

Advanced Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 126 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 先进封装是指在传统积体电路封装之前整合和互连元件。电气、机械和半导体元件等多个装置可以整合并封装为一个电子装置。与传统的积体电路封装不同,先进封装采用在半导体製造设施中执行的製程和技术。它介于製造和传统封装之间,包括 3D IC、2.5D IC、扇出晶圆级封装和系统级封装等多种技术。
  • 先进封装可以透过在封装内整合多个晶片来实现更高的性能。使用穿透硅通孔、内插器、桥樑和简单电线等因素连接这些晶片可以提高讯号速度并减少驱动这些讯号所需的能量。此外,先进的封装允许混合在不同製程节点开发的组件。
  • 3D整合、异质整合等先进封装技术可显着提高积体电路和记忆体晶片的效能。这些技术可以提高功能密度、互连密度以及针对特定应用的记忆体客製化。例如,记忆体整合集成设备製造商(IDM)可以使用3D堆迭技术来提高记忆体晶片效能并为特定客户客製化记忆体。
  • 此外,先进的封装技术使电子元件能够在不影响性能的情况下小型化。在先进封装中,模拟工具和多物理场方法用于评估和确保设计的热可靠性和讯号完整性。透过在设计早期识别潜在的封装问题,积体电路设计人员可以在原型设计之前进行修改以提高可靠性。
  • 全球金融危机和危机后市场环境导致的法规结构变化对先进封装市场产生了重大影响。为了保持市场竞争力,OSAT 正在活性化併购活动。随着主要企业之间不同程度的整合,这种趋势可能会在未来几年持续下去。
  • 晶片製造商已经在努力应对日益增加的复杂性、随着摩尔定律的维护变得更加困难和昂贵而导致未来设计蓝图的丢失,以及不断变化的标准和不同规则集的新市场的涌入。因此,整合很可能会持续下去。收购可能会对现有技术的产品支援和服务产生重大影响。这在设备预期运行 10 到 20 年左右的市场中尤其麻烦。预计这将抑制市场成长。
  • 全球COVID-19疫情对市场的影响是巨大的,多国政府实施的遏制措施等各种遏制措施对半导体产业的供应链产生了重大影响。因此,所研究的市场经历了放缓,尤其是在早期阶段。然而,由于世界各国政府已经认识到半导体产业的重要性及其在经济復苏中的作用,并正在奖励在地采购和支持,因此半导体产业预计将在预测期内復苏。



  • 全球嵌入式晶片封装技术的成长主要受到5G网路技术和家用电子电器需求不断增长的推动。许多家用电子电器,例如智慧型手机、笔记型电脑、平板电脑和掌上游戏机,都包含多个嵌入式晶片,以提供更好的使用者介面和增强的整体性能。在智慧型手机、穿戴式装置和其他家用电子电器中,这些晶片主要用于DC-DC转换器、电力电子电路和相机电路。
  • 此外,由于架构中嵌入了5G,汽车智慧视讯监控系统中使用的嵌入式设备具有更快的回应时间。此外,电路的小型化是微电子装置的迫切需求。嵌入式晶片封装因其在高频下卓越的电气性能而成为新兴微波应用的一项有前景的技术。随着电子设备变得越来越小并考虑到用户友好性,对紧凑电子电路的需求不断增加。嵌入式晶片封装技术可满足此需求,该技术具有增强电子电路功能和效率、减小尺寸、讯号电感和功率电感、提高可靠性以及增加讯号密度等优点。
  • 5G 网路的日益普及预计将支持受访市场的开拓。例如,爱立信表示,预计2019年至2028年全球5G用户数将大幅增加,分别从超过1,200万增加到超过45亿。按地区划分,预计合约数量增幅最大的是东南亚、东北亚、尼泊尔、印度和不丹。
  • 5G技术的部署也需要紧凑、高效的设备来适应复杂的通讯系统。晶圆级晶片级封装 (WLCSP) 和扇出封装等先进封装解决方案可实现更小的外形尺寸、低耗电量和增强的温度控管,使其适用于 5G 设备。
  • 此外,采用晶粒嵌入式解决方案的 3D 封装作为下一代设备的整合工具正在赢得消费者的关注,并且可能成为未来的主要趋势。因此,预计将在预测期内推动市场。


