This report assesses the key strategic issues, trends, and market drivers for stationary thermal barcode printers. It offers historical market analysis, forecast revenues, unit shipment data, vendor considerations, and growth opportunities across technology types, end-user industries, distribution channels, and geographies.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Key Findings
Global Market Overview
Regional Forecasts
- The Americas
- North America
- Latin America
- Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)
- Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Comparative Forecast by Vertical Market
- Retail
- Transportation & Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Healthcare
Stationary Thermal Label Printer
- Linerless Print Technology
- In-line Barcode Label Verification
- Thermal Print Technology
- Color Label Printing Technology
- RFID Printing
- Device Management & Extended Software Feature Sets
- Networked Printers
- Barcode Label Generation
- Device Management
- Stationary Printer Form Factor Trends
- Stationary Printer Web Width Trends
Comparative Forecast by Distribution Landscape
Competitive Analysis
Vendor Profiles
Additional Exhibits
About VDC Research
Report Exhibits
Global Market Overview
- Exhibit 1: Global Shipments of Stationary Thermal Printers Segmented by Region (Millions of Dollars)
Regional Forecasts
- Exhibit 2: Forecasted Americas Shipments of Stationary Thermal Barcode Printers Segmented by Form Factor (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 3: Forecasted EMEA Shipments of Stationary Thermal Barcode Printers Segmented by Form Factor (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 4: Forecasted APAC Shipments of Stationary Thermal Barcode Printers Segmented by Form Factor (Millions of Dollars)
Comparative Forecast by Vertical
- Exhibit 5: Forecasted Global Shipments of Barcode Printers Segmented by Economic Sector (Millions of Dollars)
Latest Technology Trends
- Exhibit 6: Global Shipments of Stationary Thermal Printers Segmented by Print Technology (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 7: Forecasted Global Shipments of Stationary Thermal Barcode Printers Segmented by Form Factor (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 8: Forecasted Global Shipments of Stationary Thermal Barcode Printers Segmented by Form Factor (Thousands of Units)
- Exhibit 9: Global Shipments of Stationary Thermal Printers Segmented by Print Width (Percent of Dollars)
Competitive Forecast by Distribution Landscape
- Exhibit 10: Global Stationary Thermal Printer Shipments Segmented by Distribution Channel (Millions of Dollars)
Competitive Analysis
- Exhibit 11: Global Stationary Thermal Printer Shipments Segmented by Vendor Share (Percentage of Dollars)
Additional Exhibits
- Exhibit 12: Global Shipments of Industrial Thermal Printers Segmented by List Price (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 13: Global Shipments of Desktop Thermal Printers Segmented by List Price (Millions of Dollars)