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猴痘 (Mpox) 治疗药市场:现状分析与未来预测 (2024年~2032年)Mpox Treatment Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032) |
猴痘 (Mpox) 治疗市场预计在预测期内(2024-2032 年)将以 10.86% 的复合年增长率显着增长。这主要是由于製药公司不断进行研究和开发,并增加了併购活动,以提高他们的能力和占有率,以增加他们对新进展和技术的了解,从而促进 Mpox 的治疗开发。此外,Mpox 盛行率的不断上升也促进了政府增加支持和资金,以加速治疗开发进程。例如,2024年9月,联合国儿童基金会签署协议,确保以市场最低价格供应MVA-BN Mpox疫苗,并保证77个低收入和中等收入国家获得疫苗。该协议旨在满足对更便宜疫苗的需求。
根据治疗类型,市场可分为两类:预防性和治疗性。由于早期干预,预防性治疗类型将在2023年达到最大。预防措施,特别是使用疫苗,对于预防 Mpox 病毒的传播至关重要。 JYNNEOS 和 Imvanex 是用于预防感染的疫苗,尤其是在流行病期间。此外,各国政府和卫生组织也越来越多地推广疫苗接种以预防猴痘(Mpox)的爆发,从而促进了预防领域的快速成长。在治疗领域,Mpox 治疗市场上有三种治疗方法:替比马特、布西多福韦和西多福韦。 Tecobirimat 是市场上使用最广泛且唯一获得批准的 Mpox 治疗药物。它是美国食品药物管理局(FDA)推荐的 Mpox 一线治疗药物。然而,布西多福韦和西多福韦主要用于其他病毒感染,其在 Mpox 治疗中的作用尚不清楚,因此在该市场上较少使用。
市场依给药途径分为口服药物和注射药物。注射剂占据全球 Mpox 治疗市场的最大占有率。替科维马和西多福韦等注射药物比口服药物起效更快。这对于控制天花等疾病至关重要,天花是一种急性感染,需要患者早期介入。由于这些製剂不通过胃肠道,因此血浆浓度和生物利用度足够。饮食失调或胃肠道疾病导致的吸收改变可能会进一步降低口服药物的有效性。然而,临床医生和患者对口服疗法的日益偏好正在推动这个市场,因为大多数患者更喜欢易于吞嚥的疗法。
依销售管道划分,市场分为医院药局、零售药局、社区健康中心和线上销售。在这些细分市场中,由于使用更好的治疗方法和疫苗来治疗 Mpox,医院药局占据了最大的市场占有率。医院药房允许护理人员将患者护理与其他医疗服务同步,从而促进全面护理。它对于评估患者结果和进行追踪也很重要,包括与天花相关的併发症。此外,社区健康中心作为分销管道预计将在改善难以前往医院的地区的人们获得 Mpox 治疗的机会方面提供巨大潜力。这些中心涵盖更多患者并产生更好的患者治疗效果。
为了更了解 Mpox 治疗方案(例如疫苗和疗法)的市场介绍,市场将分为北美(美国、加拿大、北美其他地区)、欧洲(德国、法国、英国、西班牙、义大利、欧洲其他地区)、亚太地区(中国、日本、印度和其他亚太地区)以及世界其他地区。由于水痘在人口中(主要是中国和印度)的盛行率上升,预计亚太地区在 2024 年至 2032 年的预测期内将以显着的复合年增长率增长。亚太地区的猴痘治疗市场将重点关注透过推广包括疫苗在内的预防措施以及促进研究和开发来製定遏制猴痘的必要措施。例如,2024年8月,巴伐利亚北欧公司宣布,新加坡药品监管机构健康科学局(HSA)宣布,18岁及以上成年人感染天花或Mpox的风险较高。于预防Mpox 和Mpox 感染。
开展市场上事业的主要企业是下面的那样的:Bavarian Nordic A/S,SIGA Technologies, Inc.,Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.,BioNTech SE.,Emergent BioSolutions Inc.,GeoVax Labs, Inc.,Gilead Sciences, Inc.,KM Biologics Co.。
Mpox or formerly known as monkeypox is an infectious viral disease which is caused by monkeypox virus, a type of virus of Orthopoxvirus. This disease manifests symptoms as smallpox and causes fever and swollen lymph nodes with flat skin lesions that develop into ulcerated blisters filled with pus, which later crust over. Signs and symptoms usually develop between 1 to 21 days after potential exposure and generally range between two to four weeks. This rash starts in the face and may extend to other parts of the body such as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Transmission is through contact with infected persons or animals, contaminated objects, or direct aerosol droplets. In most cases, the signs are relatively mild and go away on their own, but sometimes there could be severe complications in special groups of patients, for example, children and immunocompromised patients. There is a vaccine available, as a preventive measure that is advised for combating this infectious disease.
