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乘用车再生煞车系统市场- 全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按系统类型(电动、液压、动能)、推进类型(BEV、HEV、PHEV)、按地区、竞争细分,2018 - 2028年Passenger Car Regenerative Braking System Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By System Type (Electric, Hydraulics, Kinetic), By Propulsion Type (BEV, HEV, PHEV), By Region, Competition, 2018-2028 |
2022 年,全球乘用车再生煞车系统市场价值为 42 亿美元,预计到 2028 年,预测期内将实现强劲增长,复合CAGR为7.09%。称为再生製动的动能回收技术主要用于纯电动车和汽车上。混合动力车回收煞车和减速过程中损失的能量,然后用它为电池充电。在该系统中,当前进或巡航时,引擎推动车轮,而当减速时,车轮推动马达。由于这种双向能量流,引擎可以充当发电机,透过阻止车轮的旋转并发电来为车辆的电池加油。利用此类煞车系统可回收近5%-10%的传输能量;回收的能量量因车辆的速度和煞车方式而异。目前,能量回收系统用于乘用车和商用车,以提高燃油效率并降低车辆排放。因此,全球汽车产业对此类煞车系统的需求不断增加,从而提高燃油效率。目前,工业需求正在推动全球汽车尤其是电动车及其零件的销售,从而导致污染物排放量增加。此外,政府也向汽车製造商施压,要求使用能降低油耗和废气排放的尖端技术。这可能会鼓励再生煞车系统全球市场的扩大。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 42亿美元 |
2028F 市场规模 | 62.8亿美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 7.09% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 插电式混合动力汽车 |
最大的市场 | 亚太 |
影响全球乘用车再生煞车系统市场的主要驱动力之一是环境法规的日益严格以及对永续性的日益重视。世界各国政府和国际组织正在实施更严格的排放标准,并倡导环保的交通解决方案,以应对气候变迁和减少污染水平。全球范围内的排放法规逐渐收紧,特别关注减少二氧化碳 (CO2) 和其他有害污染物。例如,在欧盟,欧盟 6 排放标准(截至我 2021 年 9 月最新知识更新为欧盟 6d)对二氧化碳排放以及氮氧化物 (NOx) 和颗粒物 (PM) 等污染物设定了严格限制。再生煞车系统透过提高燃油效率和减少二氧化碳排放,在帮助汽车製造商满足这些标准方面发挥着至关重要的作用。除了遵守法规之外,人们对永续发展的认识和承诺也在不断增强。消费者越来越倾向于选择环保的交通方式,包括配备再生煞车系统的车辆,不仅可以减少排放,还可以提高能源效率。随着永续发展成为消费者和汽车製造商的核心价值,再生煞车系统的需求预计将飙升。
向电动和混合动力汽车的持续转变是再生煞车系统的主要驱动力。电动和混合动力汽车严重依赖再生煞车来最大限度地提高能源效率并延长其行驶里程。这一趋势由多个因素推动:电动车 (EV) 的废气零排放,使其成为具有环保意识的消费者和旨在减少空气污染的政府的有吸引力的选择。再生煞车是一项有助于提高这些车辆的效率和环保性的基础技术。在电动车和混合动力车中,再生煞车系统在减速和煞车过程中捕捉动能,将其转化为电能为车辆电池充电。这个过程有助于延长车辆的行驶里程并降低整体能耗。电动车市场正在迅速扩张。主要汽车製造商正在大力投资电动车开发,许多新车型上市。随着这一趋势的持续,对先进再生煞车系统的需求将保持强劲。许多政府提供激励、回扣和补贴来促进电动车的采用。这些激励措施进一步激励汽车製造商将再生煞车技术融入其电动车中。
再生煞车系统以其提高内燃机 (ICE) 车辆燃油效率的能力而闻名。这种效率的提高对于汽车製造商和消费者来说都是一个引人注目的驱动力,特别是在燃油价格波动和对节能日益关注的时代。在内燃机车辆中,再生煞车减少了对传统摩擦煞车的依赖,传统摩擦煞车将能量以热的形式耗散。相反,再生煞车系统会回收并储存这种能量,使其可供重复使用。这个过程可以显着节省燃料,这对注重成本的消费者特别有吸引力。较低的油耗可以降低车辆整个使用寿命期间的营运成本。车队营运商尤其被车辆中的再生煞车系统带来的潜在成本节省所吸引。
全球乘用车再生煞车系统市场面临的最重要挑战之一是实施成本和消费者的承受能力。虽然再生煞车系统在燃油效率和减少排放方面具有显着优势,但它们涉及额外的製造和技术复杂性,这可能会增加车辆的整体成本。再生煞车系统所需的组件(例如电动发电机、逆变器和先进控制系统)的製造和整合到车辆中的成本可能很高。这些成本通常会转嫁到消费者身上,使得配备再生煞车系统的车辆对某些购买者来说难以负担。如果消费者认为前期成本超过了节省燃料和降低营运成本的长期利益,他们可能会犹豫是否投资具有再生煞车系统的车辆。再生煞车系统的投资回报 (ROI) 可能会因驾驶习惯和燃油价格等因素而异。消费者可能并不总是清楚再生煞车系统的价值主张。让潜在买家了解这些系统的长期成本节约和环境效益可能是一项挑战,因为它需要改变消费者的观念和行为。
不同地区和国家的监管差异可能会给在全球市场运营的汽车製造商带来挑战。这些挑战可能包括: 不同地区的排放标准和法规可能有很大差异。遵守不同的标准可能需要对再生煞车系统进行调整,从而导致开发和製造成本增加。满足再生煞车系统的安全和认证标准可能很复杂。汽车製造商必须了解一系列标准、认证和测试要求,以确保其车辆符合各个市场的要求。配备再生煞车系统的车辆的激励和补贴可能因地区而异。这种不一致可能会影响消费者需求以及汽车製造商的车辆行销和定价策略。
全球乘用车再生煞车系统市场最重要的趋势之一是对环境永续性的日益关注和严格排放法规的实施。随着气候变迁和空气品质成为人们最关心的问题,世界各国政府正在製定严格的排放标准,推动汽车製造商开发更环保的汽车。再生煞车系统在减少乘用车排放和提高燃油效率方面发挥关键作用。透过在煞车过程中回收和储存动能,然后用其为车辆提供动力,这些系统减少了对传统摩擦煞车的依赖,传统摩擦煞车会产生热量并浪费能量。随着排放标准变得更加严格,汽车製造商越来越多地采用再生煞车系统来满足这些要求。例如,欧盟的排放标准(称为欧洲标准)多年来已逐步收紧。 Euro 6d 是我在 2021 年 9 月更新知识时的最新标准,要求降低二氧化碳排放量,并鼓励使用再生煞车等技术来实现合规性。同样,包括美国和中国在内的许多其他国家和地区已经出台或计划出台严格的排放法规,进一步推动再生煞车系统在乘用车中的采用。
