

Europe Image Sensors - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




欧洲影像感测器市场预计在预测期内复合年增长率为 8.6%



  • 推动影像感测器市场扩张的主要因素是智慧型手机和平板电脑生产数量的增加,以及此类设备中安装的摄影机数量的增加。随着这些设备对改进相机功能和高影像品质的需求迅速增加,OEM正在不断开发影像感测器,以提高多功能性,同时保持设备的轻薄性和易用性,从而推动市场成长。
  • 推动影像感测器市场成长的其他原因包括将众多相机整合到一台设备中,以实现光学变焦、低照度摄影、肖像模式、3D 成像功能和增强的高动态范围等目的。例如,据爱立信称,到 2027 年,西欧智慧型手机用户数量将达到 4.39 亿。截至 2021 年,西欧智慧型手机用户数约为 4.04 亿。
  • 在 PCB 组装等工业应用中,CSG 感测器改进的影像品质和影格速率使自动光学侦测 (AOI) 相机能够快速可靠地侦测缺陷,例如缺失或错误插入的电子元件。此外,全球迈向工业 4.0 的努力正在推动使用影像感测器进行 3D影像处理。影像感测器也用于自动化製造过程和监控操作过程。市场上的供应商透过结合影像感测器和 3D 相机来提供更好的产品。例如,SICK 的 3D 相机 Ranger 3 使用 CMOS 影像感测器 M30,并减少片上资料以建立 3D 配置檔案。
  • 航太工业的特点是运作环境恶劣、复杂。因此,选择能够承受这些极端外部环境并以所需的准确度、可靠性、精密度和可重复性运作的感测器对于最终用户来说至关重要。现代飞机上安装的工业感测器的范围非常广泛。 2021 年 2 月,Teledyne Technologies 为火星探勘Persevalance 的复杂仪器提供了许多先进的高性能影像感测器。在 2020 年火星任务期间,Teledyne 的感测器将为火星表面和矿物质(包括 Gy 和大气)的化学成分提供动力、感知和评估。
  • 2022 年 2 月,Maxar Technologies 宣布与欧洲太空影像公司和中东太空影像公司签订新的五年协议,这两家公司是为欧洲、北非和中东客户提供服务的主要合作伙伴。欧洲太空成像和中东太空成像为边防安全、灾难应变和农业等各个领域的政府机构和私人公司提供 Maxar 的高解析度卫星影像。太空技术的发展推动了研究市场。
  • 由于感测器是 PN 接面,入射光产生电子电洞对,电流开始流动。这在影像感测器中形成像素并产生影像。感测器通常用于以较低的功率提高工业机械的效率和速度。例如,2021年3月,东芝电子元件及储存装置株式会社发布了用于执行高速扫描的A3多功能设备的「TCD2726DG」镜头缩小型CCD线性影像感测器。透过减少时序产生器电路和 CCD 驱动器中的引脚数量,该感测器减少了 EMI(电磁干扰)的增加,这是提高时脉速率的一个缺点。减少外围元件数量并减少客户的EMI时序调整工作,有利于系统开发。
  • 然而,疫情的爆发也对许多影像片段产生了负面影响。例如,2020年第一季,汽车和加工产业的生产停止或减少。因此,这些产业对各类感测器的需求大幅下降。由于安全问题和严格的政府法规,越来越多的製程营运商开始投资自动化监控系统,压力感测器的工业和物联网设备的范围不断扩大。例如,在中国,台湾的 OSAT 和日月光科技也报告称,与 2019 年 11 月和 2020 年 10 月相比,2020 年 11 月的收入增加。此外,京元电子的中国半导体测试子公司金龙科技(苏州)将投资其新获得的5.52亿元人民币企业联合贷款中的至少50%,为新晶片提供额外的产能支援。 。



