聚醚醚酮(PEEK)的全球市场:预测(2024-2029)Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
聚醚醚酮 (PEEK) 是一种聚芳香族热塑性聚酯,具有高耐热性和耐化学性。它的弹性模量几乎与骨骼相当,并且具有较高的强度、刚性和韧性,使其适合作为医疗植入的材料。 PEEK 已被用作脊椎手术、颅骨植入和其他整形外科器械(包括螺丝和板)中的骨替代材料。 PEEK EPD 开发用于涂覆各种基材。涂层金属和合金植入改善了机械性能、生物相容性、化学稳定性和耐腐蚀等品质。
聚醚醚酮,缩写为PEEK,是使用双酚盐透过逐步生长聚合生产的。 4,4'-二氟二苯甲酮或1,4-双(4-氟苯甲酰基)苯与氢醌反应得到标题化合物。这发生在碱金属碳酸盐的存在下。然后透过除去碱金属氟化物和聚合溶剂来分离聚合物。
这种柔性耐热聚合物比许多其他工程热塑性塑胶更昂贵。然而,PEEK 的高热稳定性以及优异的机械性能和化学相容性使其成为能够以轻质、耐用的零件形式提供巨大价值的材料,甚至可以承受最恶劣的操作条件。
绿色粗花呢Arlon 3000XT就是其中之一。 Aeron 3000XT 是一种未填充的交联热塑性塑料,用于传统 PEEK 和 PEK 聚合物,可在高于 300°F(150 度C)的动作温度下提供出色的机械、电气和蠕变性能。
同时,道默化学于 2020 年推出了一款将聚醚醚酮 (PEEK) 与固体聚合物润滑剂结合的经济高效的产品,扩大了其改性聚合物 THERMEC 产品组合。这种新解决方案目前在印度销售,专为取代聚酰胺酰亚胺 (PAI) 而设计,且不会影响性能。
PEEK 工程塑胶的突破已经确立了 PEEK 作为高性能材料的地位,但进一步的研究和开发预计将带来额外的好处。未来,可能会转向改进用于 PEEK 塑胶生产的各种加工方法。这包括使用专为 PEEK 设计的先进 3D 列印方法提出增强的製造策略。
碳填充PEEK因其高强度和独特的性能(例如低热膨胀係数、低模量、低蠕变速率和良好的耐腐蚀)而被常用作填料。 TECAPEEK CF30 Black 是恩欣格开发的 30% 碳纤维增强 PEEK 材料。其碳纤维增强材料赋予材料高刚性和蠕变强度。碳纤维增强 PEEK 的密度低于 30% 玻璃纤维填充的 PEEK,但具有非常高的机械强度。此外,碳纤维复合材料比玻璃纤维的磨蚀性更小,因此具有更好的磨损和摩擦品质。
另一个例子是三菱化学集团的Ketron CA30聚醚醚酮PEEK。它是一种 30% 碳纤维增强牌号,在刚性、机械强度、蠕变和耐用性方面优于 Ketron GF30 PEEK。 Ketron CA30 PEEK 零件因其显着降低的热膨胀係数、最佳的承载能力和高导热性而在轴承应用中能够快速散热,因此经常受到青睐。
PEEK 的性能使其跻身当今世界常用的顶级热塑性塑胶之列。与金属相比,PEEK基材重量轻,易于成型,具有良好的化学稳定性,并且具有非常高的比强度(强度与密度之比)。虽然 PEEK 是一种热塑性塑料,但它具有高耐热性,与危险化学品或辐射的反应性很小,并且具有与钛或钢相似的拉伸和负载强度,但重量轻得多,非常适合航太应用。
由于各种倡议的出现,航太业预计将成长,这将促进 PEEK 在该行业的利用。马来西亚的工业和技术发展框架将航太和军事视为发展的重点领域之一。马来西亚航空航太工业蓝图 2030 是一个旨在将马来西亚定位于东南亚地区航太产品市场的计划。马来西亚约有200种航太工业,包括国外和国内工业。
自 1982 年成立以来,威格斯一直与世界一流组织合作,提供 PEEK 聚合物产品作为金属、热固性材料和其他聚合物的替代品。这些产品用于超过 15,000 架飞机。紧固件(包括螺母、螺栓和嵌件)为关键航空部件提供轻质连接和线束解决方案。
由于工业化、技术进步以及航太、汽车和电子等新应用领域的出现,与其他地区相比,亚太地区聚醚醚酮(PEEK)市场预计将呈现高成长率。印度市场的主要企业,包括塔塔印度航空和靛蓝航空,将在 2023 年购买 470 架飞机。波音和空中巴士将印度视为飞机、零件和设备的战略出口国和製造地,以满足不断增长的全球需求、战略位置、技术专长和低成本劳动力。
此外,基础设施投资的增加,特别是在中国和印度,正在推动对 PEEK 等高性能材料的需求。 PEEK 用于机械、热和化学性质非常重要的应用。旨在提高 PEEK 性能并增加其在亚太地区商业性潜力的持续研究和开发进一步促进了这一扩张。
The global polyetheretherketone (PEEK) market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.28% between 2024 and 2029.
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a poly-aromatic thermoplastic polyester displaying a high degree of heat and chemical resistance. It has a nearly similar modulus of elasticity as compared to bone and has higher strength, stiffness, and toughness making it a suitable material for medical implant devices. PEEK has been utilized as a bone replacement material in spinal procedures, cranial implants, and other orthopedic devices including screws and plates. PEEK EPD has been developed to fabricate coatings on a variety of substrates. Coated metallic or alloy implants show enhanced mechanical capabilities, biocompatibility, chemical stability, and corrosion resistance qualities.
