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2024-2032 年基于云端的联络中心市场报告(按组件、部署模式、组织规模、最终用途行业和地区)Cloud-based Contact Center Market Report by Component, Deployment Mode, Organization Size, End Use Industry, and Region 2024-2032 |
2023年,全球IMARC Group联络中心市场规模达到272亿美元。对可扩展用户服务解决方案的需求不断增长、云端技术的进步、成本效率和灵活性的增强、远端工作模式的日益采用以及全通路通讯平台的日益普及是推动市场成长的一些因素。
竞争格局:该行业的一些主要市场参与者包括 3CLogic、8x8 Inc.、Avaya Inc.、Cisco Systems Inc.、Content Guru Limited、Five9 Inc.、Genesys、NICE Ltd.、RingCentral Inc.、Talkdesk、Twilio Inc. .、Vocalcom 和Vonage 等。
挑战与机会:对资料保护、遵守法规以及可靠网路存取的必要性的担忧正在影响基于云端的联络中心市场收入。然而,对高级分析、与客户关係管理 (CRM) 系统的整合功能的需求不断增长以及中小型企业 (SME) 日益转向基于云端的解决方案带来了机会。
现代人透过各种平台进行快速、有效且客製化的沟通。基于云端的联络中心利用人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 等先进技术来分析使用者资讯并提供个人化互动。整合全通路功能可确保流畅的使用者体验,无论互动是透过电话、电子邮件、聊天或社群媒体进行。基于云端的联络中心透过提供可靠和一流的体验,帮助组织与使用者建立更好的联繫,从而在竞争激烈的市场中取得更大的成功。根据基于云端的联络中心市场的最新发展,Five9 于 2024 年 6 月透露了其服务云端语音整合的扩展,以纳入 Salesforce Einstein,为客户提供先进的人工智慧驱动选项来增强体验。这些新功能的目标是为座席提供改进的使用者服务和联络中心管理工具,例如即时通话转录以及与 Einstein Conversation Insights 的整合。
基于云端的解决方案采用订阅模式,降低资本支出并提供一致的营运费用。这些解决方案可以透过增加或减少容量来轻鬆适应业务需求,使组织能够适应季节性变化或扩张。此外,基于云端的联络中心提供更快的部署和集成,减少停机时间并加快价值实现时间,这在现代商业环境中至关重要。基于云端的联络中心使企业能够提高营运效率,适应不断变化的需求,并专注于提供卓越的服务,而无需昂贵的基础设施投资,因为减少了财务障碍并提高了灵活性。 2024 年 5 月,一家欧洲机场和旅游零售集团选择 3CLogic 与 ServiceNow 的客户服务管理 (CSM) 产品集成,使用人工智慧驱动的分析和联络中心解决方案来改善营运工作流程和客户互动。该组织做出这项决定是为了集中流程、最大限度地减少手动任务并增强分析洞察力,以满足乘客和内部客户的复杂需求。
组织对员工效率和满意度的日益关注正在支持基于云端的联络中心市场的成长。这些平台提供了复杂的工具和功能,可以简化工作流程并减少手动工作,使代理商能够专注于更复杂和更有效率的任务。自动呼叫分配、即时分析和人工智慧驱动的支援可提高生产力并帮助座席提供一流的服务。此外,基于云端的系统可以实现灵活的工作设置,例如远端工作,从而可能提高工作满意度并改善工作与生活的平衡。创造一个支持性且有效率的工作环境可以帮助企业提高员工士气、降低流动率并提高生产力。基于云端的联络中心使座席能够从任何地方存取必要的资讯和工具,确保一致性和灵活性。 2024 年 1 月,8x8 发布了其云端联络中心和统一通讯平台的更新,例如人工智慧产生的会后摘要、全通路体验和生产力增强,旨在增强客户和员工体验。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场主要云端联络中心市场趋势的分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据组件、部署模式、组织规模和最终用途行业对市场进行了分类。
解决方案包括自动呼叫分配、座席性能优化、拨号器、互动式语音应答 (IVR)、电脑电话整合 (CTI) 以及分析和报告,占据了大部分市场份额。这部分因其广泛的服务而脱颖而出,提高了用户服务的效率和效果。自动呼叫分配可确保高效率的呼叫路由、最大限度地减少等待时间并提高个人满意度。代理性能优化工具监控并提高生产力。拨号器可自动执行出站呼叫,进而提高效率。自动拨号器简化了拨出呼叫,并提高了工作效率。 IVR 提供自助功能,无需座席参与即可解决典型查询。 CTI将电话系统与网路结合,提供客製化服务。分析和报告为基于资料的决策提供信息,使这些工具对于当代呼叫中心至关重要。 2023 年 8 月,8x8 在其智慧客户助理中推出了语音对话 AI 功能,扩大了联络中心客户的自助服务选择。这项改进使工作流程更加高效,并提供快速部署选项以提高客户满意度。
大型企业由于其广泛的用户范围和复杂的营运需求,在基于云端的联络中心市场前景中处于领先地位。这些组织从基于云端的联络中心解决方案的先进功能中受益匪浅,这些解决方案提供可扩展性、与现有系统的整合以及强大的资料分析。大型企业经常进行各种广泛的活动,需要一个适应性强且可靠的通讯网络,能够处理各种管道上的大量用户参与。基于云端的解决方案非常有价值,因为它们能够提供个人化的个人服务、提高座席绩效并透过自动呼叫分配和互动式语音回应等功能简化操作。 2024 年 6 月,Endress+Hauser 选择 Contact Center for Service Cloud Voice 来改善个人联繫并提高效率。该解决方案连接到 Salesforce CRM,为这家跨国公司在所有平台上提供自动化、智慧呼叫指导和个人化互动。
报告还提供了基于最终用途行业的详细市场细分和分析。这包括 BFSI、IT 和电信、媒体和娱乐、零售、物流和运输、医疗保健等。报告显示,IT和电信占据了最大的市场份额。
由于对可靠和可扩展的用户服务解决方案的强烈需求,IT 和电信占据了最大的市场份额。该行业严重依赖基于云端的联络中心来处理广泛而复杂的个人交互,保证服务不间断,并及时解决技术问题。结合人工智慧和机器学习等先进技术可以提高服务客製化和有效性,这对于 IT 和电信公司维持用户满意度和忠诚度至关重要。此外,业界的快速创新和定期更新需要灵活且适应性强的通讯系统,这使得基于云端的联络中心成为完美匹配。
