PERC 太阳能板市场 - 全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按类型、按应用、安装、安装、地区、竞争细分,2018-2028 年。PERC Solar Panels Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast Segmented, By Type, By Application, By Mounting, By Installation, By Region, Competition 2018-2028. |
2022 年全球 PERC 太阳能板市场价值为 1,540.8 亿美元,预计到 2028 年预测期内将出现强劲增长,CAGR为9.5%。PERC 太阳能板是一种以提高效率而闻名的光伏(PV ) 科技将阳光转化为电能。与传统太阳能板不同,PERC板的背面配备了钝化层,可减少电子复合的机会,从而提高能量输出。这项技术透过提高电池板效率和能源产量彻底改变了太阳能产业,使其成为住宅、商业和公用事业规模太阳能装置的热门选择。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 1540.8亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 2679.9亿美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 9.5% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 并网 |
最大的市场 | 亚太 |
采用 PERC 太阳能板的最重要推动力之一是将阳光转化为电能的卓越效率。这些电池板的效率可超过 20%,明显高于传统太阳能板,这使得它们对住宅和商业安装都具有吸引力。双面 PERC 太阳能板因其能够从正面和背面捕捉阳光而受到欢迎。这项创新技术提高了能源产量,特别是在雪或水等反射表面的区域,使其适合公用事业规模的装置和太阳能发电场。电池等储能係统与 PERC 太阳能板的整合是市场的驱动力。这使得用户能够储存白天产生的多余能量,以便在夜间或阳光不足期间使用,从而提高太阳能发电系统的可靠性和效率。
製造流程的不断进步提高了 PERC 面板生产的自动化程度、减少了浪费并改善了品质控制。这些发展降低了生产成本,使更广泛的消费者更容易获得高效能太阳能板。永续发展已成为太阳能产业的焦点。製造商越来越多地采用环保材料,优化生产流程以最大限度地减少浪费,并实施回收计划。这种对永续发展的承诺与全球环境目标一致。数位技术正在整合到 PERC 太阳能板中,以提供即时监控和诊断。这使用户能够优化能源生产并及时确定维护需求,进一步提高电池板效率。最近全球供应链的中断凸显了供应链弹性的重要性。製造商正在多样化其采购策略,并探索本地製造选择,以减少供应链中断的脆弱性。新兴经济体,特别是亚洲和非洲的新兴经济体,太阳能装置正在快速成长。这种向新地区的市场扩张正在推动PERC太阳能板市场的成长并促进永续能源发展。
虽然 PERC 太阳能板的效率更高,但与传统太阳能板相比,它们的生产成本通常更高。多年来,PERC 面板的製造成本有所下降,但价格竞争力仍然是一个挑战,特别是对于前期成本是重要考虑因素的住宅安装。太阳能产业技术进步的快速步伐意味着更新、更有效率的太阳能板技术不断涌现。这对 PERC 面板提出了挑战,因为它们需要在效率和性能方面保持领先,以保持竞争力。儘管双面 PERC 面板因其能够从两侧捕捉阳光而受到关注,但其采用受到合适安装环境的限制。它们需要反射表面或高架安装,这可能不适用于所有项目。
虽然储能整合是太阳能产业的趋势,但 PERC 太阳能板与各种储能係统无缝整合可能具有挑战性。相容性和标准化问题可能会阻碍广泛采用。太阳能电池板(包括 PERC 电池板)的生产涉及使用对环境有影响的材料和资源。解决这些问题并使生产过程更加永续仍然是该行业面临的挑战。
包括太阳能在内的各个行业的全球供应链中断影响了 PERC 太阳能板关键组件和材料的供应。面对此类中断,确保供应链具有弹性是一项挑战。虽然 PERC 太阳能板市场向新兴经济体的扩张是一个积极的趋势,但它也面临着与不同的监管环境、基础设施限制和熟练劳动力的获取相关的挑战。随着退役电池板数量的增加,太阳能板回收和报废管理正在成为新的挑战。制定有效的回收流程和政策对于可持续地应对这些挑战至关重要。
随着世界越来越意识到向清洁能源过渡的必要性,太阳能发电装置激增。 PERC 太阳能板凭藉其更高的效率,已成为住宅和公用事业规模专案的首选。製造流程和规模经济的进步导致 PERC 太阳能板的生产成本降低,使消费者更负担得起,并在太阳能市场上更具竞争力。
世界各国政府推出了各种激励措施、补贴和法规来促进太阳能的使用。这些政策对提振PERC太阳能板市场扮演了至关重要的角色。人们对环境问题的认识不断增强,以及减少碳排放的需要,促使个人和企业采用太阳能等清洁能源,从而产生了对高效能太阳能板的需求。太阳能技术的持续创新,包括开发更有效率的钝化层和改进的製造技术,促进了 PERC 太阳能板市场的成长。
开发效率更高的 PERC 太阳能板的竞赛正在进行中。製造商正在投资研发,以製造能够将更多阳光转化为电能的面板,最终提高太阳能装置的投资回报。双面 PERC 面板由于能够从正面和背面捕捉阳光,从而增加能源产量,因此越来越受欢迎。这种趋势在公用事业规模的装置和太阳能发电厂中尤其突出。
储能係统与 PERC 太阳能板的整合正变得越来越普遍。这使得白天产生的多余能量可以储存起来,并在夜间或阳光不足的时期使用,从而提高了太阳能的可靠性。製造商正在探索轻量且灵活的 PERC 面板设计,这些设计更易于安装,并在太阳能应用中提供更多功能。这些面板对于住宅和商业安装特别有吸引力。永续性是太阳能产业的关键考虑因素。製造商越来越多地使用环保材料,优化生产流程以减少浪费,并将回收计划纳入其商业模式。
太阳能电池板製造商正在将数位技术整合到他们的产品中,以实现即时监控和诊断。这有助于用户优化能源生产并及时确定维护需求。最近全球供应链的中断引发了人们对供应链弹性的关注。製造商正在实现供应来源多元化,并探索本地製造选择,以减少受到干扰的可能性。新兴经济体,特别是亚洲和非洲的太阳能安装量正在激增。这种成长正在推动 PERC 太阳能板市场扩展到新地区。
2022年,地面安装子细分市场将主导全球PERC太阳能板市场份额。与传统太阳能电池相比,PERC技术具有更高的能量转换效率。电池背面的钝化层减少了复合,从而使更多的光子能够转化为电能。此外,由于製造流程和规模经济的进步,PERC太阳能板的生产成本有所下降。 PERC 电池在漫射光下表现出更好的性能,使其适合在阳光不太一致的地区进行地面安装。
至2022年,併网细分市场将主导全球PERC太阳能板市场份额。PERC技术透过在电池背面添加钝化层来提高太阳能板的效率。此钝化层减少了电子复合并增加了光吸收,从而提高了能量转换效率。此外,随着 PERC 太阳能板效率的不断提高,每瓦发电成本也随之降低,这使得它们成为併网部署的更有吸引力的选择。许多政府和公用事业公司提供激励措施和法律来刺激再生能源的使用,包括併网太阳能装置。这些经济利益的例子包括上网电价补贴、税收抵免、补贴和其他促进併网太阳能装置经济可持续性的财政激励措施。预计这些因素将增加 PERC 太阳能板市场规模的需求。
