自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)的全球市场 - 预测(2024-2030)

自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)的全球市场 - 预测(2024-2030)

AGV/AMR Market - Forecast (2024-2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: IndustryARC | 英文 112 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内


预计到 2030 年,全球自动导引车 (AGV)/自主运输机器人 (AMR) 市场规模将达到 91 亿美元,2024-2030 年预测期间复合年增长率为 12%。AGV 市场的主要驱动力之一是製造业、汽车、电子商务和医疗保健等行业工业自动化的上升趋势。AGV 是自动化製造现场物料搬运和移动材料的一种经济高效的替代方案。由于工业 4.0 计划的快速采用以及云端运算、人工智慧和物联网等尖端技术的融合,AMR 需求急剧增加。这些机器人对于许多工业流程的自动化和改进、提高产量和营运效率至关重要。随着越来越多的行业采用自动化来提高营运效率和生产力,自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)市场预计将持续成长。


预计到 2023 年,亚太地区将主导自动导引车 (AGV)/自主运输机器人 (AMR) 市场,价值份额约为 35.6%,其次是北美,价值份额约为 32.8%。

电子商务和物流引领 AGV 市场,到 2023 年,其价值份额约为 24%。先进封装技术不断发展以降低成本,同时提高 IC 性能和产量。


随着自动导引车 (AGV)/自主运输机器人 (AMR) 的激增,监管机构正致力于制定标准和指南,以确保安全可靠地使用这些机器人。对于自动导引车 (AGV)/自主运输机器人 (AMR) 的製造商和用户来说,遵守这些法规预计将变得越来越重要。



对仓库自动化不断增长的需求正在推动自动导引车 (AGV) 市场的很大一部分。汽车、医疗保健、电子商务、食品和饮料、物流和製造等高效产业对自动化的需求越来越大。使用 AGV 实现工业设施自动化有助于满足物料搬运能力要求,同时减少生产时间、减少人为错误的可能性、提高安全性、确保大量生产并提高准确性和可重复性。透过使用 AGV,准时制 (JIT) 原材料供应、传入组件的电脑化管理以及货运追踪都可以实现。AGV 可协助储存、分配和运输货物,无需人工干预,消除工人受伤和产品损坏的风险,同时提高准确性。


随着工业4.0举措的引入,传统工业设施正逐步转向自动化、智慧化、高效设施。工业设施可以透过工业4.0成为独立的工厂。透过将机器人、电脑和工业自动化解决方案结合,我们创建了一个自动化单元。互联设备网路创建了具有分散决策能力的智慧架构。工业4.0的发展正在改变仓库的运作方式。工业 4.0 也旨在建立一个促进人类和机器人之间有效协作的工作环境。此外,工业 4.0 和机器人技术的整合将把流程转变为工业环境,并更好地协调自动化系统。这种连接能够以低成本实现快速、时间敏感的运营,从而有利于最苛刻和动态的供应链生态系统。此外,增强的系统协调使仓库工作人员能够以更低的成本完成耗时、高速的任务,进一步推动自动导引车(AGV)市场的成长。

本报告研究了全球自动导引车 (AGV)/自动转移机器人 (AMR) 市场,并提供了市场份额、驱动因素、细分市场、地区和主要参与者的分析。



  • 定义和范围

第二章自动导引车 (AGV)/自主运输机器人 (AMR) 市场 - 执行摘要


  • 比较分析
    • 市占率分析 - 主要公司
    • 产品基准 - 主要公司
    • 5大财务分析
    • 专利分析-主要公司
    • 价格分析

第四章 自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)市场-新创公司场景(进阶)

  • 主要新创公司分析
    • 投资
    • 收入
    • 市场份额
    • 市场规模及应用分析
    • 创投和融资场景

第五章 自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)市场-产业市场进入场景(进阶)

