

Automotive & Mobility Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: BIS Research | 英文


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汽车行业正在意识到将新技术(V2X 通信、传感器、电动汽车电池、人工智能、物联网、大数据等)集成到现有基础设施中以优化运营的重要性。.

BIS Research 将整个移动行业分为五个主要部分。以下是解决该领域主要问题的重要载体。

  • 联网汽车:能够跟踪、监控和分析车辆数据,同时实现车辆与周围环境之间的通信是“软件驱动车辆”的一个体现。确保可扩展性。 BIS Research 跟踪和分析实现车辆内数据交换、存储和通信的各种技术。
  • 自动驾驶汽车:减少对乘客、交通和车辆安全的依赖。提高视觉、检测能力和场景计算能力的技术正在不断发展,BIS Research 正在研究提供在实现 ADAS 和自动驾驶汽车方面发挥不可或缺作用的主要组件和软件/服务的具体趋势。我在这里。
  • 汽车共□□享:避免完全拥有汽车并利用 MaaS(移动即服务)来满足客户需求。 BIS Research 监控不断发展的商业模式,同时分析服务提供商在从 OEM 到消费者的价值链中的存在。
  • 电动汽车:监管机构正在推动汽车行业减少其对全球温室气体排放的贡献。但是,在核心推进技术和相关辅助功能上进行了一些改变,使电动汽车与内燃机相提并论。 BIS Research 涵盖了电动汽车时代将为汽车供应链中的各个利益相关者带来的潜在收入来源。
  • 汽车零部件/电子产品:与一般零部件一样,电子零部件在确保汽车的可持续性、安全性和效率方面变得越来越重要。 BIS Research 在该领域进行深入研究,以帮助公司确定有吸引力的业务领域并执行明智的战略。

该行业的数百家公司信赖 BIS Research 的洞察报告来做出关键决策并在其市场中脱颖而出。以下国家见证了深度技术在汽车市场的早期采用:美国、德国、中国、日本、加拿大、印度、英国、法国、韩国等。

我们的客户在各个领域不断增长,包括小型企业、中型企业、财富 500 强公司、初创企业、风险投资家、大学和政府机构。


BIS Research has a repository of over 700 syndicated publications across its portfolio of industry and technology verticals, viz. Healthcare, Automotive/Mobility, Aerospace, Defense & Security, Agriculture, Food Tech, Advanced Materials, Chemicals & Fuels, Digital Technologies, Electronics & Semiconductors, Robotics & Automation.

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BIS Research has provided credible market intelligence to over 2000 global companies and educational and research institutions and enabled them to make crucial decisions and achieve scale. Many of our clients have already upgraded to an InsightMonk subscription.

InsightMonk (by BIS Research) enables businesses and individuals to accelerate technology discovery, business evaluation, and innovation planning. It is a digital competitive intelligence platform that lets you track latest developments in your industry (with the noise filtered out) and offers the following benefits:

  • Flexible subscription plans that provide access to BIS Research reports (published as well as upcoming), analyst notes, white-papers, market statistics, and expert insights
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The mobility industry, across its value chain, is witnessing a radical transformation owing to adoption of new and emerging technologies within the ecosystem. This development is enabling organizations in countering numerous market challenges such as, air pollution, road accidents, and on-demand mobility, among others.

Automotive industries have realized the importance of integrating new technologies to the existing infrastructure such as V2X communications, sensors, electric vehicle batteries, artificial intelligence, IoT and big data in order to optimize its operations.

BIS Research explores the overall mobility industry by segregating it into five main segments. Following are the key vectors in addressing the major issues within this space:

Connected Vehicles - The ability to track, monitor, and analyze vehicle data while enabling communication between a vehicle and everything in and around it, is curtail in order to ensure manifestation of the "Software-driven Vehicle" to materialize. BIS Research tracks and analyzes various technologies which enable data exchange, storage, as well as communication within a vehicle.

Autonomous Vehicles - Decrease reliance on drivers for the safety of passengers, traffic, and the vehicle. Technologies to improve the vision, sensing capabilities, along with computation of scenarios has been evolving and BIS Research keeps specific tabs on the key components as well as software / service offerings that play an integral role in actualization of ADAS and autonomous vehicle.

Shared Vehicles - Avoiding full ownership of vehicles while leveraging on mobility-as-a-service to fulfill customers' demands. BIS Research keeps tabs on the evolving business models while analyzing the additional layer of service providers that are establishing its presence within the value chain of the OEMs through the consumers.

Electric Vehicles - Regulatory bodies have been pushing the automotive industry to reduce its contribution towards the global GHG emissions. However, to bring EVs at par with ICE vehicles, several alterations are being made to the core propulsion technology and to the pertinent ancillary features. BIS Research targets the potential revenue pockets that the electric era showcases to the various stakeholders within the automotive supply chain.

Auto Parts / Electronics - General as well as electronic components are becoming increasingly critical to ensure sustainability, safety, and efficiency of vehicles in general. BIS Research conducts deep-dive research in this area in order to identify potentially attractive business areas for companies while helping them to enact on the informed strategies.

Hundreds of businesses from this industry have trusted BIS Research's insight reports to make the important decisions and excel within the market. From a geographical perspective, we are witnessing early adoption of deep technologies in the automotive market in the following countries: The U.S.A., Germany, China, Japan, Canada, India, The U.K., France, and South Korea amongst many more.

Our customer has been consistently expanding across several sections including small enterprises, medium-scale operators, Fortune 500 companies, startups, venture capitalists and deemed universities, as well as government organizations.

The future of the automotive industry is expected to be autonomy coupled with electrification of the drivetrain, enabled by various technologies improving the efficiency of various mobility-related activities. BIS Research is keeping a close watch on the latest automotive market developments.