

Global Contactless Payments Market Data: 2024-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Juniper Research Ltd | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内

2024年的整体交易额 7兆4,000亿美元
2029年的整体交易额 15兆7,000亿美元
2024-2029年的市场成长率 113%
预测期间 2024-2029年

本报告调查了全球非接触式支付市场,包括融合非接触式支付技术的 Immobile Wallet 的普及趋势资讯、非接触式支付用户数量、交易金额和交易次数的趋势和预测。数据,包括依细分市场、地区和国家/地区进行的详细分析。

这项研究包括存取由 139 个表格和 60,000 多个数据点组成的完整预测数据,以及分析成长原因的随附报告。研究报告包含的指标如下:

  • 非接触付款的使用者数量
  • 非接触付款的整体交易额
  • 非接触付款的年度整体交易额



  • 非接触卡
  • 行动付款:
    • Apple Pay
    • Google Pay
    • Samsung Pay
    • 其他的OEM赚钱
  • 穿戴式付款
  • 非接触票付款


瞻博网路研究互动式预测 (Excel) 包含以下功能:

  • 统计分析:您可以搜寻资料期间所有地区和国家的特定指标。可以轻鬆修改图表并将其汇出到剪贴簿。
  • 国家/地区资料工具:此工具可让您查看预测期间内的所有区域和国家指标。您可以缩小搜寻列中显示的指标范围。
  • 国家比较工具:您可以选择特定国家进行比较。该工具包括汇出图表的功能。
  • 假设分析:五种互动式场景让使用者比较预测假设。




第1章 简介

  • 非接触付款主要的趋势·展开
  • 非接触付款:QR编码 vs NFC
    • QR编码付款
      • 优势
      • 弱点
    • NFC
      • 优势
      • 弱点
    • 总论

第2章 调查手法·前提

第3章 预测概要

  • 非接触付款利用的预测
    • 非接触机制:卡,行动,穿戴式
    • 行动电子钱包非接触服务:Apple Pay,Samsung Pay,Google Pay,经营者控制SE,其他HCE,FeliCa
    • 交易数量:零售付款·票务
    • 交易额:零售付款·票务

第4章 非接触卡片付款

  • 非接触卡利用的预测
    • 非接触支付卡的使用情形
  • 非接触卡交易预测
    • 交易数量
    • 交易额

第5章 行动非接触付款

  • 非接触行动利用的预测
    • 非接触付款所使用的NFC支援终端
    • OEM-Pay非接触用户数
    • 交易数量
    • 交易额

第6章 穿戴式非接触付款

  • 智慧穿戴式非接触付款利用的预测
    • 非接触付款实现的穿戴式
  • 智慧穿戴式非接触付款交易的预测
    • 交易数量
    • 交易额

第7章 NFC票务

  • NFC票务利用的预测
    • 用户数
    • 交易数量
    • 交易额

第8章 非接触权标化

  • 非接触权标化的预测
    • 数量
    • 收益

第9章 非接触ATM

  • 非接触ATM的预测
    • 非接触ATM的利用
Total transaction value in 2024:$7.4tn
Total transaction value in 2029:$15.7tn
2024 to 2029 market growth:113%
Forecast period:2024-2029


As an established market within payments, we provide an exhaustive data coverage of the Contactless Payments market, including the adoption of mobile wallets featuring contactless payment technology, the growth of contactless transactions and the associated values. The data suite includes access to the full set of forecast data of 139 tables and over 60,000 datapoints, as well as an accompanying report analysing the reasons from growth. The metrics comprised in the research suite include:

  • The number of users of contactless payments
  • The total transaction value of contactless payments
  • The total volume of contactless payments made annually

Key Features

These metrics are split by the following key segments:

  • Contactless Cards
  • Mobile Payments, further split by:
    • Apple Pay
    • Google Pay
    • Samsung Pay
    • Other OEM Pay
  • Wearable Payments
  • Contactless ticketing payments

The forecast data also includes market sizing for contactless tokenisation and contactless enabled ATMs.

The data itself is accompanied by a Data & Forecasting report, which analyses the main drivers of growth across key forecast metrics, as well as explaining the fundamental methodology & assumptions involved. Taken together, the research is a vital tool for sizing the contactless payments market.

Data & Interactive Forecast

Juniper Research Interactive Forecast Excel contains the following functionality:

  • Statistics Analysis: Users benefit from the ability to search for specific metrics, displayed for all regions and countries across the data period. Graphs are easily modified and can be exported to the clipboard.
  • Country Data Tool: This tool lets users look at metrics for all regions and countries in the forecast period. Users can refine the metrics displayed via a search bar.
  • Country Comparison Tool: Users can select and compare specific countries. The ability to export graphs is included in this tool.
  • What-if Analysis: Here, users can compare forecast metrics against their own assumptions, via 5 interactive scenarios.


