
社群媒体聆听 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029)

Social Media Listening - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




2024 年社群媒体收听市场规模预计为 84.4 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 161.9 亿美元,在预测期内(2024-2029 年)CAGR为 13.90%。

社群媒体聆听 - 市场



  • 根据Meltwater前几年关于社交聆听状况的调查报告,该公司基于来自各个行业专业人士的650多项调查回复,旨在更好地了解企业如何开展聆听活动、他们认为这些努力有多大用处以及如何发挥作用。他们认为自己可以改进。根据调查结果,超过 61% 的组织已实施社交聆听系统并监控关键字提及情况。近 80% 的品牌旨在追踪品牌提及情况,其中行业关键字和主题标籤是第二常见的特征。很少有公司关注其所在领域的相关思想领袖或员工的提及;这可能表明大多数企业不希望在外部展示他们的思想领袖,这自然会更加关注这一组成部分。
  • 此外,根据社交情报实验室去年的社交聆听报告,该报告对全球 350 多名社交聆听专业人士进行了调查,其中包括来自美国、英国以及欧洲、亚洲、中东和拉丁美洲国家的人士,超过80%的受访者使用多种社交聆听工具。三分之一的人在社交聆听堆迭上花费超过 10 万美元。大多数受访者 (55%) 也表示他们使用两到三种工具。不到 20% 的人只使用一种工具来满足其社交智慧需求。
  • 政府机构正在采用社交聆听解决方案来更快地分析情况。例如,去年 9 月,世界卫生组织 (WHO) 创建了一个公共卫生分类法,以帮助资讯流行病监测和从猴痘对话中获得见解。此技术文件概述如何将社交聆听应用于猴痘谈话,从而为公共卫生应对措施提供资讯见解。分类法用于更好地组织和建构分析,特别是在合併不同品质和种类的资料来源时。
  • 此外,许多知名品牌已经使用社交聆听来推动产品创作。例如,欧莱雅利用社交聆听来识别市场趋势并发现消费者的需求。儘管数以百万计的品牌依靠社交聆听来改进其产品,但欧莱雅将社交聆听纳入了一些重要的品牌选择中。当欧莱雅面临决定要生产哪种护髮产品时,他们转向社群媒体寻找最有前景的趋势。该组织调查了用户生成的内容,并在社交媒体上表达了消费者的声音。
  • 另一方面,由于每个网站都有不同的隐私和资料收集政策,因此社交聆听程式对某些网站资料的存取受到限制。一些着名的社交网路也限制资料交换。因此,这些平台的工具只能显示它们收集的资料的子集。这些发现是基于不充分的资料。此外,社交聆听技术无法存取 Discord、Clubhouse 和 WhatsApp 等私人聊天管道。了解这些网站上发生的事情的唯一方法是以个人身份加入并观察。此外,根据去年社交智慧实验室的社交聆听报告,资料准确性和品质对于代理商来说往往是一个更大的问题(31% 的品牌对 19% 的品牌)。然而,对于品牌来说,对整个组织范围内的社交聆听愿景的需求似乎更加困难(对于代理商来说,这一比例为 29%,而代理商为 18%)。
  • 在 COVID-19 大流行期间,社会倾听方法在人道主义和健康应对、风险沟通和社区参与 (RCCE) 以及「资讯流行病」管理方面的应用空前增加。虽然出于人道主义和健康目标进行社会倾听并不是什么新鲜事,但由于紧急公共卫生和社会措施(PHSM)生效时面对面社区参与存在困难,大流行大大增加了其使用。这种日益增加的关注导致人道主义和卫生组织创造了各种社会倾听成果,并透过多个风险沟通和社区参与 (RCCE) 国家、区域和全球空间进行交流。



