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市场占有率与预测:2023年至2028年全球贸易监督与监控(2 份报告合集)Market Share and Forecast: Trade Surveillance and Monitoring, 2023-2028, Worldwide (Bundle of Two Reports) |
QKS 集团透露,到2028年,贸易监控和监测市场预计将实现 18.50%的年复合成长率。
随着恶意交易员诈欺活动的增多,公司因未能及时准确发现和报告市场滥用行为而面临监管机构的严厉处罚。这些因素导致全球金融市场资金损失进一步扩大。其他活动导致了日益严格的法规的演变,例如 Reg BI、MAR、MiFID II、Dodd-Frank、行为准则,以及 CFTC、SEC、FINRA、ESMA 等监管机构的指导方针和国家法规,以检测破坏公众对市场信任的交易活动。金融市场对遵守这些法规的要求越来越高,这是对强大而准确的贸易监控系统的需求的主要驱动力。贸易监视和监控解决方案提供交易前、交易后和市场监视功能,以识别市场滥用和贸易违规行为。此解决方案执行的活动包括对订单簿的完整分析、对订单和交易的完整审计追踪的检查以及对跨市场的跨资产交易的分析,以减轻非法交易行为,保护组织免受损失、欺诈和处罚,增强消费者信心并确保遵守法规。
QKS 集团透露,到2028年,贸易监控和监测市场预计将实现 18.50%的年复合成长率。
在过去十年中,金融市场经历了各种因素,包括流氓交易员,导致组织崩溃和巨额损失。其他活动导致了日益严格的监管,例如Reg BI、MAR、MiFID II、Dodd-Frank、Code of Conduct、CFTC、SEC、FINRA、ESMA等监管机构的指导方针,以及不断发展的国家法规,以检测破坏公众对市场信任的交易活动。金融市场对遵守这些法规的要求越来越高,这是对强大而准确的贸易监控系统的需求的主要驱动力。贸易监视和监控解决方案提供交易前、交易后和市场监视功能,以识别市场滥用和贸易违规行为。
This product includes two reports: Market Share and Market Forecast.
QKS Group Reveals that Trade Surveillance and Monitoring Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 18.50% by 2028.
With the increase in the number of fraudulent activities by rogue traders, organizations are facing heavy penalties from regulators due to lack of accurate market abuse detection and timely reporting. These factors have caused further financial losses in the financial markets globally. All these events have led to the evolution of increasingly stringent regulations, such as Reg BI, MAR, MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, and Code of Conduct, along with guidelines from regulatory agencies, including CFTC, SEC, FINRA, and ESMA, as well as other national regulations across various countries to detect trading activities that sabotage public confidence in the markets. The rising thrust on financial markets to comply with these regulations is the primary driving force for robust and accurate trade monitoring systems. A trade surveillance and monitoring solution offers capabilities for pre-trade, post-trade, & market surveillance and identifies market abuse practices and trade violations. The solution performs activities that include a complete analysis of the order book, investigation of complete audit trails of orders and trades, and analysis of cross-market cross-asset trades to help mitigate illegal trade practices, safeguard organizations from losses, frauds, and penalties, enhance consumer trust, and ensure regulatory compliance.
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions defines "Trade Surveillance and Monitoring solutions as a Software that identifies and prevents abusive trading practices by monitoring market manipulation, fraud, and illicit trading behavior. A trade surveillance and monitoring solution should cover all asset classes and geographies to identify threats from any trading transaction. The software protects organizations from reputational risk and losses from penalty and fraud while ensuring regulatory compliance."
QKS Group Reveals that Trade Surveillance and Monitoring Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 18.50% by 2028.
Organizations across Financial markets have experienced failures and enormous losses in the last decade owing to various factors, including rogue traders. These events have led to the evolution of increasingly stringent regulations, such as Reg BI, MAR, MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, and Code of Conduct, along with guidelines from regulatory agencies, including CFTC, SEC, FINRA, and ESMA, as well as other national regulations across various countries to detect trading activities that sabotage public confidence in the markets. The rising thrust on financial markets to comply with these regulations is the primary driving force for robust and accurate trade monitoring systems. A trade surveillance and monitoring solution offers capabilities for pre-trade, post-trade, & market surveillance and identifies market abuse practices and trade violations.