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到 2028 年的啤酒包装市场预测 - 按包装材料(玻璃、金属、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯和其他包装材料)、包装类型、应用和地区分列的全球分析Beer Packaging Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Packaging Material (Glass, Metal, Polyethylene Terephthalate and Other Packaging Materials), Packaging Type, Application and By Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,2022 年全球啤酒包装市场规模将达到 121 亿美元,预计到 2028 年将达到 167 亿美元,预测期内復合年增长率为 5.6%。成长于
用于包装的技术称为啤酒包装。 啤酒生产中最重要的步骤是啤酒包装,这种方法占总价值的典型部分。 在包装过程中,必须保护啤酒免受杂散酵母的污染和暴露于氧气中,这会缩短保质期。 虽然大型啤酒厂使用机械控制的包装线,但许多啤酒厂使用手动灌装来包装啤酒。
根据啤酒协会 2018 年的年度报告,美国啤酒行业每年向美国消费者销售价值超过 1193 亿美元的啤酒和麦芽饮料。
啤酒包装市场的驱动因素之一是对精酿啤酒的需求不断增加。 精酿啤酒因其独特的口味和成分而越来越受到消费者的欢迎,需要专门的包装选择。 啤酒厂数量的增加也推动了对啤酒包装的需求。 精酿啤酒行业的扩张预计将导致新啤酒厂的建立和对啤酒包装的需求增加。
啤酒包装市场受许多可能限制市场扩张的法律法规管辖。 啤酒包装製造商须遵守众多管理酒精饮料生产、标籤和分销的法律。 例如,限制使用某些包装材料会增加製造成本并影响製造商的利润率,从而对市场产生不利影响。
中国、印度和巴西等新兴国家的啤酒市场正在迅速扩张,为包装製造商创造了新的商机。 随着各地区的各种投资和啤酒消费量的增加,这一趋势预计将继续并加强,这可能会推动包装市场。
出于对环境的担忧,啤酒包装市场在采用可持续包装方案方面面临越来越大的压力。 这可能会增加生产成本,影响製造商的利润率,并限制市场扩张。 啤酒行业及其包装市场也受到葡萄酒和烈酒等非酒精饮料日益流行的挑战。
COVID-19 疫情导致全球饮料生产停滞,啤酒製造商的需求减少,附近的酒吧、酒馆和餐馆关闭,超市和特色杂货店关闭。 酒精饮料中最大的一类是啤酒。 在美国酿酒商协会调查的 900 家酿酒商中,90% 的人报告说 COVID-19 对其业务产生了负面影响,包括旅游销售、代理订单和计划中的活动取消。我来了。 酿酒商还承认,61% 的生产已经放缓,30% 的啤酒厂已经停产。 在此期间,烈酒製造商已开始生产洗手液和其他对抗 COVID-19 所需的物品。
在预测期内,玻璃包装预计将占据最大的市场份额。 这主要是由于它的许多优点,例如比其他包装替代品更长时间地保持啤酒新鲜,并且可以重复使用。 可回收玻璃杯中的啤酒对企业来说是一个很有吸引力的选择,因为它可以使啤酒远离光线并防止臭鼬。 玻璃还使包装看起来更真实,可以适应不同的消费者口味。
由于方便,罐装啤酒预计将在预测期内实现最高增长率。 行业增长预计将受到喜力、Modelo Especial 和 Corona 等罐装啤酒消费量增加的推动。 其他好处是罐装啤酒的保质期更长,使用更少的能源更容易回收,并提供可延长啤酒寿命的紫外线防护。 如此广泛的优势正在推动这一细分市场的扩张。
亚太地区的啤酒包装行业主要受到文化趋势变化、城市化进程加快以及啤酒在年轻人群中日益流行的推动。 该地区对 PET 饮料瓶和罐的需求非常高。 这是由低价格和蓬勃发展的终端用户行业推动的,例如即饮茶和咖啡、瓶装水和果汁。 由于工人阶级的显着增加和人民可支配收入的增加,该地区对优质啤酒的消费也有所增加。 因此,它推动了啤酒包装市场。
由于啤酒的高投资和受欢迎程度,预计北美地区在预测期内增长良好。 百事可乐公司、泰森食品公司、雀巢、卡夫亨氏公司、可口可乐公司、百威英博和 JBS USA 等国际製造商强大的美国製造基地将推动塑料包装的需求。 此外,北美消费者“忙碌”的生活方式正在推动饮料行业的快速增长,这很可能在预测期内推动区域市场扩张。
2023 年 3 月,开发和製造负责任包装解决方案的全球领导者 Amcor 今天宣布推出 Nfinite Nanotechnology Inc.,以增强可回收和可堆肥包装。宣布已签订联合研究项目协议,以验证使用纳米涂层技术。 在项目的概念验证阶段,Nfinite 的涂层技术将应用于 Amcor 现有的可回收和可堆肥包装。
2022 年 11 月,欧洲领先、全球第三大食品和饮料玻璃容器製造商 Verallia 将与 Sun European Partners LLP 和一家专注于高端烈酒终端市场的英国公司组建子公司。进入收购优质玻璃包装市场领导者 Allied Glass 的具有约束力的协议。 Verallia 通过在英国开展业务,扩大了其在北欧的製造足迹,并巩固了其在烈酒市场优质玻璃瓶领域的地位。
2022 年 9 月,Ardagh Glass Packaging-Europe 与 B&B Studio 和 Belvoir Farm 合作,为 Belvoir Farm 的全新精緻非酒精植物苏打水系列打造了一种新的玻璃瓶设计。 新设计是一个完全可回收的 500 毫升火石玻璃瓶,其中 45% 是回收玻璃,重量为 380 克。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Beer Packaging Market is accounted for $12.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $16.7 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 5.6% during the forecast period. Technology used in packaging is referred to as beer packaging. The most important step in the production of beer is beer packaging, which accounts for up to a typical portion of the total method's value. While in packaging, beer should be protected from contamination by stray yeast and oxygen exposure because it shortens the shelf life. While machine-controlled packaging lines are used in large breweries, many breweries used manual filling to package beer.
According to Beer Institute Annual Report in 2018, the U.S. beer industry sells more than US $119.3 billion in beer and malt-based beverages to U.S. consumers each year.
One of the key factors propelling the beer packaging market is the rising demand for craft beer. Due to its distinctive flavors and ingredients, craft beer is becoming more and more popular with consumers, necessitating specialized packaging options. The demand for beer packaging is also being driven by the growth in the number of breweries. New breweries have been established as a result of the expansion of the craft beer industry, which is anticipated to increase demand for beer packaging.
The market for beer packaging is governed by a number of laws and regulations, which may limit market expansion. Manufacturers of beer packaging are subject to a plethora of laws governing alcoholic beverage production, labeling, and distribution. For instance, restrictions on the use of specific packaging materials may raise production costs and have an impact on manufacturers' profit margins, which is adversely affecting the market.
Beer markets in emerging nations like China, India, and Brazil are expanding quickly, opening up new business opportunities for packaging manufacturers. Due to various investments and greater beer consumption in various regions, it is anticipated that this trend will continue and intensify, which might facilitate the packaging market.
Due to environmental concerns, the market for beer packaging is coming under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable packaging options. This could raise the cost of production and have an impact on the profit margins of manufacturers, which would limit the market's expansion. The beer industry and its packaging market are also challenged by the rise in popularity of non-alcoholic beverages like wine and spirits.
Worldwide beverage production has been halted by the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of decreased brewer demand, the closure of neighborhood bars, pubs, and restaurants, and the lockdown of supermarkets and specialty grocery stores. The largest category of alcoholic beverages is made up of beers. 90% of the 900 brewers surveyed by the Brewers Association in the United States reported that COVID-19 had a negative impact on their business through on-site sales, distributor orders, or the cancellation of planned events. The brewers also acknowledged that 61% of production had slowed down and 30% of brewery production had halted. Throughout this time, spirit manufacturing companies have taken steps to produce the hand sanitizer and other necessities needed to combat COVID-19.
Over the course of the forecast period, glass packaging material is anticipated to hold the largest share in the market. This is primarily attributable to their numerous benefits, such as their ability to keep beer fresher for longer periods of time than other alternative packaging materials and their ability to be reused. Beer is packaged in returnable glass because it shields the beer from light and keeps it from being skunked, making it an attractive option for businesses. Glass also gives the packaging a more genuine appearance and accommodates a range of consumer preferences.
Due to its convenience, canned beer's segment is predicted to experience the highest growth rate during the forecast period. Industry growth is anticipated to be fueled by rising consumption of canned beers like Heineken, Modelo Especial, and Corona, among others. Additionally, canned beers have benefits like a longer shelf life, easier recycling with less energy, and protection from UV rays that lengthen the beer's life. Such extensive benefits fuel the segment's expansion.
The beer packaging industry in the Asia-Pacific region is primarily driven by shifting cultural trends, rising urbanization, and increased popularity of beer among younger people. The demand for PET beverage bottles and cans in the area is extremely high. Low prices and booming end-user industries, like those for RTD tea and coffee, bottled water, and juices, are primarily responsible over this. Additionally, the consumption of premium and high-quality beers is growing in this region due to a significant increase in the number of working-class people and an increase in people's disposable incomes. As a result, this is driving the market for beer packaging.
Due to numerous investments and greater beer penetration, the North American region is estimated to witness lucrative growth throughout the forecast period. Demand for plastic packaging is anticipated to be driven by the U.S.'s strong manufacturing base of international producers like PepsiCo Inc., Tyson Foods Inc., Nestle, Kraft Heinz Co., The Coca-Cola Company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, and JBS USA. Additionally, the 'on-the-go' lifestyle of consumers in North America has caused the beverage industry to grow quickly, which is likely to fuel regional market expansion over the forecast period.
Some of the key players profiled in the Beer Packaging Market include: Aeris Packaging, Allied Glass Containers Limited, Amcor Limited, Ardagh Group SA, Ball Corporation, Carlsberg Group, Crown Holdings Incorporated, Diversified Packaging Products, Gamer Packaging, Longitude Media, Nampack Ltd., Pak-it Products, Plastipak Holdings Inc., Saxon Packaging, Scott Laboratories Inc, Smurfit Kappa Group PLC, SuoKun Glass, Tetra Laval International SA, The Dieline Westrock Company and Yantai NBC Glass Packaging.
In March 2023, Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, today announced a joint research project agreement with Nfinite Nanotechnology Inc. to validate the use of Nfinite's nanocoating technology to enhance both recyclable and compostable packaging. In the proof-of-concept phase of the project, Nfinite's coating technology will be applied to Amcor's existing recyclable and compostable packaging material.
In November 2022, Verallia, the leading European and the world's third largest producer of glass containers for food and beverages, has signed a binding agreement with an affiliate of Sun European Partners LLP for the acquisition of Allied Glass, a market leader in the UK premium glass packaging segment with a focus on the premium spirits' end market. Verallia will expand its Northern European manufacturing footprint with UK presence and reinforce its position in premium glass bottles for the spirits' market.
In September 2022, Ardagh Glass Packaging - Europe has collaborated with B&B Studio and Belvoir Farm to create a new glass bottle design for Belvoir Farm's new range of sophisticated, non-alcoholic Botanical Sodas. The new design is a fully recyclable 500ml flint glass bottle that contains 45% recycled glass and has a reduced weight of just 380g.