  • 世界各地的社群媒体用户经常分享影片、讯息和连结。在欧洲,基于资讯流的个人化应用程式的使用增加可能会增加社交媒体用户的数量。此外,印度对基于加密和自我毁灭性讯息传递的社交应用程式日益增长的需求正在推动社交媒体公司的发展。沙乌地阿拉伯对视讯聊天服务不断增长的需求再次推动了业务成长。此外,基于应用程式内购买的社交网路应用程式的便利访问正在增加其全球吸引力。此外,根据 DemandSage 的数据,今年全球社群媒体用户将超过 49 亿。典型的社群媒体用户每月会在 6 到 7 个平台之间切换。
  • 根据欧盟统计局的数据,欧盟的许多企业都使用社群媒体。超过一半的公司 (59%) 表示近年来至少使用一个社群媒体平台,较 2015 年 (37%) 增加了 22%。社群媒体的使用在马耳他最为普遍(84%),其次是瑞典、荷兰(皆为 80%)和芬兰(79%),而在罗马尼亚(36%)、保加利亚(39%)、和斯洛伐克(45% )。该地区社交媒体用户的成长将为社交媒体聆听解决方案提供商开发新解决方案以占领市场份额创造机会。
  • 此外,根据电子和资讯技术部 (MeITY)(印度)的数据,YouTube 在印度拥有约 4.48 亿用户,WhatsApp 拥有超过 5.3 亿用户。Facebook 拥有约 4.1 亿用户,Instagram 拥有约 2.1 亿用户。此外,根据 Omnicom 的数据,YouTube 是去年印度最受欢迎的线上媒体,媒体消费者平均每天花费高达 108 分钟。短视频格式应用程式 TikTok 的使用频率最低,用户每天在该平台上花费的时间仅超过 20 分钟。
  • 根据 Meta Platforms 的数据,Facebook 是全球最受欢迎的线上社交网络,截至去年第四季每月活跃会员数约为 29.6 亿。 2017 年第二季度,该平台活跃用户突破 20 亿,这项壮举仅花了 13 年多一点的时间就完成了。截至去年 1 月,印度在 Facebook 上拥有最广泛的受众群体,拥有近 3.3 亿用户,其次是美国,拥有约 1.79 亿用户。该平台在印尼和巴西也很受欢迎。去年之前,Facebook 是美国用户每天花费最多时间的平台。每天在 Facebook 上花费的平均时间为 33 分钟,其次是 TikTok(32 分钟)和 Twitter(31 分钟)。社群媒体用户的成长将推动对所研究市场的需求。
  • 此外,爱立信表示,去年全球智慧型手机行动网路用户数量超过66亿,预计2028年将达到78亿。智慧型手机行动网路用户最多的国家是中国、印度和美国。行动订阅量的大幅成长将增加市场上社群媒体用户的数量,这可能会显着推动对社群媒体收听解决方案的需求。


  • 北美是社群媒体收听市场成长的主要地区之一;由于数位广告预算的增加,预计北美地区更重要的公司将推动该市场的发展。而且,就数位管道而言,社群媒体将是他们的最佳选择。根据具体调查,许多品牌越来越多地选择社交管道来提高他们所依赖的传统展示网路的参与度。改进的参与资料的可用性和对目标受众的更深入的了解是推动这一转变的主要因素之一。社群聆听将帮助行销人员创建更具吸引力的社群广告,这些广告可以转换或至少创建更相关和及时的广告,从而大幅提高参与度。
  • 例如,使用社群聆听输入的北美品牌可能会利用 Facebook 的客製化广告体验等工具来开发广告。此工具可协助行销人员根据目标受众改变格式(轮播、集合)和号召性用语,动态地接触目标受众。该品牌能够根据社交聆听洞察提供量身定制的广告,这也促使其最近发布了 Instagram 购物功能。 LinkedIn 也采用了动态广告。最终,所有社群媒体网路都会加入。
  • 此外,例如,各行业正在采用社交列表策略来为客户提供更好的服务。塔可钟是一家在社群媒体上活跃的快餐连锁店。该公司以其社交聆听策略而闻名。他们即时倾听客户的意见,即时回复,并透过社群媒体与客户沟通。他们的首要任务是客户服务。他们也利用社交聆听来提供尽可能最好的服务。他们转发了所有有关其品牌的积极言论。他们经常与网友互动,以提高他们在社群媒体上的存在感。他们不仅珍惜消费者的意见,也对消费者的问题做出回应。例如,塔可钟就在社群媒体上收到了顾客对玉米饼中起司的投诉。他们向相关机构发送了电子邮件,提醒他们遵循确保客户满意度的秘诀。
  • 此外,随着对社交聆听解决方案需求的成长,区域公司正在提供各种解决方案,以帮助占领市场份额并扩大其影响力。例如,Awarious 的社交媒体 API 及其搜寻机器人每天抓取 130 亿个网页,以查找社交网络(Twitter、Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、Reddit)、部落格、新闻、评论等上所有提及用户品牌的内容网络的。 Awario 超越了普通搜寻。使用者可以在配置监控警报时利用搜寻参数来使用布林搜寻来缩小或扩大结果。
  • 网路上充斥着品牌透过社交聆听促进真正创新的例子。透过应用基于社交聆听资料的策略,品牌在未来可以取得的突破是没有限制的。例如,雅芳透过研究超过一百万条线上睫毛膏评论,创造了一种产品,声称是该类别中的终极旗舰产品。 Netflix 发现一些用户在透过持续的社交聆听观看节目时睡着了。儘管人们在看电视时睡着是很常见的现象,但 Netflix 认识到了一个机会来证明他们倾听并具有伟大品牌应有的创新精神。