北美地区因其先进的技术和云端服务的广泛使用而引领市场。强劲的经济和对用户服务技术的大量投资正在推动基于云端的联络中心需求。北美企业重视提高个人体验和营运效率,这使得它们成为最早采用人工智慧、机器学习和云端平台分析等尖端技术的企业之一。此外,主要市场参与者的存在和精通技术的企业的高度集中也促进了市场的成长。该地区也利用有利的监管条件促进尖端云端服务的实施,确保强有力的安全和合规措施。 2024 年3 月,专门从事数位通讯技术的美国跨国公司思科扩大了Webex 云端客户体验解决方案的产品范围,为联络中心以外的员工推出了Webex Customer Experience Essentials,并改善了Webex Contact Center 中的AI 功能,从而提高了使用者体验互动和代理体验。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。该行业的一些主要市场参与者包括 3CLogic、8x8 Inc.、Avaya Inc.、Cisco Systems Inc.、Content Guru Limited、Five9 Inc.、Genesys、NICE Ltd.、RingCentral Inc.、Talkdesk、Twilio Inc.、Vocalcom和沃内奇。
基于云端的联络中心公司正在透过不断创新和整合人工智慧、机器学习和全通路协助等先进元素来优先提高其技术能力。他们还扩大服务范围,以提供满足各种行业需求的完整解决方案。策略合作、合併和收购经常被用来增强市场地位和扩大地域覆盖范围。此外,这些企业正在投入资金实施强而有力的安全措施,以管理资料隐私担忧和监管遵守情况。主要参与者致力于透过提供适应性强、高效的用户服务解决方案来满足不同行业企业不断变化的需求。 2023 年 9 月,Avaya 和 RingCentral 扩大了合作范围,在全球 13 个市场推出了 Avaya Cloud Office,特别是北美、西欧、亚洲、澳洲和纽西兰。 Avaya 将其云端联络中心更名为体验平台,专注于人工智慧驱动的进步,以提高员工效率和客户满意度。此外,Avaya 与当地服务供应商合作,更新了通路合作伙伴策略,透过云端服务改善客户客製化。
2024 年2 月:思科系统公司在阿姆斯特丹Cisco Live 上宣布了合作伙伴关係和AI 创新,包括与NVIDIA 合作部署安全的AI 基础设施,以及为Webex Suite 和联络中心发布Cisco AI Assistant 功能,从而增强基于云的联络中心功能。这些措施旨在为组织提供人工智慧驱动的解决方案。
2024 年 1 月:3CLogic 宣布透过设立新办事处,将其人工智慧驱动的云端联络中心服务扩展到欧洲。采取这项行动是为了满足其 ServiceNow 和 SAP 整合解决方案不断增长的需求,在欧洲市场显示出可观的扩张。
2023 年 12 月:Ty Inc. 部署 8x8 XCaaS 云端联络中心和统一通讯平台,以增强用户参与度、改善员工协作并降低成本。此实施每年节省 75,000 美元,并简化了沟通流程,改善了客户和员工体验。
The global cloud-based contact center market size reached US$ 27.2 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 148.1 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% during 2024-2032. The growing demand for scalable user service solutions, advancements in cloud technology, cost-efficiency, and enhanced flexibility, rising adoption of remote working model, and increasing popularity of omnichannel communication platforms are some of the factors impelling the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: The market is experiencing robust growth because of increasing demand for remote work options, improved user satisfaction, and the versatility provided by cloud-based solutions.
Key Market Trends: The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to improve user service automation and customization. Additionally, omnichannel communication platforms are becoming more popular, offering smooth user interactions across channels, such as voice, email, chat, and social media.