  • 由于领先的半导体製造商的存在、快速的工业化和巨大的消费性电子市场,亚太地区预计将成为半导体封装市场的主导者。该地区以其半导体的大批量生产以及消费性电子、汽车和通讯等多种行业采用先进封装技术而闻名。这些因素预计将推动亚太地区半导体封装市场的成长,并为市场相关人员创造利润丰厚的机会。
  • 中国有一个非常雄心勃勃的半导体议程,并有 1500 亿美元的巨额资金支持。该国正在发展国内积体电路产业,以增加晶片产量。由香港、中国和台湾组成的大中华区是一个地缘政治热点。美国之间持续的贸易战进一步加剧了该地区的紧张局势,该地区是所有主要工艺技术的所在地,促使多家中国公司投资半导体产业。
  • 例如,2023年9月,中国宣布计划推出一个新的国有投资基金,为半导体产业筹集约400亿美元。 2022年12月,中国宣布承诺提供超过1兆元(1,430亿美元)支持半导体产业。该倡议是实现晶片生产自给自足的重要一步,也是对美国旨在阻碍中国技术进步的行动的回应。预计在预测期内,对包装服务的需求将大幅增加。
  • 在私人企业的投资方面,中国一直走在许多此类公告的前列,特别是在封装技术的发展方面,使其成为所有致力于扩大半导体产业的国家和地区的主要竞争对手。例如,2023年8月,国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)宣布将投资640万美元用于30个chiplet计划。
  • 此外,2023年8月,台积电宣布,在全球需求不断增长的情况下,将投资900亿新台币在台湾建造先进晶片封装工厂。此外,美光科技于 2023 年 6 月宣布将斥资数百万美元在中国建造工厂,儘管中国政府刚认为其产品存在安全风险。美光錶示,未来几年将升级位于西安的晶片封装工厂,投资总额达 43 亿元人民币(略高于 6 亿美元)。


先进封装市场正处于日月光、台积电、Amkor Technology、Intel Corporation、JCIVE Group等主要企业向半固体过渡的局面。

2023 年 7 月,Amkor Technology 广泛展示了其在使用台积电先进的低 k 製程技术製造的设备的引线键合和覆晶构装开发和检验方面的努力和成就。 Amkor 已与多个客户合作进行 Low-k 产品认证,并计划在今年稍后实现 Low-k 封装销量的大幅成长。

2022 年 11 月,英特尔公司开始在槟城建造新的半导体组装和测试设施。该工厂由位于峇六拜自由工业区内的两栋建筑(第4 号工厂和第5 号工厂)组成,总面积为982,000 平方英尺,预计于2025 年竣工,将为当地市场创造2,700 个就业机会。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业价值链分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 买方议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间敌对关係的强度
  • 评估 COVID-19 和宏观经济趋势对产业的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 电子产品先进架构的成长趋势
    • 政府政策及新兴国家政策利多
  • 市场限制因素
    • 市场整合影响整体盈利


  • 按封装平台
    • 覆晶
    • 嵌入式晶粒
    • Fi-WLP
    • Fo-WLP
    • 2.5D/3D
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 世界其他地区

第七章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Amkor Technology Inc.
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
    • Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc.
    • Intel Corporation
    • JCET Group Co. Ltd
    • Chipbond Technology Corporation
    • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • Universal Instruments Corporation
    • ChipMOS Technologies Inc.
    • Brewer Science Inc.


第九章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 48278

The Advanced Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 32.64 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 45 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 6.63% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Advanced Packaging - Market

Key Highlights

  • Advanced packaging refers to the aggregation and interconnection of components before traditional integrated circuit packaging. It allows multiple devices, such as electrical, mechanical, or semiconductor components, to be merged and packaged as a single electronic device. Unlike traditional integrated circuit packaging, advanced packaging employs processes and techniques that are performed at semiconductor fabrication facilities. It sits in between fabrication and traditional packaging, and it includes various technologies like 3D ICs, 2.5D ICs, fan-out wafer-level packaging, system-in-package, etc.
  • Advanced packaging can achieve performance gains through the integration of multiple chips in a package. By connecting these chips using fatter, such as through-silicon vias, interposers, bridges, or simple wires, the speed of signals can be increased, and the amount of energy required to drive those signals can be reduced. Additionally, advanced packaging allows for the mixing of components developed at different process nodes.
  • Advanced packaging techniques, such as 3D integration and heterogenous integration, can significantly improve the performance of integrated circuits and memory chips. These techniques allow for increased feature density, interconnect density, and customization of memory for specific applications. For instance, memory-integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) can use 3D stacking technology to enhance performance in memory chips and customize memory for specific clients.
  • Advanced packaging techniques also enable the reduction of the size of electronic components without compromising their performance. Simulation tools and Multiphysics approaches are used in advanced packaging to assess and ensure the thermal reliability and signal integrity of designs. By identifying potential packaging problems early in the design phase, integrated circuit designers can make modifications to improve reliability before prototyping.
  • The experience of the global financial crisis changes to regulatory frameworks and the post-crisis market environment has had a significant impact on the advanced packaging market. To remain competitive in the market, OSATs are increasing their M&A activities. This will continue throughout the coming years, with various levels of consolidation among the major players.
  • The consolidation will increase as chipmakers are already grappling with the increasing complexity, the loss of a roadmap for future designs as Moore's Law is becoming more difficult and expensive to sustain, and a flood of new markets with evolving standards and different sets of rules. Acquisitions can have a big impact on product support and servicing of the existing technology. This is particularly troublesome for markets in which the devices are expected to function for about 10 to 20 years. This is expected to restrain the growth of the market.
  • The notable impact of the global outbreak of COVID-19 was observed on the market as various containment measures taken by governments across multiple countries, such as the implementation of lockdowns, significantly impacted the supply chain of the semiconductor industry. As a result, a slowdown was witnessed in the studied market, especially during the initial phase. However, with several governments around the world recognizing the importance of the semiconductor industry and its role in economic recovery and incentivizing local sourcing and support, the industry was anticipated to recover during the forecast period.

Advanced Packaging Market Trends

Embedded Die to Witness Significant Growth Rate

  • The growth of global embedded die packaging technology is majorly driven by the increasing demand for 5G network technology and consumer electronics. Numerous consumer electronic devices, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and portable gaming consoles, incorporate several embedded chips to provide a better user interface and enhanced overall performance. In smartphones, wearable devices, and other consumer electronic appliances, these chips are used primarily in DC-DC converters, power electronic circuitry, and camera circuits.
  • Moreover, due to the incorporation of 5G into their architecture, embedded devices used in smart video surveillance systems of automobiles give rapid response times. There is also a critical need for circuit miniaturization in microelectronic devices. Embedded die packaging is a promising technology for emerging microwave applications, owing to its excellent electrical performance at high frequencies. With the reduction in size of electronic devices for ease of access for users, the demand for compact electronic circuitry is on the rise. This demand is met by embedded die packaging technology, which offers advantages such as increased functionality and efficiency of the electronic circuit; reduced size, signal inductance, and power inductance; improved reliability; and higher signal density.
  • The increasing adoption of 5G networks would augment the development of the studied market. For instance, according to Ericsson, 5G subscriptions are forecasted to increase drastically worldwide from 2019 to 2028, from over 12 million to over 4.5 billion subscriptions, respectively. Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Nepal, India, and Bhutan are expected to have the most subscriptions by region.
  • Also, the rollout of 5G technology requires compact and efficient devices to accommodate complex communication systems. Advanced packaging solutions like Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WLCSP) and fan-out packaging enable smaller form factors, lower power consumption, and enhanced thermal management, making them suitable for 5G devices.
  • Furthermore, 3D packaging with embedded die solutions is gaining attention among consumers as an integration tool for next-generation devices, which is likely to become a key trend in the future. Hence, it is anticipated to drive the market over the forecast period.

Asia Pacific is Expected to Witness Significant Growth Rate

  • The Asia Pacific region is anticipated to emerge as a dominant player in the semiconductor packaging market, owing to the presence of major semiconductor manufacturers, rapid industrialization, and a vast consumer electronics market. The region is renowned for its high-volume production of semiconductors and the adoption of advanced packaging technologies across diverse industries, such as consumer electronics, automotive, and telecommunications. These factors are expected to fuel the growth of the semiconductor packaging market in the Asia Pacific region, thereby presenting lucrative opportunities for market players.
  • China has a highly ambitious semiconductor agenda, supported by a substantial funding of USD 150 billion. The nation is developing its domestic IC industry to increase its chip production. The Greater China region, comprising Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan, is a significant geopolitical hotspot. The ongoing US-China trade war has further intensified tensions in this area, which houses all the leading process technology, prompting several Chinese firms to invest in their semiconductor industry.
  • For instance, in September 2023, China announced its plans to launch a new state-backed investment fund to raise about USD 40 billion for its semiconductor sector. In December 2022, China announced its commitment to a support package exceeding YUAN 1 trillion (USD 143 billion) for its semiconductor industry. This initiative is a crucial step towards achieving self-sufficiency in chip production and is a response to U.S. actions aimed at hindering China's technological progress. The demand for packaging services is anticipated to rise considerably over the forecasted period, owing to the region's intensified efforts to enhance domestic chip manufacturing.
  • Regarding investments from private players, the country has been at the forefront for many such announcements, especially toward evolving packaging technologies, thus presenting it as a major competitor for all national geographies working towards expanding its semiconductor industry. For instance, in August 2023, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) announced an investment of USD 6.4 million in 30 Chiplet projects, now considered the next big advanced packaging technology.
  • Moreover, in August 2023, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) announced investing 90 billion New Taiwan dollars to build an advanced chip packaging plant in Taiwan amid booming global demand. Additionally, Micron stated in June 2023 that it would spend millions of dollars on a factory in China despite the Chinese government having just deemed its goods a security risk. Over the coming years, Micron stated it will upgrade its chip packaging factory in Xi'an with investments totaling YUAN 4.3 billion (slightly over USD 600 million).

Advanced Packaging Industry Overview

The Advanced Packaging Market had a semi-consolidated landscape with key players like Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc., Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, Amkor Technology, Intel Corporation, and JCET Group Co. Ltd. A significant shift was noted as numerous IC manufacturers transitioned to sub-advanced packaging, spurring market demand and heightening competition.

In July 2023, Amkor Technology extensively detailed its efforts and achievements in developing and validating wire bond and flip chip packaging for devices manufactured using TSMC's advanced low-k process technologies. Collaborating with multiple clients on low-k product qualification, Amkor aimed for a substantial volume ramp-up in low-k packages during the latter half of the year.

In November 2022, Intel Corporation commenced work on a new semiconductor assembly and testing facility in Penang. Comprising two buildings (Plants 4 and 5) totaling 982,000 square feet within the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, this facility, expected to be finalized by 2025, was anticipated to generate 2,700 job opportunities within the local market.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 and Macro Economic Trends on the Industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Trend of Advanced Architecture in Electronic Products
    • 5.1.2 Favorable Government Policies and Regulations in Developing Countries
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Market Consolidation affecting Overall Profitability


  • 6.1 By Packaging Platform
    • 6.1.1 Flip Chip
    • 6.1.2 Embedded Die
    • 6.1.3 Fi-WLP
    • 6.1.4 Fo-WLP
    • 6.1.5 2.5D/3D
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Amkor Technology Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
    • 7.1.3 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Intel Corporation
    • 7.1.5 JCET Group Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.6 Chipbond Technology Corporation
    • 7.1.7 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.8 Universal Instruments Corporation
    • 7.1.9 ChipMOS Technologies Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Brewer Science Inc.