量的增加。中国、印度、日本和韩国等国家正在数位基础设施和通讯技术方面进行大量投资。因此,支援 WebRTC 的解决方案越来越多地被各个行业采用,包括通讯、电子商务、医疗保健和教育。此外,数位原民公司的成长、新兴企业生态系统的发展以及支持数位创新的政府计画也推动了亚太地区对 WebRTC 的需求。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) Market is accounted for $8.60 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $101.09 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 42.2% during the forecast period. A potent open-source project called Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) makes it possible to communicate in real time right within web browsers. Without the need to install extra software or plug-in, users can participate in peer-to-peer data sharing and video and audio calls. WebRTC facilitates the creation of smooth and dynamic web applications by developers, leading to improved communication and teamwork. Because of its adaptability to a wide range of platforms, including desktop and mobile, it is the preferred option for developing cutting-edge, browser-based communication tools.
According to the International WebRTC Forum, the adoption of WebRTC has significantly accelerated in recent years, empowering businesses to deliver innovative communication solutions that leverage the power of real-time data transmission, thereby enhancing customer engagement and driving operational efficiency across diverse industries.
Growing interest in working remotely
The need for remote collaboration is growing due to long-term changes in work culture that favor flexibility and decentralization, in addition to current world events. WebRTC enables smooth communication between remote teams and fosters productive collaboration across geographic boundaries by supporting high-quality video conferencing, screen sharing, and real-time document collaboration. Its integration with project management software and collaboration platforms streamlines communication processes and allows for real-time decision-making and feedback, which further boosts productivity.
Privacy and security issues
Although WebRTC comes with built-in security features like data encryption and peer connection authentication, there are still issues with communication session security and privacy. Vulnerabilities present in WebRTC implementations or browser extensions may allow malevolent actors to intercept or modify confidential data transmitted during communication sessions. Additionally, issues like tracking, fingerprinting, and IP address leaks may jeopardize user privacy and anonymity, which presents challenges for compliance with regulations and laws, especially in highly regulated sectors like government, finance, and healthcare.
Growth in remote healthcare and telemedicine
With its ability to facilitate telemedicine services, virtual healthcare delivery models, and remote consultations, WebRTC has enormous potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector. Healthcare providers can use WebRTC to provide secure, HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for follow-up appointments, specialist referrals, and remote patient consultations. WebRTC-enabled telemedicine platforms can also help with medication management, adherence tracking, and remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions, all of which can improve patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs. Moreover, WebRTC's integration with wearable sensors, medical devices, and electronic health record (EHR) systems improves data exchange, interoperability, and care coordination throughout the healthcare ecosystem.
Issues with Quality of Service (QoS)
In WebRTC applications, providing a satisfactory user experience requires maintaining a consistent quality of service (QoS). The clarity, synchronicity, and responsiveness of communication sessions can be negatively impacted by factors like network congestion, latency, packet loss, and jitter, which decrease audio and video quality. Additional QoS metrics like throughput, latency, and frame rate may be impacted by variations in bandwidth, device performance, and network conditions. This could result in problems like audio/video artifacts, freezing, or dropped frames. Furthermore, congestion control algorithms, error correction techniques, and adaptive bitrate streaming must be put into place in order to address QoS concerns and minimize performance degradation.
The WebRTC market has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the adoption and use of WebRTC-enabled solutions across industries. The increasing trend of working remotely has made WebRTC-powered virtual collaboration tools indispensable for preserving business continuity and enabling smooth team communication. In a similar vein, WebRTC-based telemedicine platforms have grown in number due to the growing demand for telehealth services. These platforms allow for remote consultations and patient monitoring with minimal in-person interaction. Moreover, the pandemic has brought to light the value of real-time communication in addressing social isolation, facilitating remote learning, and providing necessary services from a distance. This has encouraged additional innovation and investment in WebRTC technologies.
The Mobile segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The mobile segment has the largest share, as smartphones and tablets account for a large amount of internet traffic, demonstrating how commonplace mobile devices have become. The rising demand for on-the-go communication solutions, the increasing acceptance of mobile applications, and the smooth incorporation of WebRTC functionality into mobile browsers and applications are the main drivers of the mobile segment's dominance. Furthermore, mobile devices are an essential platform for WebRTC-enabled services like voice chats, video calls, and live streaming because they allow users to communicate in real-time, wherever they are and at any time.
The Healthcare segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
In the market, the healthcare sector has the highest CAGR. With an emphasis on boosting operational effectiveness, facilitating remote access to healthcare services, and improving patient care, the healthcare sector has been adopting digital transformation at an increasing rate. WebRTC is essential to this shift because it allows for real-time communication between patients and healthcare providers and makes virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and telemedicine services possible. Additionally, WebRTC improves data interchange, interoperability, and care coordination throughout healthcare ecosystems when it is integrated with medical devices, telehealth platforms, and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.
Europe region holds the largest market share in the market. Europe is a leader in the WebRTC market because of its robust regulatory environment, highly developed digital infrastructure, and broad use of communication technologies. Initiatives that support digital innovation and connectivity benefit EU member states, creating an environment that is favorable to the development of WebRTC solutions. Furthermore, Europe is home to a large number of cutting-edge startups, research centers, and corporations that specialize in real-time communication technologies, all of which promote market innovation and competitiveness. WebRTC-enabled applications have been adopted by the region's varied industries-healthcare, finance, retail, and education-to improve customer engagement, expedite corporate processes, and provide cutting-edge services.
The Asia-Pacific region has the highest CAGR, owing to the numerous factors, such as the region's rapid urbanization, rising internet penetration, and rising use of mobile devices, are driving this growth. Significant investments in digital infrastructure and communication technologies are being made in countries like China, India, Japan, and South Korea. This is encouraging the adoption of WebRTC-enabled solutions in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, e-commerce, healthcare, and education. Moreover, the need for WebRTC in Asia Pacific is also fueled by the growth of digitally native companies, the development of startup ecosystems, and government programs that support digital innovation.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) market include Plantronics, Inc, Dialogic Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Plivo, Inc, Quobis, Apidaze, TokBox, Inc, Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc, Polycom Inc, Cafex Communications Inc, Genband Inc, Cisco Systems Inc, Avaya, Inc., AT&T Ltd and Twilio Inc.
In March 2024, AT&T agrees to purchase carbon credits from Occidental's 1PointFive. AT&T, opens new tab has agreed to purchase carbon dioxide removal credits as part of its goal to reduce emissions and become carbon neutral in its global operations by 2035. 1PointFive is the carbon capture, utilization and sequestration unit of oil and gas firm Occidental Petroleum (OXY.N), opens new tab. AT&T will buy the credits from 1PointFive's Stratos, a direct air capture facility that is currently under construction in Texas.
In June 2018, Ribbon Communications Inc., a global leader in secure and intelligent cloud communications, today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Edgewater Networks, a market leader in Network Edge Orchestration for the small and medium enterprise (SME) and Unified Communications (UC) market. The acquisition is projected to result in Ribbon becoming the market share leader for enterprise Session Border Controllers (SBCs) and Network Edge Orchestration.
In January 2018, Polycom, Inc. announced the signing of a merger agreement to acquire Obihai Technology, Inc., a San Jose-based innovator in VoIP audio solutions. Obihai Technology develops software and hardware for VoIP endpoints. The strategic addition of their best-in-class software and talented development team allows Polycom to compete more effectively in the global voice market and broadens Polycom's portfolio to include complementary technologies for the service providers and customers of all sizes.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.