Geographical Trends: North America dominates the market owing to advanced technological infrastructure and early adoption of cloud services.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the industry include 3CLogic, 8x8 Inc., Avaya Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., Content Guru Limited, Five9 Inc., Genesys, NICE Ltd., RingCentral Inc., Talkdesk, Twilio Inc., Vocalcom and Vonage, among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: Concerns about data protection, adhering to regulations, and the necessity for dependable internet access are influencing the cloud-based contact center market revenue. However, opportunities from the rising need for advanced analytics, integration features with customer relationship management (CRM) systems and the growing shift towards cloud-based solutions in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Enhanced User Experience and Personalization
Modern individuals engage in quick, effective, and customized communication through various platforms. Cloud-based contact centers utilize advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to analyze user information and provide personalized interactions. Incorporating omnichannel functionalities guarantees a smooth user experience, regardless of whether the engagement takes place through phone, email, chat, or social media. Cloud-based contact centers assist organizations in creating better connections with users by offering reliable and top-notch experiences, leading to increased success in a competitive market. In line with the cloud-based contact center market recent developments, in June 2024, Five9 revealed an expansion of its Service Cloud Voice integration to incorporate Salesforce Einstein, providing clients with advanced AI-driven options to enhance experiences. The goal of these new features is to give agents improved tools for user service and contact center management, such as real-time call transcriptions and integration with Einstein Conversation Insights.
Cost Efficiency and Scalability
Cloud-based solutions work on a subscription model, lowering capital spending and providing consistent operating expenses. These solutions can easily adjust to business demands by increasing or decreasing capacity, enabling organizations to adapt to seasonal changes or expansion. Additionally, cloud-based contact centers provide quicker deployment and integration, reducing downtime and speeding up time-to-value, which is essential in the modern business environment. Cloud-based contact centers enable businesses to enhance operational efficiency, adapt to changing demands, and focus on delivering exceptional service without expensive infrastructure investments due to reduced financial barriers and greater flexibility. In May 2024, 3CLogic was chosen by a European airport and travel retail group to integrate with ServiceNow's customer service management (CSM) product, improving operational workflows and client interactions using AI-driven analytics and contact center solutions. The organization made this decision to centralize processes, minimize manual tasks, and enhance analytical insights in order to address the intricate requirements of its passengers and internal clients.