亚太地区已成为全球PERC太阳能板市场的领导者,到2022年将占据显着的收入份额。2022年亚太地区将主导全球市场。中国已成为国际上PERC技术太阳能板的主要生产国太阳能市场。大部分太阳能板在中国生产,然后出口到其他国家。此外,亚太地区的其他国家目前正在投资太阳能技术,以减少对化石燃料的依赖。例如,印度2021年的太阳能装置容量比2022年增加了10.2吉瓦,增加了13.0吉瓦。此外,该地区各国政府正在提供财政诱因和补贴,以促进太阳能发电,这增加了对太阳能板,特别是 PERC 太阳能板技术的需求。预计这些因素将增加 PERC 太阳能板的市场机会。
Global PERC Solar Panels Market has valued at USD 154.08 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 9.5 % through 2028. PERC solar panels are a type of photovoltaic (PV) technology known for their enhanced efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity. Unlike traditional solar panels, PERC panels are equipped with a passivation layer on the rear side, which reduces the chances of recombination of electrons and thus improves energy output. This technology has revolutionized the solar industry by increasing panel efficiency and energy yields, making it a popular choice for residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installations.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 154.08 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 267.99 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 9.5% |
Fastest Growing Segment | On-grid |
Largest Market | Asia-Pacific |
One of the most significant driving forces behind the adoption of PERC solar panels is their exceptional efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity. These panels can achieve efficiencies of over 20%, significantly higher than traditional solar panels, making them attractive for both residential and commercial installations. Bifacial PERC solar panels have gained popularity due to their ability to capture sunlight from both the front and rear sides. This innovative technology increases energy production, especially in areas with reflective surfaces like snow or water, making it suitable for utility-scale installations and solar farms. The integration of energy storage systems, such as batteries, with PERC solar panels is a driving force in the market. This enables users to store excess energy generated during the day for use during the night or during periods of low sunlight, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of solar power systems.
Ongoing advancements in manufacturing processes have led to increased automation, reduced waste, and improved quality control in PERC panel production. These developments have lowered production costs, making high-efficiency solar panels more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Sustainability has become a central focus in the solar industry. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly materials, optimizing production processes to minimize waste, and implementing recycling programs. This commitment to sustainability aligns with global environmental goals. Digital technologies are being integrated into PERC solar panels to provide real-time monitoring and diagnostics. This allows users to optimize energy production and identify maintenance needs promptly, further increasing panel efficiency. Recent