储存区域网路市场 - 全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按元件、架构(光纤通道 SAN、乙太网路SAN)、最终用户产业、地区、竞争细分,2018-2028 年Storage Area Network Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented by Component, By Architecture (Fiber Channel SAN, Ethernet SAN), By End-User Industry, By Region, By Competition, 2018-2028 |
全球储存区域网路市场近年来经历了巨大成长,并预计在 2028 年之前保持强劲势头。2022 年该市场价值为 136.5 亿美元,预计在预测期内年复合成长率为 7.89%。
近年来,全球储存区域网路 (SAN) 市场出现了显着成长,这主要是由于全球各行业日益数位转型的推动。资讯技术和电信等行业越来越多地采用光纤连接解决方案来实现基础设施现代化并获得竞争优势。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 136.5亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 216.1亿美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 7.89% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 乙太网路SAN (iSCSI SAN) |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
各个组织产生的资料量不断增加,推动了对强大资料储存解决方案的需求。随着企业收集和分析更多的客户资料、员工记录、财务交易、医疗记录等,对资料储存的需求呈指数级增长。传统的直连储存解决方案已不足以处理如此海量的资料。储存区域网路提供集中式区块级存储,可由多个伺服器同时存取。这种共享储存池使组织能够整合其储存基础设施,并随着资料需求的成长轻鬆扩展容量。预计未来十年资料将增加 50 倍以上,SAN 已成为企业以安全、高效能的方式经济有效管理不断膨胀的资料资产的必需品。
储存基础设施是大多数组织的主要资本支出。随着资料量呈指数级增长,如果不仔细管理,储存成本可能会失控。储存区域网路透过整合帮助优化这些储存成本。透过将多个伺服器连接到集中储存池,可以在伺服器之间共用相同的实体磁碟。这样就无需为每台伺服器购买单独的直连储存。 SAN 还支援精简配置和严格资料压缩,从而提高储存利用率。由于整合储存基础设施的管理、监控和维护比分散式储存孤岛更简单,因此营运成本也更低。对于注重成本的企业来说,SAN 提供了一种经济实惠的方式来按需扩展其储存基础设施,同时控制资本和营运支出。
随着世界各地组织的资料量持续呈指数级增长,对可扩展且经济高效的资料储存的需求比以往任何时候都更加重要。然而,建立支援全球储存区域网路所需的实体基础设施会带来大量资本支出,导致 IT 预算紧张。在全球多个办公室、资料中心和云端环境中部署 SAN 时,铺设光纤电缆、安装交换器和路由器以及购买大容量储存阵列的工作量会迅速增加。虽然统一储存结构提供的灵活性和共享存取非常引人注目,但前期基础设施成本可能是许多公司采用该结构的主要障碍。如果 SAN 模型要在资料足迹扩展到数 PB 范围(甚至对于中型企业而言)时保持可行,那么供应商必须专注于透过规模经济、标准化和更有效率的元件来降低硬体价格。
除了基础设施成本之外,整合不同的储存系统和管理全球分散式 SAN 也带来了持续的营运挑战。不同供应商的储存阵列通常具有不相容的协定、介面和管理工具,因此很难将资源集中到一个有凝聚力的整体中。由于资料和工作负载分布在全球范围内,如果没有复杂的监控和自动化,确保一致的效能、可用性、安全策略和灾难復原程序将是一场管理噩梦。随着端点数量的增加,需要单点控制和统一视图来获得可见性并保持控制。供应商必须专注于标准化、开放 API 和人工智慧驱动的管理平台,以简化部署并简化对遍布全球的大规模复杂储存网路的日常监督。如果没有能够降低管理复杂性的解决方案,IT 团队将难以最大化其 SAN 投资。
由于其高效能,对全快闪储存阵列的需求正在显着增长。全快闪储存阵列提供低延迟和每秒高输入/输出操作,有助于提高关键任务应用程式的效能。它们越来越多地被银行、医疗保健和製造业等行业采用,这些行业的即时资料存取至关重要。全快闪储存能够轻鬆处理资料密集和延迟敏感型工作负载,这是推动其采用的主要因素。随着企业寻求优化人工智慧、机器学习和即时分析等应用的基础设施,对高效能储存的需求将持续成长。预计这种不断增长的需求将增加 SAN 供应商的收入,并推动预测期内全球 SAN 市场的成长。
超融合基础设施越来越受欢迎,因为它在一个盒子中提供了完整的软体定义资料中心解决方案。透过整合运算、储存、网路和虚拟化功能,超融合基础架构使企业能够快速轻鬆地扩展其 IT 基础架构。它消除了单独采购硬体和管理各个组件的需要。这种即插即用功能以及低维护和高灵活性等营运效率正在增加跨组织对超融合基础设施解决方案的采用。全球 SAN 市场将受益于与 SAN 技术整合的超融合基础设施堆迭的持续部署。供应商专注于提供具有高效能 SAN 的超融合解决方案,以满足虚拟化和私有云环境不断变化的需求。
SAN 供应商越来越关注将人工智慧和机器学习功能融入他们的储存解决方案中。人工智慧和机器学习被用来优化储存效能、自动化操作并增强安全性、可用性和可靠性。例如,人工智慧正在帮助储存基础设施进行预测分析,以防止故障和停机。机器学习演算法可以分析工作负载模式以最佳化资料放置并自动分层。具有内建人工智慧的储存解决方案能够将储存管理员从日常任务中解放出来,并使基础设施管理更加有效率。人工智慧和机器学习越来越多地整合到 SAN 产品中,将有助于满足不断变化的业务需求并差异化供应商产品,从而对未来几年的收入流产生积极影响。
