

Factory Automation Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)

出版日期: | 出版商: UnivDatos Market Insights Pvt Ltd | 英文 142 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


由于对更高效率和生产力的需求不断增长,加上人工智慧和机器学习的渗透,工厂自动化市场预计将以 8.60% 左右的复合年增长率强劲增长。工厂自动化,即先进技术与製造过程的集成,正在各行业掀起一股显着热潮。这项变革性转变是由许多正在重塑工厂运作方式的因素所推动的。从提高效率和生产力到解决劳动力短缺和提高产品质量,工厂自动化正在成为製造业的游戏规则改变者。此外,在当今竞争激烈的全球市场中,製造商始终面临优化营运、最大化产量、同时最小化成本的压力。自动化系统可以全天候运行,停机时间最少,从而提高生产率并提高整体设备效率 (OEE)。例如,根据国际机器人联合会(IFR)的报告,工业机器人的引入使各行业的生产率平均提高了15-30%。此外,由于劳动力老化和人口趋势变化,许多行业都面临熟练劳动力短缺的问题,尤其是在新兴经济体。自动化技术可以透过接手重复性、体力要求高或危险的任务来减少对人力的依赖,从而缓解这项课题。据估计,已开发国家的劳动成本占总製造成本的比例高达25%,促使自动化保持竞争力。此外,自动化系统高度准确且一致,可降低人为错误的风险并确保一致的产品品质。汽车、电子和製药等品质控制非常重要的行业越来越多地采用自动化来满足严格的品质标准。例如,根据製造技术协会 (AMT) 的一项研究,70% 的製造商将提高产品品质视为实施自动化解决方案的主要驱动力。最后,工业4.0革命促进了製造流程的数位化和互联,加速了自动化技术的采用。在物联网、网路实体系统和云端运算的支援下,智慧工厂利用自动化来实现即时监控、数据驱动的决策和灵活的生产能力。

根据组件,市场分为工业机器人、机器视觉、製程分析仪、现场仪表、人机介面、工业 PC、工业感测器和工业 3D 列印机。工业机器人应用最广泛,需求量也大。工业机器人已牢固确立其作为现代工厂自动化支柱的地位。这些多功能机器可以以无与伦比的精度、速度和一致性执行大量任务。从组装和焊接到材料处理和包装,工业机器人已成为汽车、电子和消费品等多个行业的重要资产。工业机器人的优势源自于其提高生产力和效率的潜力。工业机器人有助于在自动化应用中降低成本、提高生产力并生产高品质的产品。此外,技术进步也在工业机器人的采用中发挥重要作用。5G无线技术的发展和工业4.0的采用正在推动对工厂自动化解决方案的需求。工业物联网 (IIoT) 对于自动化技术至关重要,因为它有助于开发高效、经济高效且反应迅速的系统架构。这些因素正在推动环境的发展,并推动工业机器人在各个行业中用于工厂自动化。

解决方案分为分散式控制系统(DCS)、可程式逻辑控制器(PLC)、监控与资料撷取(SCADA)、製造执行系统(MES)、企业资源规划(ERP)等。SCADA 系统是各市场中最广泛采用的工厂自动化解决方案。它主要是由其提供即时监控和控制的能力所驱动的。SCADA 系统结合了软体和硬体,可以本地或远端控制和监控工厂流程。此功能对于工厂自动化至关重要,及时、准确的资讯对于高效运作至关重要。此外,SCADA 系统还提高了工厂运作的效率。使用智慧製造基础设施实现快速製造和物料搬运作业。各行业正在实施 SCADA 系统来提高生产力并降低劳动成本。这些发展创造了特别有利的环境并影响 SCADA 工厂自动化需求。




第1章 市场介绍

  • 市场定义
  • 主要目标
  • 利益相关者
  • 限制

第2章 研究方法或前提条件

  • 调查过程
  • 调查方法
  • 受访者简介

第3章 市场总结

第4章 执行摘要

第5章 COVID-19 对工厂自动化市场的影响

第6章 工厂自动化市场收入,2022-2032

第7章 市场成分分析

  • 工业机器人
  • 机器视觉
  • 过程分析仪
  • 现场设备
  • 人机接口
  • 工业电脑
  • 工业传感器
  • 工业级 3D 打印机

第8章 解决方案市场分析

  • 集散控制系统(DCS)
  • 可程式逻辑控制器(PLC)
  • 监控/数据采集 (SCADA)
  • 製造执行系统 (MES)
  • 企业资源规划(ERP)
  • 其他