disruptions in global supply chains have highlighted the importance of supply chain resilience. Manufacturers are diversifying their sourcing strategies and exploring local manufacturing options to reduce vulnerabilities to supply chain disruptions. Emerging economies, particularly in Asia and Africa, are experiencing a rapid increase in solar installations. This market expansion into new regions is driving the growth of the PERC solar panels market and promoting sustainable energy development.
While PERC solar panels offer higher efficiency, they are often more expensive to produce compared to traditional solar panels. The cost of manufacturing PERC panels has decreased over the years, but price competitiveness remains a challenge, particularly for residential installations where upfront costs are a significant consideration. The rapid pace of technological advancements in the solar industry means that newer and more efficient solar panel technologies are continually emerging. This poses a challenge to PERC panels as they need to stay ahead in terms of efficiency and performance to remain competitive. Although bifacial PERC panels have gained attention due to their ability to capture sunlight from both sides, their adoption is limited by the availability of suitable installation environments. They require reflective surfaces or elevated installation, which may not be feasible for all projects.
While energy storage integration is a trend in the solar industry, it can be challenging for PERC solar panels to seamlessly integrate with various energy storage systems. Compatibility and standardization issues may hinder widespread adoption. The production of solar panels, including PERC panels, involves the use of materials and resources that have environmental impacts. Addressing these concerns and making the production process more sustainable remains a challenge for the industry.
The global supply chain disruptions seen in various industries, including solar, have affected the availability of critical components and materials for PERC solar panels. Ensuring a resilient supply chain is a challenge in the face of such disruptions. While the expansion of the PERC solar panel market into emerging economies is a positive trend, it comes with challenges related to varying regulatory environments, infrastructure limitations, and access to skilled labor. Solar panel recycling and end-of-life management are emerging challenges as the number of decommissioned panels increases. Developing efficient recycling processes and policies is essential to address these challenges sustainably.
As the world becomes more conscious of the need to transition to clean energy sources, solar power installations have surged. PERC solar panels, with their higher efficiency, have become the preferred choice for both residential and utility-scale projects. Advances in manufacturing processes and economies of scale have led to a reduction in the cost of producing PERC solar panels, making them more affordable for consumers and more competitive in the solar market.