The Mpox Treatment Market is expected to grow with a significant CAGR of 10.86% during the forecast period (2024-2032). This is mainly due to the continuous research and development by pharmaceutical companies, along with increased mergers and acquisitions activities to boost their capacities and shares to increase their knowledge of new advancements and technologies, which can enhance the development of therapeutics for mpox. Moreover, the increasing incidence of mpox has acted as a catalyst for increased government support and funding to accelerate the therapeutic development process. For instance, in September 2024, UNICEF signed an agreement that secures supply of the MVA-BN mpox vaccine at the lowest market price and ensures access to the vaccine for 77 low- and lower-middle-income countries. This agreement is an effort to meet the demand for more affordable vaccines.
Depending on the treatment type the market is divided into two categories namely prophylactic and therapeutic. Because of early intervention, the prophylactic treatment type segment emerges as the largest in the year 2023. The use of preventive measures and especially the use of vaccines are essential in preventing the spread of mpox virus. JYNNEOS and Imvanex are some vaccines that are used to prevent infections, especially during the period of the outbreak. Besides, governments and health organizations are inclining more towards vaccination drives in order to prevent mpox outbreaks hence contributing to a high growth rate of the prophylactic segment. In the therapeutic segment, there are three therapeutics available in the mpox treatment market, these are tecovirimat, brincidofovir, and cidofovir. The tecovirimat therapeutic is the most widely used and only approved therapeutics in the mpox treatment market. It is the first-line therapeutic treatment recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Mpox. However, brincidofovir and cidofovir are used in other viral infections primarily and their role in mpox treatment is not quite clear therefore they are not widely used in this market.
Based on the route of administration, the market is segmented into oral and injectable segments. The injectable segment holds the maximum share of the global Mpox treatment Market. Injectable medications, such as tecovirimat and cidofovir, provide faster therapeutic effects than oral formulations. This is very important in controlling diseases like mpox that present acute infection and call for early action on the patients. These formulations do not pass through the gastrointestinal feed, hence giving full bioavailability as well as plasma concentration levels. The efficacy of oral medications may be further compromised by changes in absorption caused by food interference or gastrointestinal illnesses. However, the growing preference by clinicians and patients for oral therapies boosts this market as the majority of the patients prefer easy-to-swallow therapies.
According to the distribution channel, the market is categorized into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, Community Health Centers, and online. In these segments, the hospital pharmacy has taken the largest market share owing to the usage of better therapeutics and vaccines available for mpox treatment. Hospital pharmacies promote integrated care by enabling caregivers to synchronize patient care with other health services. It is also important when assessing patients' outcomes and performing follow-ups that may include complications that are related to mpox. Additionally, the Community Health Centers as a distribution channel is expected to offer great potential in improving Mpox treatment access to the people living in areas where hospitals are not accessible. These centers produce better patient outcomes by reaching patients in large numbers.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of mpox treatment options such as vaccines and therapeutics, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, France, U.K., Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to grow with a considerable CAGR in the forecast period of 2024-2032 due to the rising incidence of mpox in the population, predominantly in China and India. It is to be emphasized on creating the necessary measures for containing mpox through the promotion of prevention measures including vaccines and with promoting research and development in mpox treatment market within the Asia-Pacific region. For instance, on August 2024, Bavarian Nordic A/S announced that Singapore's medicines regulatory authority, Health Sciences Authority (HSA), has approved JYNNEOS(R) (MVA-BN) for prevention of smallpox and mpox disease in adults 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk for smallpox or mpox infection.
Some of the major players operating in the market include Bavarian Nordic A/S, SIGA Technologies, Inc., Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp., BioNTech SE., Emergent BioSolutions Inc., GeoVax Labs, Inc., Gilead Sciences, Inc., KM Biologics Co., Ltd., Moderna, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations ("CEPI").