  • 汽车影像感测器是确保车辆安全的重要功能。除了后视摄影机传统的感测和可视性应用之外,对车辆内外360度监控和可视性能力的需求已成为明显的需求。透过ADAS(高级驾驶员辅助系统)和驾驶员监控系统(DMS)的开发和实施,汽车在安全性和可靠性方面取得了进步,使其不仅可以警告驾驶员潜在的事故,还可以进行干预。 。这正在推动研究市场的成长。
  • 根据 OICA(国际工业协会)的数据,2021 年德国是欧洲乘用车产量最多的国家。当年生产的乘用车数量约为310万辆。西班牙位居第二,生产了超过 170 万辆乘用车。此外,2021年,欧洲汽车产业产量将超过1,630万辆,其中乘用车约占总量的85%。如此庞大的汽车产量预计将为当地供应商创造机会,根据客户需求扩大产品系列併占领广泛的市场占有率。
  • 无缝连接、创新的汽车驾驶座以及透过新服务改进的被动安全性:3D 深度感测器在车辆内部监控系统中发挥关键作用。对于满足法规和 NCAP 评估至关重要。这对于实现司机变成乘客的愿景也至关重要。
  • 因此,2022年6月,英飞凌科技股份公司与3D飞行时间系统专家PMD Technologies AG合作开发第二代REAL3汽车影像感测器,这是一款符合ISO26262标准的高解析度3D影像感测器。该感测器采用 9 x 9 mm2 塑胶 BGA 封装,具有 640 x 480 像素的 VGA 系统解析度和 4 毫米的小像圈。这允许使用从智慧型手机到汽车应用的各种镜头尺寸。 REAL3 感测器的高解析度使其适用于宽视野摄影机应用,例如完整的前排乘客监控系统。由此产生的 3D 身体模型可以准确估计乘员的尺寸和重量,以及高精度的乘员和座椅位置资料,这是智慧安全气囊展开和约束系统的关键资讯。除了安全关键应用之外,3D资料还有助于实现舒适功能,例如手势控制和跟随乘员动作的直觉内部照明。
  • 该地区也见证了新的综合产品和解决方案的创新激增。 2022年5月,义法半导体开发出全球首款用于驾驶员监控系统(DMS)的百叶窗影像感测器。 DMS 持续监控驾驶员的头部运动,以识别困倦或分心的征兆,从而使车辆中的系统能够发出警告以确保乘员的安全。 VB56G4A是全球领先的百叶窗感测器,利用ST在製造先进3D堆迭背照式(BSI-3D)影像感测器方面的内部投资。这些感测器比第一代 DMS 中常用的传统正面照明 (FSI) 感测器更灵敏、更小且更可靠。
  • 2021 年 7 月,三星发布了新款 ISOCELL Auto 4AC,这是第一款专为汽车应用设计的影像感测器。它旨在用作倒车摄影机或(在更先进的系统中)为环景显示供电。该技术每个像素整合了两个光电二极管,一个用于低照度操作的 3.0μm 光电二极管,一个位于角落的 1.0μm 光电二极体用于明亮环境。这种设定使感测器能够快速适应周围光线的变化(例如,退出隧道时)。它还具有更少的运动模糊和更宽的动态范围,有助于减少 LED 照明的闪烁。


