

India Smart Wearable - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 地方政府机构正在实施可能显着推动市场的新措施。例如,2022年2月,印度政府宣布了一项新的分阶段製造计画(PMP),以鼓励国内生产穿戴式和可听设备。自 2022 年 4 月 1 日起,用于生产可穿戴和可听设备的大多数零件将无需缴纳关税。智慧型手錶、蓝牙音箱、真无线音响、耳机、耳塞、颈带和耳机等进口产品将征收20%的关税,而2023财年至2026财年的进口零件将征收0%至15%的关税将收取关税。
  • 据印度品牌资产基金会称,为了加强医疗设备产业,印度政府(GOI)已启动各种措施来振兴市场,强调对研发(R&D)和医疗设备。 2000年4月至2021年12月,进入医疗手术设备市场的FDI金额为23.5亿美元。医疗设备进口占全国进口总额的75-80%。 2019-20年出口总额为25.1亿美元,预计到2025年将达到100亿美元。人们相信,越来越多的政府倡议将为所研究的市场的成长创造机会。
  • 2021年6月,DRDO启动了对外骨骼技术的多年研发,以使士兵的生活更安全、更舒适。然而,该领域的操作技术尚未部署。同时,中国开发了一种军用外骨骼套装,用于在边境紧张局势加剧的情况下携带弹药。中国边防部队于2020年底开始使用非动力外骨骼协助执行物资运输、巡逻等任务。
  • 2021年6月,智慧穿戴装置製造商GoQii宣布发布一款名为Smart Vital Junior的新产品。这款名为 GoQii Smart Vital Junior 的儿童专用健身手环是在第三波新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情预计将袭击年轻一代之际发布的。 GoQii Smart Vital Junior 是一款对幼儿有用的工具,可即时监测血氧浓度、心率和体温水平的变化,这在 COVID-19 期间非常重要。据医学专家称,幼儿预计将受到第三波 COVID-19 的影响。



  • 随着网路连线和数数位化的迅速崛起,对无线设备的需求不断增加。预计将成为智慧无线健身设备关键组件并满足客户最重要需求的关键应用包括身体活动监测和测量、环境感测、即时资料收集和通讯。人工智慧的整合已成为医疗保健领域快速进步和进步的一部分。 AI辅助的智慧型手錶确保智慧诊断和医生对患者健康状况的监测。
  • 由于对创建支持医学和健身进一步进步的智慧技术的策略性投资不断增加,该市场正在成长。智慧型手錶只是监控和测量您的日常健身活动,例如步数、燃烧的卡路里、行走的距离和其他活动。智慧型手錶可以使用蓝牙或无线通讯快速连接到智慧型手机。运动员和任何消费者都可以藉助此帮助来安排他们的日常任务。因此,无线运动和健身设备的日益普及已成为智慧型手錶产业扩张的关键因素。
  • 本公司推出新产品或在现有产品中新增功能以满足客户需求。例如,2022 年 4 月,B.Rebel 在印度推出了首款成熟的智慧型手錶,具有时尚的外观和特殊的功能。这款智慧型手錶是送给重视健康和健身爱好者的理想礼物。心率监测、睡眠监测、月经週期追踪、久坐提醒、日常活动追踪器、血氧水平监测 (SpO2) 和 11 种运动模式等技术功能让健身习惯。
  • 2022 年 5 月,印度理工学院坎普尔分校的调查团队开发了一款革命性的触摸感应手錶,对于视障人士来说非常有用。它具有显示健康指标、即时定时器、喝水提醒等多项功能。使用触控感应器和振动的功能被认为是革命性的,可以为视障人士提供时间感。
  • 此外,该公司在其网站上宣布,将于2022年5月在印度推出新版Amazfit GTS 2。印度消费者可以在亚马逊印度网路商店上架这款智慧型手錶后立即购买。新型号与 2020 年 12 月推出的 Amazfit GTS 2 有很多通用,但也有一些细微的变化。其中之一是增强触觉振动以获得更清晰的回馈。另外,由于可以旋转,所以左右手戴也很实用。


