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到 2028 年的空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统市场预测——按污染物类型、产品类型、技术、应用、最终用户和地区进行的全球分析Air Quality Control Systems Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Pollutant Type, Product Type, Technology, Application, End User and Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,2022 年全球空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统市场规模将达到 977 亿美元,预计到 2028 年将达到 1533 亿美元,预计将以复合年增长率为 7.8%。
空气质量控制系统对于保持室内和室外环境的安全是必不可少的。 包括水泥生产、电力生产、化学品使用以及石油和天然气精炼在内的各种业务都会将有害物质和氰化物排放到空气中。 称为内部空气控制系统的设备和技术减少了某些行业排放的气体和空气污染物的数量。 空气内部控制系统市场提供了去除污染物和使空气排放更清洁的补救措施。
随着公司在全球扩张,空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的数量预计也会增加。 此外,中国和印度等发展中国家的快速工业化增加了对空气质量控制系统的需求。 由于能源需求上升,燃煤发电的需求预计将增加。 随着采矿、水泥製造和化学製造等关键行业的业务扩张,对空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的需求预计也会增加。
安装高级空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的高成本对最终用户来说尤其是个问题。 一些空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的安装成本很高,而且需要占用大量空间。 正在考虑的市场的一个主要缺点是空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的适应性差。 例如,一旦安装,空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统就很难移动或增加容量。 因此,此类担忧会阻止住宅和商业终端用户使用空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统。
在过去几年中,许多国家/地区的工业经济已从农村转变为城市。 这种转变正在影响许多人类活动。 因为这些企业通过向大气中释放有害气体和颗粒物来污染环境。 对人类健康的不利影响与环境污染密切相关,导致生活满意度降低。 因此,人们对环境问题和空气质量的意识不断增强,对空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的需求也越来越大。
在预测期内,高产品成本预计会阻碍市场扩张。 由于初始成本高,许多投资者选择不投资空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统。 此外,系统的复杂性和需要训练有素的员工来运行它阻碍了市场扩张。 潜在消费者不了解空气质量监测设备的好处,阻碍了它们的广泛采用。 上述因素等因素阻碍了预期期间的市场扩张。
由于政府为遏制 COVID 的传播而实施的临时封锁,空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统市场略有下滑。 各国为遏制 COVID 采取的限制措施影响了整个供应链。 然而,需求激增,全球市场正在慢慢发挥其潜力。 预计来年市场将继续保持上升趋势。 根据从各种二手来源获得的信息和最新发展,考虑了许多可能性。
由于人口增长和公众健康意识增强,尤其是在城市地区,预计静电除尘器市场将实现利润丰厚的增长。 静电除尘器以及由于世界各地的基础设施和建筑项目而在水泥行业中越来越多地使用该技术也有助于减少空气污染。
燃煤电厂是硫污染的主要来源,随着工业化和人口增长,燃煤电厂的数量也在增加,预计在预测期内将以最快的复合年增长率增长。 在发电行业,煤炭占颗粒物排放量的 83%、氮氧化物排放量的 86%、汞排放量的 94% 和二氧化硫排放量的 98%。 2018 年,全球约 42% 的电力由煤炭生产。 因此,市场对有助于减少空气污染的空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统设备的需求不断增长。
由于发电、水泥製造、化学和金属加工以及化学製造等工业部门的快速扩张,预计亚太地区在预测期内将占据最大的市场份额。 由于这些国家已经跻身污染最严重的国家之列,政府有义务制定有关排放标准的规章制度,这推动了 AQCS 在工业中的采用。 . 由于煤炭使用量增加、非法采矿活动和无效的工业流程,空气质量正在恶化。
在预测期内,预计亚太地区的复合年增长率最高。 汞排放法规适用于所有发电厂,无论是新建的还是现有的。 由于这些环境要求,对家用空气质量控制 (AQC) 系统的需求正在增加。 随着新兴经济体转向可再生能源,预计大部分燃煤电厂将在预测期内关闭,这可能会减缓该行业的发展。
2019 年 3 月,Ducon 集团公司 Ducon Infratechnologies Ltd. 获得了为中国哈尔滨锅炉有限公司 2x300MW 燃煤电厂提供烟气脱硫 (FGD) 系统的合同。 该订单预计将通过公司开发的海水脱硫(SWFGD)技术与Dupac的脱硫设备相结合,减少二氧化硫(SO2)的排放。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Air Quality Control Systems Market is accounted for $97.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $153.3 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period. Systems for controlling air quality are necessary to keep both indoor and outdoor environments safe. Pollutants that are hazardous and cyanogenetic are released into the air by a variety of enterprises, including those that produce cement, produce electricity, use chemicals, and purify oil and gas. The equipment and technology known as air internal control systems reduces the amount of gases and air pollutants released by certain industries. The market for air internal control systems offers remedies for the removal of pollutants, resulting in cleaner emissions into the atmosphere.
