卫星地球观测:趋势与预测 (2023-2033)

卫星地球观测:趋势与预测 (2023-2033)

Satellite-based Earth Observation: Trends and Forecasts 2023-2033

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 30 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


"由于新的资料来源和用例,光学、SAR 和非影像应用市场的成长推动了地球观测市场预计在2023年至2033年间累积收入将达到 1,160亿美元。"

本报告现已第16版,继续对全球地球观测 (EO) 市场的产业领先分析。本报告评估了下游价值链,包括影像和资料收集、高级处理、地理情报、产品资讯以及高级巨量资料分析和见解。



  • 评估推动每个细分市场、产业和地区收入成长的趋势
  • EO资料潜力分析及下游市场分析
  • 预测未来 10年的获利机会:依行业、细分市场、地区和解析度分类
  • 分析各种技术 (宽频、物联网、人工智慧等) 的融合将如何影响 EO 解决方案的提供及其对市场的影响




  • 国防/情报
  • 能源/自然资源
  • 行业
  • 生活资源管理
  • 公共机构
  • 服务
  • 天气


  • 收入 (美元)


  • 超高解像度 (VHR)
  • 高解像度 (HR)
  • 中解像度 (MR)
  • 低解像度 (LR)


  • 资料
  • 加值服务 (VAS)
  • 情报商品 (IP)
  • 巨量资料
  • 下行链路


  • 北美 (NAM)
  • 拉丁美洲 (LAM)
  • 欧洲 (欧盟)
  • 中东和非洲 (MEA)
  • 亚洲


  • 未来 10年环氧乙烷市场规模有多大?
  • 每个产业将如何发展?
  • 环氧乙烷产业的下一个​​挑战是什么?这个问题将如何解决?
  • 新星座将对成像观测市场产生什么影响?
  • 哪些新型资料将上市、何时上市、会产生什么影响?


  • 卫星营运商
  • 资料分销商和加值服务供应商
  • 最终用户组织:石油和天然气、工程、农业、保险、地点服务、政府等。
  • 航太局
  • GIS 供应商
  • 银行/金融机构/投资者
  • 政策制定者、监管机构


Airbus、Arlula、Axelspace、AWS、Blacksky、Capella Space、Descartes Labs、Earthdaily Analytics、Earth-I、Ecometrica、e-Geos、EOS Data Analytics、ESRI、Geospatial Insurance Consortium、Hawkeye360、IBM、Hisdesat、IcEye、Kayrros,Maxar Technologies、Microsoft、MDA Geointelligence、NASA、Orbital Insight、Pixxel、Planet、Planetek Italy、Rezatec、RS Metrics、atellite Vu、Satellogic、Satsure、SES、SkyFi、SkyPerfect JSAT、Skywatch、Thaicom、Umbra、UP42、Yahsat。


"Earth observation markets are set to generate cumulative revenue of USD116 billion between 2023 and 2033, thanks to growth in the optical, SAR and non-imagery application markets as a result of new data sources and use cases."

This is the 16th edition of this report and continues our industry-leading analysis of the Earth observation (EO) market worldwide. It assesses the downstream value chain, including image and data acquisition, enhanced processing, geointelligence, product information and advanced big data analytics and insights.

This report provides a thorough examination of the rapidly expanding EO markets across all image resolutions, vertical sectors, regions and data types that are commercially available.

Report coverage

  • Assessment of the trends that drive revenue growth in each market segment, vertical and region.
  • Analysis of the potential for EO data and downstream analytics in the market.
  • 10-year forecast of the revenue opportunity across different verticals, segments, regions and resolutions.
  • Analysis of how the convergence of technologies such as broadband, IoT, AI will affect EO solutions offerings and their impact on the market.

Report segmentation

Report segmentation:


  • Defence and intelligence
  • Energy and natural resources
  • Industrial
  • Managed living resources
  • Public authorities
  • Services
  • Weather


  • Revenue (USD)


  • Very high resolution (VHR)
  • High resolution (HR)
  • Medium resolution (MR)
  • Low resolution (LR)


  • Data
  • Value-added services (VAS)
  • Information products (IP)
  • Big data
  • Downlink

Geographical region

  • North America (NAM)
  • Latin America (LAM)
  • Europe (EU)
  • Middle East and Africa (MEA)
  • Asia

Questions answered:

  • What will the size of the EO market be in the next 10 years?
  • How will each vertical evolve?
  • What is next for the EO industry; what are the challenges and how can they be solved?
  • How will new constellations affect the imagery market?
  • Which new data types are entering the market, when, and what will their impact be?

Who should read this report:

  • Satellite operators
  • Data distributors and value-added service providers
  • End-user organisations, such as oil and gas, engineering, agriculture, insurance, location-based services and government departments
  • Space agencies
  • GIS providers
  • Banks, financial institutions and investors
  • Policy-makers and regulatory bodies

Companies mentioned:

Airbus, Arlula, Axelspace, AWS, Blacksky, Capella Space, Descartes Labs, Earthdaily Analytics, Earth-I, Ecometrica, e-Geos, EOS Data Analytics, ESRI, Geospatial Insurance Consortium, Hawkeye360, IBM, Hisdesat, IcEye, Kayrros,Maxar Technologies, Microsoft, MDA Geointelligence, NASA, Orbital Insight, Pixxel, Planet, Planetek Italy, Rezatec, RS Metrics, atellite Vu, Satellogic, Satsure, SES, SkyFi, SkyPerfect JSAT, Skywatch, Thaicom, Umbra, UP42, Yahsat.