  • 虽然智慧服饰的想法可能相当新,但时尚和电子产品早已结合在一起成为供应链的一部分。时尚产品现在可以与任何人甚至顾客互动,因为它们具有内建的 RFID 标籤。这些标籤可以采用纸质吊挂、缝在衣领、袖扣上的织物标籤或塞入鞋底的坚固标籤。近距离场通讯(NFC) 是一种特定的 RFID通讯协定,越来越多地应用于服饰。任何行动装置都可以在几公分的距离内读取 NFC,并且当与可连接的云端软体结合使用时,可以在企业和客户之间开闢新的沟通管道。
  • 2022年1月,印度耳戴式装置品牌boAt母公司Imagine Marketing将收购新加坡KaHa Pte Limited,扩大其智慧综合健康穿戴式装置生态系统。 KaHa Pte Limited 是一家端到端智慧物联网产品开发公司。此次收购将使 Imagine Marketing 在概念、设计、电子韧体、演算法开发、Android 和 iOS 应用程式、新功能整合、社交参与和分析方面扩展其可穿戴产品组合。 Imagine Marketing 也将带头为印度消费者开发一个繁荣的生态系统。
  • 新时代技术的采用正在影响包括医疗保健在内的多个行业,而医疗保健也在改变。与10年前相比,医疗产业发生了巨大变化。 COVID-19 大流行加速了已经在进行的行业的数位转型。由于全球医疗人员危机和普遍资源短缺,世界各地的医疗保健提供者正在采用人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 等最尖端科技来适应不断扩大的患者群体。
  • 5G 技术的广泛采用以及全球对建设先进 5G 网路的投资增加预计将推动医疗机构和家庭采用医疗物联网。 IoMT 目前用于各种医疗应用,包括 MRI 扫描仪、人工关节、妊娠检测套组和手术设备。由于人们对创新医疗设备的认识不断提高,预计在预测期内,医疗领域对物联网的采用将会增加。
  • 为了提高作战能力,长期以来依赖国有企业生产的产品来满足国防装备需求的印度军队越来越多地采用新创新兴企业创建的扩增实境(AR)和虚拟实境(VR)技术。军方正在与新兴企业合作广泛的计划,从飞行员培训到飞机维修,提高武器效率,甚至提高坦克的战斗耐久性。例如,总部位于孟买的 AR/VR 企业 AjnaLens 在 A 轮预资金筹措中筹集了 1.2 亿印度卢比,用于设计透明装甲。 AjnaESAS(增强型态势感知系统)是一种头戴式显示器,使用扩增实境和 360 度摄影机为坦克乘员提供 360 度水平视图。



  • 2022 年 6 月 - Garmin 的健身追踪器 Vivosmart 5 在印度推出。这款智慧型健身追踪器的先进睡眠追踪功能包括 Garmin 睡眠评分、脉搏血氧饱和度度一目了然的健康统计数据、心率监测、「身体电池」能量监测、全天压力追踪等。 Vivosmart 5 的萤幕空间比其后继产品增加了 66%,具有更大的文字以及更直观的触控萤幕和按钮介面。根据用户的最大摄氧量、静止心率和体重指数,追踪器还显示用户当前的健身年龄。 (BMI) 随着参与度的增加,鼓励消费者使用此选项来减少数量。
  • 2021 年 8 月 - 互联公共技术供应商 Axon 宣布古吉拉突邦警方将为部署在古吉拉突邦的警官提供 10,350 个随身摄影机和 Axon 的数位证据管理解决方案。古吉拉突邦警方还将为其部分摄影机配备 Axon 的即时情境察觉软体 Respond for Devices,让监督能够存取位置地图和直播。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买方议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
    • 替代品的威胁
  • 价值链分析
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 技术进步推动市场成长
  • 市场限制因素
    • 高成本和资料安全问题

第六章 市场细分

  • 副产品
    • 智慧型手錶
    • 头戴式显示器
    • 智慧穿戴
    • 耳挂式
    • 健身追踪器
    • 随身携带的相机
    • 外骨骼
    • 医疗设备

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Apple Inc.
    • Samsung
    • Google
    • Xiaomi
    • Nike
    • Ottobock
    • Cyberdyne
    • Medtronic PLC
    • Omron Healthcare Inc.
    • Sony Corporation



Product Code: 91176

The India Smart Wearable Market is expected to register a CAGR of 23.91% during the forecast period.