  • 监理框架概述
  • 新业务及营商便利度指标
  • 成功企业案例研究
  • 客户分析-各大公司


  • 市场驱动力
  • 市场制约因素
  • 市场机会
  • 波特五力分析模型


  • 价值链分析
  • 市场生命週期
  • 供应商和经销商分析

第八章自动导引车 (AGV) 市场 – 依车辆类型

  • 单元负载AGV
  • 无人运输车
  • 堆高机AGV
  • 拖板车
  • 牵引/标籤 AGV
  • 其他

第九章 自动导引车(AGV)市场-导航

  • 雷射导引导航 (LGV)
  • 磁导航
  • 自然导航(SLAM 或 LiDAR 导航)
  • 有线导航
  • 视觉导航
  • 其他

第十章 自动导引车(AGV)市场-依营运方式

  • 室内的
  • 户外


  • 排序
  • 拾取和放置
  • 拖曳
  • 仓库车队管理
  • 其他

第十二章 自动导引车 (AGV) 市场 – 依应用分类

  • 物流、仓储(储存/配送)
  • 流水线
  • 包装线
  • 装载和卸载拖车
  • 材料处理
  • 垃圾清除
  • 其他用途

第 13 章 自动导引车 (AGV) 市场 – 依最终用途产业

  • 电商物流
  • 汽车
  • 製造业
  • 化学/製药
  • 食品与饮品
  • 航天
  • 其他

第 14 章自主运输机器人 (AMR) 市场 - 按最终用途产业

  • 製造业
    • 汽车製造
    • 航空航太製造
    • 电子製造
    • 化工製造
    • 医药製造
    • 塑胶製造
    • 国防製造
    • 快速消费品 (FMCG) 製造
    • 其他
  • 批发/分销
    • 电子商务
    • 零售连锁店/便利商店
    • 其他


  • 北美
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 哥伦比亚
    • 智利
    • 南美洲其他地区
  • 欧洲
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 义大利
    • 法国
    • 西班牙
    • 欧洲其他地区
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韩国
    • 澳大利亚/纽西兰
    • 亚太其他地区


  • 新产品发布
  • 併购、联盟、合资、合伙

第十七章 自动导引车(AGV)/自主运输机器人(AMR)市场公司分析

  • 市场占有率、公司收入、产品、併购、发展
  • Daifuku
  • Kion Group
  • SSL Schaefer
  • Kardex Group
  • Dematic
  • ABB
  • Fanuc Corp
  • Omron Automation
  • Honeywell
  • Zebra Technologies
Product Code: AIR 0054

AGV AMR Market Overview

The Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)/ Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market size is forecast to reach USD 9.1 billion by 2030, after growing at a CAGR of 12% over the forecast period 2024-2030. One major factor propelling the AGV market is the increasing trend of industrial automation in industries like manufacturing, automotive, e-commerce, and healthcare. AGVs are a cost-effective and efficient alternative for handling and moving materials in automated manufacturing settings. The need for AMRs has increased dramatically because of the quick adoption of Industry 4.0 principles and the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These robots are essential to the automation and improvement of many industrial processes, which raises output and boosts operational effectiveness. The AGV/AMR market is poised for continued growth as industries increasingly embrace automation to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

Report Coverage

The report, "AGV/AMR Market - Forecast (2024-2030)", by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the AGV/AMR market.

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market by Vehicle Type: Unit Load AGVs, Automated, Guided Carts, Forklift AGVs, Pallet Trucks, Towing/Tugger AGVs, and Others;

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market by Navigation: Laser-guided navigation (LGV), Magnetic navigation, Natural navigation (SLAM or LiDAR NAVIGATION), Wire navigation, Vision Navigation, and Others;

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market By Mode of Operation: Indoor and Outdoor; Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market By Application: Logistics and Warehousing (Storage/Distribution), Assembly Lines, Packaging Lines, Trailer Loading & Unloading, Raw Material Handling, Trash Removal, and Other Applications; Autonomous Mobile Robots Market (AMR) By Application: Sorting, Pick & Place, Tugging, Warehouse Fleet Management, and Others;

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) by End-Use Industry: E-Commerce & Logistics, Automotive, Manufacturing, Chemical & Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Aerospace, and Others; Autonomous Mobile Robots Market (AMR) Market by End Use Industry: Manufacturing and Wholesale and Distribution; By Geography: North America, South America, Europe, and APAC

Key Takeaways

The APAC region is anticipated to dominate the AGV/AMR market with a value share of approximately 35.6% in 2023, followed by North America with a value share of approximately 32.8% in 2023.

With a value share of roughly 24% in 2023, e-commerce and logistics led the AGV market. Advanced packaging technology has developed to lower costs while enhancing integrated circuit performance and throughput.

AGVs/AMRs are being widely adopted by industries due to their ability to enhance operational efficiency and productivity. These robots can handle repetitive and tedious tasks, resulting in streamlined operations, reduced costs, and improved throughput.

