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端点安全市场:2023 年至 2028 年预测Endpoint Security Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
数位技术的普及和许多组织中自带设备 (BYOD) 的成长趋势导致连接到 IP 网路的笔记型电脑、桌上型电脑和行动装置等设备数量的增加。每个设备都代表安全威胁的潜在入口点,从而增加网路的整体脆弱性。这增加了对端点安全解决方案的需求,以保护网路免受潜在的入侵和恶意活动的影响。根据思科年度网路报告,到 2023 年,全球人均连网设备数量预计将从 2018 年的每人 2.4 台连网设备增加到 3.6 台。这显示出成长。此外,报告预测,到 2023 年,连网装置总数将达到 293 亿,比 2018 年报告增加 59%。
远端管理连接埠对于管理和控製网路上的装置至关重要,是网路犯罪分子的热门目标。利用这些连接埠可以允许对网路设备未授权存取,从而为资料外洩铺平道路。由于此类攻击的增加,企业正在认识到需要强大的端点安全解决方案来保护其网路。这种对增强安全性的需求极大地推动了端点安全市场的成长。根据 Microsoft Digital Defense 的报告,2021 年 6 月,全球远端管理连接埠受到的攻击数量约为 2,000 万次,但到 2022 年 5 月,这一数字急剧增加至约 1.2 亿次。
领先公司在端点安全产业的投资和合作是创新和进步的催化剂。透过与新兴技术提供者合作,这些老牌企业正在利用他们的综合资源和专业知识来创建先进的整体解决方案。例如,2023年3月,CrowdStrike宣布对Abnormal Security进行策略性投资。此次合作结合了 CrowdStrike 的 Falcon 和 Abnormal 平台,提供卓越的电子邮件和端点攻击侦测和回应,以及自动帐户修復。此外,2023 年 3 月,Netsurion 将加强与 Deep Instinct 的合作,以增强其託管端点保全服务。
由于大量投资、合作和政府加强网路基础设施的倡议,亚太地区预计将成为主导参与者,这将对端点安全解决方案的需求和利用产生积极影响。Masu。例如,2023 年 7 月,AZ Asia-Pacific 与 Absolute Software 合作,增强亚太地区企业的网路弹性。此外,2022 年 1 月,RAH Infotech 与 Lookout 合作在印度各地销售 SASE 和行动安全解决方案,包括 Lookout Secure Access Service Edge 和行动端点安全解决方案。
The endpoint security market was valued at US$9.431 billion in 2021.
The endpoint security market is anticipated to expand at a steady pace during the forecast period. Endpoint security represents a strategy aimed at safeguarding user endpoints such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices from potential threats and malicious activities, while also protecting computer networks that are remotely connected to these client devices. Endpoint security is used by financial institutions, government agencies, and the retail sector to protect their networks by ensuring all devices that connect to it meet security standards. The increasing incidents of attacks targeting remote management ports and the improved network devices are significant factors driving the growth of the endpoint security market.
The proliferation of digital technology and the increasing trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in many organizations has increased the number of devices such as laptops, desktops, and mobile devices connecting to IP networks. Each device represents a potential entry point for security threats, increasing the overall vulnerability of the network. This has subsequently led to heightened demand for endpoint security solutions to protect these networks from potential invasions and malicious activities. According to the Cisco Annual Internet Report, the worldwide number of networked devices per capita is projected to increase to 3.6 by 2023, showing significant growth from 2.4 networked devices per capita recorded in 2018. Additionally, as per the same report, the total count of networked devices is anticipated to reach 29.3 billion by 2023, up 59%, reported in 2018.
Remote management ports which are crucial for managing and controlling devices over the network, have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Exploiting these ports can grant unauthorized access to network devices, paving the way for data breaches. Due to the increasing number of such attacks, organizations are recognizing the need for robust endpoint security solutions to protect their networks. This need for enhanced security is significantly propelling the growth of the endpoint security market. According to the Microsoft Digital Defense report, in June 2021, the global count of attacks on remote management ports was around 20 million, which dramatically escalated to roughly 120 million by May 2022.
Major companies' investment and collaboration in the endpoint security industry are catalyzing innovation and progress. By teaming up with emerging tech providers, these established players leverage combined resources and expertise to create advanced, holistic solutions. For instance, in March 2023, CrowdStrike declared its strategic investment in Abnormal Security, an initiative that also introduced a new partnership between both companies. This collaboration will merge CrowdStrike's Falcon platform with the Abnormal platform to provide superior email and endpoint attack detection and response, along with automated account remediation. Also, in March 2023, Netsurion reinforced its collaboration with Deep Instinct to enhance its managed endpoint security offerings.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the dominant player owing to the significant investments, collaborations, and government initiatives to strengthen cyberinfrastructure which is positively impacting the demand & usage of endpoint security solutions. For instance, in July 2023, AZ Asia-Pacific formed a partnership with Absolute Software to bolster cyber resilience for businesses across the Asia Pacific region. Also in January 2022, RAH Infotech partnered with Lookout to distribute their SASE and Mobile Security Solutions throughout India, including Lookout Secure Access Service Edge and Mobile Endpoint Security solutions.
Endpoint security systems may incorrectly flag harmless activities as potential threats, a phenomenon known as false positives. These false positives can result in resources being wasted on investigating and mitigating perceived threats that do not exist. This not only reduces operational efficiency but can also cause undue stress and confusion within the organization. False positives can also lead to 'alert fatigue' where an abundance of warnings desensitizes the security team, making them less likely to respond to actual threats promptly. These factors may cause hesitation among potential clients when considering the adoption of endpoint security solutions, thereby constraining the growth of the endpoint security market.