  • 影像感测器在各种医疗领域都有应用,例如牙科影像、数位乳房X光乳房X光摄影、眼科、X光影像重建、内视镜检查、数位病理学、整形外科和外科手术。高解析度、快速影格速率、高近红外线灵敏度、高影像品质和医学成像器感测器是推动这项技术发展的关键改进。一些地区公司正在开发包括可靠、准确和高性能的视觉和相机感测器在内的创新产品,以提高成像效率和准确性,并满足医疗和生命科学领域日益苛刻的要求。
  • 例如,2021 年6 月,先进数位成像解决方案提供商OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 推出了下一代OH08A,这是首款用于一次性和可重复使用内视镜的800 万像素(MP) 解析度感测器,我们也推出了OH08B CMOS 影像。此外,新型 OH08B 是首款采用 OmniVision Nyxel 近红外线 (NIR) 技术的医疗级影像感测器,为医疗产业带来了可见频谱以外的突破性影像处理功能。此外,OH08B 是首款采用 OmniVision Nyxel 近红外线 (NIR) 技术的医疗级影像感测器,为医疗产业带来了可见频谱以外的先进成像功能。
  • 此外,2021 年 11 月,OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 和医疗应用高品质高高光谱遥测和频谱相机系统开发商 Diaspective Vision GmbH 宣布推出一款采用专有频谱成像技术的新型内视镜相机。开发。根据医学影像第五维Dispective Vision,MALYNA提供显示组织的各种灌注参数和风险结构的高光谱遥测影像和频谱影像、用于癌症检测的ICG影像以及即时影像,它将成为像超音波、 MRI 和电脑断层扫描。透过以这种方式组合各种成像方法,您可以最大限度地提高内视镜检查的效率。此影像感测器适用于胃镜检查、十二指肠镜检查、羊膜镜检查、腹腔镜检查和大肠镜检查。
  • 此外,CMOS 影像感测器越来越多地用于医学 X 光成像,而不是非晶质平板。使用 CMOS 的 X 光成像不需要镜头,因此影像感测器的尺寸必须与要成像的区域的尺寸相符。
  • 2021年3月,佳能公司宣布开发数位广播(DR)2新技术「内建AEC1辅助」。在该技术中,设备的X射线影像感测器利用类似的组件,既可以产生影像,又可以即时检测与发射的X射线相对应的像素值3,当像素值达到指定值时,系统会发出警报线发生器。为了强化这项标准运作,佳能利用多年来培育的影像感测器和X射线感测器技术,开发了新的「内建AEC支援」技术。随着最新技术的引入,以前需要单独设备的影像处理设备现在可以内建其功能。



  • 2021 年 12 月 - 索尼半导体解决方案公司宣布开发出一种使用两层电晶体像素的新型堆迭 CMOS 影像感测器技术。在传统的CMOS影像感测器中,光电二极体和像素电晶体放置在同一基板上,但采用此技术,光电二极体和像素电晶体分离在不同的基板层上。这将饱和讯号等级提高到先前型号的大约两倍,扩大了动态范围,降低了噪声,并显着改善了成像特性。
  • 2021 年 10 月 - 以智慧电源和感测技术而闻名的 Onsemi 宣布推出一款新型 1/1.7 吋 8.3MP CMOS 数位影像感测器,具有捲帘百叶窗和嵌入式高动态范围 (eHDR) 技术。 AR0821CS 即使在恶劣的照明条件下也能提供出色的影像质量,满足各种商务用、消费和工业需求。这些应用包括扫描器/读取器、机器视觉相机、高阶无人机、仪表板相机、智慧建筑监控/安全系统等。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买方议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 技术简介
  • 价值链分析
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 增加在行动装置中安装具有影像感测器的高解析度摄影机
    • 改进医学影像解决方案
    • 增加公共场所安全和监控支出
  • 市场限制因素
    • 製造成本高
  • 市场机会
    • 汽车应用的增加

第六章 市场细分

  • 按类型
    • CMOS
    • CCD
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 家用电子电器
    • 医疗保健
    • 工业的
    • 安全监控
    • 汽车/交通
    • 航太/国防
    • 其他的
  • 按国家/地区
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 法国
    • 义大利
    • 欧洲其他地区

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • STMicroelectronics
    • BAE Systems
    • On Semiconductor
    • Toshiba
    • Sony Corporation
    • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
    • Nikon
    • Panasonic Corporation
    • SK Hynix
    • Omnivision


第9章 未来展望

Product Code: 55694

The Europe Image Sensors Market is expected to register a CAGR of 8.6% during the forecast period.