Polyetheretherketone, abbreviated as PEEK, is produced through step-growth polymerization with the help of bisphenolate salts. 4,4'-difluorobenzophenone or 1,4-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene reacts with hydroquinone to yield the title compound. It takes place in the presence of alkaline carbonates. The polymer is subsequently separated by removing the alkali metal fluoride and polymerization solvent.
This flexible, heat-resistant polymer is more expensive than most other engineering thermoplastics. However, PEEK's high thermal stability, along with great mechanical performance and chemical compatibility, make it a material that provides enormous value in the form of lightweight, long-lasting parts that can tolerate very harsh working conditions.
One such product is Greene Tweed's Arlon 3000XT. Arlon 3000XT is a non-filled cross-linked thermoplastic used in traditional PEEK and PEK polymer which provides a more elongated mechanical, electrical & creep resistance at higher operating temperatures than 300° F (150 ° C).
Whereas, DOMO Chemicals has expanded its THERMEC portfolio of improved polymers by introducing a cost-efficient product based on polyether ether ketone (PEEK) combined with a solid polymeric lubricant in 2020. The novel solution, which is currently available in India, was specifically designed to replace polyamide-imides (PAI) without compromising performance.
While breakthroughs in PEEK engineering plastic have already established it as a high-performance material, further research, and development are projected to yield additional benefits. There may be a shift towards improving the various processing methods applied to create PEEK plastic in the future. This will include using advanced 3D printing methods that are specially designed for PEEK to come up with enhanced fabrication strategies.
In addition to this electronics product import in the United States, as stated by the United States International Trade Commission surged from US$5,71,453 million in 2021 to a whooping US$6,29,871 million in the year 2022, further impacting the market growth.
Carbon-filled PEEK is generally used as a filler because of its high strength and other inherent characteristics which include low coefficient of thermal expansion, low modulus of elasticity, low creep rate, and excellent corrosion resistance. The TECAPEEK CF30 black is a 30% Carbon fiber reinforced PEEK material developed by the Ensinger Company. Its carbon fiber reinforcing gives the material a high degree of stiffness and creep strength. Carbon fiber reinforced PEEK has extremely high mechanical strength ratings while being less dense than 30% glass fiber-filled peek. Furthermore, carbon fiber composites are less abrasive than glass fibers, resulting in enhanced wear and friction qualities.
Another such example is Ketron CA30 Polyetheretherketone PEEK offered by Mitsubishi Chemical Group. It is a 30% carbon fiber-reinforced grade that outperforms Ketron GF30 PEEK in stiffness, mechanical strength, creep, and wear resistance. Ketron CA30 PEEK components are frequently preferred for their ability to rapidly dissipate heat in bearing applications since they have greatly decreased thermal expansion, optimal load-carrying capabilities, and high thermal conductivity rates.
Based on its performance, PEEK falls among the top thermoplastics commonly used in today's world. Compared with metals, PEEK-based materials can be made lighter, are easier to shape, have superior chemical stability, and possess a much higher specific strength (strength-to-density ratio). PEEK is ideal for aerospace applications because, while being a thermoplastic, it has high heat resistance, little to no reactivity with dangerous chemicals and radiation, and equivalent tensile and load strength to titanium and steel while being much lighter.
With the advent of various initiatives, the aerospace industry is anticipated to grow which in turn fuels the utilization of PEEK in the industry. The Malaysian industrial and technology development framework recognizes aerospace and military as one of the key thrust areas for development. The Malaysian Aerospace Industry Blueprint 2030 was launched in Malaysia as a project that was considered to place the country in the market of aerospace products in the Southeast Asia region. There are about 200 types of aerospace industries in Malaysia, including foreign industries and domestic industries.
Furthermore, the Airport Authority of India (AAI) is responsible for the overall planning, development, maintenance, operation, and management of civil aviation facilities in India under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. As of 2024, it has become one of the leading airport operators in the world with 24 International airports, 80 domestic airports, 23 domestic defense airfields, and 10 customs airports.
Since its creation in 1982, Victrex has been a participant in collaboration with world-class organizations to provide PEEK polymer products that replace metals, thermosets, and other polymers. They are used in more than 15,000 aircraft. Fasteners, including nuts, bolts, and inserts, offer lightweight joining and harnessing solutions for important aeronautical components.
Owing to industrialization, advancement of technology, and the emergence of new application areas like aerospace, automotive, and electronics, it is expected that the Asia-Pacific market for polyetheretherketone (PEEK) will have a high growth rate as compared to other regions. The main players in the Indian market, including Tata's Air India and IndiGo, bought 470 airplanes in the year 2023. Boeing Company and Airbus Industries consider India a strategic exporting nation and manufacturing hub for aircraft, parts, and equipment to meet the growing global demand, strategic geographical position, technical expertise, and low cost of labor.
China, on the other hand, is the world's largest automobile market in terms of yearly sales and manufacturing output, with local production projected to exceed 35 million vehicles by 2025. According to figures from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, more than 26 million automobiles were sold in 2021, including 21.48 million passenger vehicles, a 7.1% increase over 2020. Commercial vehicle sales totaled 4.79 million units, down 6.6% from 2020.
Fixed-asset investment in China's electronic information manufacturing business increased by 9.3 percent year on year in 2023, reflecting the sector's revival, according to government statistics. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that the increase was 0.3 percentage points more than that of China's entire industry.
Moreover, rising infrastructure investments, notably in China and India, are increasing demand for high-performance materials such as PEEK. Sustainability and high regulatory standards active in this area utilized PEEK in several applications where its mechanical, thermal, as well as chemical characteristics are essential. This expansion is further aided by continuous research and development operations targeted at improving PEEK's performance and increasing its commercial potential in Asia-Pacific.