在产业持续研发努力的推动下,乘用车再生煞车系统市场正在经历快速的技术进步。这些进步旨在提高再生煞车系统的效率、性能和可靠性。一个值得注意的趋势是将再生煞车与其他先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS) 和自动驾驶技术整合。透过将再生煞车与自适应巡航控制、预测煞车和再生滑行等功能无缝结合,汽车製造商可以增强能量回收并优化燃油效率。这些整合系统还有助于提供更平稳、更舒适的驾驶体验。此外,材料和设计的进步使得能够开发出更紧凑、更轻的再生煞车零件。这不仅减轻了车辆的整体重量,也提高了能量回收的效率。此外,先进感测器和控制演算法的使用使再生煞车系统能够适应不同的驾驶条件和驾驶员行为,进一步提高其有效性。
该行业的竞争性质导致汽车製造商和技术供应商增加了研发投资。这种趋势在再生煞车系统领域尤其明显,因为公司寻求透过开发创新解决方案来获得竞争优势。许多汽车製造商正在与科技公司和研究机构建立合作关係,以加速再生煞车技术的发展。这些合作旨在创建更有效率、更智慧的系统,可应用于更广泛的车辆。例如,丰田一直大力投资再生煞车研发,并开发了丰田混合动力系统II(THS II),该系统采用了先进的再生煞车技术。除了传统汽车製造商之外,新创公司和科技公司也正在凭藉新颖的再生煞车解决方案进入市场。新参与者的涌入正在促进竞争和创新,最终透过提高系统性能和成本效益使消费者受益。
2021 年,亚太地区占据了再生煞车系统最大的市场份额,预计在预测期内将会增加。此外,与其他地区相比,它的成长率最快。在预测期内,预计该地区日益严格的排放标准将增加对纯电动车、插电式混合动力车和燃料电池车的需求。 2021年,中国对亚太地区电池需求的成长负有主要责任。 2021年,中国电动车销量超过330万辆,超过世界其他地区的总销量。该市场第二重要的地区是北美。由于民众对安全车辆操作、减轻压力和有效交通的需求不断增长,电动车的再生煞车在该地区越来越受欢迎。欧洲和世界其他地区的市场均显着成长。欧洲正集中精力透过儘早使无人驾驶汽车的使用合法化等策略来加强其在市场中的地位。政府负责透过提供融资和计划将自动驾驶汽车投入使用。
Global Passenger Car Regenerative Braking System Market has valued at USD 4.2 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 7.09% through 2028. A kinetic energy recovery technology called regenerative braking is used mostly on pure electric and hybrid vehicles to recover the energy lost during braking and deceleration and then use it to recharge the battery. In this system, when moving forward or cruising, the engine propels the wheels, and when slowing down, the wheels propel the motor. The engine can function as a generator by opposing the rotation of the wheels and generating power to refuel the vehicle's battery thanks to this two-way energy flow. Nearly 5%-10% of transmitted energy can be recovered by utilizing this type of braking system; the amount of energy recovered varies on the vehicle's speed and braking style. Currently, energy recovery systems are utilized in both passenger and commercial cars to increase fuel efficiency and lower vehicle emissions. As a result, the demand for such a braking system has increased in the worldwide car industry, leading to higher fuel efficiency. The demand from industry is currently driving up global sales of automobiles, particularly electric vehicles, and their components, which is leading to an increase in pollutant emissions. Additionally, the government is pressuring automakers to use cutting-edge technologies that can lower fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. This may encourage the expansion of the global market for regenerative braking systems.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 4.2 Billion |
Market Size 2028F | USD 6.28 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 7.09% |