社群媒体聆听市场较为分散,Talkwalker、Brandwatch、Meltwater、Digimind 等许多知名企业和其他公司不断在策略合作伙伴关係和产品开发上投入资金,以增加市场占有率。以下是近期的一些市场动态:

2023 年 3 月,Digimind 推出了第一个社交聆听解决方案,该解决方案结合了两个强大的人工智慧引擎,为消费者提供对其线上状态的完整洞察。该系统结合了 Digimind AI Sense 和 OpenAI ChatGPT,提供了一种用于收集、分析和处理线上讨论的简化方法。 DigimindAI Sense 是该营运的资料科学家,负责识别峰值并向消费者提供所需资讯。同时,ChatGPT 作为业务分析师总结资料发现。

2022 年 9 月,客户互动软体和服务公司 Khoros 与消费者智慧和深度聆听新创公司 Talkwalker 宣布合作,为品牌提供世界一流的社群媒体管理、智慧和深度聆听服务。此次策略合作伙伴关係将为企业提供必要的资源,以与市场趋势和受众动态同步,从洞察到行动。 Khoros 消费者现在可以透过深入倾听获得深入的见解。 Talkwalker 的客户还可以存取完整的社群媒体管理系统,其中包括根据洞察采取大规模行动的工具,以及与活跃的客户互动和会面的能力。


  • Excel 格式的市场估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章:简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代产品的威胁
    • 竞争激烈程度
  • 技术简介
  • 评估 COVID-19 对市场的影响

第 5 章:市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 社群媒体用户数量不断增加
    • 对社群媒体衡量以增强客户体验的需求不断增长
  • 市场挑战
    • 缺乏社群媒体分析的标准措施
    • 缺乏单一解决方案来管理不断增加的非结构化数据

第 6 章:市场细分

  • 按行业分类
    • BFSI
    • 零售与电子商务
    • 资讯科技与电信
    • 媒体与娱乐
    • 其他垂直行业(教育、旅游和酒店、医疗保健等)
  • 按地理
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太
    • 世界其他地区

第 7 章:竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Talkwalker
    • Brandwatch
    • Digimind
    • ListenFirst
    • Meltwater
    • NetBase Quid
    • Sprinklr
    • Synthesio
    • Zignal Labs
    • Awario
    • Keyhole
    • Mention
    • Agorapulse
    • Synthesio
    • Mentionlytics

第 8 章:供应商定位分析

第 9 章:市场的未来

Product Code: 91616

The Social Media Listening Market size is estimated at USD 8.44 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 16.19 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 13.90% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Social Media Listening - Market

Factors such as increased spending by firms on social media listening tools, government bodies' adoption of the tool, various brands incorporating social listening solutions to establish themselves as market players, and a rise in social media usage are some expected elements to propel the studied market. Further, any firm that wants to stay ahead of the competition must first understand its customers-who they are, how they behave, and what inspires them. One method to accomplish this is to immerse themselves in the most recent trends, demonstrating an understanding of what is happening. Social media listening is a technique that will help businesses connect with their target audience. It will assist the industry in listening to the voice of customers to understand how they communicate with one another and with brands.

Key Highlights

  • According to Meltwater's survey report on the state of social listening in the previous years, based on more than 650 survey responses from various industry professionals, the company aimed to better understand how companies approach listening activities, how useful they believe such efforts are, and how they think they could be improved. According to survey results, over 61% of organizations have implemented a social listening system and are monitoring for keyword mentions. Almost 80% of brands aim to track brand mentions, with industry keywords and hashtags as the second most prevalent features. Fewer firms follow relevant thinking leaders in their area or employee mentions; this likely suggests that most businesses do not look to display their thought leaders externally, which would naturally place more attention on this component.
  • Further, according to the social intelligence lab social listening report of the last year, which polled over 350 social listening professionals worldwide, including those from the United States, the United Kingdom, and countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, over 80% of respondents utilized multiple social listening tools. One-third spend more than USD 100,000 on their social listening stack. Most respondents (55%) also stated that they utilize two or three tools. Less than 20% of people exclusively use one tool for their social intelligence needs.
  • Government bodies are adopting social listening solutions to analyze situations much faster. For instance, in September last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) created a public health taxonomy to aid in infodemic monitoring and the creation of insights from monkeypox dialogues. The technical document outlines how social listening can be applied to monkeypox talks to yield informational insights for public health responses. Taxonomies are used to better organize and structure analytics, particularly when merging data sources of diverse quality and kind.
  • Further, many well-known brands already use social listening to fuel product creation. L'Oreal, for example, uses social listening to identify market trends and discover what consumers want. Although millions of brands rely on social listening to improve their goods, L'Oreal incorporates social listening into some essential brand choices. When L'Oreal was confronted with deciding which hair product to produce, they turned to social media to find the most promising trend. The organization investigated user-generated content and made its consumers' voices heard on social media.
  • On the flip side, as each site has different privacy and data collection policies, social listening programs have limited access to data from some. Several prominent social networks also restrict data exchange. As a result, the tools for those platforms can only display a subset of the data they collect. These findings are based on insufficient data. Furthermore, private chat channels such as Discord, Clubhouse, and WhatsApp are inaccessible to social listening technologies. The only way to find out what's going on on these sites is to join as an individual and observe. Further, according to last year's Social Intelligence Lab social listening report, data accuracy and quality tend to be more of an issue for agencies (31% vs. 19% of brands). However, the need for an organizational-wide vision for social listening appears more difficult for brands (29% vs. 18% for agencies).
  • The application of social listening approaches for humanitarian and health response, risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), and "infodemic" management increased unprecedentedly during the COVID-19 pandemic. While social listening for humanitarian and health objectives were not new, the pandemic drastically boosted its use because of the difficulties involved with in-person community participation when emergency public health and social measures (PHSM) were in effect. This increasing focus resulted in various social listening outputs created by humanitarian and health organizations and communicated through several Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) national, regional, and global spaces.

Social Listening Market Trends

Rising Number of Social Media Users is Expected to Drive the Market

  • Social media users worldwide routinely share videos, messages, and links. The increased use of personalized feed-based apps in Europe will likely drive the number of social media users. Furthermore, the growing desire in India for encrypted and self-destructive messaging-based social apps is propelling the social media company's growth. Again, the rising demand for video chat services in Saudi Arabia is boosting business growth. Furthermore, the ease of access to in-app purchase-based social networking apps is increasing their global appeal. Moreover, according to DemandSage, over 4.9 billion social media users will be worldwide in the current year. The typical social media user switches between 6 and 7 platforms every month.
  • According to Eurostat, many businesses use social media in the EU. Over half of the companies (59%) reported utilizing at least one social media platform in recent years, representing a 22% point increase from 2015 (37%). Social media use was most prevalent in Malta (84%), followed by Sweden, the Netherlands (both 80%), and Finland (79%), while it was least prevalent in Romania (36%), Bulgaria (39%), and Slovakia (45%). Such a rise in social media users in the region would create an opportunity for social media listening solution providers to develop new solutions to capture market share.
  • Additionally, YouTube has about 44.8 crore users in India, while WhatsApp has over 53 crore users, according to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeITY) (India).Facebook has approximately 41 crore, whereas Instagram has approximately 21 crore. Further, according to Omnicom, YouTube was the most popular online medium in India last year, with media consumers spending up to 108 minutes a day on average. TikTok, a short video format app, had the least frequent usage, with users spending just over 20 minutes daily on the platform.
  • According to Meta Platforms, Facebook is the world's most popular online social network, with around 2.96 billion monthly active members as of the fourth quarter of last year. In the second quarter of 2017, the platform exceeded two billion active users, a feat accomplished in just over 13 years. As of January last year, India had the most extensive audience base on Facebook, with almost 330 million users, followed by the United States, which had approximately 179 million users. The platform is also quite popular in Indonesia and Brazil. Facebook was the platform on which US users spent the most time daily before last year. The average time spent on Facebook was 33 minutes, followed by TikTok at 32 minutes and Twitter at 31 minutes daily. Such a rise in social media users would drive demand for the studied market.
  • Moreover, Ericsson says the global number of smartphone mobile network subscriptions reached over 6.6 billion in the last year and is expected to hit 7.8 billion by 2028. The countries with the most smartphone mobile network subscriptions are China, India, and the United States. Such a huge rise in mobile subscriptions would raise the number of social media users in the market, which could significantly drive the demand for social media listening solutions.

North America is Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • North America is one of the prominent regions for the growth of the social media listening market; due to the rise in digital advertising budgets, even more significant corporations in the North American region are expected to drive the market. And, in terms of digital outlets, social media will be their best bet. According to specific surveys, many brands increasingly choose social channels to generate engagement over the traditional display networks they have relied on. The availability of improved engagement data and deeper insights into targeted audiences is one of the primary elements driving this shift. Social listening will assist marketers in creating more engaging social ads that convert-or, at the very least, create more relevant and timely ads that will increase engagement by a large percentage.
  • For example, brands in North America that use social listening inputs might develop ads utilizing tools like Facebook's tailored ad experiences. This tool assists marketers in dynamically reaching out to their target audience by changing formats (carousel, collection) and calls-to-action depending on who is delivered to. The brand's capacity to provide tailored advertisements based on social listening insights also prompted the recent release of Instagram shopping. LinkedIn, too, has adopted dynamic advertisements. Eventually, all social media networks would get on board.
  • Moreover, various industries are adopting social listing strategies to provide better service to their customers, for instance. Taco Bell is a fast-food chain with an active social media presence. The firm is well known for its social listening strategy. They listen to their clients in real-time, respond in real-time, and communicate with them through social media. Their foremost priority is customer service. They also use social listening to provide the finest service possible. They retweeted everything positive expressed about their brand. They frequently interact with netizens to enhance their social media presence. They not only cherish their consumers' opinions, but they also respond to their problems. Taco Bell, for example, has received complaints from customers on social media regarding the cheese in the quesadilla. They emailed the concerned establishment and reminded them to follow the recipe for ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Further, with the rise in demand for social listening solutions, regional firms are providing various solutions that would help capture market share and expand their presence. For example, Awarious' social media APIs and its search bots crawl 13 billion web pages daily to locate all mentions of users' brands on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit), blogs, news, reviews, and the rest of the web. Awario goes beyond ordinary searches. Users can use a boolean search to narrow or broaden results by utilizing search parameters when configuring a monitoring alert.
  • The internet is flooded with examples of brands fostering true innovation through social listening. There are no limitations to the future breakthroughs that brands can make by applying strategies based on social listening data. For example, Avon created a product that it claims is the ultimate flagship product in its category by studying over a million comments on mascara online. Netflix discovered several users fell asleep while viewing shows through persistent social listening. Although it is typical for people to fall asleep while watching television, Netflix recognized an opportunity to demonstrate that they listen and are as innovative as a great brand should be.

Social Listening Industry Overview

The social media listening market is fragmented, with many prominent players such as Talkwalker, Brandwatch, Meltwater, Digimind, and other corporations continually spending on strategic partnerships and product development to increase market share. The following are some recent market developments:

In March 2023, Digimind introduced the first social listening solution, which combines two robust artificial intelligence engines to provide consumers with complete insight into their online presence. The system combines Digimind AI Sense and OpenAI ChatGPT, providing a streamlined method for gathering, analyzing, and acting on online discussions. DigimindAI Sense is the operation's data scientist, recognizing peaks and supplying consumers with the required information. Meanwhile, ChatGPT summarizes the data findings as the business analyst.

In September 2022, Khoros, a customer engagement software and services firm, and Talkwalker, a consumer intelligence and deep listening startup, announced a collaboration to provide brands with world-class social media management, intelligence, and deep listening. The strategic partnership will provide businesses with the necessary resources to sync with market trends and audience movements, from insights to action. Khoros consumers now have access to in-depth insights due to deep listening. Customers of Talkwalker also have access to a complete social media management system that includes tools for taking action on insights at scale and the capability to engage with and meet customers wherever they are active.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Technology Snapshot
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Rising Number of Social Media Users
    • 5.1.2 Rising Need for Social Media Measurement to Enhance the Customer Experience
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Lack of Standard Measures for Social Media Analytics
    • 5.2.2 Lack of a Single Solution to Manage the Increasing Unstructured Data


  • 6.1 By Industry Vertical
    • 6.1.1 BFSI
    • 6.1.2 Retail & E-commerce
    • 6.1.3 IT & Telecom
    • 6.1.4 Media & Entertainment
    • 6.1.5 Other Industry Verticals (Education, Travel & Hospitality, Healthcare etc.)
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Talkwalker
    • 7.1.2 Brandwatch
    • 7.1.3 Digimind
    • 7.1.4 ListenFirst
    • 7.1.5 Meltwater
    • 7.1.6 NetBase Quid
    • 7.1.7 Sprinklr
    • 7.1.8 Synthesio
    • 7.1.9 Zignal Labs
    • 7.1.10 Awario
    • 7.1.11 Keyhole
    • 7.1.12 Mention
    • 7.1.13 Agorapulse
    • 7.1.14 Synthesio
    • 7.1.15 Mentionlytics