Market Data & Forecasting Report

The numbers tell you what's happening, but our written report details why, alongside the methodologies.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Introduction
  • 1.2. Key Trends & Developments within Contactless Payments
  • 1.3. Contactless Payments: QR Codes vs NFC
    • Figure 1.4: QR vs NFC: Strengths & Weaknesses
    • 1.3.1. QR Code Payments
      • i. Strengths
      • ii. Weaknesses
    • 1.3.2. NFC
      • i. Strengths
      • ii. Weaknesses
    • 1.3.3. Conclusion

2. Methodology & Assumptions

  • 2.1. Methodology & Assumptions
    • Figure 2.1: Contactless Cards Forecast Methodology
    • Figure 2.2: NFC Mobile & Wearable Retail Payments Market Forecast Methodology
    • Figure 2.3: NFC Mobile Ticketing Forecast Methodology
    • Figure 2.4: Contactless Mobile Payment Tokenisation Methodology

3. Forecast Summary

  • 3.1. Contactless Payments Usage Forecasts
    • 3.1.1. Contactless Mechanisms: Cards, Mobiles and Wearables
      • Figure & Table 3.1: Number of Contactless Devices or Cards in Use for Payments (m), Split by Payment Mechanism, 2024-2029
    • 3.1.2. Mobile Wallet Contactless Service: Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, Operator-controlled SE, Other-HCE & FeliCa
      • Figure & Table 3.2: Number of Mobile Devices Used for Contactless Payments (m), Split by Payment Provider, 2024-2029
    • 3.1.3. Total Contactless Transaction Volume: Retail Payments & Ticketing
      • Figure & Table 3.3: Total Number of Contactless Transactions (m), Split by Retail Payments & Ticketing, 2024-2029
    • 3.1.4. Total Contactless Transaction Value: Retail Payments & Ticketing
      • Figure & Table 3.4: Total Contactless Transaction Value ($m), Split by Retail Payments & Ticketing, 2024-2029

4. Contactless Card Payments

  • 4.1. Contactless Cards Usage Forecasts
    • 4.1.1. Contactless Payment Cards in Use
      • Figure & Table 4.1: Number of Contactless Payment Cards Used for Contactless Payment (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
  • 4.2. Contactless Cards Transaction Forecasts
    • 4.2.1. Total Transaction Volume
      • Figure & Table 4.2: Total Number of Contactless Card Transactions per annum (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 4.2.2. Total Transaction Value
      • Figure & Table 4.3: Total Value of Contactless Card Transactions per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029

5. Mobile Contactless Payments

  • 5.1. Contactless Mobile Usage Forecast
    • 5.1.1. NFC-enabled Handsets in Use for Contactless Payments
      • Figure & Table 5.1: Number of NFC-enabled Handsets (including FeliCa) Using Contactless Payments (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.2. Number of OEM-Pay Contactless Users
      • Figure &Table 5.2: Number of OEM-Pay Contactless Users (m), Split by Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay & Other OEM-Pay, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.3. Contactless Mobile Retail Payment Transaction Volume
      • Figure & Table 5.3: Total Number of Contactless Mobile Retail Payments Transaction Volume per annum (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 5.1.4. Contactless Mobile Retail Payment Transaction Value
      • Figure & Table 5.4: Total Value of NFC Retail Payments Transactions ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029

6. Wearable Contactless Payments

  • 6.1. Smart Wearables Contactless Payment Usage Forecasts
    • 6.1.1. Wearables Making Contactless Payments
      • Figure & Table 6.1: Number of Active Smart Wearable Devices Making Contactless Payments per annum (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
  • 6.2. Smart Wearables Contactless Payment Transaction Forecasts
    • 6.2.1. Smart Wearables Contactless Payment Transaction Volume
      • Figure & Table 6.2: Smart Wearable Contactless Payment Transaction Volume per annum (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 6.2.2. Smart Wearable Contactless Payment Transaction Value
      • Figure & Table 6.3: Total Smart Wearable Contactless Payment Transaction Values ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029

7. NFC Ticketing

  • 7.1. NFC Ticketing Usage Forecasts
    • 7.1.1. NFC Ticketing Users
      • Figure & Table 7.1: Mobile Phone Users Who Use NFC Ticketing (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 7.1.2. NFC Ticketing Transaction Volume
      • Figure & Table 7.2: Number of NFC Tickets Delivered or Validated Transaction Volume (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 7.1.3. NFC Ticketing Transaction Value
      • Figure & Table 7.3: Total Transaction Value for NFC Tickets Purchased or Validated per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029

8. Contactless Tokenisation

  • 8.1. Contactless Tokenisation Forecasts
    • 8.1.1. Contactless Tokenisation Volume
      • Figure & Table 8.1: Number of Contactless Payments That Are Tokenised per annum (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029
    • 8.1.2. Contactless Tokenisation Revenue
      • Figure &Table 8.2: Contactless Tokenisation Revenue per annum ($m), Split by Key Regions, 2024-2029

9. Contactless ATMs

  • 9.1. Contactless ATM Forecasts
    • 9.1.1. Contactless ATMs in Use
      • Figure & Table 9.1: Number of Contactless-enabled ATMs, Split by 8 Key Regions, 2024-2029