向量讯号分析仪(VSA) 领域在2022 年占据全球储存区域网路市场的主导地位,预计在2023 年至2028 年的预测期内将保持其主导地位。VSA 是一种先进的讯号分析仪器,可以分析类比和数位射频(射频)讯号。它能够同时分析时域和频域讯号的振幅和相位特性。这使得 VSA 非常适合储存区域网路中的复杂讯号分析需求。它们提供了讯号的详细视图,这是频谱分析仪和讯号分析仪等其他传统仪器难以看到的。 VSA 还提供多通道分析功能,允许同时测试多个连接埠和讯号。这是储存区域网路的一个主要优势,因为储存区域网路中有大量互连设备传输大量资料。 VSA 能够在宽频宽上高速准确地分析复杂的调变讯号,这使其成为储存区域网路研发和製造测试中不可或缺的一部分。主要储存区域网路供应商偏好使用 VSA 进行协定分析、合规性测试和故障排除。随着资料储存和网路需求持续呈指数级增长,对 VSA 等高级分析工具的需求也将成比例增长,以支援更强大、更高速的储存区域网路的开发和效能。
乙太网路储存区域网路在 2022 年占据全球储存区域网路市场的主导地位,预计在 2022 年至 2027 年的预测期内将保持其主导地位。乙太网路SAN(包括 iSCSI SAN 和融合乙太网路)在2022 年占约60% 的市场份额。2022 年。与传统光纤通道 SAN 相比,乙太网路SAN 具有多种优势,例如较低的前期基础设施成本、与现有乙太网路和IP 协定的兼容性、更轻鬆的管理和管理,以及支援单一网路中的区块和檔案储存。近年来,这些优势帮助乙太网路SAN 在资料中心和各种规模的企业中广泛采用。此外,超融合和软体定义基础设施的日益普及进一步推动了乙太网路SAN 的成长。主要云端服务供应商也在很大程度上标准化了乙太网路和基于 IP 的存储,这正在全球扩大市场。虽然光纤通道 SAN 继续部署用于需要低延迟和高 IOPS 的高效能应用程序,但预计到 2027 年,乙太网路SAN 将占整个 SAN 市场的 65% 左右。这是因为乙太网路SAN 满足效能和可靠性要求满足大多数应用程式的要求,同时提供比光纤通道 SAN 更好的价值和灵活性。他们利用现有乙太网路投资的能力也使他们在未来比光纤通道更具优势。
北美在 2022 年主导全球储存区域网路市场,预计在 2023 年至 2027 年的预测期内将保持主导地位。该地区在 2022 年占整体市场收入的 35% 以上份额。这可归因于强劲的储存区域网路供应商的存在以及该地区各行业的广泛采用。由于高科技的采用以及 IT、BFSI、医疗保健、製造和政府等行业的大型企业的存在,仅美国就占据了北美市场 80% 以上的份额。此外,该地区企业正在对数位转型计划进行大量投资,这推动了对先进储存解决方案的需求。此外,不断增长的资料量、对混合工作模式的重视以及对高效资料管理的需求是推动北美储存区域网路市场成长的一些关键因素。主要参与者也专注于合作伙伴关係、收购和针对北美市场的新产品发布,以加强其市场地位。如果该地区在政府技术采用支持性政策、企业持续数位化和不断增加的资料产生的支持下继续保持这种增长势头,预计北美将在预测期内保持其在全球储存区域网路市场的领先地位。
Global Storage Area Network market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years and is poised to maintain strong momentum through 2028. The market was valued at USD 13.65 billion in 2022 and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate of 7.89% during the forecast period.
The Global Storage Area Network (SAN) market has seen significant growth in recent years, driven largely by the increasing digital transformation of industries worldwide. Sectors such as information technology and telecommunications have increasingly adopted fiber optic connectivity solutions to modernize their infrastructure and gain competitive advantages.
A key focus on innovation has led to improved connectivity standards and more streamlined network management processes. Storage Area Networks have become critical components supporting these advancements. Advanced network infrastructure now relies heavily on vast amounts of data transmitted over high-speed fiber optic cables to provide unprecedented operational insights on a global scale.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 13.65 billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 21.61 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 7.89% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Ethernet SAN (iSCSI SAN) |
Largest Market | North America |
Connected systems that monitor networks in real-time via integrated fiber optic infrastructure allow for quick issue detection, predictive maintenance planning, and optimization of inspection schedules. As telecommunications networks and data center footprints expand globally, effectively overseeing connectivity performance across distributed systems is increasingly important.
Leading IT and telecom companies are leveraging powerful analytics tools hosted on scalable network platforms. This fosters seamless international collaboration while ensuring sensitive network data security and privacy. SAN vendors recognize these trends and are heavily investing in predictive maintenance modeling and intuitive connectivity management software tailored for global network users. Importantly, these solutions maintain strict data governance controls to guarantee regulatory compliance.
The convergence of connectivity, network protection, and management functionalities on integrated fiber optic platforms presents substantial growth opportunities. As these systems continue advancing capabilities in data analytics and automation, they promise more personalized real-time insights and increased optimization of critical operational processes. This positions industries like telecommunications to effectively manage evolving regulations and dynamic market demands into the future.
Analysts expect the positive global outlook for the SAN market to continue. Storage Area Networks have become core infrastructure enabling network protection, streamlined operations, and regulatory compliance for telecom firms managing international networks at scale. As network technology progresses further, SAN solutions will remain central to ensuring efficient, data-driven, and secure network management worldwide.
The ever-growing amount of data being generated across organizations is driving the need for robust data storage solutions. As businesses collect and analyze more customer data, employee records, financial transactions, medical records and more, the demand for data storage is increasing exponentially. Traditional direct-attached storage solutions are no longer sufficient to handle such massive volumes of data. Storage Area Networks provide centralized block-level storage that can be accessed by multiple servers simultaneously. This shared pool of storage enables organizations to consolidate their storage infrastructure and scale capacity easily as data needs grow. With data expected to increase over 50x in the next decade, SANs have become a necessity for enterprises to cost-effectively manage their ballooning data assets in a secure, high-performance manner.
As data becomes the lifeblood of organizations, protecting this critical asset is of utmost importance. Unplanned downtime caused by data loss or corruption can have severe financial and reputational consequences. Storage Area Networks address this need through features such as data mirroring, snapshots, replication and backup capabilities. They provide redundancy to ensure data is not lost even if a drive or server fails. Data can be replicated across sites to enable disaster recovery in case an entire datacenter goes down. This gives enterprises the confidence that their business operations will not be disrupted due to data outages. In today's always-on digital world, robust data protection and continuity solutions have become essential for businesses.
Storage infrastructure is a major capital expenditure for most organizations. As data volumes increase exponentially, storage costs can spiral out of control if not managed carefully. Storage Area Networks help optimize these storage costs through consolidation. By connecting multiple servers to a centralized pool of storage, the same physical disks can be shared across servers. This avoids the need to purchase separate direct-attached storage for each server. SANs also enable thin provisioning and tight data compression which improves storage utilization rates. The operational costs are also lower as management, monitoring and maintenance of a consolidated storage infrastructure is simpler than distributed storage silos. For cost-conscious enterprises, SANs provide an affordable way to scale their storage infrastructure on demand while keeping capital and operational expenditures in check.
As data volumes continue to grow exponentially for organizations around the world, the need for scalable and cost-effective data storage is more important than ever. However, building out the physical infrastructure required to support a global Storage Area Network comes with significant capital expenditures that strain IT budgets. Laying fiber optic cable, installing switches and routers, and purchasing high-capacity storage arrays adds up quickly when deploying a SAN across multiple offices, data centers, and cloud environments around the globe. While the flexibility and shared access provided by a unified storage fabric are compelling, upfront infrastructure costs can be a major barrier to adoption for many companies. Vendors must focus on driving down hardware prices through economies of scale, standardization, and more efficient components if the SAN model is to remain viable as data footprints expand into the multi-petabyte range for even mid-sized firms.
In addition to infrastructure costs, integrating disparate storage systems and managing a globally distributed SAN presents ongoing operational challenges. Storage arrays from different vendors often have incompatible protocols, interfaces, and management tools, making it difficult to pool resources into a cohesive whole. With data and workloads distributed worldwide, ensuring consistent performance, availability, security policies and disaster recovery procedures is an administrative nightmare without sophisticated monitoring and automation. A single point of control and unified view is needed to gain visibility and maintain control as the number of endpoints increases. Vendors must focus on standardization, open APIs, and AI-powered management platforms to simplify deployment and streamline day-to-day oversight of massive, complex storage networks that span the globe. Without solutions that reduce management complexity, IT teams will struggle to maximize their SAN investments.
The demand for all-flash storage arrays is growing significantly due to their high performance capabilities. All-flash storage arrays offer low latency and high input/output operations per second which helps improve the performance of mission critical applications. They are increasingly being adopted across industries such as banking, healthcare, and manufacturing where real-time access to data is crucial. The ability of all-flash storage to handle data-intensive and latency-sensitive workloads with ease is a major factor driving their adoption. As businesses look to optimize their infrastructure for applications such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-time analytics, the need for high-performance storage will continue to rise. This growing demand is expected to boost the revenue of SAN vendors and propel the growth of the global SAN market over the forecast period.
Hyper-converged infrastructure is witnessing rising popularity as it provides a complete software-defined data center solution in a single box. By integrating computing, storage, networking and virtualization capabilities, hyper-converged infrastructure allows businesses to scale their IT infrastructure quickly and easily. It eliminates the need for separate hardware procurement and management of individual components. This plug-and-play functionality along with operational efficiencies such as low maintenance and high flexibility is increasing the adoption of hyper-converged infrastructure solutions across organizations. The global SAN market will benefit from the growing deployment of hyper-converged infrastructure stacks integrated with SAN technology. Vendors are focusing on offering hyper-converged solutions with high-performance SAN to meet the evolving needs of virtualized and private cloud environments.