According to the WHO, 92% of the global population breathes air that exceeds the WHO safe guideline limit and more than 4.3 million deaths are caused directly by ambient air pollution, while 7 million deaths are indirectly related to polluted air.
As companies expand across the world, it is anticipated that the number of air quality control systems would increase as well. Furthermore, the demand for air quality management systems is being fueled by the quick industrialisation of developing nations like China and India. Given the rising need for energy, coal-fired power generation is anticipated to be in high demand. In addition, as businesses expand in essential sectors like mining, cement manufacture, and chemical manufacturing, it is projected that demand for air quality control systems would rise.
The high deployment costs, particularly for sophisticated air quality control systems, present a problem for the end users. Some air quality management systems are expensive to set up and demand a lot of room. A significant disadvantage for the market under consideration is the insufficient adaptability of the air quality control systems. For instance, it is challenging to move or increase the air quality control systems' capacity once they are established. As a result, these concerns can prevent residential and commercial end users from using air quality control systems.
Over the past several years, a lot of nations have transformed their economies from rural to urban industrial economies. This transition has had an impact on many human activities since these businesses pollute the environment by releasing hazardous gases and particles into the air. The negative effects on human health are closely tied to environmental pollution, which is consequently lowering life satisfaction. In turn, this is raising public awareness of environmental issues and air quality, which is driving up demand for air quality management devices.
During the projected period, high product costs are anticipated to impede market expansion. Since air quality management systems demand substantial upfront costs, many investors choose not to invest in this technology. Furthermore, market expansion is hampered by the system's complexity and requirement for trained employees to run it. Potential consumers aren't aware of the advantages of air quality monitoring devices, which hinders their broad adoption. The aforementioned elements are endangering market expansion during the anticipated term.
Due to the temporary lockdowns implemented by governments to stop the spread of COVID, the market for air quality control systems has seen a minor dip. The whole supply chain has been affected by the limitations put in place by different countries to contain COVID. But there is a boom in demand, and the world markets are progressively realising their full potential. The market would continue to trend upward in the following year. On the basis of information from a variety of secondary sources and the most recent information on the situation, many possibilities have been examined.
The electrostatic precipitators segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to population expansion, particularly in urban areas, and an increase in public health awareness. Electrostatic precipitators and increased use of this technique by the cement industry as a result of global infrastructure and building projects are also contributing to a decrease in air pollution.
The power generation segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period; due to coal-fired power plants are a major source of sulphur pollution and are expanding in number along with industrialization and population growth. Coal is responsible for 83% of fine particle emissions, 86% of NOx emissions, 94% of mercury emissions, and 98% of SO2 emissions in the power generating industry. Around 42% of the world's electricity was produced by coal in 2018. As a result, there is a higher need for air quality management system equipment on the market to assist reduces air pollution.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to industrial sector's exponential expansion, which includes power generation, cement production, chemical and metal processing, as well as manufacture of chemicals. The governments have been obliged to enact rules and regulations for the emission standard in these nations since they are already at the top of the list of most polluted nations, which has pushed the route for the adoption of AQCS in industries. The quality of the air has declined as a result of rising coal usage, illicit mining activities, and less effective industrial processes.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period. Mercury emission rules apply to all power plants, both newly built and those already in operation. The need for air quality control systems in the nation has increased as a result of these environmental requirements. The majority of coal-fired power plants are anticipated to close over the anticipated period due to the major economies' efforts to switch to renewable energy sources, which might cause the industry to develop at a sluggish pace.
Some of the key players profiled in the Air Quality Control Systems Market include Thermax Ltd, Ducon Infratechnologies Ltd., Siemens AG, Emerson Electric Co., Donaldson Co. Inc., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., General Electric Co., Panasonic Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Honeywell, ABB and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
In March 2019, Ducon Infratechnologies Ltd. a company of Ducon Group's received an order to supply a Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system on a 2x300 MW coal-fired plant Harbin Boiler Co., Ltd in china. Under the terms of this order, the company is projected to supply its proprietary Seawater FGD (SWFGD) technology with counter current DUPACK absorber to reduce the sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.