Fastest Growing Segment | PHEV |
Largest Market | Asia-Pacific |
One of the primary drivers influencing the Global Passenger Car Regenerative Braking System Market is the increasing stringency of environmental regulations and the growing emphasis on sustainability. Governments and international organizations worldwide are imposing stricter emissions standards and advocating for eco-friendly transportation solutions to combat climate change and reduce pollution levels. Emissions regulations have been progressively tightened across the globe, with a particular focus on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other harmful pollutants. For instance, in the European Union, the Euro 6 emissions standard (Euro 6d as of my last knowledge update in September 2021) sets strict limits on CO2 emissions and pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). Regenerative braking systems play a crucial role in helping automakers meet these standards by improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. Beyond regulatory compliance, there is a growing awareness and commitment to sustainability. Consumers are increasingly inclined to choose eco-friendly transportation options, including vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems, which not only reduce emissions but also promote energy efficiency. As sustainability becomes a core value for both consumers and automakers, the demand for regenerative braking systems is expected to soar.
The ongoing shift towards electric and hybrid vehicles is a major driver for regenerative braking systems. Electric and hybrid vehicles rely heavily on regenerative braking to maximize energy efficiency and extend their driving range. This trend is driven by several factors: Electric vehicles (EVs) produce zero tailpipe emissions, making them an attractive choice for environmentally conscious consumers and governments aiming to reduce air pollution. Regenerative braking is a fundamental technology that contributes to the efficiency and eco-friendliness of these vehicles. In EVs and hybrids, regenerative braking systems capture kinetic energy during deceleration and braking, converting it into electrical energy to recharge the vehicle's battery. This process helps extend the vehicle's range and reduces the overall energy consumption. The electric vehicle market is expanding rapidly. Major automakers are investing heavily in EV development, with numerous new models hitting the market. As this trend continues, the demand for advanced regenerative braking systems will remain strong. Many governments offer incentives, rebates, and subsidies to promote electric vehicle adoption. These incentives further motivate automakers to incorporate regenerative braking technology into their EVs.