As AGVs/AMRs become more prevalent, regulatory bodies are focusing on establishing standards and guidelines to ensure the safe and reliable use of these robots. Compliance with these regulations will become increasingly important for manufacturers and users of AGVs/AMRs

By Vehicle Type- Segment Analysis

The Towing/Tugger AGVs segment dominated the AGV market in 2023. The most basic kind of AGV with the fewest characteristics is called an automatic guided cart (AGC The escalating demand for Towing/Tugger Automotive Guided Vehicles (AGVs) is driven by the surging wave of automation and the expanding landscape of manufacturing. These specialized AGVs offer distinct advantages over traditional counterparts such as Unit Load AGVs, Automated Guided Carts, Forklift AGVs, and Pallet Trucks. Towing/Tugger AGVs excel in efficiency, seamlessly towing multiple loads, optimizing material flow, and minimizing downtime. Their versatility accommodates diverse load sizes, adapting to evolving production needs. As industries increasingly embrace automation for heightened productivity and cost-effectiveness, Towing/Tugger AGVs emerge as the preferred choice, enhancing operational agility and enabling a smoother transition towards smart, interconnected manufacturing processes.

By Navigation - Segment Analysis

The Laser-guided navigation (LGV) segment dominated the AGV market in 2023. High-precision navigation capabilities provided by LGV technology allow AGVs to navigate and function exceptionally accurately in industrial settings. By assuring accurate material handling and transportation, the employment of laser guiding systems improves the AGVs' capacity to negotiate intricate and dynamic courses, reducing errors and increasing operating efficiency. AGVs with LGV capability help industrial and logistics facilities optimize their material handling and workflow procedures. LGV technology enables AGVs to handle material transportation, inventory management, and order fulfillment tasks more efficiently and productively by offering precise and dependable navigation guidance. Businesses looking to maximize their material handling and logistics operations can benefit from the favorable return on investment provided by the dependable and affordable navigation solution provided by LGV technology in AGVs. Over time, organizations can achieve considerable cost savings and operational profitability with the support of LGV-enabled AGVs' reduced errors, minimized downtime, and better operational efficiency.

By Mode of Operation - Segment Analysis

The Indoor segment dominated the AGV market in 2023. AGVs made for interior settings provide optimal material handling performance in cramped areas like distribution centers, warehouses, and manufacturing plants. Because of their ability to maneuver in tight areas and narrow lanes, these AGVs can move and handle materials with ease in indoor operational environments, making the most use of available space and improving overall operational efficiency. Indoor logistics operations benefit greatly from the automated movement of items, effective inventory management, and expedited order processing made possible by AGVs. These factors include shorter order processing times, higher inventory accuracy, and more efficient order fulfillment overall. Automated material and component transfers between production stages are made possible by the seamless integration of AGVs with conveyor systems and production lines in indoor manufacturing facilities. Conveyor systems that include AGVs improve material flow overall, reduce production downtime, and make it easier to handle materials between processes efficiently. All these factors increase production line efficiency and throughput.

By Application - Segment Analysis

The Logistics and Warehousing (Storage/Distribution) segment dominated the AGV market in 2023. Logistics and warehousing operations are becoming more networked and data-driven owing to the trend of integrating AGVs with IoT and connectivity technologies. Real-time data exchange, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance are made possible by AGVs integrated with Internet of Things sensors and connectivity protocols. This improves overall operational visibility and management efficiency in logistics and warehousing facilities while facilitating optimized material handling, inventory management, and supply chain operations. The use of AGVs in warehouse and logistics settings is being impacted by the move towards collaborative robotics and co-bot integration.

The Pick & Place segment dominated the AMR market in 2023. One notable trend is the incorporation of sophisticated AI and machine learning functionalities into AMRs for sorting applications. AMRs with AI-powered algorithms installed may more accurately and efficiently recognize, classify, and identify different kinds of goods, improving sorting speed and accuracy in a variety of commercial and industrial contexts. Multi-modal sorting capabilities are becoming increasingly common in AMRs. More and more companies are looking for AMRs that can handle and sort a wide range of goods and packages, such as boxes, parcels, and oddly shaped objects. AMRs' adaptability and suitability for sorting applications in many industries are increased by the incorporation of multi-modal sorting functions, which facilitate the efficient handling of a broad variety of items.