Europe Image Sensors - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The primary element propelling the expansion of the image sensor market is the rise in the production of smartphones and tablets and the rising number of cameras incorporated into such devices. As the need for improved camera functions and good image quality in such devices grows quickly, OEMs are constantly developing image sensors that will increase their versatility while maintaining the device's thinness and usability, boosting the market.
  • Other reasons propelling the growth of the image sensor market include the desire to integrate numerous cameras into a single device for purposes such as optical zoom, low light photography, portrait mode, 3D imaging features, and enhanced high dynamic range. For instance, According to Ericsson, By 2027, there will be 439 million smartphone subscriptions in Western Europe. There were about 404 million smartphone subscribers in Western Europe as of 2021.
  • In an industrial application such as a PCB assembly, the CSG sensors improved image quality and frame rate allow an automated optical inspection (AOI) camera to rapidly and reliably spot defects such as a missing or an incorrectly inserted electronic component. Furthermore, the Industry 4.0 initiatives globally are also pushing the use of 3D imaging with image sensors. Also, image sensors are being used to automate manufacturing processes and monitor operational processes. The vendors in the market are also combining image sensors and 3D cameras for a better offering. For example, SICKs Ranger 3, a 3D camera, uses CMOS image sensor M30 to create a 3D profile with reduced on-chip data.
  • A harsh and complex operating environment characterizes the aerospace industry. Therefore, choosing a suitable sensor to withstand such external environment extremities and performing at the desired accuracy, reliability, precision, and repeatability are of prime importance for the end-users. The spectrum of industrial sensors on a modern aircraft is quite broad. In February 2021, Teledyne Technologies supplied many of its advanced, high-performance image sensors to the Mars Rover Perseverance's complicated instruments. During the Mars 2020 mission, Teledyne sensors will power, sense, and evaluate the chemical composition of the surface and minerals, including Gy and the atmosphere.
  • In February 2022, Maxar Technologies announced a new five-year deal with European Space Imaging and Space Imaging Middle East, critical partners serving customers in Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. European Space Imaging and Space Imaging Middle East provide Maxar high-resolution satellite imagery to a broad spectrum of government and commercial organizations for border security, disaster response, and agriculture. Developments in space technology will drive the studied market.
  • Since the sensor is a PN junction, incoming light causes it to start producing electron-hole pairs and start conducting current. This creates the pixels inside the image sensors, which in turn create the pictures. The sensors are commonly used to increase the efficiency and speed of industrial machinery while using less power. For instance, in March 2021, The "TCD2726DG," a lens reduction type CCD linear image sensor for A3 multifunction printers that perform high-speed scanning, was made available by Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation. The timing generator circuit and fewer CCD driver pins in the new sensor reduce increased electromagnetic interference (EMI), a drawback of a faster clock rate. System development is facilitated by a decrease in the number of peripheral parts, customers' EMI and timing adjustment work, and both.
  • However, the pandemic outbreak also negatively affected many image sectors. For instance, during the first quarter of 2020, output was on hold or decreased in the automobile and process industries. As a result, these businesses experienced a considerable decrease in the demand for all types of sensors. Due to safety concerns and strict government restrictions, the range of industrial and IoT devices for pressure sensors increased as more process businesses began to invest in automation monitoring systems. For instance, in China, Taiwan-based OSAT and ASE Technology also reported increased revenue in November 2020, compared to November 2019 and October 2020. KYEC's semiconductor testing subsidiary in China, King Long Technology (Suzhou), also reported investing at least 50% of its newly obtained syndicated loan of CNY 552 million in purchasing more testing equipment to provide additional capacity support for new chips.

Europe Image Sensors Market Trends

The Automotive Segment is Expected to Drive the Market's Growth

  • Image sensors for automotive applications are an essential feature for car safety. Beyond the sensing and viewing applications of traditional rear-view cameras, the demand for all-around interior and exterior monitoring and viewing capabilities has become an unequivocal necessity. Through the development and implementation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS), cars have become and will continue to progress in safety and reliability, not only to alert drivers to potential incidents but to intervene as well. This is driving the growth of the studied market.
  • According to OICA (International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers), Germany made the most passenger automobiles in Europe in 2021. In that year, it produced about 3.1 million passenger cars. With over 1.7 million passenger automobiles produced, Spain came in second. Furthermore, more than 16.3 million vehicles were produced in the European automotive sector in 2021, with passenger cars making up about 85% of the total. Such huge production of cars will create an opportunity for the local vendors to expand their product portfolio according to the requirements of the clients and capture a wide market share.
  • Seamless connectivity with new services, innovative car cockpits, and improved passive safety: 3D depth sensors play a vital role in monitoring systems in the vehicle cabin. They are essential to meet regulations and NCAP ratings. They are also vital to realize the vision of the driver becoming a passenger.
  • To that end, in June 2022, Infineon Technologies AG, in partnership with 3D time-of-flight system specialist pmd technologies ag, developed the second generation of the REAL3 automotive image sensor - an ISO26262-compliant high-resolution 3D image sensor. The sensor is encased in a 9 x 9 mm2 plastic BGA package and offers a VGA system resolution of 640 x 480 pixels with a tiny image circle of 4 mm. It allows lens sizes like those known from smartphones to automotive applications. The high resolution of the REAL3 sensor makes it appropriate for camera applications with a wide field of view, like complete front-row occupant monitoring systems. The resulting 3D body models enable accurate estimates of occupant size and weight and highly precise passenger and seat position data, which is key information for intelligent airbag deployment and restraint systems. Besides safety-critical applications, the 3D data facilitates comfort features like gesture control or intuitive interior lighting that follows passengers' movements.
  • The region is also witnessing an upsurge in the innovation of new and comprehensive products and solutions. In May 2022, STMicroelectronics developed a global-shutter image sensor for driver monitoring systems (DMSs). They constantly watch the driver's head movements to recognize signs of drowsiness and distraction, enabling systems in the vehicle to generate warnings that can preserve the safety of occupants. The global-shutter sensor, the VB56G4A, leverages ST's in-house investment in manufacturing advanced 3D-stacked back-side illuminated (BSI-3D) image sensors. These are more sensitive, smaller, and reliable than conventional front-side illuminated (FSI) sensors typically used in first-generation DMSs.
  • In July 2021, Samsung launched its new ISOCELL Auto 4AC, its first image sensor, tailor-made for cars. It is intended to be utilized as a reverse camera or (on more advanced systems) to power surround view monitors. The technology integrates two photodiodes per pixel - one 3.0 µm for low-light operation and one 1.0 µm placed in the corner that will be used for bright environments. This setup enables the sensor to quickly adjust to changes in the surrounding light, ex: when exiting a tunnel. It also offers a high dynamic range with little motion blur and reduces the flicker of LED lights.

The Healthcare Sector is Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • Imaging sensors have applications in various medical sectors like dental imaging, Digital Mammography, Ophthalmology, X-Ray image reconstruction, Endoscopy, and digital pathology, Orthopedic and surgical procedures. High resolution, fast frame rate, high NIR sensitivity, excellent image quality, and medically qualified imager sensors are the key improvements that help to advance the technique. Several regional companies are developing innovative products, including reliable, accurate, and high-performance vision and camera sensors, to improve image efficiency and accuracy and meet the medical and life sciences sector's ever-demanding requirements.
  • For instance, in June 2021, OmniVision Technologies, Inc., a provider of advanced digital imaging solutions, announced its next-generation OH08A and OH08B CMOS image sensors, the first 8 megapixels (MP) resolution sensors for single-use and reusable endoscopes. Additionally, the new OH08B is the first medical-grade image sensor to use OmniVision's Nyxelnear-infrared (NIR) technology, bringing revolutionary imaging capabilities beyond the visible spectrum to the medical industry. Additionally, the OH08B is the first medical-grade image sensor to use OmniVision's Nyxelnear-infrared (NIR) technology, bringing advanced imaging capabilities beyond the visible spectrum to the medical industry.
  • Further, in November 2021, OMNIVISION Technologies, Inc., and Diaspective Vision GmbH, developer of high-quality hyperspectral and multispectral camera systems for medical applications, announced their partnership in developing a new type of endoscopic camera, the MALYNA system, based on proprietary multispectral imaging technology. According to Diaspective Vision, the fifth dimension of medical imaging, the MALYNA is set to become a standard diagnostics tool like ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans as it provides live imaging in addition to hyperspectral and multispectral imaging, which shows the different perfusion parameters and risk structures of the tissue, and ICG imaging for cancer detection. This combination of different imaging procedures maximizes productivity during endoscopy. The image sensor is suitable to be utilized in gastroscopes, duodenoscopes, amnioscopes, laparoscopes and colonoscopes.
  • Further, in place of amorphous silicon flat panels, CMOS image sensors are now often employed for medical X-Ray imaging. Since there is no lens required for CMOS-based X-ray applications, the image sensor's size must coincide with the size of the target region.
  • In March 2021, the development of the new "Built-in AEC1 assistance" technology for digital radiography (DR)2 was announced by Canon Inc. With this technique, the X-ray image sensor of the device makes use of similar parts that can do both picture production and real-time detection of the pixel value3 corresponding to emitted X-rays, alerting the X-ray generator when the pixel value reaches a predetermined value. Canon has developed its new "Built-in AEC Assistance" technology by utilizing the image and X-ray sensor technologies the business has developed over its long history in order to enhance such standard operations. With the enable of modern technologies, imaging equipment now has built-in capabilities that formerly required separate devices.

Europe Image Sensors Industry Overview

The Europe Image Sensors Market is moderately consolidated due to many large and small players churning the competition in the market. Through product and technology launches, strategic partnerships, acquisition, expansion, and collaboration, these players try to gain a competitive edge in the market. Key players in the market are ST Microelectronics, BAE System, On Semiconductor, etc.

  • December 2021 - Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation announced that it had developed the new stacked CMOS image sensor technology with 2-Layer Transistor Pixel. Whereas conventional CMOS image sensors' photodiodes and pixel transistors occupy the same substrate, Sony's latest technology separates photodiodes and pixel transistors on different substrate layers. This new architecture approximately doubles saturation signal level relative to conventional image sensors, widens dynamic range, and reduces noise, thereby substantially improving imaging properties.
  • October 2021 - Onsemi, a prominent person in intelligent power and sensing technologies, announced the availability of a new 1/1.7-inch 8.3 MP CMOS digital image sensor with a rolling shutter and embedded High Dynamic Range (eHDR) technology. The AR0821CS meets various needs of commercial, consumer, and industrial applications by providing superior image quality in challenging lighting conditions. These applications comprise scanners/readers, machine vision cameras, high-end drones, dashboard cameras, and smart building surveillance/security systems.

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  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power Of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat Of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat Of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity Of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Technology Snapshot
  • 4.4 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.5 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Incorporation of high-resolution cameras with image sensors in mobile devices
    • 5.1.2 Improving medical imaging solutions
    • 5.1.3 Increasing expenditure on security and surveillance in public places
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Manufacturing costs
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities
    • 5.3.1 Increasing automotive applications


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 CMOS
    • 6.1.2 CCD
  • 6.2 By End-User Industry
    • 6.2.1 Consumer Electronics
    • 6.2.2 Healthcare
    • 6.2.3 Industrial
    • 6.2.4 Security and Surveillance
    • 6.2.5 Automotive and Transportation
    • 6.2.6 Aerospace and Defense
    • 6.2.7 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Country
    • 6.3.1 United Kingdom
    • 6.3.2 Germany
    • 6.3.3 France
    • 6.3.4 Italy
    • 6.3.5 Rest of Europe


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 STMicroelectronics
    • 7.1.2 BAE Systems
    • 7.1.3 On Semiconductor
    • 7.1.4 Toshiba
    • 7.1.5 Sony Corporation
    • 7.1.6 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
    • 7.1.7 Nikon
    • 7.1.8 Panasonic Corporation
    • 7.1.9 SK Hynix
    • 7.1.10 Omnivision