Regenerative braking systems are renowned for their ability to enhance fuel efficiency in internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This efficiency improvement is a compelling driver for both automakers and consumers, particularly in an era of fluctuating fuel prices and growing concerns about energy conservation. In ICE vehicles, regenerative braking reduces the reliance on traditional friction-based braking, which dissipates energy as heat. Instead, regenerative braking systems recover and store this energy, making it available for reuse. This process leads to significant fuel savings, which can be particularly appealing to cost-conscious consumers. Lower fuel consumption results in reduced operating costs over the life of a vehicle. Fleet operators, in particular, are attracted to the potential cost savings associated with regenerative braking systems in their vehicles.
Advancements in technology are a driving force behind the evolution of regenerative braking systems. These developments include improvements in component design, materials, and control algorithms, leading to more efficient and reliable systems. Manufacturers are continuously refining the design of regenerative braking components, such as the electric motor-generator, inverters, and power electronics. These improvements lead to smaller, lighter, and more efficient components, which can be seamlessly integrated into passenger cars without compromising performance. The use of advanced materials, such as high-strength alloys and lightweight composites, contributes to the overall weight reduction of regenerative braking system components. Lighter components improve the efficiency of energy recovery and reduce the vehicle's overall weight, enhancing fuel economy. Regenerative braking systems are becoming increasingly intelligent and adaptive. Advanced control algorithms monitor various vehicle parameters, such as speed, driving conditions, and battery state of charge, to optimize energy recuperation. This results in more effective regenerative braking and improved overall vehicle performance.
The increasing awareness of environmental issues and a growing preference for sustainable transportation options are driving consumer demand for vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems. This demand, in turn, is spurring market competition and innovation. Environmental consciousness is on the rise, and consumers are more informed about the environmental impact of their choices. As a result, many consumers actively seek vehicles that offer eco-friendly features, including regenerative braking systems. Automakers are vying for market share in the growing electric and hybrid vehicle segments. To gain a competitive edge and meet consumer demand, manufacturers are investing in the development of advanced regenerative braking systems. Competition among automakers and technology suppliers is fostering innovation in regenerative braking technology. This innovation leads to the creation of more efficient and intelligent systems, benefiting consumers through improved performance and cost-effectiveness.
One of the foremost challenges in the global passenger car regenerative braking system market is the cost of implementation and affordability for consumers. While regenerative braking systems offer significant benefits in terms of fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, they involve additional manufacturing and technological complexities, which can increase the overall cost of a vehicle. The components required for regenerative braking systems, such as electric motor-generators, inverters, and advanced control systems, can be expensive to manufacture and integrate into vehicles. These costs are often passed on to consumers, making vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems less affordable for some buyers. Consumers may be hesitant to invest in vehicles with regenerative braking systems if they perceive that the upfront cost outweighs the long-term benefits in terms of fuel savings and reduced operating costs. The return on investment (ROI) for regenerative braking systems can vary depending on factors like driving habits and fuel prices. The value proposition of regenerative braking systems may not always be clear to consumers. Educating potential buyers about the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits of these systems can be a challenge, as it requires changing consumer perceptions and behavior.
Regenerative braking systems are sophisticated technologies that require seamless integration with a vehicle's existing components and systems. Achieving this integration can be challenging for automakers and may lead to technical issues. Integrating regenerative braking systems into vehicles, especially existing models, can be complex. Automakers must ensure that these systems work harmoniously with other vehicle components, such as the internal combustion engine, transmission, and braking system. Different vehicle types (e.g., hybrid, electric, conventional) may require unique regenerative braking solutions. Developing adaptable systems that can be applied across various vehicle platforms is a challenge for manufacturers. Regenerative braking systems must be reliable and durable to withstand the rigors of everyday use. Failures or malfunctions in these systems can lead to safety concerns and increased maintenance costs.