India Smart Wearable - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The regional government bodies are implementing new policies which may significantly drive the market. For instance, in February 2022, The Indian government unveiled a new phased manufacturing scheme to encourage the domestic production of wearable and hearable devices (PMP). Most components used to make wearable, and hearable gadgets will no longer be subject to customs tax beginning on April 1, 2022, while importing such goods will range from 15 to 20 % from FY23 to FY26. While there will be a 20% tariff on imported smartwatches, Bluetooth speakers, true wireless stereos, headphones, earbuds, neckbands, and headsets, there will be a 0% to 15% duty on imported components between FY23 and FY26.
  • According to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation, The Government of India (GOI) has commenced various initiatives to strengthen the medical devices sector, emphasizing research and development (R&D) and 100% FDI for medical devices to boost the market. Between April 2000 and December 2021, the amount of FDI that entered the medical and surgical equipment market was 2.35 billion dollars. Medical gadget imports account for 75-80% of the country's total. In 2019-20, exports totaled USD 2.51 billion; by 2025, they are projected to reach USD 10 billion. Increasing government initiatives will create opportunities for the studied market to grow.
  • In June 2021, DRDO conducted research and development on the exoskeleton technology for several years to make soldiers' lives safer and more comfortable. It hasn't yet deployed any operational technologies in this area, though. While China, amid the border tensions, came out with military-grade exoskeleton suits powered and used for carrying ammunition. The Chinese border defense troops began employing non-powered exoskeletons in the latter half of 2020 to aid in tasks like supply delivery and patrol.
  • In June 2021, GoQii, the manufacturer of a smart wearable, announced the release of a new item named Smart Vital Junior. A special fitness band for children called the GoQii Smart Vital Junior is being released when the prospect of a third COVID-19 wave hangs over the younger generation. The GoQii Smart Vital Junior will serve as a helping tool for children and monitor changes in blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and temperature levels in real-time-vitals that are important during COVID-19. According to medical professionals, children are expected to be affected by the third COVID-19 wave.

India Smart Wearable Market Trends

Smart Watches is one of Factor that Significantly Driving the Market

  • With the rapid rise in internet connectivity and digitalization, there is a rise in the demand for wireless gadgets. Some of the key applications that are crucial components of smart wireless fitness devices and are anticipated to meet the customers' most important needs include monitoring and measuring physical activity, sensing the surroundings, real-time data collecting, and communication. AI integration has been a part of healthcare's rapid progress and advancement. AI-assisted smartwatches ensure smart diagnoses and doctors for patient health monitoring.
  • The market is growing due to increased investment in strategies for creating smart technologies to assist further healthcare and fitness advancements. A smartwatch monitors and measures daily fitness activities, including steps, calories burned, distance traveled, and others, which are simple. The smartwatch can quickly connect to a smartphone through Bluetooth or wireless communication. The athlete or any consumer can schedule their daily tasks with this assistance. As a result, the growing popularity of wireless sports and fitness equipment is a key factor in the expansion of the smartwatch industry.
  • Firms are launching new products or incorporating new features into existing products to meet the customers' demands. For instance, in April 2022, B.Rebel unveiled its first-ever real smartwatch in India, with a sleek appearance and special functions. This smartwatch is the ideal present for anyone who values their health or is a fitness enthusiast. With technological features including heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, menstrual cycle tracking, sedentary alert, daily activity tracker, blood oxygen monitoring (SpO2), 11 sports modes, etc., staying on top of fitness routine is simple.
  • In May 2022, Researchers at IIT Kanpur created a revolutionary touch-sensitive timepiece that could be extremely helpful for blind and visually impaired people. It has several functions, including displaying health metrics, an instant timer, a reminder to drink water, etc. The touch-sensitive and vibration-based capabilities would prove revolutionary in providing the blind and visually handicapped with a sense of time.
  • Furthermore, the company announced on its website in May 2022 that Amazfit GTS 2 New Version launched in India. As soon as the smartwatch is posted on the online store, Amazon India, customers in India can purchase it. The new model shares many similarities with the Amazfit GTS 2 introduced in December 2020, but it should feature a few minor changes. One feature is an enhanced haptic vibration for clearer feedback. Because it can rotate, it is also said to be practical for wearing on both the left and right hands.

Technological Advancements driving the Market

  • The idea of smart clothing may be fairly new, but fashion and electronics have been paired up for some time as part of the supply chain. Fashion goods can now interact with anyone, even customers, due to RFID tags that have been included in them. These tags can take the shape of a paper hang tag, a textile tag stitched into a collar, a button on a sleeve, or a sturdy tag pressed into a shoe's sole. The use of Near Field Communication (NFC), a specific RFID protocol, in clothing is growing. It can be read on any mobile device from a few centimeters away and, when combined with connectable cloud software, opens up new channels for communication between businesses and customers.
  • In January 2022, Imagine Marketing, the parent company of the Indian earwear brand boAt, will buy Singapore's KaHa Pte Limited to expand its intelligent and comprehensive wellness wearable ecosystem. KaHa Pte Limited is an end-to-end smart IoT product development firm. With the acquisition, Imagine Marketing will be able to expand its line of wearable products in terms of concept, design, electronic firmware, algorithm development, Android and iOS applications, new feature integration, social engagement, and analytics. Imagine Marketing will also lead in developing a thriving ecosystem for Indian consumers.
  • The introduction of new-age technologies has impacted several industries, including healthcare, which has also changed. The healthcare industry has changed significantly since a decade ago. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated this industry's ongoing digital change, which was already underway. Due to a worldwide health staffing crisis and a general lack of resources, healthcare providers worldwide were forced to employ cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to service the expanding number of patients.
  • The adoption of the internet of medical things across healthcare organizations and families is anticipated to be fueled by the expanding popularity of 5G technology and increased investments in creating advanced 5G networks worldwide. IoMT is currently used in various healthcare applications, including MRI scanners, artificial joints, pregnancy test kits, and surgical equipment. IoMT adoption in the healthcare sector is anticipated to increase over the course of the forecast period due to rising awareness of innovative healthcare devices.
  • To improve its fighting capability, the Indian military, which has long relied on items made by state-owned corporations for its defense equipment requirements, is increasingly embracing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies created by startups. The military forces are collaborating with startups on projects ranging from pilot training to aircraft repair, weapon efficiency improvement, and even making tanks more durable in battle. For example, AjnaLens, a Mumbai-based AR/VR business that raised INR 12 crore in pre-series A funding, designed a see-through armor as an example. The AjnaESAS (enhanced situational awareness system) is a head-mounted display that uses augmented reality and a 360-degree camera to provide the tank crew with a 360-degree horizontal field of view.

India Smart Wearable Industry Overview

The Indian smart Wearables Market is fragmented with significant market players such as Google LLC, Apple Inc., Samsung, sony, and many more. The companies are introducing new offerings, continuously investing in partnerships and acquisitions, and product development to increase the market share. A few of the recent developments by the companies are listed below.

  • June 2022 - The Vivosmart 5 fitness tracker from Garmin has been introduced in India. The advanced sleep tracking capabilities of the smart fitness tracker include Garmin's sleep score, at-a-glance health stats for pulse oximetry, heart rate monitoring, "body battery" energy monitoring, all-day stress tracking, and more. The Vivosmart 5 boasts 66 percent more screen space than the model it replaces, larger lettering, and an intuitive touchscreen and button interface. Based on the users' VO2 max, resting heart rate, and body mass index, the tracker also displays the users' current fitness age. (BMI) With increasing engagement, consumers are encouraged to lower the figure using this option.
  • August 2021 - Axon, a connected public safety technology provider, announced that the Gujarat State Police would provide 10,350 body-worn cameras and Axon's digital evidence management solution to officers stationed throughout Gujarat, India. The Gujarat State Police will also equip a portion of the cameras with Axon's real-time situational awareness software, Respond for Devices, which provides supervisors with access to location-mapping and live stream, allowing them to see how situations develop and inform decisions about resourcing and backup.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Incremental Technological Advancements Aiding the Market Growth
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Cost and Data Security Concerns


  • 6.1 By Product
    • 6.1.1 Smartwatches
    • 6.1.2 Head-mounted Displays
    • 6.1.3 Smart Clothing
    • 6.1.4 Ear Worn
    • 6.1.5 Fitness Trackers
    • 6.1.6 Body-worn Camera
    • 6.1.7 Exoskeleton
    • 6.1.8 Medical Devices


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Apple Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Samsung
    • 7.1.3 Google
    • 7.1.4 Xiaomi
    • 7.1.5 Nike
    • 7.1.6 Ottobock
    • 7.1.7 Cyberdyne
    • 7.1.8 Medtronic PLC
    • 7.1.9 Omron Healthcare Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Sony Corporation