第9章 最终用户产业的市场分析

  • 汽车
  • 电子/半导体
  • 重工业
  • 打包
  • 石油/天然气/化工
  • 卫生保健
  • 其他

第10章 区域市场分析

  • 北美
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 其他北美
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 英国
    • 法国
    • 义大利
    • 欧洲其他地区
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韩国
    • 亚太其他地区
  • 世界其他地区

第11章 工厂自动化市场动态

  • 市场驱动力
  • 市场课题
  • 影响分析

第12章 工厂自动化市场机会

第13章 工厂自动化市场趋势

第14章 需求面和供给面分析

  • 需求面分析
  • 供给侧分析

第15章 价值链分析

第16章 竞争场景

  • 竞争格局
    • 波特五力分析

第17章 公司简介

  • ABB
  • Emerson Electric Co.
  • Siemens
  • Schneider Electric
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • Rockwell Automation
  • General Electric Company
  • Robert Bosch GmbH

第18章 免责声明

Product Code: UMTI212784

Factory automation refers to the use of control systems, machinery, and technologies to streamline manufacturing processes, reducing the need for human intervention while optimizing production efficiency. It involves automating tasks traditionally performed by humans, using machines, actuators, sensors, processors, and networks to automate production processes. The history of factory automation started with basic mechanisms like conveyor belts in assembly lines, evolving to advanced robotic systems and computerized control.

The Factory Automation Market is expected to grow at a strong CAGR of around 8.60% owing to the increased demand for better efficiency and higher productivity, coupled with widespread adoption of AI and ML. Factory automation, the integration of advanced technologies into manufacturing processes, is witnessing a remarkable surge across various industries. This transformative shift is being driven by a multitude of factors that are reshaping the way factories operate. From enhancing efficiency and productivity to addressing labor shortages and improving product quality, factory automation is emerging as a game-changer in the manufacturing landscape. Furthermore, manufacturers are under constant pressure to optimize their operations and maximize output while minimizing costs in today's highly competitive global market. Automated systems can operate around the clock with minimal downtime, resulting in higher production rates and improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). For instance, according to a report by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), implementing industrial robots has led to an average increase in productivity of 15-30% in various industries. Additionally, many industries, particularly in developed economies, are facing a shortage of skilled labor due to an aging workforce and shifting demographic trends. Automation technologies can alleviate this challenge by taking over repetitive, physically demanding, or hazardous tasks, reducing the reliance on human labor. According to estimates, labor costs account for up to 25% of total manufacturing costs in developed countries, driving the adoption of automation to remain competitive. Moreover, automated systems are highly precise and consistent, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring consistent product quality. Industries such as automotive, electronics, and pharmaceuticals, where quality control is critical, are increasingly adopting automation to meet stringent quality standards. For instance, according to a survey by the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), 70% of manufacturers cited improved product quality as a key driver for implementing automation solutions. Lastly, the Industry 4.0 revolution, which promoted the digitization and interconnectivity of manufacturing processes, has accelerated the adoption of automation technologies. Smart factories, enabled by IoT, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing, leverage automation to achieve real-time monitoring, data-driven decision-making, and flexible production capabilities.

Based on the component, the market is segmented into industrial robots, machine vision, process analyzers, field instruments, human-machine interfaces, industrial PCs, industrial sensors, and industrial 3D printers. Industrial robots are the most widely adopted and are in high demand. Industrial robots have firmly established themselves as the backbone of modern factory automation. These highly versatile machines can perform a vast array of tasks with unparalleled precision, speed, and consistency. From assembly and welding to material handling and packaging, industrial robots have become indispensable assets across various industries, including automotive, electronics, and consumer goods. The dominance of industrial robots can be attributed to their potential to increase productivity and efficiency. Industrial robots aid in improving productivity while lowering costs and generating high-quality goods in automation applications. Furthermore, technological advancements have played a significant role in the adoption of industrial robots. The development of 5G wireless technology and the adoption of Industry 4.0 have driven the demand for factory automation solutions. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is essential to automation technology as it facilitates the development of efficient, cost-efficient, and responsive system architectures. Factors such as these foster a conducive environment and support the growth in adopting industrial robots for factory automation across various industries.