There is a growing focus among SAN vendors to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities into their storage solutions. AI and ML are being leveraged to optimize storage performance, automate operations, and enhance security, availability and reliability. For example, AI is helping in predictive analytics of storage infrastructure to prevent failures and downtime. ML algorithms can analyze workload patterns to optimize data placement and automate tiering. Storage solutions with built-in AI are able to free up storage administrators from routine tasks and make infrastructure management more efficient. This rising integration of AI and ML into SAN products will help address evolving business needs and differentiate vendor offerings, thereby positively impacting revenue streams over the coming years.
The Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA) segment dominated the global storage area network market in 2022 and is projected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period from 2023 to 2028. A VSA is an advanced signal analysis instrument that can analyze analog and digitized radio frequency (RF) signals. It has the ability to simultaneously analyze the amplitude and phase characteristics of signals in both the time and frequency domains. This makes VSAs highly suitable for complex signal analysis needs in storage area networks. They provide detailed views of signals that are difficult to see with other traditional instruments like spectrum analyzers and signal analyzers. VSAs also offer multi-channel analysis capabilities that allow testing multiple ports and signals simultaneously. This is a major advantage in storage area networks where there are numerous interconnected devices transmitting large volumes of data. The ability of VSAs to accurately analyze complex modulated signals across wide bandwidths at high speeds has made them indispensable for R&D and manufacturing testing in storage area networks. Major storage area network vendors prefer VSAs for protocol analysis, compliance testing, and troubleshooting. As data storage and network requirements continue to grow exponentially, the demand for advanced analysis tools like VSAs will also increase proportionately to support the development and performance of more robust and high-speed storage area networks.
Ethernet Storage Area Networks dominated the global Storage Area Network market in 2022 and are expected to maintain their dominance during the forecast period from 2022 to 2027. Ethernet SANs, which include iSCSI SANs and Converged Ethernet networks, held a market share of around 60% in 2022. Ethernet SANs offer several advantages over traditional Fibre Channel SANs such as lower upfront infrastructure costs, compatibility with existing Ethernet networks and IP protocols, easier management and administration, and support for block and file storage in a single network. These advantages have helped Ethernet SANs gain widespread adoption across data centers and enterprises of all sizes in recent years. Additionally, the growing popularity of hyperconverged and software-defined infrastructure is further fueling the growth of Ethernet SANs. Major cloud service providers have also largely standardized Ethernet and IP-based storage, which is scaling the market globally. While Fibre Channel SANs continue to be deployed for high-performance applications that require low latency and high IOPS, Ethernet SANs are forecasted to account for around 65% of the overall SAN market by 2027. This is because Ethernet SANs are meeting the performance and reliability requirements of most applications while providing better value and flexibility than Fibre Channel SANs. Their ability to leverage existing Ethernet investments also gives them an edge over Fibre Channel going forward.
North America dominated the global storage area network market in 2022 and is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period from 2023 to 2027. The region accounted for over 35% share of the overall market revenue in 2022. This can be attributed to the strong presence of storage area network vendors as well as widespread adoption across industries in the region. The United States alone contributes to more than 80% of the North American market owing to high technology adoption and large enterprise presence across sectors such as IT, BFSI, healthcare, manufacturing, and government. Furthermore, the region is witnessing significant investments in digital transformation initiatives by enterprises which is driving the demand for advanced storage solutions. Additionally, growing data volumes, emphasis on hybrid working models, and need for efficient data management are some of the key factors propelling the growth of the storage area network market in North America. Major players are also focusing on partnerships, acquisitions, and new product launches catering to the North American market to strengthen their market position. If the region continues this growth momentum backed by supportive government policies for technology adoption, ongoing digitalization of enterprises, and increasing data generation, North America is expected to retain its leading position in the global storage area network market over the forecast period.
In this report, the Global Storage Area Network Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: