

Broadcast Equipment - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内






透过电子大众传播向精确受众传递音讯和影像内容称为广播。这是为了向许多人传播讯息。广播通常仅限于本地点网路系统。广播服务仍然很受欢迎,为广大观众提供最直接、最可靠的资讯媒介。由于智慧电子设备的使用不断增加以及对 3D 和高清内容的需求不断增加,广播设备市场正在不断扩大。


  • 过去几十年来,消费者对更高品质音讯视讯的需求带动了广播设备产品和技术的快速升级。现在内容以 4K 和 UHD 格式製作,并以相同格式进行广播以提高观看质量,从而催生了 IP 直播製作技术。这对于现场製作至关重要,灵活高效的系统控制非常重要。
  • 例如,2023 年 11 月,ArcGIS Motion Imagery 团队宣布发布新的 ArcGIS Video Server。 ArcGIS Enterprise 的这个新伺服器角色旨在扩展整个 ArcGIS 的影片功能。最新的 ArcGIS Video Server 可让您将影片作为具有地理空间和时间上下文的服务进行索引、发布、搜寻和串流。
  • 技术进步促使广播公司提供优质用户超高清输出,刺激了市场成长。此外,数位频道数量的增加以及越来越多地使用尖端广播设备(体育广播的8K品质和新闻广播的4K品质)正在促进市场成长的加速。根据8K协会预测,8K电视未来将变得越来越流行。 2023年8K电视出货量约214万台,较上年的80万台增加。到2026年,这一数字预计将达到440万台以上。
  • 体育产业是全球电视观众最大的市场,人们正在寻找大规模分发影片内容的方法。设备和格式的激增给服务供应商、内容拥有者、广播公司和权利所有者带来了一些挑战。在转播设备市场,租赁体育转播设备也是主要的收益来源。国际体育赛事的增加正在推动转播设备租赁市场。
  • 此外,由于技术进步、高速网路基础设施投资增加以及透过 OTT 服务对 D2C 产品的需求不断增长,市场正在见证演变的机会。据国际通讯联盟称,截至 2023 年,小岛屿开发中国家(SIDS) 的人口将有 67% 使用互联网,而最不开发中国家(LDC) 的互联网普及率则为 35%。全球线上访问率为67%。
  • 此外,收入的增加、耐用消费品购买量的增加以及快速且廉价的互联网可用性的增加预计将对市场成长产生积极影响。印度 IBEF 预计,到 2024 年,电视将占印度媒体市场的 40%,其次是数位广告(12%)、印刷媒体(13%)、电影(9%)以及 OTT 和游戏产业( 8%)预计将紧随其后。到2025年,智慧电视数量预计将达到4,000万至5,000万台。
  • 数位音讯和影像格式的快速开拓以及对製作和储存数位影像和视讯的开放、国家或国际共识标准的需求是市场成长的挑战。关于数位音讯和视讯如何格式化和压缩的规范随着数位技术的每一次新进步而发展。
  • COVID-19 大流行迫使广播公司重新考虑其内容製作和分发方法,导致人员配置、技术堆迭和设备发生变化。例如,新闻广播适应了多个国家的封锁要求,世界各地的多个节目透过消费者视讯技术收集了专家意见。广播技术也使疫情期间的节目安排和音乐会成为可能。例如,Lady Gaga 组织了一场长达 8 小时的活动,100 名音乐家在客厅、卧室和花园里表演。



  • 编码器透过将音讯和视讯讯号转换为数位格式并透过网路传输,在广播中发挥重要作用。随着对高清和串流内容的需求增加,广播公司需要先进的编码器来有效地提供高品质影像。因此,随着广播公司根据不断变化的观众偏好和技术标准升级其基础设施,对包括编码器在内的广播设备的需求将会增加。
  • 2024 年4 月,NetInsight 增强了其荣获艾美奖的网路媒体传输产品Nimbra 400 编码器的功能,以透过升级的Nimbra 414 来适应更丰富、更具互动性的活动製作的成长。一点。最新版本的 Nimbra 414 增加了通道密度并支援超高清内容,使 Nimbra 414 编码器/解码器系列成为广播公司提供更身临其境的作品以提高观众参与度的强大工具。
  • 对视讯进行编码的目的是创建将透过网路传输的数位副本。广播公司可以根据其串流媒体目标和预算在硬体或软体编码器之间进行选择。大多数专业广播公司都使用硬体编码器,但由于价格分布较高,大多数入门级到中级广播公司都使用直播编码器软体。
  • 例如,2024 年 4 月,Verbit 公司旗下的美国字幕公司 VITAC 与广播解决方案提供商 ENCO 宣布结成策略联盟,旨在为广播公司扩展硬体编码器和云端字幕选项。此次合作将为广播公司提供根据其需求量身定制的全面字幕工具和服务。
  • 此外,随着串流媒体平台的普及,需要高效的编码技术来透过网路分发高品质的影像内容。例如,2023 年 9 月,北欧付费电视和串流平台 Allente 推出了新的 Allente Stream 多萤幕 OTT 服务。因此,该营运商基于 3SS 3Ready 产品平台为 Android TV 和行动电话、LG 和三星智慧型电视、Apple TV、网路和 iOS运作最新应用程式。
  • 此外,由于内容分布在各种平台和装置上,广播公司需要支援自我调整位元率串流并与各种转码器和通讯协定相容的编码器。此外,实况活动、体育和新闻报道的流行需要编码器能够有效地即时编码和传输直播视讯串流。
  • Meltwater表示,近年来,直播影片内容已成为线上娱乐和业务目的最常见的影片内容类型之一。 2023 年第三季度,直播受众涵盖全球网路用户的约 28%。此外,Netflix透露,到2023年,它将在美国和加拿大拥有8,013万付费串流用户。
  • 编码器效率显着提高,在 HDTV 等现代格式和 H.264 等压缩标准的成功中发挥关键作用。目前,广播环境中对编码器的需求可分为三个主要领域:贡献、初级分发和家庭分发。


  • 亚太地区包括中国和印度等人口密度高的国家。随着越来越多的人都市化和数数位化,越来越多的人存取电视和数位媒体内容,亚太国家对广播设备的需求不断增加。 Meltwater 的数据显示,2023 年第三季度,菲律宾 16 岁至 64 岁之间的网路用户中约有 96% 每月使用 Netflix 等订阅视讯随选 (SVOD) 服务。
  • 此外, Over-The-Top平台在该地区越来越受欢迎,增加了对先进广播设备支援高品质串流媒体服务的需求。例如,2024 年 5 月,Prasar Bharati 宣布计划于 8 月推出自己的家庭友善 OTT 平台。政府的公共广播公司播放主要关注印度社会和文化的内容。最初,该平台将免费向公众开放。这些新兴市场的开拓有潜力进一步支持该地区的市场成长。
  • 亚太地区举办奥运、世界杯和地区锦标赛等重大体育赛事。为了确保无缝转播和传输,在此类事件期间对广播设备的需求激增。同时,4K/UHD 广播、虚拟实境 (VR)、扩增实境(AR) 和身临其境型音讯等广播技术的进步正在推动该地区先进广播设备的采用。
  • 根据 GSMA 报告,不丹、伊朗、孟加拉和越南等国家的行动普及率最高。该地区智慧型设备的激增也是推动高清音讯和视讯需求的因素。根据 GSMA 的数据,64% 的亚太地区居民已经拥有智慧型手机,预计到 2025 年普及率将超过 80%。
  • 此外,2023 年 3 月,Netflix 宣布计划在亚太地区投资约 19 亿美元用于本地内容。该公司预计 2023 年收益将与前一年同期比较增 12%,达到 40 亿美元以上,而 2022 年将成长 9%。此外,国际电信联盟报告称,截至 2023 年,亚太地区 66% 的人口将使用互联网,进一步推动市场成长。
  • 当地供应商进行了大量投资,以利用 COVID-19 大流行带来的机会。例如,去年3月,Signiant Inc.宣布收购嵌入式媒体处理软体供应商Kyno。此次收购将有助于扩展我们的 SaaS 平台软体定义内容交换 (SDCX) 的功能,并包括与媒体资产互动的工具。该平台在全球拥有约 100 万用户,连接超过 5 万家各种规模的媒体和娱乐公司。


广播设备市场上各公司之间的竞争由价格、产品、市场占有率和竞争强度决定。主要市场参与者包括思科系统公司、Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson、Harmonic Inc.、EVS Broadcast Equipment SA、Grass Valley 等。

  • 2024 年 4 月:全球关键任务即时视讯网路和视觉协作解决方案供应商 Haivision Systems 宣布,Haivision 和Sony Corporation(「SONY」)宣布推出Haivision Systems,这是一个全球关键任务即时视讯网路和视觉协作解决方案SONY商。
  • 2024 年 2 月,SONY宣布发布 PDT-FP1,这是一款专用的可携式资料传输器,可透过 5G 网路实现高速、低延迟的影片和静态影像资料传输。透过将此无线通讯设备安装到相机上,可以用于从影像撷取到分发、广播和分发等对速度有要求的情况,例如新闻和事件摄影以及广播影像製作。它透过 5G 网路提供高速、低延迟、稳定的行动资料通讯,在无法使用 Wi-Fi 连接的室外和室内环境中实现高效且易于理解的工作流程。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围


  • 研究框架
  • 二次调查
  • 初步调查
  • 对资料进行三角测量并产生见解



  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买方议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 价值链分析
  • 主要宏观经济趋势对市场的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 透过支援多种格式扩大对编码器的需求
    • 透过OTT服务拓展D2C服务
    • SAAS 解决方案的采用率增加
  • 市场限制因素
    • 用于广播的媒体格式和转码器缺乏标准化

第六章 市场细分

  • 依技术
    • 类比广播
    • 数位广播
  • 副产品
    • 抛物面天线
    • 转变
    • 影像伺服器
    • 编码器
    • 发射机中继器
    • 其他的
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    • Evs Broadcast Equipment SA
    • Grass Valley
    • Harmonic Inc.
    • Clyde Broadcast
    • Sencore Inc.
    • Eletec Broadcast Telecom Sarl
    • AVL Technologies Inc.
    • ETL Systems Ltd


第9章 市场的未来

Product Code: 69653

The Broadcast Equipment Market size is estimated at USD 5.23 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 7.23 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 6.70% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Broadcast Equipment - Market

The distribution of audio and video content to a precise audience via electronic mass communication is known as broadcasting. It is a spread of information to a large group of people. Typically, broadcasting is limited to a local spot network system. Broadcasting services, which remain popular, deliver a large audience with the most direct and reliable information mediums. The broadcast equipment market is expanding because of the increased use of smart electronic devices and improved demand for 3D and HD content.

Key Highlights

  • Over the last few decades, consumers' demand for better-quality audio and video has rapidly upgraded broadcast equipment products and technology. With content being produced in 4K and UHD formats, broadcasting in the identical format for enhanced viewing quality has resulted in IP live-production technology. This is essential for live production, where a premium is placed on flexible and efficient system control.
  • For instance, in November 2023, the ArcGIS Motion Imagery Team announced the release of the new ArcGIS Video Server. This new server role for ArcGIS Enterprise is designed to expand video capabilities across ArcGIS. The latest ArcGIS Video Server allows indexing, publishing, searching, and streaming video as a service with geospatial and temporal context.
  • Technological advancements are driving broadcasters to provide UHD output to their premium users, fueling market growth. Moreover, the rise in digital channels and the increasing utilization of cutting-edge broadcasting devices, featuring 8K video quality for sports coverage and 4K quality for news coverage, contribute to the acceleration of market growth. According to the 8K Association, 8K TVs will become increasingly popular in the coming years. Around 2.14 million 8K TV sets were shipped in 2023, up from 800 thousand in the previous year. By 2026, this number is predicted to reach over 4.4 million units.
  • The sports section is the biggest market for TV viewers worldwide, and it is finding ways to deliver video content at scale. The increasing number of devices and formats offer several challenges for service providers, content owners, broadcasters, and rights holders. The rental sports broadcast equipment sector is also a significant revenue generator in the broadcast equipment market. The increasing number of international sports tournaments is driving the rental market for broadcast equipment.
  • Furthermore, the market is witnessing opportunities for evolution due to evolving technology, increased investments in high-speed internet infrastructure, and growing demand for D2C offerings via OTT services. According to the International Telecommunication Union, as of 2023, 67% of the population in small island developing states (SIDS) used the internet, compared to 35% of the population in least developed countries (LDCs), while the internet penetration rate for those living in landlocked growing counties was at 39%. The global online access rate was 67%.
  • Moreover, the rising income, increasing purchases of consumer durables, and the increasing availability of fast and cheap internet are expected to impact the market's growth positively. As per IBEF, India, television is projected to constitute 40% of the Indian media market in 2024, trailed by digital advertising (12%), print media (13%), cinema (9%), and the OTT and gaming industries (8%). By 2025, it is anticipated that the number of linked intelligent televisions will reach around 40 to 50 million.
  • The rapidly developing nature of digital audio and video formats and the need for open, domestic, or international agreement norms for generating and preserving digital video and audio are challenging the market's growth. Norms for digital audio and video formats and compression methods are evolving with every new advancement in digital technology.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic forced broadcasters to rethink their approach to producing and delivering content - resulting in changes to staffing, technology stacks, and facilities. News broadcasting, for instance, adapted to the lockdown requirements of several nations, with several programs worldwide gathering experts' input through consumer video technology. Broadcasting technologies also enabled programs and concerts during the pandemic. For instance, Lady Gaga organized an eight-hour event involving 100 musicians playing from their living rooms, bedrooms, and gardens.

Broadcast Equipment Market Trends

Encoders are Expected to Witness Significant Growth

  • Encoders play a crucial role in broadcasting by converting audio and video signals into digital format for transmission over networks. As demand for high-definition and streaming content grows, broadcasters need advanced encoders to deliver high-quality video efficiently. This drives the demand for broadcast equipment, including encoders, as broadcasters upgrade their infrastructure to meet evolving viewer preferences and technological standards.
  • In April 2024, Net Insight announced a boost to the capability of its Emmy Award-winning internet media transport offering, the Nimbra 400 encoders, to meet the growth in more prosperous and more interactive events production with the upgraded Nimbra 414. The latest version of the Nimbra 414 increases channel density and support for UHD content, making the Nimbra 414 encoder/decoder family now ideally placed to help broadcasters deliver more immersive productions that enhance viewer engagement.
  • The purpose of encoding a video is to create a digital copy transmitted over the internet. Broadcasters can choose between a hardware or software encoder, depending on the purpose of the stream and the budget. Most professional broadcasters use hardware encoders, but due to the high price point, most beginner-level to mid-experienced broadcasters go with live streaming encoder software.
  • For instance, in April 2024, VITAC, a Verbit Company, a US-based captioning company, and ENCO, a provider of broadcasting solutions, announced a strategic partnership aimed at providing broadcasters with expanded choice for hardware encoders and cloud captioning. Through this alliance, broadcasters will access a comprehensive suite of captioning tools and services tailored to meet their specific requirements.
  • Furthermore, the increasing popularity of streaming platforms necessitates efficient encoding technologies to deliver high-quality video content over the internet. For instance, in September 2023, Nordic PayTV and streaming platform Allente launched its new Allente Stream multiscreen OTT offering. As a result, the operator has gone live with the latest apps for Android TV and mobiles, LG and Samsung Smart TVs, Apple TV, web, and iOS, based on the 3SS 3Ready product platform.
  • Moreover, with content being distributed across different platforms and devices, broadcasters need encoders that support adaptive bitrate streaming and compatibility with different codecs and protocols. Further, the popularity of live events, sports, and news coverage needs encoders that can efficiently encode and transmit live video streams in real time.
  • According to Meltwater, in recent years, live-streaming video content has become one of the most popular types of video content consumed online for entertainment and operational purposes. During the third quarter of 2023, live streaming registered an audience reach of almost 28% among internet users worldwide. In addition, in 2023, Netflix revealed that it had 80.13 million paying streaming subscribers in the United States and Canada.
  • The effectiveness of encoders has significantly improved, and they play a significant role in the success of modern formats, like HDTV, and compression standards, like H.264. Currently, the demand for encoders in broadcast settings can be categorized into three key domains: contribution, primary distribution, and home distribution.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Witness Significant Growth Rate

  • Asia-Pacific is home to some densely populated countries such as China and India. Increasing urbanization and digitization across Asia-Pacific countries fuel the demand for broadcast equipment as more people access television and digital media content. According to Meltwater, in the third quarter of 2023, about 96% of internet users aged between 16 and 64 years in the Philippines used a subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) service, such as Netflix, each month.
  • Further, over-the-top (OTT) streaming platforms are gaining popularity in the region, creating a need for advanced broadcast equipment to support high-quality streaming services. For instance, in May 2024, Prasar Bharati has announced its plans to start its own OTT platform for families in August. The government's public service broadcaster will stream content that will be focused on Indian society and culture. Initially, the platform will be available for free to the public. Such developments may further propel the market's growth in the region.
  • Asia-Pacific is home to major sporting events like the Olympics, FIFA World Cup, and regional tournaments. The demand for broadcast equipment surges during such events to ensure seamless coverage and transmission. At the same time, advancements in broadcasting technologies, such as 4K/UHD broadcasting, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and immersive audio, are driving the adoption of advanced broadcast equipment in the region.
  • Countries such as Bhutan, Iran, Bangladesh, and Vietnam are demonstrating the most significant mobile penetration advances, according to a GSMA report. The implementation of smart devices in the region is another factor fueling the demand for high-definition audio and videos. As per GSMA, 64% of the residents in APAC already possess smartphones, and the adoption is expected to cross 80% in 2025.
  • Furthermore, in March 2023, Netflix announced plans to spend approximately USD 1.9 billion on local content in Asia-Pacific. The company was expected to register revenue growth of 12% Y-o-Y in 2023 and exceed USD 4 billion compared to 9% growth in 2022. In addition, according to ITU, 66% of the population in Asia-Pacific reported using the Internet as of 2023, further propelling the market's growth.
  • Local vendors invested heavily to capitalize on the opportunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, in March last year, Signiant Inc. announced the acquisition of Kyno, which provides embedded media processing software. The acquisition helps Signiant Inc. extend the functionality of the Software-Defined Content Exchange (SDCX) SaaS platform, incorporating tools for engagement with media assets. With almost 1 million users globally, the platform connects more than 50,000 media and entertainment companies of all sizes.

Broadcast Equipment Industry Overview

The competitive rivalry between various firms in the broadcast equipment market depends on price, product, or market share, along with the intensity with which they compete. Some major market players include Cisco Systems Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Harmonic Inc., EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, and Grass Valley.

  • April 2024: Haivision Systems, a global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions, announced that Haivision and Sony Corporation (Sony) had successfully tested Haivision's industry-leading video encoders, decoders, and mobile video transmitters with Sony's cloud production platform, Creators' Cloud for Enterprise.
  • February 2024: Sony announced the launch of a unique dedicated portable data transmitter, the PDT-FP1, that allows high-speed, low-latency video and still image data transport over 5G networks. When attached to a camera, this wireless communication device will be used when speed is required, from image capture to delivery, broadcasting, and distribution, such as news or events photography and broadcast video production. It provides high-speed, low-latency, and stable mobile data communication over 5G networks in outdoor or indoor environments where a Wi-Fi connection is unavailable, enabling efficient and straightforward workflows.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study


  • 2.1 Research Framework
  • 2.2 Secondary Research
  • 2.3 Primary Research
  • 2.4 Data Triangulation and Insight Generation



  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of Key Macroeconomic Trends on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Demand for Encoders due to Support for Multiple Formats
    • 5.1.2 Growing D2C Offerings through OTT Services
    • 5.1.3 Increased Adoption of SAAS Solutions
  • 5.2 Market Restraint
    • 5.2.1 Lack of Standardization of Media Formats and Codecs Used for Broadcasting


  • 6.1 By Technology
    • 6.1.1 Analog Broadcasting
    • 6.1.2 Digital Broadcasting
  • 6.2 By Product
    • 6.2.1 Dish Antennas
    • 6.2.2 Switches
    • 6.2.3 Video Servers
    • 6.2.4 Encoders
    • 6.2.5 Transmitters and Repeaters
    • 6.2.6 Other Products
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    • 7.1.3 Evs Broadcast Equipment SA
    • 7.1.4 Grass Valley
    • 7.1.5 Harmonic Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Clyde Broadcast
    • 7.1.7 Sencore Inc.
    • 7.1.8 Eletec Broadcast Telecom Sarl
    • 7.1.9 AVL Technologies Inc.
    • 7.1.10 ETL Systems Ltd