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客户经验(CX) 十大成长机会:2024 年Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Customer Experience (CX), 2024 |
经验和人工智慧将推动 2024 年的 CX 投资
客户经验产业从 COVID-19 疫情中受益匪浅,数百万座席因此转向在家工作(WAH) 模式,并加速了云端客服中心即服务(CCaaS) 的采用。虽然 2021 年和 2022 年投资激增,但 2023 年全球经济和政治不稳定导致 CX 投资采取更保守和集中的方式。
由于 IT 决策者和客户联络负责人努力确定预算、采购的优先顺序并说服高阶主管将 CX 与企业目标保持一致,该行业正处于混乱状态。在这个不确定的时期,由于害怕失败,组织的敏捷性不如以前。当企业面临这些挑战时,2024年他们将重点放在哪些方面来改善客户经验?
在 Frost & Sullivan 于 2023 年 3 月发布的 2023 年客服中心IT 决策者调查中,三分之二的受访者表示他们希望提高员工敬业度、提高品牌股权和实现业务流程自动化。很明显,这是一个优先事项。总体而言,对 EX 的关注将加强 CX,而人工智慧在数位转型中的使用预计将在 2024 年之前保持在支出的前沿,对营收和利润产生积极影响。
特工们仍然害怕机器人。在我们的调查中,90% 的受访者表示语音通话数量增加或保持不变,84% 的受访者表示 AHT 增加或保持不变。现场客服人员,无论是语音或聊天,都不会减少,但会提高处理复杂查询和培养品牌忠诚度的技能。
附註:我们的预测是基于我们的年度客服中心领导者调查、客户委员会、与 Frost & Sullivan 客户联络 MindXchanges 的会议,以及与世界各地的解决方案提供者和 CX 外包商的持续讨论结果。
Employee Experience and AI Drive CX Investments in 2024
The Customer Experience industry benefitted greatly from the COVID-19 pandemic, which shifted millions of agents to work-at-home (WAH) models and accelerated cloud contact center-as-a-service (CCaaS) adoption. In 2021 and 2022, investments soared; however, in 2023 global economic and political unrest created a more conservative and focused approach to CX investments.
This industry is in a disruptive state as IT decision-makers and customer contact leaders struggle with prioritizing and procuring budgets and persuading executives to align CX and corporate goals. There is a fear of failure in these uncertain times, inflicting organizations to be less agile than in previous years. As businesses are confronted with these challenges, what will they focus on in 2024 to improve customer experiences?
Frost & Sullivan's 2023 Contact Center IT Decision Maker Survey, published in March 2023, unveiled that two-thirds of respondents are prioritizing improving employee engagement, improving brand equity, and automating business processes. The overarching story is that the focus on EX will enhance CX and the use of AI in digital transformation will remain at the forefront of spending through 2024 to have a positive impact on the top and bottom lines.
While AI has been integrated into contact centers effectively for years now, generative AI has dominated technology press and conversations for the past year. Solution providers are incorporating some aspects of it today with caution.
Agents continue to fear robots. They do not need to worry - our survey revealed that voice is still king, with 90% of respondents saying the number of voice calls has increased or stayed the same and 84% of respondents saying AHTs increased or remained the same. Whether over voice or chat, live agents will not dwindle, but be upskilled to handle complex inquiries and foster brand loyalty.
Call deflection is a key strategy to abate these rising costs, causing companies to adopt increasingly more intelligent self-serve options. This dovetails nicely with self-service becoming the channel of choice for many end customers. However, businesses must deliver exceptional CX to achieve significant cost savings when containing them in a self-service channel.
Video use is growing in contact centers. Industries such as finance, manufacturing, and healthcare benefit from "face-to-face" interactions, and problems can be visually shared or resolved. Video facilitates easier understanding when accents differ, hearing suffers, or emotions are hard to read on an audio call.
Note: Our predictions are validated through findings from our annual contact center leader survey, meetings with our client council, Frost & Sullivan's Customer Contact MindXchanges, and continual discussions with solution providers and CX outsourcers around the globe.