By End Use Industry - Segment Analysis

The E-Commerce and logistics end-use industry dominated the AGV market in 2023. The exponential growth of the e-commerce industry is driving demand for automated solutions, like automated guided vehicles (AGVs), to handle the growing volume of orders, enhance order fulfillment efficiency, and satisfy customers' expectations for prompt and dependable delivery. This will support the e-commerce market's expansion and boost the logistics industry's overall growth. Logistics companies are adopting AGVs to automate material handling, streamline order picking, and optimize inventory management processes in response to the growing demand for timely delivery and efficient order fulfillment in the e-commerce sector.

The Wholesale & Distribution end-use industry dominated the AMR market in 2022. The implementation of Automated Material Receipts (AMRs) is streamlining order processing, inventory management, and automating a variety of warehouse tasks in E-commerce Wholesale and distribution. These benefits include lower operating costs, more efficient order fulfilment, and timely product delivery to customers. To improve the overall customer experience and promote customer satisfaction in the e-commerce industry, AMRs are propelling the development of last-mile delivery solutions in E-commerce Wholesale and distribution. They also support the effective transportation of goods to nearby distribution centers and delivery hubs, optimize route planning, and enable the timely delivery of goods to end users

By Geography - Segment Analysis

Asia Pacific region dominated the AGV/AMR market in 2023. The use of advanced robotics and automation in a variety of industries, as well as technological breakthroughs, have received active support from the Chinese government. The government hopes to boost China's industrial competitiveness and promote sustainable economic growth by accelerating the development and deployment of new technologies, including as AGVs and AMRs, through financial programs, policy incentives, and strategic collaborations. AI, IoT, and robotics are just a few of the cutting-edge technologies that Indian companies have been aggressively incorporating into AGVs and AMRs to improve their capabilities and flexibility. These linkages pave the way for the creation of intelligent, networked robotic systems that can make complicated decisions, navigate effectively, and collaborate seamlessly with human workers. In the Indian market, businesses such as Addverb Technologies and GreyOrange have been setting the standard for the development and implementation of sophisticated AMRs and AGVs.

Drivers - AGV/AMR Market

Rising Demand for Automation Solution in a Variety of Industries

The growing need for warehouse automation is driving a substantial portion of the market for automated guided vehicles, or AGVs. Automation is becoming more and more necessary because of the industries' general requirement for high efficiency, including the automotive, healthcare, e-commerce, food and beverage, logistics, and manufacturing sectors. Automating industrial facilities with AGVs can assist in meeting material handling capacity requirements while also lowering production times, decreasing the possibility of human mistakes, improving safety, guaranteeing high production volumes, and improving precision and repeatability. Just-in-time (JIT) raw material supply, computerized management of received assembled parts, and shipment tracking are all made possible by the usage of AGVs. AGVs aid in the storage, distribution, and transportation of cargo without the need for human intervention, eliminating the risk of worker injuries and product damage while also improving accuracy.

Industry 4.0 Technology Implementation in Storage facilities to Accelerate Market Development

By implementing Industry 4.0 principles, conventional industrial facilities are gradually changing into automated, intelligent, and highly efficient facilities. An industrial facility can become an independent plant owing to Industry 4.0. It creates a single automated unit by fusing robots, computers, and industrial automation solutions. Intelligent architecture with decentralized decision-making capabilities is created by the network of linked devices. The development of Industry 4.0 is altering how warehouses operate. Industry 4.0 also seeks to establish a working environment that facilitates effective collaboration between humans and robots. Moreover, processes will become an industrial environment with better automation system coordination when Industry 4.0 and robotics are integrated. This connection will help in the extremely demanding and dynamic supply chain ecosystem by enabling time-sensitive, high-velocity operations at reduced costs. It has also enhanced system coordination and allowed warehouse operators to complete time-consuming, high-speed tasks at a reduced cost, which has further fueled the growth of the automated guided vehicle market.

The Automotive Sector is Projected to Register Significant Growth for the AMR Market

Automobile manufacturers may achieve more efficient manufacturing, reduce lead times, and optimize the flow of materials with the use of AMRs. Moreover, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are gaining popularity as a logistical solution that can quickly adjust to shifting production layouts and processes as automakers prioritize flexibility over volume throughout the projected era after Just-In-Time (JIT) production techniques were implemented. It is anticipated that the application of robotics in the car industry will keep expanding quickly enough to accelerate output. To gain a larger market share in the robotics industry, automakers such as Toyota and BMW are investing in robotics and manufacturing technologies. BMW and Nvidia have been working together for several years to create mobile robots for internal use in their plants. The focus of this work has been automated material handling at the last mile. Increased investment in automated manufacturing methods, such as industry 4.0 standards implemented globally, is also anticipated to expand the market for AMRs in the automotive sector.