Despite the benefits of regenerative braking systems, many consumers lack awareness and understanding of this technology. This lack of awareness can hinder adoption and market growth. Consumers often lack information about how regenerative braking systems work, their advantages, and their impact on fuel efficiency and emissions reduction. Automakers and industry stakeholders must invest in educational efforts to bridge this gap. Effectively communicating the benefits of regenerative braking systems can be a challenge for automakers. Marketing campaigns must convey the value proposition in a clear and compelling way to resonate with consumers. Some consumers may have misconceptions about regenerative braking, such as concerns about system reliability or maintenance costs. Addressing these misconceptions through education is critical to building consumer trust.
The effectiveness of regenerative braking systems can be influenced by the availability of infrastructure to support them. Challenges related to infrastructure can include for electric and hybrid vehicles that rely on regenerative braking, the availability of charging infrastructure is essential. In regions with limited charging stations, the benefits of regenerative braking may not be fully realized. Regenerative braking systems return electrical energy to the vehicle's battery or capacitor. In regions with an inadequate electrical grid or low capacity, recharging the battery efficiently may be a challenge. Vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems may require specialized maintenance and service. Ensuring that there are sufficient service centers with trained technicians can be a challenge, especially in rural areas.
Regulatory variability across different regions and countries can pose challenges for automakers operating in the global market. These challenges can include: Emission standards and regulations can vary significantly from one region to another. Compliance with different standards can require adjustments to regenerative braking systems, leading to increased development and manufacturing costs. Meeting safety and certification standards for regenerative braking systems can be complex. Automakers must navigate a web of standards, certifications, and testing requirements to ensure their vehicles are compliant in various markets. Incentives and subsidies for vehicles with regenerative braking systems may vary by region. This inconsistency can affect consumer demand and automakers' strategies for marketing and pricing their vehicles.
One of the most significant trends in the global passenger car regenerative braking system market is the growing concern for environmental sustainability and the implementation of strict emission regulations. With climate change and air quality becoming paramount concerns, governments around the world are enacting stringent emissions standards, pushing automakers to develop more eco-friendly vehicles. Regenerative braking systems play a pivotal role in reducing emissions and enhancing fuel efficiency in passenger cars. By recovering and storing kinetic energy during braking and subsequently using it to power the vehicle, these systems reduce the reliance on traditional friction-based braking, which generates heat and wastes energy. As emission standards become more rigorous, automakers are increasingly adopting regenerative braking systems to meet these requirements. For example, the European Union's emission standards, known as Euro standards, have been progressively tightened over the years. Euro 6d, the latest standard as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, mandates lower CO2 emissions and encourages the use of technologies like regenerative braking to achieve compliance. Similarly, many other countries and regions, including the United States and China, have introduced or are planning to introduce stringent emissions regulations, further driving the adoption of regenerative braking systems in passenger cars.
The global shift towards electric and hybrid vehicles is another major trend shaping the passenger car regenerative braking system market. Electric and hybrid vehicles have gained significant traction due to their lower environmental impact and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. These vehicles rely heavily on regenerative braking systems to optimize energy usage and extend their range. In electric and hybrid vehicles, regenerative braking systems convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then stored in batteries or supercapacitors for later use. This energy can power the vehicle's electric motor, reducing the overall demand on the battery and extending the vehicle's range. As consumers increasingly embrace electric and hybrid cars, the demand for efficient and advanced regenerative braking systems is expected to soar. Moreover, governments in many countries are offering incentives and subsidies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles, further fueling the demand for regenerative braking systems. For instance, countries like Norway and the Netherlands have introduced tax benefits and rebates for electric vehicle buyers, incentivizing automakers to enhance regenerative braking technology to maximize the benefits of electric and hybrid vehicles.