Based on the solution, the market is segmented into a distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic controller (PLC), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), manufacturing execution system (MES), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and others. The SCADA system has been identified as the most widely adopted solution for factory automation across various markets. Primarily driven by its capability to provide real-time monitoring and control. They combine software and hardware elements that allow organizations to control and monitor factory processes locally or remotely. This capability is crucial in factory automation, where timely and accurate information is essential for efficient operations. Furthermore, SCADA systems enhance the efficiency of factory operations. They enable swift operations of manufacturing and material handling with the use of intelligent manufacturing infrastructure. Industries are deploying SCADA systems to increase productivity and reduce labor costs. These developments among others are creating a favorable environment, influencing the demand for SCADA for factory automation.

Based on end-user industry, the market is segmented into automotive, electronics & semiconductor, heavy manufacturing, packaging, oil, gas, & chemical, healthcare, and others. The automotive industry has firmly established itself as a major end-user segment for factory automation. Factory automation in the automotive industry leads to increased production efficiency. Automated systems can work continuously without fatigue, ensuring consistent quality and high productivity. This is particularly important in the automotive industry, where high production volumes are required. Furthermore, factory automation leads to significant cost reductions in the automotive industry. By automating processes, companies can reduce labor costs and increase efficiency, lowering production costs. These advancements, among others, are creating a favorable environment where the factory automation industry is thriving, with the increased demand from the automotive industry.

For a better understanding of the market adoption of Factory Automation, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (The U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, The U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. Asia Pacific is anticipated to experience substantial growth during the predicted timeframe, where countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and India are rapidly emerging as a dominant force in the factory automation market. Primarily driven by the surging industrialization of the region. The Asia Pacific region is experiencing a surge in industrialization, driven by the growing demand for consumer goods and the increasing presence of multinational corporations. This trend has fueled the need for efficient and automated manufacturing processes, propelling the adoption of factory automation solutions. Furthermore, several countries in the Asia Pacific region, such as Japan and China, are facing labor shortages due to aging populations simultaneously with the challenges of rising labor costs. Factory automation counters both these challenges by reducing the reliance on manual labor and increasing operational efficiency. Moreover, embracing factory automation enables manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region to gain a competitive edge in the global market. Automated processes will allow them to produce high-quality products at lower costs, making their offerings more attractive to consumers worldwide. Factors such as these have created a scenario that has led to the high growth of factory automation in the Asia Pacific region.

Some of the major players operating in the market include ABB; Emerson Electric Co.; Siemens; Schneider Electric; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Yokogawa Electric Corporation; Honeywell International Inc.; Rockwell Automation; General Electric Company; and Robert Bosch GmbH.



  • 1.1. Market Definitions
  • 1.2. Main Objective
  • 1.3. Stakeholders
  • 1.4. Limitation


  • 2.1. Research Process of the Factory Automation Market
  • 2.2. Research Methodology of the Factory Automation Market
  • 2.3. Respondent Profile






  • 7.1. Industrial Robots
  • 7.2. Machine Vision
  • 7.3. Process Analyzer
  • 7.4. Field Instruments
  • 7.5. Human Machine Interface
  • 7.6. Industrial PC
  • 7.7. Industrial Sensors
  • 7.8. Industrial 3D Printers


  • 8.1. Distributed Control System (DCS)
  • 8.2. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
  • 8.3. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
  • 8.4. Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
  • 8.5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • 8.6. Others


  • 9.1. Automotive
  • 9.2. Electronics & Semiconductors
  • 9.3. Heavy Manufacturing
  • 9.4. Packaging
  • 9.5. Oil, Gas & Chemical
  • 9.6. Healthcare
  • 9.7. Others


  • 10.1. North America
    • 10.1.1. The U.S.
    • 10.1.2. Canada
    • 10.1.3. Rest of North America
  • 10.2. Europe
    • 10.2.1. Germany
    • 10.2.2. The UK
    • 10.2.3. France
    • 10.2.4. Italy
    • 10.2.5. Rest of Europe
  • 10.3. Asia-Pacific
    • 10.3.1. China
    • 10.3.2. India
    • 10.3.3. Japan
    • 10.3.4. South Korea
    • 10.3.5. Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 10.4. Rest of the World


  • 11.1. Market Drivers
  • 11.2. Market Challenges
  • 11.3. Impact Analysis




  • 14.1. Demand Side Analysis
  • 14.2. Supply Side Analysis



  • 16.1. Competitive Landscape
    • 16.1.1. Porters Five Forces Analysis


  • 17.1. ABB
  • 17.2. Emerson Electric Co.
  • 17.3. Siemens
  • 17.4. Schneider Electric
  • 17.5. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • 17.6. Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • 17.7. Honeywell International Inc.
  • 17.8. Rockwell Automation
  • 17.9. General Electric Company
  • 17.10. Robert Bosch GmbH