Challenges -AGV/AMR Market

Growing Acceptance of Arms Over AGVs in E-commerce and Retail Industry

In the realm of automated solutions, challenges persist with Automotive Guided Vehicles (AGVs) compared to the efficiency of robotics arms. Robotics arms offer unparalleled precision and flexibility in handling tasks, outshining AGVs in complex manufacturing environments. AGVs, tethered to predefined paths, encounter limitations in adaptability and may struggle with intricate tasks. Conversely, robotics arms exhibit dynamic adaptability, executing diverse functions with a level of dexterity and accuracy that AGVs find challenging. The demand for increased customization and intricate operations favors the versatility of robotics arms, marking them as the preferred choice for businesses seeking advanced automation solutions.

Low Labor Costs Restricting Adoption of AGVs In Emerging Economies

The adoption of automated technologies across industries is hindered in emerging economies like Tanzania, Bangladesh, and India due to low labor pay rates. These nations have a lot of inexpensive labor, therefore there is little to no economic need for industrial facilities to be automated. In India, a semiskilled worker makes about $3 per day on average. Because inexpensive labor is more readily available in these emerging economies, automation in manufacturing facilities is less common than in other developed nations. This is because the labor-robot trade-off is less profitable. Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Cuba are examples of developing nations with extremely low average daily salaries. As a result, businesses in developing nations are hesitant to spend money on automated machinery like AGVs. Human laborers do a variety of tasks in emerging economies' manufacturing sectors because it is more advantageous for them to combine their manual labor with accurate, semiautomated machinery.

Market Landscape

Partnerships, Agreements, Product Launches, Acquisitions, Expansion, and Collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the AGV/AMR market. In 2022, the AGV/AMR Market share has been consolidated by the top ten players accounting for more than 70% of the share. Major players in the AGV/AMR market are Daifuku, Kion Group, SSL Schaefer, Kardex Group, Dematic, ABB, Fanuc Corp, Omron Automation, Honeywell, Zebra Technologies, and others.


In 2023, The third generation of Dematic's freezer-rated automated guided vehicles (AGVs) has been introduced. It has sensor and navigation technology breakthroughs that surpass the most recent revisions to global safety requirements.

In 2023, OMRON Robotics and Safety Technologies, Inc. and Lowpad BV made a strategic partnership to expand OMRON's line of mobile robots with Lowpad's low-profile product offering. As a component of the strategic alliance, OMRON will use its extensive worldwide marketing infrastructure to market and market tailored versions of Lowpad's robots under the OMRON brand.

In 2022, The new manufacturing facility of Daifuku North America Holding Company (Daifuku) in Boyne City, USA, will have a grand opening ceremony. Daifuku spent $26 million to construct this state-of-the-art 225,000-square-foot manufacturing complex. It serves as the center of production for automated guided vehicles and baggage handling equipment for airports.

Table of Contents

1. AGV/AMR Market- Market Overview

  • 1.1 Definitions and Scope

2. AGV/AMR Market- Executive Summary

3. AGV/AMR Market- Landscape

  • 3.1 Comparative analysis
    • 3.1.1 Market Share Analysis- Top Companies
    • 3.1.2 Product Benchmarking- Top Companies
    • 3.1.3 Top 5 Financials Analysis
    • 3.1.4 Patent Analysis- Top Companies
    • 3.1.5 Pricing Analysis

4. AGV/AMR Market - Startup Companies Scenario Premium

  • 4.1Top Startup Company Analysis by
    • 4.1.1 Investment
    • 4.1.2 Revenue
    • 4.1.3 Market Shares
    • 4.1.4 Market Size and Application Analysis
    • 4.1.5 Venture Capital and Funding Scenario

5. AGV/AMR Market- Industry Market Entry Scenario Premium Premium

  • 5.1 Regulatory Framework Overview
  • 5.2 New Business and Ease of Doing Business Index
  • 5.3 Case Studies of Successful Ventures
  • 5.4 Customer Analysis - Top Companies

6. AGV/AMR Market- Market Forces

  • 6.1 Market Drivers
  • 6.2 Market Constraints
  • 6.3 Market Opportunities
  • 6.4 Porters five force model
    • 6.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 6.4.2 Bargaining Power of Customers
    • 6.4.3 Threat of new entrants
    • 6.4.4 Rivalry among existing players
    • 6.4.5 Threat of Substitutes

7. AGV/AMR Market -Strategic Analysis

  • 7.1 Value chain analysis
  • 7.2 Market life cycle
  • 7.3 Suppliers and Distributors Analysis

8. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market - By Vehicle Type (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 8.1 Unit Load AGVs
  • 8.2 Automated Guided Carts
  • 8.3 Forklift AGVs
  • 8.4 Pallet Trucks
  • 8.5 Towing/Tugger AGVs
  • 8.6 Others

9. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market - By Navigation (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 9.1 Laser-guided navigation (LGV)
  • 9.2 Magnetic navigation
  • 9.3 Natural navigation (SLAM or LiDAR NAVIGATION)
  • 9.4 Wire navigation
  • 9.5 Vision Navigation
  • 9.6 Others

10. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market - By Mode of Operation (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 10.1 Indoor
  • 10.2 Outdoor

11. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market - By Application (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 11.1 Sorting
  • 11.2 Pick & Place
  • 11.3 Tugging
  • 11.4 Warehouse Fleet Management
  • 11.5 Others

12. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market- By Application (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 12.1 Logistics and Warehousing (Storage/Distribution)
  • 12.2 Assembly Lines
  • 12.3 Packaging Lines
  • 12.4 Trailer Loading & Unloading
  • 12.5 Raw Material Handling
  • 12.6 Trash Removal
  • 12.7 Other Applications

13. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Market Market- By End Use Industry (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 13.1 E-Commerce & Logistics
  • 13.2 Automotive
  • 13.3 Manufacturing
  • 13.4 Chemical & Pharmaceutical
  • 13.5 Food & Beverage
  • 13.6 Aerospace
  • 13.7 Others

14. Automated Mobile Robots Market (AMR) - By End Use Industry (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 14.1 Manufacturing
    • 14.1.1 Automotive Manufacturing
    • 14.1.2 Aerospace Manufacturing
    • 14.1.3 Electronics Manufacturing
    • 14.1.4 Chemical Manufacturing
    • 14.1.5 Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
    • 14.1.6 Plastics Manufacturing
    • 14.1.7 Defense Manufacturing
    • 14.1.8 Fast-moving consumer goods Manufacturing
    • 14.1.9 Others
  • 14.2 Wholesale & Distribution
    • 14.2.1 E-commerce
    • 14.2.2 Retail chains/conveyance stores
    • 14.2.3 Others

15. AGV/AMR Market- By Geography (Market Size -$ Million)

  • 15.1 North America
  • 15.1 .1U.S.
  • 15.1 .2Canada
  • 15.1 .3Mexico
  • 15.2 South America
  • 15.2 .1Brazil
  • 15.2 .2Argentina
  • 15.2 .3Colombia
  • 15.2 .4Chile
  • 15.2 .5Rest of South America
  • 15.3 Europe
  • 15.3 .1U.K
  • 15.3 .2Germany
  • 15.3 .3Italy
  • 15.3 .4France
  • 15.3 .5Spain
  • 15.3 .6Rest of Europe
  • 15.4 Asia-Pacific
  • 15.4 .1China
  • 15.4 .2India
  • 15.4 .3Japan
  • 15.4 .4South Korea
  • 15.4 .5Australia & New Zealand
  • 15.4 .6Rest of Asia Pacific

16. AGV/AMR Market- Entropy

  • 16.1 New Product Launches
  • 16.2 M&A's, Collaborations, JVs and Partnerships

17. AGV/AMR Market Company Analysis

  • 17.1 Market Share, Company Revenue, Products, M&A, Developments
  • 17.2 Daifuku
  • 17.3 Kion Group
  • 17.4 SSL Schaefer
  • 17.5 Kardex Group
  • 17.6 Dematic
  • 17.7 ABB
  • 17.8 Fanuc Corp
  • 17.9 Omron Automation
  • 17.10 Honeywell
  • 17.11 Zebra Technologies

"*Financials would be provided on a best-efforts basis for private companies"