Governments worldwide have introduced various incentives, subsidies, and regulations to promote the use of solar energy. These policies have played a crucial role in boosting the PERC solar panel market. Growing awareness of environmental issues and the need to reduce carbon emissions has driven individuals and businesses to adopt cleaner energy sources like solar power, creating a demand for high-efficiency solar panels. Continuous innovation in solar technology, including the development of more efficient passivation layers and improved manufacturing techniques, has contributed to the growth of the PERC solar panel market.
There is an ongoing race to develop PERC solar panels with even higher efficiencies. Manufacturers are investing in research and development to create panels that can convert more sunlight into electricity, ultimately improving the return on investment for solar installations. Bifacial PERC panels are gaining popularity due to their ability to capture sunlight from both the front and rear sides, increasing energy production. This trend is particularly prominent in utility-scale installations and solar farms.
The integration of energy storage systems with PERC solar panels is becoming common. This allows excess energy generated during the day to be stored and used during the night or during periods of low sunlight, increasing the reliability of solar power. Manufacturers are exploring lightweight and flexible PERC panel designs, which are easier to install and offer more versatility in solar applications. These panels are particularly attractive for residential and commercial installations. Sustainability is a key consideration in the solar industry. Manufacturers are increasingly using eco-friendly materials, optimizing production processes to reduce waste, and incorporating recycling programs into their business models.
Solar panel manufacturers are integrating digital technologies into their products, allowing for real-time monitoring and diagnostics. This helps users optimize energy production and identify maintenance needs promptly. Recent disruptions in global supply chains have led to a focus on supply chain resilience. Manufacturers are diversifying their supply sources and exploring local manufacturing options to reduce vulnerability to disruptions. Emerging economies, particularly in Asia and Africa, are witnessing a surge in solar installations. This growth is driving the expansion of the PERC solar panel market into new regions.
The ground-mounted sub-segment dominated the global PERC solar panel market share in 2022. PERC technology enables higher energy conversion efficiency compared to traditional solar cells. The passivation layer on the rear surface of the cell reduces recombination, allowing more photons to be converted into electricity. Moreover, the production costs of PERC solar panels have decreased due to advancements in manufacturing processes and economies of scale. PERC cells have demonstrated improved performance under diffuse light, making them suitable for ground-mounted installations in regions with less consistent sunlight.
The on-grid sub-segment dominated the global PERC solar panel market share in 2022. PERC technology enhances the efficiency of solar panels by adding a passivation layer to the rear side of the cell. This passivation layer reduces electron recombination and increases light absorption, resulting in higher energy conversion efficiency. Furthermore, as the efficiency of PERC solar panels has increased over time, the cost per watt of power produced has reduced, making them a more enticing option for on-grid deployments. Numerous governments and utilities offer incentives and laws to stimulate the use of renewable energy, including on-grid solar installations. Feed-in tariffs, tax credits, subsidies, and other financial incentives that boost the economic sustainability of on-grid solar installations are examples of these financial benefits. These factors are anticipated to boost the demand for PERC solar panel market size.
The Asia Pacific region has established itself as the leader in the Global PERC Solar Panels Market with a significant revenue share in 2022. Asia-Pacific dominated the global market in 2022. China has become a major producer of solar panels with PERC technology on the international market for solar energy. The majority of solar panels are produced in China and then exported to other countries. In addition, other nations in the Asia-Pacific region are now making investments in solar technology to lessen their reliance on fossil fuels. For instance, India installed 10.2 GW more solar capacity in 2021 than it did in 2022, an increase of 13.0 GW. Additionally, governments in the area are offering financial incentives and subsidies to promote the production of solar electricity, which has increased demand for solar panels, especially PERC solar panel technology. These factors are anticipated to boost the PERC solar panel market opportunities.
In this report, the Global PERC Solar Panels Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: