

Digital Factory Data

出版日期: | 出版商: ABI Research | 英文 21 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内




  • 辨识并锁定製造业中最大的成长机会
  • 根据产业、应用程式和使用案例采用情况,制定最佳路线图/产品时间表并确定上市 (GTM) 策略的优先顺序
  • 了解区域差异以及数位转型价值链如何变化


  • 推动数位转型的关键用例有哪些?
  • 成长最快的应用程式有哪些?
  • 每个市场的主要参与者是谁?
  • 各产业的数位化成熟度如何改变?


  • 数位转型指数与数位成熟度产业排名 ABI Research 製造技术采用调查的主要结论
  • 全面的数位製造资料和细分:工业软体(MES、SCADA、PLM、产品设计、模拟等)、工业硬体(PLC、HMI、工业个人电脑 (IPC))、工厂关键技术(AR、VR)、机器视觉、机器人、物联网等)
  • 100 多个总结表和图表,全面了解工业 4.0 TAM 细分
Product Code: MD-DFD-24

Actionable Benefits:

  • Identify and better target the largest growth opportunities in manufacturing.
  • Prepare optimal roadmap/product timelines and prioritize Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy based on industry, application, and use case adoption.
  • Understand regional differences and how the digital transformation value chain is changing.

Critical Questions Answered:

  • What are the key use cases driving digital transformation and how big is the Total Addressable Market (TAM)?
  • Which applications will see the fastest growth?
  • Who are the key players in each market?
  • How is digital maturity evolving by industry and what is the state of technology adoption?

Research Highlights:

  • Digital Transformation Index and ranking showing digital maturity by industry.
  • Key takeaways from ABI Research's survey on manufacturing technology adoption.
  • Comprehensive digital manufacturing data and segmentation, including industrial software (Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), product design, simulation, etc.); industrial hardware (Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), Industrial Personal Computers (IPCs)); and technologies with relevance in factories (e.g., Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), machine vision, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT))
  • 100+ summary tables and charts for a comprehensive Industry 4.0 TAM segmentation.

Who Should Read This?

  • Technology suppliers in strategy, marketing, product management, and sales.
  • Manufacturing and technology end users, lean leaders, digital transformation executives, and project managers.
  • Hardware Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
  • Manufacturing technology implementers, including Systems Integrators (SIs) and value-added resellers.