Enhanced Employee Productivity and Satisfaction
The rising focus on employee efficiency and satisfaction among organizations is supporting the cloud-based contact center market growth. These platforms provide sophisticated tools and functionalities that simplify workflows and decrease manual duties, enabling agents to concentrate on more intricate and productive tasks. Automated call distribution, live analytics, and AI-driven support enhance productivity and aid agents in providing top-notch service. Moreover, cloud-based systems enable flexible work setups like working remotely, potentially resulting in increased job satisfaction and improved work-life balance. Creating a supportive and efficient work environment can help businesses improve employee morale, reduce turnover rates, and enhance productivity. Cloud-based contact centers enable agents to access necessary information and tools from anywhere, ensuring uniformity and flexibility. In January 2024, 8x8 revealed updates to its cloud contact center and unified communications platform, such as AI-produced post-meeting summaries, omnichannel experiences, and productivity enhancements, with the goal of enhancing client and employee experiences.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key cloud-based contact center market trends in each segment, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on component, deployment mode, organization size, and end use industry.
Automatic Call Distribution
Agent Performance Optimization
Interactive Voice Response
Computer Telephony Integration
Analytics and Reporting
Professional Services
Managed Services
Solution accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the component. This includes solution (automatic call distribution, agent performance optimization, dialers, interactive voice response, computer telephony integration, and analytics and reporting) and service (professional and managed services). According to the report, solution (automatic call distribution, agent performance optimization, dialers, interactive voice response, computer telephony integration, and analytics and reporting) represented the largest segment.
Solution, which includes automatic call distribution, agent performance optimization, dialers, interactive voice response (IVR), computer telephony integration (CTI), and analytics and reporting, accounts for the majority of the market share. This section stands out because of its wide range of services that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of user service. Automatic call distribution guarantees efficient call routing, minimizing hold times and enhancing individual satisfaction. Agent performance optimization tools monitor and improve productivity. Dialers automate outbound calls, increasing efficiency. Automated dialers streamline outbound calls, improving productivity. IVR offers self-help features, addressing typical inquiries without the need for agent involvement. CTI combines phone systems with networks to provide customized service. The analysis and reporting provide information for decision-making based on data, rendering these tools essential for contemporary call centers. In August 2023, 8x8 launched voice conversational AI features in its Intelligent Customer Assistant, broadening self-service choices for contact center clients. This improvement made workflows more efficient and provided quick deployment choices to enhance client satisfaction.
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Public cloud holds the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the deployment mode have also been provided in the report. This includes public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. According to the report, public cloud accounted for the largest market share.
Public cloud is the leading segment in the market as per the cloud-based contact center market forecast. Public cloud deployment provides major benefits such as affordability, flexibility, and convenience. Companies prefer using public cloud solutions because they can quickly increase or decrease capacity according to the demand without requiring significant initial investments in hardware and infrastructure. Moreover, organizations looking to improve their user service operations can benefit from the strong security features and certification offerings of public cloud services, which make them a desirable choice. Leading cloud service providers continuously innovate, ensuring contact centers are flexible, reliable, and responsive to market needs, driving the widespread adoption of public cloud models.
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Large Enterprises
Large enterprises represent the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the organization size. This includes small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises. According to the report, large enterprises represented the largest segment.
Large enterprises lead the market as per the cloud-based contact center market outlook due to their wide range of users and intricate operational needs. These organizations benefit significantly from the advanced capabilities of cloud-based contact center solutions, which offer scalability, integration with existing systems, and robust data analytics. Large enterprises frequently have various and extensive activities, requiring an adaptable and dependable communication network that can handle large amounts of user engagements on various channels. Cloud-based solutions are highly valuable for their ability to offer personalized individual service, improve agent performance, and streamline operations with features like automatic call distribution and interactive voice response. In June 2024, Endress+Hauser chose Vonage Contact Center for Service Cloud Voice to improve individual connections and increase efficiency. This solution is connected to Salesforce CRM, offering automation, smart call directing, and personalized interactions on all platforms for the international corporation.
IT and Telecom
Media and Entertainment
Logistics and Transport
IT and telecom lead the market, accounting for the largest cloud-based contact center market share
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end use industry have also been provided in the report. This includes BFSI, IT and telecom, media and entertainment, retail, logistics and transport, healthcare, and others. According to the report, IT and telecom accounted for the largest market share.
IT and telecom hold the biggest market share owing to the strong need for reliable and scalable user service solutions. This sector heavily depends on cloud-based contact centers to handle extensive and complex individual interactions, guarantee uninterrupted service, and promptly resolve technical issues. Incorporating advanced technology like AI and ML improves service customization and effectiveness, crucial for IT and telecom firms to uphold user satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, the fast rate of innovation and regular updates in the industry require communication systems that are flexible and adaptive, making cloud-based contact centers a perfect match.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America exhibits a clear dominance in the market
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest regional market for cloud-based contact center.
North America leads the market because of its advanced technology and widespread use of cloud services. The strong economy and substantial investment in user service technologies are driving the cloud-based contact center demand. North American businesses give importance to improving individual experience and operational efficiency, leading them to be among the first to embrace cutting-edge technologies, such as AI, ML, and analytics within cloud-based platforms. Furthermore, the presence of major market players and a high concentration of tech-savvy businesses are contributing to the market growth. The area also takes advantage of beneficial regulatory conditions that promote the implementation of cutting-edge cloud services, guaranteeing strong security and compliance measures. In March 2024, Cisco, a multinational American company specializing in digital communications technology, broadened its offerings in Webex cloud customer experience solutions by launching Webex Customer Experience Essentials for employees outside of contact centers and improving AI features in Webex Contact Center, resulting in better user interaction and agent experiences.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the industry include 3CLogic, 8x8 Inc., Avaya Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., Content Guru Limited, Five9 Inc., Genesys, NICE Ltd., RingCentral Inc., Talkdesk, Twilio Inc., Vocalcom and Vonage.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
Cloud-based contact center companies are prioritizing the improvement of their technological capacities by consistently innovating and incorporating advanced elements like AI, ML, and omnichannel assistance. They are also broadening their range of services to provide complete solutions that meet various industry requirements. Strategic collaborations, consolidations, and takeovers are frequently used to enhance market positions and expand geographical coverage. Moreover, these businesses are putting money into strong security measures to manage data privacy worries and regulatory adherence. Key players strive to meet the changing needs of businesses in different industries by offering adaptable, efficient user service solutions. In September 2023, Avaya and RingCentral expanded their collaboration to launch Avaya Cloud Office in 13 worldwide markets, with a particular emphasis on North America, Western Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Avaya renamed its cloud contact center as an experience platform, putting focus on AI-driven advancements for enhancing employee efficiency and client satisfaction. Moreover, Avaya worked with local service providers and updated its channel partner strategy to improve client customization via cloud services.
February 2024: Cisco Systems Inc announced partnerships and AI innovations at Cisco Live Amsterdam, including collaborations with NVIDIA to deploy secure AI infrastructure and the release of Cisco AI Assistant features for Webex Suite and Contact Center, enhancing cloud-based contact center capabilities. These initiatives aimed to empower organizations with AI-driven solutions.
January 2024: 3CLogic announced the expansion of its AI-powered cloud contact center services into Europe by launching a new office. This action was taken in response to the growing need for their ServiceNow and SAP-integrated solutions, showing considerable expansion in the European market.
December 2023: Ty Inc. deployed the 8x8 XCaaS cloud contact center and unified communications platform to enhance user engagement, improve employee collaboration, and reduce costs. This implementation provided a $75,000 yearly savings and streamlined communication processes, improving client and employee experiences.