The passenger car regenerative braking system market is experiencing rapid technological advancements, driven by continuous research and development efforts in the industry. These advancements are aimed at improving the efficiency, performance, and reliability of regenerative braking systems. One notable trend is the integration of regenerative braking with other advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies. By seamlessly combining regenerative braking with features like adaptive cruise control, predictive braking, and regenerative coasting, automakers can enhance energy recuperation and optimize fuel efficiency. These integrated systems also contribute to a smoother and more comfortable driving experience. Additionally, advancements in materials and design are enabling the development of more compact and lightweight regenerative braking components. This not only reduces the overall weight of the vehicle but also improves the efficiency of energy recovery. Furthermore, the use of advanced sensors and control algorithms allows regenerative braking systems to adapt to different driving conditions and driver behaviors, further enhancing their effectiveness.
The competitive nature of the industry has led to increased investment in research and development (R&D) by automakers and technology suppliers. This trend is particularly evident in the field of regenerative braking systems, as companies seek to gain a competitive edge by developing innovative solutions. Many automakers are establishing partnerships with technology companies and research institutions to accelerate the development of regenerative braking technology. These collaborations aim to create more efficient and intelligent systems that can be applied across a broader range of vehicles. For example, Toyota has been investing heavily in R&D for regenerative braking and has developed its Toyota Hybrid System II (THS II), which incorporates advanced regenerative braking technology. In addition to traditional automakers, startups and tech companies are entering the market with novel regenerative braking solutions. This influx of new players is fostering competition and innovation, ultimately benefiting consumers through improved system performance and cost-effectiveness.
Consumer awareness of environmental issues and the benefits of regenerative braking systems is on the rise. As a result, there is a growing demand among consumers for vehicles equipped with regenerative braking technology. Consumers are increasingly seeking out eco-friendly transportation options, and regenerative braking is seen as a key feature that aligns with these preferences. Many consumers recognize that regenerative braking can not only reduce fuel consumption but also save them money on operating costs over the long term. Furthermore, automakers are actively marketing regenerative braking systems as a selling point for their vehicles. This includes promoting the energy-saving benefits and highlighting how these systems contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. As consumer demand continues to grow, automakers are likely to expand the availability of regenerative braking systems across a wider range of vehicle models and price points.
rising trend for emissions-free pure electric vehicles Driven BEV Demand The market is segmented into PHEV, BEV, and HEV based on propulsion. The largest market share of the global market was held by the BEV segment. Fully electric vehicles are being favored by the government through subsidies, buying incentives, and the enforcement of strict pollution rules. For instance, in Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, BEVs receive much more purchase incentives than PHEVs.
For instance, BEV sales accounted for over 75% of new EV sales in the U.S., up 55% from 2016. Similar to that, BEVs sold more than 2.9 million units in 2021 in China, where they made up about 82% of current EV sales. After BEVs, PEVs are the second fastest-growing market sector. In 2021, PHEV batteries will typically have a 15 kWh capacity. Using Level 1 or Level 2 chargers comfortably results in noticeably shorter charging periods. The demand for solutions will therefore increase as SUVs become more prevalent.
Asia Pacific held the largest market share for regenerative braking systems in 2021 and is predicted to increase during the forecast period. Additionally, compared to other regions, it exhibits the quickest growth rate. Over the projected period, it is anticipated that this region's increasingly strict emission standards would increase demand for BEVs, PHEVs, and FCVs. In 2021, China was mostly responsible for the rise in battery demand in Asia Pacific. China sold more electric vehicles in 2021 than the rest of the world combined, at more than 3.3 million. The market's second most important region is North America. Regenerative braking in electric vehicles is becoming more and more popular in the area as a result of rising public demand for safe vehicle operation, reduced stress, and effective transportation. The market has grown remarkably in both Europe and the rest of the world. Europe is concentrating on strengthening its position in the market using tactics like early legalization of the usage of driverless vehicles. The government is in charge of putting autonomous vehicles into use by offering financing and programs.
In this report, the Global Passenger Car Regenerative Braking System Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: